Mall Security And Police Enforce Sharia In Minneapolis
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 5 months ago
In Bloomington, Minnesota – Hennepin County – sharia is being enforced by police and mall security at the Mall of America. To UTT followers, this is not surprising.
This time, however, a Christian pastor was arrested and told he was “Not permitted to discuss religion in the Mall.”
Welcome to Minneapolistan.
The pastor, Ramin Parsa, is a former muslim from an Iranian background who converted to Christianity. Parsa provided comments to Third Rail Talk.
See and hear the full interview here.
The following is a transcript of that interview: interviewed California based Pastor Ramin Parsa on August 27th and discovered that while visiting Minnesota last week for his three day visit, and congregation presentation earlier on Saturday, Pastor Parsa was invited by his host to visit the Mall of America, for an enjoyable stroll and coffee, and for his first time in one of Minnesota’s most renowned iconic attractions.
While at the Mall, Pastor Parsa struck up a mutually enjoyable conversation with a couple of young Somali women, who appeared to be delighted to visit with he and his local host pastor.
Hearing his Iranian accent, that they were intrigued. As a result, they asked him where he was from, and hearing that he was born and raised in Iran, and into the Muslim community there, they inquired as to whether he was a practicing Muslim. He replied, no, and indicated that he had converted to Christianity years ago and paid a dear price (torture, and even hard-core and harsh interrogations, and ministry harassment) for his commitment to the Christian church, and the teachings of Jesus Christ…all due to his Christian conversion, he further replied to the interested women.
The young Somali women wanted to know more, and asked him additional questions, and appeared to be enjoying the conversation.
One Somali woman however, who was initially listening to the exchange from a distance, approached the group conversation, objected loudly, and chastised Pastor Parsa, the other pastor, as well as the Somali women, and demanded of the women, that they “not listen to this man”, and directed Pastor Parsa harshly to leave the Somali women alone. Pastor simply suggested to the clearly distraught Somali woman, that the two women were simply asking questions respectfully, and asking for some answers from him, which he was pleased to provide.
In their own language, they began to fight verbally amongst themselves, until the hostile female Somali intruder to the conversation departed – temporarily that is.
Per their request, Pastor Parsa continued to share more of his interesting life story and to explain to them why he has left Islam and why he is now a Christian Pastor, and some cursory details relating to his ministry. The conversation and exchange continued to be mutually pleasant and was apparently pleasing for the two women, and well the two pastors, as well as the fourteen-year-old son of the Minnesota based pastor.
The obviously angry Somali woman who was nearby still, overheard more of the conversation and left the area to falsely report this gathering and discussion to the nearby Mall of America Security officer, as a threat, and as “harassment.” The two Somali women engaged in the conversation with Pastor Parsa and his Minnesota host, actually spoke up in defense of Pastor Parsa, and indicated clearly to the Mall officer, that “they were just talking”.
The MOA “security officer” ignored the plea of the two Somali women, in defense of the pastors, and then told the pastors that they were “not permitted to discuss religion in the Mall” and demanded that they stop, or they would be escorted out of the Mall immediately, or they “would be arrested for soliciting and Illegal Trespass” for ignoring HIS order to cease.
There’s more at the link. Welcome to the hell the globalists have created for us. Directly contrary to that envisioned by the American founders.
Somewhere, George Soros is smiling.