Ted Cruz On Obamacare
BY Herschel Smith
There is too much “inside baseball” analysis going around, like this piece at the WSJ by James Taranto. It’s simplier than it has been made out to be. The GOP is benefiting from the money flowing in from opposition to Obamacare. They want to keep that money rolling in. They think there may actually be a chance to turn back the tide of Obamacare, but only if they let it fully implement and let the public see just how bad it really is. That will also help the GOP to fill in seats in the House and Senate. In other words, just like the Democrats, the GOP is taking a scorched earth policy.
But the problem is that Obamacare is going full steam ahead. My daughter is in medical care, and the implications of Obamacare are catastrophic and disasterous. I simply do not have the time or space to outline the horror awaiting us, nor would I keep my readers for that long. Ted Cruz knows that, which is why he is trying to turn it back now, even if only in stages. In short, he has a soul. He is more concerned about America than he is his own career. See Red State for a good writeup. Professor Jacobson makes the point that we shouldn’t be confused by the parliamentrary tactics. It’s a necessary part of the game that Cruz is playing. The bottom line is that most of the Senate doesn’t care about you – but you already knew that.
The others in the Senate (with the exception of Mike Lee) are without scruples. Harry Reid says that Cruz isn’t doing a real filibuster. Okay. Reid doesn’t have a real soul either, and would sell out his own mother to the Nazis in order to keep his place in the Congressional lunch room. Turning briefly to NRO, Murdock observes that “defeatist Republicans such as Karl Rove, whose massive 2012 campaign spending was only 1.3 percent effective, are rooting against courageous senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio who are trying to defund Obamacare right now. A sad caucus of RINOs, moderates, and invertebrates wants to postpone this fight and oppose Obamacare . . . maybe . . . later. Their slogan? Tomorrow is another day, so perhaps we could stop Obamacare then.”
Okay, but he is going easy on Rove. David Codrea is on target when he calls Rove a wretched cancerous lump. As for me, the GOP is full of worthless suckholes. They are dead to me. Perhaps the best part of the Cruz speech is that the vermin scatter (including the balance of the GOP), and show themselves to be the animals they are. In case you had any doubts, dear reader, you shouldn’t now.