Archive for the 'Media' Category

Dressed For The Party: Models And Crisis Actors Play Prominently In Current Events

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

H/t WiscoDave, this girl is a model.  My bet is that this girl is a model too.

I simply can’t see either of these two girls eating dirt in a ditch during field exercises or being screamed at by RSOs.  So the moral of the story is this.  You can take their group and the rest of their ilk seriously, or not, that’s your judgment.

But what you do know for sure is that there is big money backing these groups up.  Big money = crisis actors.

About one month ago my oldest son sent this to me, and I literally laughed out loud when I watched it.  He suspected it was all fake, and I assured him that it was.  Tell me if you really believe this isn’t all fabricated?

Basically, you can’t believe any of what you hear or see over the television – the television is for idiots and fools.  You also can’t believe what the MSM writes, but you knew that already.


BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 9 months ago

From Gab.

1955E 2JUN2020

That Would Be Called An “Indicator”

One of the early goals of all Red revolutions is the seizure or destruction of all information distribution outlets.

There is only one truth to the Communist: that day’s party line.

Woe unto those who do not adhere.

The second iteration of the Western Rifle Shooters Association (WRSA) blog, hosted by WordPress, was nuked today.

While it is a loss, it was a deliberate sacrifice of a player to increase situational awareness.

The Reds are on the move.

The prize is the former United States of America.

The Red cares not about race, except to the extent it can and is used to befog the naive about the Party’s real goals.

WRSA was, first and always, a freedom advocacy site.

It was shot out of the saddle today by an arm of the Communist enemy propaganda machine.

Their attack did not kill WRSA.

Nor did it kill a single one of its followers.

The totalitarian bastards really can’t stop the signal.

Take heart, not just in this tiny skirmish but in the overall struggle to save the West, from WRSA’s final masthead:

“This is only the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.”

― Winston Churchill


CA asked me to post this information, but I have no idea and have gotten no information from CA on whether Gab will be the final stop or if there are other plans in the works.

I have a Gab account but haven’t been active on it in a long time.  I might need to start.

WordPress can legally do this, as can Blogspot.  They see themselves as owning an author’s content, and can ban him at any time for reasons they don’t have to explain.

I have WordPress functionality, but I’m not hosted by WordPress.  I’ve done this before, but once again, I plead with all liberty-minded folks who blog on WordPress or Blogspot to get off, now.  Back up your content, move it to a new site, and start up on an independent server where ‘they’ can’t get to you.  Don’t even tell Blogspot or WordPress what you’re doing.  Just do it.


Covid-19: I Think They Communicated Just What They Wanted

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

Article Title: “Tennessee Restaurants Reopen As State Sees Biggest 1-Day Jump In COVID-19 Cases

That’s right folks.  Just as they’re spiking in “cases,” they are going to open the state up to commerce.  Or not.

Restaurants across Tennessee are able to welcome dine-in customers Monday for the first time in nearly a month as the state eases restrictions put in place to help stem the spread of the coronavirus.

The step toward some semblance of normalcy comes a day after the state reported its highest single-day jump in newly confirmed COVID-19 cases, 478, which officials say represents a 5.2% increase from the previous day.

The number of people confirmed to have the virus statewide as of Monday morning was just shy of 10,000 cases at 9,667, according to data compiled by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

State officials say the spike in confirmed cases is due primarily to an increase in testing. The state’s department of health tweeted that it conducted more than 7,000 tests this past weekend.

Oh, I see.  You actually have to read English to tell that the headline is complete bullshit.

So here’s the deal.  People who contracted the virus, and shed the virus with little to no symptoms, are now called “cases,” and as more testing gets done, the number of Coronavirus “cases” keeps increasing.

The MSM really does take you for an idiot.  Don’t be one.  And always remember when you hear these kinds of numbers, “Presumed Covid-19 Diagnosis.”  That’s right.  Presumed.

These are very dark days for science.  I know.  I’ve done science (real science, physics, engineering, and math) for 40 years now.

Media Tags:

Paul Harrell Versus Gun Nuts Media

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 11 months ago

Watch all of this video (it’s long) or my comments will make no sense at all.

Allow me to weigh in a bit.  I’ve never seen or heard of this guy (“Caleb” from Gun Nuts Media – I have no idea if that’s his real name or a nom de guerre).  I have visited his site once as you’ll see below, and I’ll never visit again.

He impresses me as a spoiled little boy, a narcissist, a child who was never spanked, a liar, and a drama queen who writes click bait for his web site and soap operas for his YouTube channel.  He’s much too emotional for my tastes.

If he was never spanked as a child, he certainly was by Paul in this video.  He deserved it.  I agree with everything Paul said, but even if I had not, there’s a moral issue at stake here.  It comes from Leviticus 19:32.  “Caleb,” if you need help with exegesis of that, write me a note.

On the issue of revolvers and “hitting” or slapping the ejector rod, I’ve done that as long as I’ve been shooting revolvers.  I’ve never had a problem.  The only problem I’ve ever had was with a S&W R8 revolver.

It’s tolerances are tight, and it’s very accurate.  I’m sure those are related things.  I could have taken the time to ream the cylinder a bit and gotten better performance, but there would still be the issue of the forcing cone being so tight against the cylinder.

Within 50 rounds without fail, shooting high power .357 magnum ammunition which of course runs very hot, the metal would expand and cause either (a) the brass to fail to come out of the cylinder (which necessitated me striking the ejector rod pretty hard), or (b) the cylinder seizing against the forcing cone until the gun cooled down.

I dumped the gun.  It was a wonderful gun, but I just wanted to shoot more than it would allow without heating up too much.  Every other wheel gun I’ve ever shot only had that problem to a much less degree, this one to a much greater degree.

So if you needed any more information about Gun Nuts Media, here is something they have to say about what should be your own choice.

Basically, it’s 2019, and if you aren’t shooting 9mm as a primary pistol cartridge, you need to re-evaluate your life choices. It’s now an undisptued fact that modern 9mm ammo can give ballistic performance on par with 40 S&W, 45 Auto, and pretty much every other handgun cartridge.

“Re-evaluate your life choices.”  Being a bit dramatic, are we?  If you shoot anything other than 9mm you need to “re-evaluate your life choices.”

Okay, first of all, it’s simply not true.  Oh, it may be close for two-legged threats, but it’s certainly not true for four-legged threats.  Moreover, if someone happens to shoot .45 ACP or .40 S&W better than 9mm, or .38 Spl better, they should be allowed to shoot whatever works for them without internet know-it-alls telling them not to.  Some rounds push, some rounds snap and cause more pronounced muzzle flip.

Either way, I don’t think there’s a nickel’s worth of difference between someone telling you that you shouldn’t be allowed to have such-and-such gun, and someone telling you that you should shoot such-and-such a gun because I say so.  Each is a different form of collectivism.  I can’t stand collectivists.  Mind your own business.

And “Caleb,” grow up, little boy, and quit being a drama queen.  Maybe when you do, you can be like Paul.

On “Expertizing”

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

Posted on behalf of TCJ author WiscoDave.

For a while now Herschel has been letting me know that “anytime you feel like posting you still have access” and “if you feel like posting something, just go ahead because you still have posting privileges.” OK. I’ll admit I’m slow on the uptake. Maybe, just maybe, these were hints… So here we go.

As is our habit, we begin with a quiet recitation of A. Shepard’s Prayer.

In John Gierach’s book “Sex, Death, and Fly Fishing” he uses the term “expertizing.” He defines expertizing thus: “Expertizing means acting like an expert. Not necessarily being an expert, mind you, but acting like one.”

In the book he tells several tales that involve him expertizing. The one that strikes me as most applicable to my point is the one in which he is invited to speak to a group of people involved with fly fishing. As he looks out at the audience, he notes several attendees that are much better at fly fishing than he is.  All are looking at him with rapt attention in anticipation of his great words. They are better, but due to his platform, he is viewed as the expert.

We are living in interesting times (like that has never happened before) and the local, nationwide, and worldwide status is in a state of constant change. In a search for information on the what, where and how of the goings on we can cast a fairly wide net in search of information. Some of what we catch is good eatin’ for the mind. Some of what we catch isn’t. And there also is that occasional boot that doesn’t even fit on the menu. While it is easy to judge good fish/bad fish/boot, information from a website can ofttimes be more difficult to discern.

There are those out there that have given themselves a platform from which to expertize. Others, having come across that platform, then share it on their own platform which can very much increase the size of the original platform. This then leads to more expertizing, and so on.

None of you are stupid. At the least you took a break from watching cat videos to come here for the Captain’s insight. (Unfortunately, you found me here today. Xin Loi). Each of you is capable of looking at the information presented and determining good fish/bad fish/boot. Use that capability when reading what the expertizers are placing on your plate.

Open Letter To James Goldston, President, ABC News

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 4 months ago

Would you like to comment on this, James?  We’re waiting.

Paul Joseph Watson Explains Why Buzzfeed And Politico Suck

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 11 months ago

Via WRSA.  We all knew that Buzzfeed and Politico suck, but Paul Joseph Watson does such a good job of reminding us and refreshing the knowledge that it’s worth it to watch the entire video.  He is at his best.  The beatdown he gives Buzzfeed and Politico is simply epic.

Does Anyone Really Believe Social Media Corporate America Doesn’t Hate You?

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

This is a trend, one that doesn’t surprise me in the least.  Nor should it surprise you.

More Google-YouTube Gun Censorship

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago

So here’s the deal, Late Boy Scout.  The bloodthirsty, Soros-funded, liberty-hating Bolsheviks who work for Google-YouTube won’t explain it to you or anyone else because it would betray the fact that the decisions are capricious and designed with one thing in mind.

The destruction of liberty and freedom.  They won’t stop until you and everyone who owns a firearm are in a reeducation camp.

It’s really a shame that the rest of us are late to the game when it comes to having a viable competitor to YouTube.  I guess it has to do with naivety or laziness.

Media Tags: ,

The Allure Of The AR-15

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 11 months ago

Abigail Hauslohner at The Washington Post:

Fabian Rodriguez was cradling his new rifle when he stopped at one of the gun-show booths to purchase a $5 chicken fajita MRE.

The “Meal Ready to Eat” is a mainstay for troops on combat missions. But Rodriguez, a 28-year-old San Antonio native who sells auto paint for a living, wasn’t going anywhere that would require one.

Fabian Rodriguez, 28, tries out his new AR-15 rifle at a shooting range in San Antonio.

“I like them,” he said. “Well, I like watching reviews of them. That’s something people do online, like, open them up and do taste tests.”

Rodriguez, who wears his handlebar mustache slicked into points and never leaves home without his cowboy boots, had come to the gun show to buy his first AR-15, a variant model of the M-16 and M-4 assault rifles that are used by the military, and currently the most popular rifle on the market.

[ … ]

The expanse of tables before him display AR-15s, AK-47s and every other sort of assault-style rifle; hefty shotguns and sleek, modern hunting rifles; handguns that range from high caliber Smith & Wessons to tiny Derringer guns that fit in the palm of your hand.

He makes his way past boxes of ammunition, T-shirts that say things like “CNN IS FAKE NEWS,” and a $1,900 Magnum Desert Eagle that he immediately recognizes as the gun Angelina Jolie carried in the movie “Tomb Raider.” “That specific one she used in the movie was 50-caliber, which is humongous,” he says.

He finds a strap for his AR, and a quick-disconnect for the strap. He inquires about left-handed adjustments and revisits the table where yesterday he purchased an AR-15 magazine engraved with the “Don’t tread on me” snake logo, just like the one pictured on the worn leather wallet that he is now again removing from his pocket.

“Can I still get that discount if I bought one yesterday?” he asks the vendor.

“Yeah, the two for $35?”

Rodriguez nods.

“I remember you,” the vendor adds, as Rodriguez hands him the cash for another magazine, this one engraved with the words, “You can’t protect the First without the Second.

[ … ]

The NSSF, an association of gun manufacturers and sellers — which several years ago started calling ARs “modern sporting rifles” — likes to hype the idea of the AR’s versatility as the key to its appeal: a gun for hunting, home security and whatever else you might need.

David Chipman, who used to carry an AR-15 for his job as a special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, thinks there’s more to it.

“I would compare it to the same reason Americans might want a muscle car or enjoy a muscle car: It’s American-made, it has outsized power,” said Chipman, who left ATF after a 25-year career and now serves as a senior policy adviser to the gun-control advocacy group Giffords.

There’s a sort of “X-Game-type sensibility” to it, he said, a fixture of “American culture that I see most often with men.”

Rodriguez encounters plenty of skeptics in addition to his mother who ask him why anyone would need so many guns, particularly a semiautomatic rifle like an AR-15 — a gun that can fire 45 high-velocity rounds per minute, bullets that travel so fast that their shock waves mimic an explosion as they enter a body.

His honest answer: He doesn’t need them.

He wants them because he enjoys them, and the Constitution gives him the right to have them.

“I know I don’t need it,” he says of the AR-15. “The revolver, statistically speaking, is more than enough to defend myself.”

But it’s frustrating when people ask him this, because that’s not the point.

The point is that the Second Amendment protects his right to bear arms, whatever and however many he wants, as a guard against tyranny.

Hmm … there’s nothing comparable to getting an “authority” like a former ATF agent to say that there’s some mystique about the gun, alluring, tempting, tantalizing, beckoning people who otherwise wouldn’t want them to come, come, come to me, dear soul, and shoot me.  I can make your life complete.

Good God, what claptrap.  It’s as if Abigail has gone on a quest to hunt the snark, to find the great unwashed dirt people who eat beef, wear cowboy boots and hats, work an hourly job, get their hands dirty, run tooling equipment, run horses and cattle, drive trucks, and so on the list could go.  She’s heard that such people exist, but never actually met one inside the beltway.

Ooo … an expanse of tables with guns and ammo, tee shirts, and stupid bumper stickers.  And the allure and beckon of guns and money exchanging hands.  It’s as if there is actually private enterprise going on in America.

Give me a call, honey.  I can take you up to where they make corn liquor and don’t take kindly to FedGov sticking their nose around.  And you can shoot an AR-15 too.  Wouldn’t you enjoy that?  It’s the next logical step for you.

Seriously, gun owners know the first rule of gun club, which is that you don’t talk about gun club to the MSM.  That’s why gun data on ownership is so crappy.  Most gun owners aren’t going to talk, or if they do, they aren’t going to tell the truth.  Every now and then a MSM writer finds a gullible dunce like this to follow around.

Remember folks, the first rule of gun club is that you don’t talk about gun club to the MSM.  You only talk about gun club to make other gun owners among the potential recruits.

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