Archive for the 'Islamists' Category

Tim Lynch: Fourth Generation War Comes To America

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 8 months ago


I find myself in a unique position, given my background, training and experiences, to write about an appropriate response to the Icehole (the FRI name for ISIS) violence. I’m a retired Marine infantryman who taught at a professional firearms training academy for several years. I also spent over 8 years in Afghanistan; most of that time I was in the contested provinces and all of that time I lived outside the wire embedded inside the local community. I carried a sidearm (and often a rifle) daily and when in the south I was never without fragmentation grenades in both my vest pockets. I have spent decades studying the literature associated with gun fights and gun fighters. I met Dave Grossman before he published On Killing and used his unpublished manuscript when we remodeled the USMC Infantry Officer Course close combat package. I had the honor of meeting and listening to Col. Boyd before he passed. For those of you who do not recognize these names read on – they are the core of the Sheepdog phenomenon and Sheepdogs are about to step onto the historical stage and light the way for freedom loving peoples to follow.

Tim is not just bragging.  He’s legitimate, and here he’s being modest.  Go read what he has to say about attacks on American soil.

Matt Bracken Essay

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 8 months ago

You really should spend some time reading this.  You won’t be disappointed.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

America’s National Security Is Controlled By Jihadists

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 8 months ago

Understanding The Threat:

More precisely Mr. Higgins said, “To bring it back to the point earlier about the United States being put to work fulfilling the objectives of the Brotherhood:  the Brotherhood was killed en masse by Saddam Hussein – we removed him.  Qaddafi killed the Muslim Brotherhood – we removed him. We asked Mubarak to go. We are their instrument because they control our deliberate decision-making process.”

[ … ]

Mr. Haney reiterated what UTT has been teaching and publishing for years:  “The gravitational force of the Global Islamic Movement is not radicalization, the gravitational force of the Global Islamic Movement is the implementation of sharia Law.”

So if you sometimes ask yourself why America sucks and we’re such screw-ups, you’re asking the wrong question.  We’re very good at what we do.  Everything that has happened has occurred by design.  There is intentionality behind this design.

Your well-being isn’t part of the calculus.

Ten Arabic Words

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

Matt Bracken:

So, if you are an Army general or Navy admiral who, right here and now, without looking at your smart phone, cannot discuss how a kafir becomes a dhimmi, and what a dhimmi’s rights and options (if any) are under shariah, then you are as ignorant of your job as an European-theater Army general circa 1942 who did not know a panzer from a pancake, or a schutzstaffel from a schnitzel. A person as ignorant as you should be kept away from any responsibility for protecting our nation. You are incompetent, and you are a fool.

If you don’t know how to determine when a Muslim suicide bomber is a shaheed and when he is a terrorist according to the shariah, then you are as dangerous to our national safety as a North Atlantic ship captain who believes that icebergs are a fairy tale concocted by conspiracy theorists. Full speed ahead, Captain Smith!

If you don’t know takfir from taqiyya, and can’t discuss the meaning and importance of both, you are as useless as a WW2 intelligence officer who didn’t know the Kriegsmarine from the Luftwaffe, (but who thought that one of them was a private flying club, based on conversations that he overheard among his ever-helpful German cleaning staff).

Yea, not just for security professionals.  If you have a family, or do not and care about your own safety and health, consider yourself a security professional.  That’s what you are.

Migrant Filmed Assaulting And Bullying German Teen

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

From Matt Bracken, via WRSA:

I have confidence that most of my readers can handle this.  But if you cannot bring yourself to issue a major ass whipping to this young Muslim boy on behalf of yourself or your loved ones, you need to steel and harden yourself.  You need to do it yesterday.

This is headed our way.  American Christians want to hold hands and sing Kumbaya.  Hillary wants to control you – and some more money, and Donald wants the hair to be delivered on time from his hair farm – and some more money.  No one will save you from this.  Do you understand?  No one is going to seal the border, no one is going to stop mass immigration, no one is going to stop the destruction of Western Christian civilization.  No one, regardless of what they’re saying.

Be prepared to face this down in the streets and yards and byways of America.  Actually, the better way of saying it is prepare your children and children’s children to face this down.  It’s going to happen, and you may not be around to issue that badly needed ass whipping.

An American ISIS Cell

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

NBC News:

In his small Silicon Valley office, Salem Khan covered his face with his hands and sobbed deeply.

He was crying about his 24-year-old son, Jaffrey, a troubled young man who had struggled in school and in life. Khan long feared his child would one day do something terrible — and now he had.

He had joined ISIS.

With his wife and 18-year-old brother-in-law in tow, Jaffrey left behind the moneyed, manicured precincts of the Bay Area and offered his services to one of the most savage terrorist organizations in the world.

The father tried to suggest his son was impressionable, a lost soul, an easy mark for bloodthirsty fanatics selling the fantasy of an Islamic caliphate.

“He was gullible,” Salem Khan said. “You know the people looking to scam you out of money or something? They’re looking for people like him.”

Khan lives in a $2 million house and runs a medical marketing company in Palo Alto, in the shadow of elite Stanford University — 7,000 miles and a world away from where this story began, in southern Turkey.

That’s where, in March, we met a man who claimed to be an ISIS defector. He called himself Abu Mohammed and gave NBC News a thumb drive that he said he stole from an ISIS commander and smuggled out in a baby’s diaper.

Such cloak and dagger stuff.  But when viewed objectively, he didn’t join ISIS.  For him to have joined ISIS he would have had to fly to Syria, join up with criminals and Islamists within ISIS, be approved by the leadership of ISIS, and then fight in Syria, Iraq or Libya.  He is a criminal in America, not a member of ISIS, any more than I’m a member of Delta Force.

And there is a solution to such criminality in America.  First of all, close the borders, once and for all, painful or not.  Second, stop the practice of Islamists in America.  Japan does it, so can we.  Finally, carry guns of all sorts, all of the time.  Terror cannot become ensconced when terrorists are immediately shot.

In the U.K., they are worried about the police in light of Islamic terrorism.

Officers are not volunteering to carry guns because they fear being “hung out to dry” and treated like a suspect if they discharge their weapon, the federation claimed.

Its chairman, Steve White, warned Government plans to train another 1,500 firearms officers to deal with the terror threat looked doubtful.

The warning comes as a survey of 16,800 officers shows that while 40% fear they will be attacked at work, just half this number (20%) have or want personal firearms.

Pitiful Britain.  The cops are worried, but if you return the rightful liberty to the citizens, I’m willing to bet that they would carry weapons.  As it is, Britain is poorly equipped, poorly positioned, and poorly prepared for what’s coming its way.

Don’t be like Britain.

Muslims Attack People In England For Drinking Beer

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago

From PJ Media:

I don’t frequent bars, and in fact I try to stay away from crowded areas and venues (I’m not always successful).  But I’ll defend your right to do so.  So you think Islam is at peace with the West?  Do you think that they won’t attempt to enforce sharia on infidels like you?  Do you think president Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will protect you?  Hillary will be more concerned with being queen, and Trump will be more concerned with what it does to international business and his hair farm where he gets his wigs.

It’s coming our way, folks.  Get guns and ammunition ready.  Today it might be drinking beer.  Tomorrow it will be the fact that your wife or daughter walks around without a hijab or burqa, or deigns to put on a swimsuit and go swimming, or that your family eats pork.

Be prepared to shoot.  I can’t say it any other way or with any more sincerity.  If you don’t want to have your family taken into slavery and lose your own life, kill the bastards who try to do this to you.  Remember Herschel’s Dictum: “There aren’t too many human interaction problems that can’t be fixed with a .45 ACP 230-grain fat-boy.”

Sharia Patrol In Austria

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 11 months ago

The National Association of Evangelicals (USA) has gone on record saying that there should be no religious test for “refugees.”

“Religion should not be a litmus test for receiving aid,” said Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE). “Most evangelical leaders believe compassion and security can and should go hand-in-hand.”

While the NAE races down the road to irrelevance, take note of this news from Austria:

Austrians fear parts of Vienna are becoming no-go areas after a father was attacked by a ‘Sharia patrol’ when he told them to stop threatening his wife and daughter for not being correctly dressed.

As various factions of migrants stake claims to territory in the city, it has been reported that the self-styled Sharia patrols have been visiting clubs and bars in the Millennium City area to make sure Chechen women were properly dressed and acting appropriately.

However, when one Austrian man tried to step in to stop the patrol from hassling his Chechen wife and daughter, he ended up being hospitalised.

I’m not a lawyer and cannot give legal advice.  But if such a person comes up to me or my family in that manner, I’m going to say “I feel threatened, back off.”  If they don’t, I will shoot them (hopefully before they close the gap, which means we will be backing up to keep distance).  After I do that, I will never talk to the police.  That will be done by my lawyer.

You should make plans of some sort for dealing with aggression such as this.  And do not ever give up your guns to anyone, for any reason.  I’m not just talking about your modularized-up, tricked out AR-15, with the tactical light, pressure switch, reflex sight and flip-to-side magnifier, because you don’t carry that with you everywhere you go.  In fact, you rarely carry it anywhere.

When you go about your business every day, you carry a tactical knife and a handgun, perhaps a compact 1911 or a small airweight .38Spl revolver.  The best gun in your stable of firearms is the one you have with you when you need it.  I love the gun I carry, because it happens to be the one I am carrying at the time.

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
9 years ago

David Codrea:

Whether the ruling will be upheld or overturned on appeal is anybody’s guess. Still, this goes far in validating those of us who were arguing years ago not to listen to useless mainstream Republican squishes — who were adamant that the intermediate benchmark was the highest goal we could hope to attain.

What this win-for-now does not do – and what gun owners had best get up to speed on and not ignore – is redirect the emphasis on the “in common use at the time” excuse for infringements. That was a phrase used by Justice Scalia in the Heller case, and has been a major concept the antis have been pinning their hopes, and their legal strategies on. And in many cases, “our side” is playing right into their hands by focusing exclusively on sporting purposes, and on self-defense against crimes by private actors.

The self defense focus is correct when applied across the board – self defense against individuals and against nation-states.  I’ve said I think the Supreme Court will sustain an “assault weapons” ban.  The seeds are in the awful Heller decision.  Only the Fudds focus on hunting, and as I’ve said before, a sporting purpose is anything that gives me pleasure, including sitting and holding it.  Finally. it occurs to me that the whole issue of intermediate scrutiny versus strict scrutiny and such divisions to stack the deck is the mark of a judicial system that doesn’t seek justice.

Muslims and sex slavery.  Cheer up, women.  According to the Muslim scholars (I know, that is a contradiction in terms), they can only take you as a concubine if they take you in battle.  Just taking you as another wife without calling you a wife is forbidden.  This will help you rest easier tonight that the religion of peace has your best interests at heart.

Remember.  Migrants come because of love.

Using firearms against migrants.  Oh, it’s going to have to get a lot better unanimity that one out of four.

Mark Levin eviscerates Chris Christie.  Listen to the first clip to hear his most recent position on guns.

Obama Visits An American Mosque

BY Herschel Smith
9 years ago

Obama visited an American Mosque.  Here is a video of his speech.  He said all sorts of things that were lies.  In fact, most or all of what he said was false.  For instance, Islam cannot coexist at peace with any other ideology.  It is an invasive parasite bent on the destruction of the host.  We’ve discussed this at length before.

But there is one lie in particular that deserves discussion so that you understand just how misleading his speech was.  It is this.

“Now, a lot of Americans have never visited a mosque, and to the folks watching this today who haven’t, think of your own church or synagogue or temple and a mosque like this will be very familiar. This is where families come to worship and express their love for God and for each other,” he said. “…So the first thing I want to say is two words that Muslim-Americans don’t hear often enough, and that is thank you. Thank you for serving your community.”

In my many articles on rules of engagement in Iraq, I dealt with the issue of lack of permission to fire on Mosques even when they knew of sniper hides in Minarets, fighters who ensconced there, and heavy weapons cached there.  Our ROE has always had a Western bent.  We see things through Western eyes, and often from a Christianized perspective.

Thus, the building where the church meets (the church is the people) is a place of “worship.”  Without knowing anything about Islam, we assume that a Mosque is a place of worship.  But to the Muslim, it is much, much more than that.  It is the literal means for the spread of Islam through all means governed by the Mosque, and the “all means” to which I refer means everything.

The Mosque is the center of community, the weapons armory, the place for distribution of wealth, the location to meet other Muslims, the place where politics is taught – in short, the be all and end all of the Islamic strategy for conquest.  Let someone who knows more than I do explain it better, John Guandolo.

Many Americans believe a mosque or Islamic Center is simply a “Muslim church.”  This could not be further from the truth.

In Islam, Mohammad is considered the al Insan al Kamil – the perfect example of a man.  Anything he did is considered the example for all Muslims to follow for all time.  Muslim men can marry girls as young as six years old because Mohammad did.  Mohammad beheaded Jews at the Battle of the Trench, so this is an “excellent example” for Muslims to follow.  And Mohammad built mosques.

Islam defines itself as a “complete way of life (social, cultural, political, military, religious)” governed by sharia (Islamic Law).  There is no separation of politics, religion, or military operations.  Mohammad was a political, religious, and military leader.  The mosque was and is a place where politics, religion, community, and military affairs are all combined.

Mohammad used mosques as a place for the community to gather and learn about Islam.  It was a place to store food, water, weapons, and ammunition.  It was a place where jihadis lived and trained.  It was also the place where battles were planned and the place from which battles were launched.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s (MB) strategic plan for North America entitled “An Explanatory Memorandum” was discovered during an FBI raid in Annandale, Virginia in 2004 at the home of a senior Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood leader.  This document was entered into evidence in the largest terrorism financing and Hamas trial ever successfully prosecuted in American history – US v Holy Land Foundation (HLF), Dallas, 2008.

Regarding mosques/Islamic Centers, An Explanatory Memorandum states:

“Understanding the role and the nature of work of “The Islamic Center” in every city with what achieves the goal of the process of settlement (Civilization Jihad):  The center we seek is the one which constitutes the “axis” of our Movement, the “perimeter” of the circle of our work, our “balance center”, the “base” for our rise and our “Dar al-Arqam” to educate us, prepare us and supply our battalions in addition to being the “niche” of our prayers. (emphasis added)

“This is in order for the Islamic center to turn – in action not in words – into a seed ‘for a small
Islamic society’…Thus, the Islamic center would turn into a place for study, family, battalion, course, seminar, visit, sport, school, social club, women gathering, kindergarten for male and female youngsters, the office of the domestic political resolution, and the center for distributing our newspapers, magazines, books and our audio and visual tapes…Meaning that the “center’s” role should be the same as the “mosque’s” role during the time of God’s prophet…when he marched to “settle” the Dawa’ in its first generation in Madina…From the mosque, he drew the Islamic life and provided to the world the most magnificent and fabulous civilization humanity knew. This mandates that, eventually, the region, the branch and the Usra turn into “operations rooms” for planning, direction, monitoring and leadership for the Islamic center in order to be a role model to be followed.”

[ … ]

… the Islamic Law of Sacred Space makes clear that when Muslims build mosques they are claiming ground for Islam.  Specifically, a radius of up to three (3) miles from the mosque belongs to Islam.  This explains why the Muslim Brotherhood, with funding from Saudi Arabia and others, are building huge mosques in the middle of nowhere in America.  They are claiming ground for Islam.  Now all they have to do is occupy that ground.

You can think of Muslim homes as patrol bases and observation posts, and their Mosques as Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) in a worldwide conquest for your politics, your wealth, your children, and ultimately your soul.  Mr. Obama is lying to you.  Mr. Obama isn’t stupid – he knows that he is lying.  It’s important for you to know it too.

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