Archive for the 'Medical' Category

More On Kyle Warner’s Vaccine Injury

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 2 months ago

We previously discussed Kyle Warner and what a world class, elite athlete he is.  Here he is with a proper doctor discussing his vaccine injury.  There is a wealth of information in this video if you have the time to watch it.  I watched it all.

I do have one question for readers.  Kyle discusses the benefits of black seed oil to his recovery and abatement and even reversal of the effects of the vaccine.

I know nothing about black seed oil.  Does anyone care to elaborate on this?

Covid Vaccine Induced AIDS

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 2 months ago

UPDATE: I have been reprimanded by my readers for not linking the original source.  I didn’t know.  Here it is, along with another related post. As I have said before, during the war in Iraq, one of the talking head generals lifted the prose out of one of my articles word for word and made it his own, put it in an article (I think it was Fox News but I can’t recall now), and got paid for it. It isn’t cool to steal.

The Expose (UK).

Data available from the UK Health Security Agency suggests things are about to take a turn for the worse for those who have succumbed to the lies and propaganda about how taking an experimental injection is the worlds only route back to normality, by foolishly rolling up their sleeves and being vaccinated against an alleged disease that had just a 0.2% fatality rate prior to the world-wide roll-out of experimental gene therapies.

To put it bluntly, the “fully vaccinated” are on the precipice of disaster.

[ … ]

Regular readers of The Exposé will know that since at least June 2021, the fully vaccinated have accounted for the majority of Covid-19 deaths. We first highlighted on June 26th that whilst Brits had been distracted by Matt Hancock’s affair, Public Health England had released a report revealing 62% of alleged Covid-19 deaths were people who had been vaccinated.

[ … ]

The real-world effectiveness of all available Covid-19 vaccines combined was as low as minus-47% in the 60-69 age group, and as high as +66% in the under 18 age group between August 16th and September 12th 2021. The only other age groups that the vaccine was showing to have positive effect at this point were 18-29, 30-39, and 80+. But as you can clearly see none of the age groups were showing a vaccine effectiveness anywhere near 95%.

However, just look at how the tables turn just one month later.

The week 41 Vaccine Surveillance report included the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status between week 37 and week 40 of 2021 (September 13th to October 10th), and the real-world vaccine effectiveness during this period was proving to be as follows –

[ … ]

We’ve clearly demonstrated that the real-world effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections wains significantly in a short amount of time, but unfortunately for the vaccinated population, rather than the immune system returning to the same state it was prior to vaccination, the immune system performance begins to rapidly decline making it inferior to that of the unvaccinated.

Well, he’s not even addressing the issue of the depressed immune system as it pertains to fighting off other viruses or cancers.  You do realize that your immune system kills cancer cells every day, right?

Small Pox Found In Merck Lab

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 2 months ago

Zero Hedge.

Yahoo News reports that the 15 “questionable vials” were found in the Merck Pennsylvania lab freezer, with 10 labeled as “Vaccinia” and the remaining five labeled as deadly “Smallpox.”

As reported in 2014, when another set of vials was dioscovered in Maryland, Variola, or smallpox, which killed hundreds of millions before it was declared eradicated in 1980 through a worldwide vaccination campaign, is legally stored at only two locations in the United States and Russia.

Most Americans born since 1972 have not been vaccinated for smallpox. Under a 1979 WHO agreement, the only remaining official live smallpox stocks are kept at CDC in Atlanta and the VECTOR laboratory in Novosibirsk, Russia.

So, the question is… what are these 5 vials of ‘smallpox’ doing in a Merck lab near Philly?

Maybe Fauci has some insight into this?  Perhaps they should conduct rendition to find out.

Sad Report Of A Vaccine Death

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 2 months ago

Via WRSA, this.

Message from Mike: “Many nurses and non-nursing staff begged me and my wife to get the truth out to the public about the Covid-19 vaccines because the truth of deaths from the vaccine was being hidden within the medical profession. I promised I would get the message out.  So, here is my message: I was afraid of getting the vaccine for fear that I might die. At the insistence of my doctor, I gave in to pressure to get vaccinated.  On August 17th I received the Moderna vaccine and starting feeling ill three days later. I never recovered but continued to get worse. I developed multisystem inflammation and multisystem failure that medical professionals could not stop. My muscles disappeared as if to disintegrate. I was in ICU for several weeks and stabbed with needles up to 24 times a day for those several weeks, while also receiving 6 or 7 IVs at the same time (continuously). It was constant torture that I cannot describe. I was no longer treated as a human with feelings and a life. I was nothing more than a covid vaccine human guinea pig and the doctors excited to participate in my fascinating progression unto death. If you want to know more, please ask my wife.  I wished I would have never gotten vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, don’t do it unless you are ready to suffer and die.”

Original source.

I cannot and am not giving medical advice.  Take it under advisement.

Elite Athlete Mountain Biker Kyle Warner’s Life Ruined By The Pfizer Vaccine

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 2 months ago

GP. (via TCJ correspondent WiscoDave)

Kyle Warner, a 29-year-old mountain bike race champion, was diagnosed with pericarditis, POTS, and reactive arthritis a month after he took the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. The vaccine has ruined his career and he is still unwell and hasn’t been able to work or ride a bike.

Warner took his first dose of Pfizer vaccine in mid-May and took his second dose a month after. In an interview with Dr. John Campbell in October, Warner describes his experience and what he felt when the second dose of Pfizer vaccine was injected into his body.

“As soon as they injected it, I had a weird metallic saline taste in my mouth. I asked the guy, ‘Is that normal?’ and he said no, they don’t hear of that much. The fact that the clinician doesn’t recognize that a metallic taste in the mouth could be a sign of an inadvertent intravascular administration concerns me because what happens is if the vaccine goes into your muscle, then it stays in your muscle, and it’s going to take half an hour to be systemically absorbed at all, or much longer than that. But if it goes into a vessel, you get a metallic taste straight away …The fact that you could taste that straight away is, to me, very suspicious of them inadvertently giving that into a blood vessel … Basically, you’re having the inflammatory reaction in your heart and in your joints instead of in your arm.”

Two weeks after he took the second dose, Warner started to notice some strange reactions in his heart and he experienced a series of accelerated heart rates. He claimed that he only took the vaccine shot because he wanted to travel internationally.

The Defender reported:

He regularly wears a smart watch that tracks his heart rate and knows what’s normal for him — and this was not. While sitting at rest, his heart rate would spike to the 90s and over 100. He decided to cut out all stimulants like caffeine, just in case, and took two weeks off from riding because he didn’t feel good.

After the break, he attempted to go for a ride and his heart rate spiked to 160 and remained elevated. Feeling weak and nauseous, he had his friend take him to the emergency room. He told the ER doctor that he’d heard about myocarditis as a side effect with the mRNA injections and he thought he was having this reaction. They completely brushed him off, telling him that he was not having that reaction but, instead, was having an anxiety attack.

After being told that his problem didn’t make him a priority to be seen, he sat in the waiting room for 3.5 hours and was ultimately given a shot of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug Toradol to treat reactive arthritis. His heart rate dropped down to 110, leading the doctor to tell him he was doing better, but he was still at nearly double his average heart rate.

The doctor’s solution was to refer him to a psychiatrist for what he described as a “psychotic episode.” According to Warner, since he suggested that his reaction was from the shot, the health care practitioners thought he was imagining things or “trying to be anti-vaxx or a conspiracy theorist.” Four days later, he ended up in the hospital again.

Days after being sent home from the ER, Warner again had problems with his heart — this time, a strong squeezing sensation along with cramping and burning. He went to a different hospital where they took his concern seriously, said it could be myocarditis — an inflammation of the heart muscle — and referred him to a cardiologist.

This is Kyle Warner when he was healthy.

Let me continue please.  Warner is an elite, world class athlete.  No, I’m not talking about comparing him to animals who party all night and go from town to town throwing balls in little hoops.  I’m talking about a manly sport.

Kyle is one in a million, or one in several million.  People like him don’t come along very often.  He’s comparable to expedition racers, the ones who hike, kayak, rope, rappel, and continue on for 48 hours or more without sleep in races against other small teams who do that.

One expedition racer I recall had a resting heart rate in the low 40s.  I’m sure Kyle’s resting heart rate is somewhere in that neighborhood.

He is elite.  He is at the top of his class.

And his life is ruined because of the jab.

Similarly, although not in the same league as an athlete as Kyle, a golfer had to withdraw from the European tour just today.  He had the jab too.

I’m not giving you medical advice.  Take it all under advisement.

Fifth Circuit Halts Vaccine Mandate

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) -A U.S. federal appeals court issued a stay Saturday freezing the Biden administration’s efforts to require workers at U.S. companies with at least 100 employees be vaccinated against COVID-19 or be tested weekly, citing “grave statutory and constitutional” issues with the rule.

The ruling from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit comes after numerous Republican-led states filed legal challenges against the new rule, which is set to take effect on Jan 4.

In a statement, Solicitor of Labor Seema Nanda said the Labor Department was “confident in its legal authority” to issue the rule, which will be enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

“The Occupational Safety and Health Act explicitly gives OSHA the authority to act quickly in an emergency where the agency finds that workers are subjected to a grave danger and a new standard is necessary to protect them,” she said. “We are fully prepared to defend this standard in court.”

OSHA is just that – a regulatory body intended to regulate occupational safety and health.  They have various powers, and specifically emergency powers to act if, let’s say as an example, the ACGIH (American Conference on Governmental and Industrial Hygienists) finds a plant where hundreds of workers are diagnosed with cancer after exposure to Benzene at a much lower MPC (maximum permissible concentration) than allowed, leading to the conclusion that maybe the MPC is too high.

OSHA does not have the power to regulate medicine.

But Aesop seems more confident that I am.

That all amounts to the polite legalese version of “Ain’t no way in hell you can get this lead pig to fly, but watching you try to sell it in open court is going to crack us up hereabouts for years, so go ahead on.”

FedGov’s got until Monday to smoke enough dope to come up with some half-assed excuse for the mandate, followed by the plaintiffs who sued for the injunction to have another chance to beat this jackassical idea to death in court, and then strangle it with its own umbilical cord.

Normally, a case like this would start at the bottom in district court. That it went straight to the Circuit Appeals court, which then climbed up on the ring ropes, and jumped on it with both feet like a WWF match, speaks volumes about how solidly the Circuit is opposed to the entire idea in its view of the government’s actions and chances of prevailing in the case.

The White House is going to have to strategically stockpile Depends by the metric fuckton, once Gropey Dopey finds out about this, and starts sh*tting his pants all over again.

Concerning sentiments, as you see from what I’ve written above, I’m in his camp.  However, I have much less confidence in the final demise of this rule.  I have much less confidence because I have no confidence in any branch of the U.S. government to do the right thing any time on any issue.  One bright spot is that Don Willett is on the Fifth Circuit, who I had advocated for appointment to the Supreme Court (and who would have been much better than any justice Trump appointed).  But he is one in twenty.

To show you just how unconfident I am in the FedGov, let me tell you my initial reaction upon reading this.

With the Biden administration facing a growing wave of lawsuits to stop the president’s vaccine mandate on companies, an Indiana businessman-turned-senator believes he has the quickest way to kill it.

Sen. Mike Braun, backed by most GOP senators, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, is hopeful of nixing the mandate through the arcane but effective Congressional Review Act. It would force a vote in both Houses just before Christmas and when 93,000 firms could be firing unvaccinated workers.

The act allows Congress to review federal rules, normally ignored by the House and Senate. In this case, he would target the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s new proposal that firms with 100-plus workers have all employees vaccinated by Jan. 4 or face a hefty fine.

It was used effectively in the first year of the Trump administration to kick start the former president’s effort to wipe away costly rules that put mountains of red tape and costs on the public.

They’re not concerned about killing this ill-conceived mandate.  This is to garnish votes in the next election.

Because.  Politics.

The Vaccine In Studies And In The News

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

This will be a link dump.

ZeroHedge: Something really strange is happening in hospitals all over America.

As for my contact in the medical community, this is mostly massive hemorrhaging.

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination in Vitro.

Remember, the vaccine forces your RNA to tell your DNA to create trillions of the spike.

U.S. Army Doctor Says In One Day She Had To Ground 3 Out Of 3 Pilots For Vaccine Injury.

Of course, at that point she was told to shut up.

Covid Jabs Are Likely Life Shortening.

Vaccines Suppress DNA Repair Mechanisms In Your Cells.

And related.

NIH Admits Fauci Lied About Funding Wuhan Gain of Function Experiments.

But of course he did.  You already knew that, more than a year ago, assuming you’ve been reading TCJ.

Readers are free to add to this link dump.

What To Keep In Your Med Kit Followup

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Aesop posted.  And then posted a second round.

Just a word about Krazy Glue.  Aesop took that to be in regards to treating blisters, and maybe I should have from the original post, but didn’t.

My second son is a violinist, and if he can’t use his fingertips he can’t make a living.  I’ve seen awful cuts on his fingers before because he is also a builder, works on cars, and goes hiking and backpacking.

I’ve seen him glue together cuts before and get right back in the game, no muss, no fuss, functioning body parts, no pain, and no infection.

Of course, there are caveats.  The cut MUST be disinfected.  A friend of mine (MD) prefers something with silver in it.  Ken also writes that the bleeding must be stopped first, or almost so, and he’s right.

In my opinion, including glue in a field med kit is a stroke of genius.  If you gash your heel or hand while hiking (yes I have done both of those before), you’re in trouble, especially with foot injuries, and in danger not only of termination of ability to move, but infection as well.

Of course, WiscoDave also writes that there is a huge difference between a trauma kit and med kit (and perhaps even field med kit).  I understand this as well, and may have the need for multiple kits to meet my needs.

I would consider the difference between an IFAK/Blowout kit and a boo-boo kit.

Gauze pads, Vaseline, ibuprofen, blister care, etc are all things that should, in my opinion, be carried we’ll separated from any initial trauma items.
The idea of sorting through “stuff” to find an Israeli bandage, celox or tourniquet doesn’t appeal to me.
Then again, without a functioning medical system, how survivable is a sucking chest wound or a bicep injury such as at Kenosha? Die fast or die slow?

Also this.

Super glue is great stuff.
So is this
Same as this, but this is precut
These are great for holding closed, then applying glue to larger cuts
These are also neat to have for chest wounds
I purchased a “whole bunch” of bandages from Israeli First Aid.
Picked this up for the home

Yes, I forgot to mention Steri Strips.

Again, I understand that I will have to have a trauma kit and a field med kit, maybe another for taking backpacking, another for the truck, another for the home, etc.  This all runs into some money, yes?

Reader Jeremy writes with this.

Here is what I carry with me:
Here is the bag I take when I am plunking around in town and at work:
Here is the go-bag in my jeep:
Here is my actual bug-out bag:
Here is a Duty-belt rig to go along with my BoB:
Here are some first-aid kits I’ve set up:
As for suggestions, I’d get a Tick-key.  They’re pretty handy for removing the devils, and take up almost zero space.  You saw the importance of moleskin already.  Four feet of duck-tape folded on itself in a 2×2 square, a heavy-duty Hefty Outdoor Garbage Bag and about 4 feet of heavy-duty aluminum foil, folded into a small square add nearly zero weight and have a million possible uses.
For knives, the best ban for you buck is a Becker.

After trying one, I replaced both of me Ka-bars.  Almost the same price, but it takes an edge easier, and lacks the fragility on the point and tang that a Ka-bar suffers from.  A Becker is a some serious knife for the price, and you’ll have to pay a lot more money to get better.  The only blade I own that’s better is a Chris Reeves that cost almost $500.00.  And a knife like that is too nice to use.

I still like my Ka-bars (I have two of them).  They have never failed me, and have always kept an edge.

The Benefits Of Zinc

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

You all know that Zinc is one of the necessary daily drills for being healthy, including an effective treatment for Covid.  Here is a recent study that indicates it’s good for other things too.

Many people pop a zinc supplement at the first sign of a cold, and there’s new evidence supporting the habit.

Australian researchers found that the supplements appear to help shorten respiratory tract infections, such as colds, flu, sinusitis and pneumonia.

Many over-the-counter cold and cough remedies offer only “marginal benefits,” the researchers noted, making “zinc a viable ‘natural’ alternative for the self-management of non-specific [respiratory tract infections].”

The study was led by Jennifer Hunter, associate professor at the NICM Health Research Institute at Western Sydney University in Penrith, New South Wales. Her team published the findings Tuesday in the BMJ Open.

According to Hunter’s team, zinc as a nutrient has gained attention from researchers because it’s known to play an important role in immunity, inflammation, tissue injury, blood pressure and in tissue responses to any lack of oxygen.

To learn more about zinc’s potential, the investigators reviewed more than two dozen clinical trials that included more than 5,400 adults.

All were published in 17 English and Chinese research databases up to August 2020. None of them specifically examined the use of zinc for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19.

Lozenges were the most common form of zinc intake, followed by nasal sprays and gels, the research team said. Doses varied substantially, depending on the formulation and whether zinc was used for prevention or treatment.

[ … ]

Dr. Len Horovitz is a pulmonologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. He wasn’t involved in the new study, but agreed that “most clinical evidence supports the use of zinc supplement for prevention and treatment of colds, some inflammatory processes, and respiratory infections.”

“The usual recommendation is 25 mg of zinc daily,” Horovitz said, but he cautioned that “it is unclear exactly what dose is best.”

Queueing in three … two … one …

The CDC announces that they’ve reversed course and decided that Zinc should be avoided and even removed from your daily diet.

No, this isn’t the Babylon Bee, at least not yet.

What To Keep In Your Med Kit

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

We’ve discussed over my blegs before, things like Quik Clot, gauze, bandages, tourniquets, aspirin, etc.  But this article makes some interesting points and I’m glad I read it before outfitting mine.

This is for blisters.  He also deals with frostbite, deep cuts and burns, all of which are common in the bush.

But I think his point is that an injury such as deep blistering can be debilitating and can prevent effective movement.  I’ve seen some awful blistering before.  In the book “Awol on the Appalachian Trail,” the author deals with blisters so severe that they required a doctor’s attention to press and drain puss, followed by several weeks of recovery.

Needless to say, he didn’t move those few weeks.  All he did was bed rest and heal.

Anyway, for what it’s worth.  Feel free to fill in the details of other things you would put in your med kit.

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