Continuing Operations in Fallujah
BY Herschel Smith
Around mid-May, raw video of recent combat action in Fallujah was posted. There are a number of interesting characteristics of this action, but particularly note the sniper fire coming from minarets.
In Fallujah: The Continuing Battle for Hallowed Ground, we discussed Fallujah being the most active city in the Anbar province for the insurgency, and the use of Fallujah as a staging location for enemy activity throughout not only Anbar but Baghdad as well.
Insurgent and U.S. operations continue with relentless consistency in and around Fallujah. Eighteen people were killed south of Fallujah on June 5th when a “suicide bomber driving a truck packed with explosives plowed into a busy commercial district, police said. Fifteen others were wounded.” (other reports vary as to numbers killed and wounded). “Some witnesses said the attack occurred near a meeting of tribal sheiks who have been fighting Al-Qaeda in Iraq.”
The multinational force does not issue press releases on all combat operations, and so the ease with which we can catalog coalition operations is a pointer to the regularity and comprehensive nature of the kinetic operations against the insurgency.
June 5th combat action by U.S. forces:
During continued operations to disrupt the al-Qaeda in Iraq network in Anbar province, Coalition Forces conducted a raid on four associated buildings northeast of Fallujah. The ground force detained 13 suspected terrorists for their association with a cell that carries out attacks against Iraqis and Coalition Forces with VBIEDs, snipers, and mortars, and targets Iraqi infrastructure.
June 7th combat action by Iraqi army:
Iraqi Army Forces on June 7 detained four members of an al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorist cell believed to be responsible for setting improvised explosive devices and conducting small arms fire attacks against Iraqi and Coalition Forces on and around Camp Fallujah.
With Coalition Forces present as advisors, Iraqi Soldiers detained the four suspects in the vicinity of Al Fayath, located south of Camp Fallujah. During the operation they seized assault rifles, numerous magazines, ammunition, and materials used to construct, trigger and place improvised explosive devices.
June 8th combat action by U.S. forces:
Coalition Forces killed one terrorist and detained 12 suspected terrorists during operations targeting the al-Qaeda in Iraq network Friday in Anbar province.
Based on information gained from an operation May 27, Coalition Forces raided several buildings northeast of Fallujah. After they announced their presence through an interpreter, one terrorist outside the building threw a hand grenade at the ground forces. Coalition Forces took appropriate self-defense measures and engaged the armed terrorist with small arms fire, killing him.
Coalition Forces searched the buildings and detained 12 suspected terrorists on scene for their alleged involvement in the al-Qaeda in Iraq network. Information gained from earlier operations indicates the suspects are involved in indoctrination for al-Qaeda in Iraq. In one ceremony conducted by the network, those who declined to join the terrorist group were killed.
June 9th combat action by U.S. forces:
Coalition Forces killed five terrorists and detained 11 suspected terrorists during operations targeting the al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorist network in central Iraq Saturday morning.
Coalition Forces tracked a suspected al-Qaeda in Iraq weapons distributor to a building southeast of Fallujah. As they approached the area, five men in the front yard reached for weapons. Responding appropriately to the hostile threat, Coalition Forces engaged the armed men, including the suspected weapons distributor, killing them. Two other suspected terrorists were detained.
June 10th combat action by U.S. forces:
Coalition Forces captured six suspected terrorists Sunday morning during operations that continue to deny safe haven to members of the al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorist network.
Based on information gained during a successful operation May 27, Coalition Forces targeted a location in Fallujah looking for an individual suspected of recruiting for al-Qaeda. The suspected jihad leader is known for using “join or die