Archive for the 'Mexico' Category

Mexico Lied To The Supreme Court

BY Herschel Smith
2 weeks, 2 days ago

Of course they did. With GOA, I’ve claimed that Mexican cartels armed themselves with military grade weaponry from the Mexican armed forces and other Central American countries. But the supreme court is probably too stupid to know this.

Watch the entire GOA video.

But there’s the thing. I don’t care.

I don’t care if arms are flowing south to Mexico from America, nor flowing north from Mexico to America, into or out of Canada, or anywhere else to anywhere else.

That isn’t what causes violence. The wicked heart of man causes violence, and turning our hearts to the Almighty is the only solution for the sick soul.

Additionally, for all I know, firearms are flowing to peaceable men and women in Mexico who want to defend their families against cartel violence. In that case it would be a good thing. If this is not the case, prove it to me.

So, while I agree with and thank GOA for making the video, I just really don’t give a rat’s ass where firearms come from or go to.

We’re just gonna wait it out for the next four years and then we’ll be in the clear

BY Herschel Smith
1 month, 1 week ago

Take careful note folks.

“We’re just gonna wait it out for the next four years and then we’ll be in the clear.”

What if we send U.S. SpecOps Against the Cartels?

BY Herschel Smith
2 months ago

I’ve run across several professional (former) SpecOps who caution against this approach. For example, there is this example, and then this example with Andy Stumpf and Mike Glover.

So in brief, here is what I think. The gangs appear to me to be toothless when faced with ICE and DEA agents. I understand that the more professional cartel fighters in Mexico are much worse, but as long as SpecOps has means of ingress and egress (insertion and extraction), and strictly follows their protocols, I think the cartel fighters will fold like a cheap suit.

I think if we do this, it should be MARSOC and Delta (“The Unit”). The SEALs will have their hands full with other things: Panama.

But what do I know?

Terror Attack in New Orleans

BY Herschel Smith
2 months, 3 weeks ago

I’ve always been fascinated at New Orleans, surrounded on all three sides by water at a higher elevation than it is: The Gulf, the Mississippi River, and Lake Pontchartrain. It’s a city that shouldn’t be there except for being a port city at the mouth of the Mississippi river.

So what we apparently know now is that there were five participants, IEDs were emplaced, and an ISIS flag was involved.

Although unrelated to New Orleans (but related to terror and border (in)security, Tren de Aragua is cross-border attacking into the U.S. We’ve intentionally let these people in. This gang is now ensconced in sixteen states.

Meanwhile, the FBI remains laser focused on parents in Virginia who complained to school boards about their children being taught transgenderism.

Brutality From the Illegals Among Us

BY Herschel Smith
3 months, 1 week ago



A migrant from Guatemala has been arrested on allegations he lit a sleeping woman on fire inside a Coney Island F train on Sunday morning.

He is suspected of lighting the woman on fire at about 7:30 a.m. on Sunday, then watching her burn to death in a shocking killing just three days before Christmas.

Whether for reasons of control over a population or for the simple, sick pleasure of brutalizing someone, these are the people we’ve let into America.

Remember boys and girls. Government is just another word for the things we choose to do together.

And also remember, these people can just as easily be shot by Marine Corps snipers when they try to cross our sovereign borders as they can be let into the country.

Inside Baseball in the SCOTUS Cases Regarding the Second Amendment and ATF Leadership

BY Herschel Smith
3 months, 2 weeks ago

First up, Mark Smith assesses the recent delay of the Snopes case.

Second, Mark assesses the potential picks to head the ATF. Personally, I would prefer to see the ATF completely eradicated. Its mere existence of prima facie unconstitutional. The existence of federal gun laws is prima facie unconstitutional. But if all we get out of this is an eradication of the “secret” gun registry and a prohibition on enforcement of laws by the ATF, then it’s very important who runs the FBI.

I would also suggest that it makes sense to send 90% of the employees of the FBI and ATF to the border to enforce border laws. As for those still trying to come across, send the Marine Corps to shoot them. If that sounds harsh, think of this as an invasion. What do you think Russi and China would do in such a case? They care about their borders, and we don’t. To most of the American elite, America is an idea, not a sovereign nation with borders.

This whole problem with the border could be solved in an instant. Stop traffic. All traffic, including trade. Allow no one to cross the border, not even for work. But you see, home builders, yard workers and house cleaners are needed for the elite, so that’s not going to happen. As is stands, they get the middle class to pay for medical care via socialized medicine while they get to pay lower wages than they otherwise would, and we bear the brunt of the deal.

Finally, Mark further assesses the inside baseball maneuvers in the SCOTUS on 2A cases.

Amicus Briefs in Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. v. Estados Unidos Mexicanos

BY Herschel Smith
3 months, 3 weeks ago

First, Ted Cruz and other senators. I like Ted’s arguments, which focus on the second amendment and the complete unviability of a sovereign nation buckling to pressure from another nation in its own court of law. Here is the brief.

Second, twenty eight state attorneys general. Here is the brief. Here is some prose lifted out of the brief.

The First Circuit’s causation finding relied on two facts: the “‘virtual[] impossibil[ity]’ for criminals to obtain firearms legally sourced in [Mexico]” and that an “increase in gun violence in Mexico correlates with the increase of gun production in the United States[.]” Smith & Wesson, 91 F.4th at 516. But the First Circuit mistakes correlation for causation, and the relevant facts highlight that fallacy. The available evidence shows that increases in Mexico’s gun violence are unrelated to American gun manufacturing. Instead, Mexico’s gun violence epi demic stems from the Mexican government’s crackdown on the cartels—and its reluctance to finish the job. See David B. Kopel, Mexico’s Gun-Control Laws: A Model for the United States?, 18 TEX. REV. L. & POL. 27, 42-44 (2013). The First Circuit believes that American guns are “especially attractive to Mexican drug cartels,” but only a minority of guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico originated in the United States. Smith & Wesson, 91 F.4th at 516; Kopel, su pra, at 46-49. Among those guns, many were sold, not on the American retail market, but to the Mexican government. Id. at 46.

[ … ]

The First Circuit also assumed that “between seventy and ninety percent of the guns recovered at crimes scenes in Mexico were trafficked into the country from the United States.” Smith & Wesson, 91 F.4th at 516. That assumption—again central to the court’s causation finding—fails on two fronts. First, it contradicts public admissions by Mexican officials that American guns comprise a much smaller percentage of Mexican crime guns. Second, it finds—in conclusory fashion—that those crime guns are trafficked from the United States by American gun companies. But that ignores the re ality of how most of these guns end up in Mexico in the first place: purchases by the Mexican government. Starting with the court’s first error, American manufactured weapons constitute a small minority of guns recovered from crime scenes in Mexico. Re searchers believe that only about 12% of the guns recovered at those crime scenes originate from U.S. re tail gun stores. Kopel, supra, at 48.

It goes on and you can read it for yourself. I don’t like this line of argumentation at all. No doubt, all of it is true, but it also doesn’t matter in the least. No sovereign country can buckle to another in its own court. If it does, it is not a sovereign country.

But there is more. Give me some latitude and follow me on this for a moment.

Recall that we have discussed feral hogs before, and how wildlife biologists trained to hate hunters and imagine that there is an endless supply of government cash for trappers claim that hunting won’t even dent the hog population.

This just isn’t true at all. I hunted Groton Plantation twice this year, and in a few short weeks we had put enough of a dent in the population – across 23,000 acres – that while I saw plenty the first trip, I didn’t see any the second trip. It’s true enough that part of the reason for this is that we drove them nocturnal, but we also put enough pressure on the population that the grounds didn’t show the presence of hogs. There were no wallows, and no dug up food plots from hogs.

We are constantly told the truth, that deer won’t fight hogs for food. If you want to hunt deer and want a strong deer herd, you’ll kill the hogs. Kill the boars. Kill the sows. Mow down the piglets when they return to the sows after they have been shot. Kill them all and don’t wait. Do it immediately when you see them. And we do.

Commenter and reader “The Alaskan” has remarked of the hog population in the south, Texas, the Midwest, and even north of the border into Canada (where super hogs are bred who can survive the cold weather), will increase until we want it to decrease. There are feral hogs around because America chooses for there to be feral hogs around.

Too many folks benefit from them for hunting preserves, and too many urban dwellers don’t want to see weapons being openly carried, or don’t want firearms discharge in certain locations, but would rather have to run from them and worry about their children being gored to death than deal with the problem. The same thing is true for Coyotes (or Coydogs, or Coywolves).

Are you still with me?

Now. The Mexican cartels don’t exist because of American weapons. They exist because Mexico wants them to exist. Too many people financially benefit from them, or benefit from the largesse they bring in, or fear them enough to protect and abet them.

In the movie Sicario, which is certainly an entertaining movie, the character Alejandro Gillick, played by Benicio del Toro, makes a remark to the effect that “the appetite of Americans for this stuff always amazes me.” Again, this is an entertaining movie, but he misses the point, just like the court missed the point, just like the brief misses the point.

Appetites can change, or be abated, or be redirected, or be met by other means. The American moral culture is certainly sick unto death, and we’ve covered that in other posts. But the temperance movement failed because of folks making corn liquor in the mountains of Virginia and North Carolina. The war on drugs in an abysmal failure and always will be. A SWAT team cannot instill moral character and neither can gun control or legal actions against gun manufacturers.

The Mexican cartels don’t just traffic in drugs today. Their most lucrative product is humans. And kidnapping. And extortion. They will be around as long as Mexico wants them around. The cartels exist because Mexico wants them to. No amount of gun control will ever change that. Gun control won’t stop it, nor will it even slow it down. Even if the things the AGs claimed were not true and the Cartels got most of their weapons from American gun manufacturers, it still wouldn’t change anything and shutting down American gun manufacturers wouldn’t affect the Cartels in the least. The AGs have done a nice job of entrapping themselves in a fact- or proposition-structure that could turn against them in light of revised data.

This lawsuit exists because American gun companies and their insurance companies have deep pockets just like any other corporation. Any victory by Mexico in this lawsuit would likely only serve to line the pockets of the cartels anyway, further empowering them to do their evil deeds.

Meanwhile, an awful precedent will have been set where American sovereignty has been defenestrated in favor of fleecing the American buyer. It’s a bad deal all around and not what the war of independence was fought over. The founders wouldn’t have been able to fathom something like Mexico bringing lawsuit against the country they fought to begin. This is what should have been argued in the briefs.

Texas Rangers Raid “Cartel Island” on Border with Mexico

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 1 month ago

Most of the time I find their videos informative. In this case I already knew much of this, but this is what surprised me. Listen carefully to the rules of engagement (or rules for the use of force) the Texas Rangers were operating under.

What other country on earth makes their people follow such rules of engagement for fear of being dragged before criminal courts in the nation which is hosting the invasion?

How screwed up is America right now?

National Guard would be able to use FORCE against armed migrants entering the U.S. under new bill from Navy SEAL veteran Republican congressman

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 1 month ago


The Defend Our Borders from Armed Invaders Act was introduced by Republican Rep. Morgan Luttrell of Texas, a former Navy SEAL who served in the Navy for 14 years.

In the last year, there have been multiple instances of migrants crossing into the U.S. carrying weapons, with some brandishing rifles like the AR-15.

And as the Biden administration and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott clash over border security policies, this bill, Luttrell claims, will enable the National Guard to better protect the U.S. by using ‘any means necessary’ to stop armed migrants.

I didn’t know that Marcus had a brother.

Anyway, eh, I’ll be convinced when I see them under arming orders and shooting live rounds.

And I’ll be convinced when I don’t see things like this.

Greg Abbott’s Armed Troops Block Border Patrol

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 2 months ago

That’s the headline. Sounds ominous, yes? As if a pro-immigration correspondent wrote it.

Here’s the real story.

“I’m glad for what Gov. Abbott is doing, because what it’s allowing us to do, we’re able to deploy our resources to other areas that we haven’t been able to patrol for several years now. And so, that’s allowing us to go after the gotaways—that segment of the people that cause a great deal of problem here in the United States,” he said.

“What he is doing is operating as a force multiplier. It is very good what he is doing for the American people. It’s something that President [Joe] Biden should be doing but he refuses to do because, again, he cares more about his base than he does about the American people.”

The NG is blocking the area used for staging of illegals to enter the US. And even that’s not the complete story. The Border Patrol is being used by DHS to facilitate the crossing of illegals.

Not only that, treason isn’t limited to the border patrol. It’s happening with LEOs too.

But boys and girls, remember to “back the blue.” Because they have your backs.

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