Archive for the 'Pizzagate' Category

Pizzagate XI

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

There continue to be developments in #Pizzagate, albeit slowly and methodical.

The researchers at Voat/v/Pizzagate have linked a number of very disturbing “art” URLs associated with James Alefantis and his collaborators.  Not for the weak of stomach.

The researchers also send you to this article on The Suiciding of Pedophile Investigators.  Read it all – every word of it.  There is one minor thing with which I disagree concerning the analysis (not the data or facts), but if even half of what is contained in this article is true, we have a very serious, very deeply embedded, world-wide problem that will take a very long time to root out.  It will never really be completely rooted out without a revival of Biblical values, but the guilty should be held accountable.  We can all agree with that.

Read McClatchy on a war of (a “dating web site”) against Julian Assange.  You heard that right.  A dating web site.  So ask yourself how many dating web sites operate in the darkness, go on an expedition of total war against the Wikileaks founder, and have the time and money to do that?  That’s right.  It’s more than a dating web site.  It oozes the fingerprints of someone much more well funded than a dating web site.  The “Todd and Clare team” aren’t really Todd and Clare.  Or at least, that’s what I surmise from all of this.

CBS calls #Pizzagate false.  No name, no byline.  They have the cowardice to call #Pizzagate investigators liars, but not the courage to sign a name to the article.  What a bunch of juveniles.

Will Rahn writes at CBS News, ” … we can present readers and viewers with endless reasons for why it’s absurd to think that a Podesta email about ordering pizzas is somehow about prostitution, but some people simply won’t believe it because we’re the ones saying it. ”

All of the articles so far that have allegedly “debunked” #Pizzagate have done no such thing.  Not a single fact has been presented in any of them, not a single fact found by the researchers has been engaged.  They just say it’s debunked, and so the ignorant masses are supposed to believe that it’s been debunked.

So he’s said a mouthful there.  “Endless reasons,” he asserts.  Endless.  So here’s your chance, Will.  Let’s hear it.  Let’s hear the endless reasons that it’s absurd.  We’re listening.  Hell, give us one or two to chew on, and then we’ll give you time to give us this endless stream of reasons you said you have.  By the way, Will doesn’t give us his email address so we can reach him.  Remember what I said about writers who don’t give their contact information?

For my part, I’ve noticed a significant uptick on the number of CTR shills and trolls on this web site.  I’ve had to ban a few of them within recent weeks, perhaps half a dozen.  They don’t concern me as much as they tell a story.  CTR sure is spending a lot of money on “fake news.”  David Seaman asks the appropriate questions here.


Pizzagate X

Pizzagate IX

Pizzagate VIII

Pizzagate VII

Pizzagate VI

Pizzagate V: Pizzagate In Theological Perspective

Pizzagate IV

Pizzagate III

Pizzagate II


Pizzagate X

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

So look what the boys and girls at Voat have dug up!  Caution: NSFW.  Why, it’s John Podesta’s favorite spirit cooking girlfriend involved in some sort of occult gala with much of Hollywood with her.  Joseph sent this to me.  “Totally normal,” he says with sarcasm.  At least, I’m told that there are a lot of Hollywood types there.  I really couldn’t name a single one of them.

I’ll share with you what my oldest son Joshua said about this.

“The opulence and garishness of pornographic violence is especially off-putting.  That they have the time and means to be depraved is not unusual, it’s the celebration and worship of the depravity that strikes me.

This is a display of the most disgusting aspects of human society.  It both debases the human vessel and also the voyeur / participant by association.  Quite frankly, it makes brutes in the jungle seem tame.”

But of course the MSM and Google think this is all fake news.  I suppose the pictures are all made up.  And speaking of Google, I did a Google search of “Pizzagate” last night and none of my posts are anywhere to be found on the first twenty pages of results.  Now I know for a fact that some of my single posts, and certainly my category, have gotten more traffic than many of those URLs.

But Google dismisses my work because … it’s fake, I guess.  I made it all up.  I created the code language, I photo shopped all the pictures, I fabricated the whole story.  Wikileaks is a figment of our collective imaginations, and John Podesta has denied all of this.

Of course, there is another possibility.  Google = Coverup.

Pizzagate Tags:

Pizzagate IX

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

In shotgun fashion, I’m throwing out a number of things for your consideration.

Back in January of 2015, J. R. Dunn had a prescient piece entitled Pedophilia And The American Future at American Thinker.  Read it all, and ask yourself the question, did you know about the extent of this back in 2015?

At, Lori Handrahan has a piece entitled State Department Dan Rosen’s Arrest: Cheat Sheet For Journos.  I notice that WRSA also picked this up.  The article has an almost mind boggling list of recent arrests of other government employees for pedophilia.  Read the list and look at their government stations.  Warning.  The article is very long because the list is very long.

Well looky, looky looky here what the boys and girls at Voat have dug up.  James Alfantis – he goes by other names – of Comet Ping Pong is connected as business partners with Dr. Pong, a shady Berlin dive strongly suspected of the same sort of thing.

One painter,  Scot G. Brooks, is a collaborator with a photographer, Todd Franson, who took pictures for James Alfantis.  Here is a discussion of some of his work, with a one linked painting involving infants that will make you sick to your stomach if you care to look at it.

Here is a sordid discussion of these sorts of things at work in British history.  Disgusting, isn’t it?

Finally, to close this installment out, I mentioned to you that I had been getting some interesting visits to my web site, including Pizzagate posts.  These visits keep compounding: CIA, FBI Department of Criminal Justice, U.S. Senate, State Department, and on and on the list goes.

So I’ve been asking myself the question lately, why would these folks be interested in a small to medium size blog posting about “fake news?”  You know, it’s all “fake.”  So if it’s all “fake,” why would so many people in such positions be so interested to stop by my place on what is becoming a regular basis?


Pizzagate VIII

Pizzagate VII

Pizzagate VI

Pizzagate V: Pizzagate In Theological Perspective

Pizzagate IV

Pizzagate III

Pizzagate II


Pizzagate Tags:

Pizzagate VIII

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

Poor, poor James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong.  He’s so misunderstood.

A popular Northwest, D.C. neighborhood pizza joint is trying to figure out how to fight back after what it suspects is a massive coordinated on-line attack suggesting the restaurant is involved in the worst kind of conspiracy.

The pizza shop owner suspects thousands of online bullies have set out to destroy him, maybe simply because he and a friend supported the Clinton campaign.

It’s a story so clearly absurd, it’s hard to imagine anyone would believe it. And yet two women who declined to give their names who were banging on the patio of Comet Ping Pong on Tuesday, looking for the tunnels where Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager were trafficking in children.

“All of this is an underground tunnel that helps take the kids and transport them back and forth so they can can do these rituals,” said one of them. “They are putting a lot of curses and spells over the city. They are kidnapping the children who are missing. They were never missing because D.C. know where they are.”

It’s all a lie. Comet Ping Pong owner James Alefantis said the restaurant does not even have a basement.

Well, that settles it.  Case closed.  Um … except for one little thing.

Well, we make everything from scratch. Other restaurants, even good restaurants, will, like, not roast their own peppers. You can just buy the roasted peppers in a can. Or you can buy garlic oil. Some products you can get, and they’re consistent and they’re easy. But I didn’t even know that existed actually until they said that. I was like, “What do you mean? There’s another way? You can just buy these things?” Because a lot of restaurants will open a can and put it on. Like our sauce — we harvest a whole crop of organic tomatoes — 10 tons of tomatoes every year. Can them all, store them in the basement, have like a harvest party when it gets loaded in.

I love it when progressives violate the laws of logic.  It reminds me that consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.  And perhaps James was right the first time.  Perhaps there’s a vast underground network of rooms.

By the way. Who is that doing the demolition – the village people?


Pizzagate VII

Pizzagate VI

Pizzagate V: Pizzagate In Theological Perspective

Pizzagate IV

Pizzagate III

Pizzagate II


Pizzagate Tags:

Pizzagate VII

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

I’m sending you to a URL at discussion thread that redirects to an archived post.  Here is some of it.

For the last few days I’ve been reviewing the events that lead up to the banning of r/pizzagate and noticed a few things that I thought should be shared to generate discussion and critical feedback.

I. The uproar and censorship caused by the revelation of Twittergate was related to the shutdown of the Pizzagate subreddit

After constructing a timeline and taking several factors into consideration, the information we know about the censorship of anti-child trafficking efforts on both Twitter and Reddit suggests possible collusion between the two corporations. We moderators at r/pizzagate received word that the admins were receiving outside pressure to close us down, and now we know who at least one of those outside sources was: Twitter.
A. Nov 21st
Many people on the_donald are already familiar with the timeline of “Twittergate,” which began on November 21 when Twitter user @0hour began to post the Twitter handles of thousands of accounts sharing child pornography, seeming to be comprised of individuals across the globe. News of the discovery quickly spread to /pol/ and r/pizzagate where users were investigating similar claims. Rather than dismantle the network though, Twitter banned @0hour and left the outed accounts up:
Other users had picked up the story however, and soon there were hundreds of individuals looking into the discovery. Many of the accounts openly promoted sex with minors, using hashtags such as #legalize14:
*B. Nov 22nd Dorsey’s Twitter goes down amid claims of hacking
Predictably, Twitter’s reaction of banning citizen investigators only served to throw fuel on the fire. A plethora of abuse was directed at Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter and a Director at the Walt Disney Company:
After this abuse had gone on all night and the next day, Dorsey’s Twitter handle @jack suddenly went offline the next day. Users began to speculate about his motives for banning whistleblower accounts, digging up tweets they claimed alluded to dark subjects like spirit cooking such as this one:
Immediately, several news sources issued reports on the suspension, speculating that Dorsey’s Twitter had been hacked.
C. Correlation between @jack suspension and banning of r/pizzagate
The same day of the Jack Dorsey account closure, Reddit admins shut down the r/pizzagate subreddit where news of the unfolding “Twittergate” had been posted and spread to other parts of both Reddit and the web at large. Interestingly enough, there was a massive spam campaign of threads talking about Richard Spencer on /pol/ which knocked the major pizzagate threads there offline as well.
The reason for the closure was that “personally identifiably information” was being “continually” released even though the admins refused to give specific examples of the supposed infractions.
What was interesting about the pizzagate closure was the rhetoric about “doxxing” and “harassment” being used to justify the censorship on Reddit very closely mirrored early reports of “hacking” and harassment that were thrown about in relation to the @jack suspension. In fact, if you look at the leaked chat log between Reddit CEO Steve Huffman and top mods from Reddit, you can see them using these arguments as an excuse to shut down r/the_donald:
False claims of doxxing then refusing to back them up:
False claims of real life harassment from the same mod who refused to back up her “doxxing” claims:
Additional claims of hate spamming, notice how in the second screenshot they mention Twitter:
Some demanded that our godly mods be replaced with others more “responsible,” Huffman promised to chat this week about it and revealed a plan is in the works:
A key part of this “plan” is obviously to compile a list of fake “harassment” to justify a ban. Notice how Huffman asks people to start reporting “leaking.” We’ve seen this in the real world this week when Soros justified dumping more money into stopping Trump by mentioning “hate crimes” which his affiliated groups are actually responsible for:
The false claims of harassment have also appeared hit pieces on pizzagate run by the “reputable” press:
It is very significant that the admins mention that they are cataloguing examples of our “hateful harassment” because this week we discovered that Huffman/spez can edit the posts of others, showing how easy it would be to create a narrative of false “hate” harassment:
The infamous post showing Huffman edited comments on the_donald:
And proof that he was doing it as many as seven years ago:
We also discovered muted usernames on r/pizzagate had been unmuted early to allow them to continue acting as agent provocateurs by releasing PII:
That same evening, Dorsey’s Twitter came back online around the same time that the mod chat log leaked with a massively reduced follower count. It is not clear whether or not any tweets were removed from the account during the time it was offline:
Twitter responded to queries about the closure with the claim that Dorsey’s Twitter was suspended by accident. Despite the fact that the suspension occurred in the middle of an online frenzy caused by the revelation of pro-pedophile accounts and the banning of whistleblowers who alerted the public. Notice how they brought @jack’s Twitter back online and gave the excuse of an accident after the mod chat log leaked here. Did that leak inadvertently prevent a false flag effort?
The reason that the chat logs have been censored so heavily on Reddit now seems clear: they not only revealed an active plan to either ban the_donald or replace our moderators, they also showed clear parallels between the language being used to justify their actions against us and the rhetoric that was being used to justify shutting down the_donald. With the leak of the chat logs these plans were ruined as we had seen their playbook. Now they’re making efforts to clean the whole thing up in the hopes that no one would put two and two together.
II. Personal incentive Reddit and Twitter corporate figures have to censor Pizzagate
It seems that members of the Reddit and Twitter corporate team have some personal incentive to derail movements getting people interested in topics like pizzagate, spirit cooking and other similar stories which have been growing in popularity since election day.
A. Steve Huffman
Over at Reddit, our beloved spez has been involved with some very odd stuff in addition to allowing certain forums to exist which some might find questionable. First of all, spez is the only moderator at r/cannibals:

You can read the rest for yourself.  It’s all well documented, the details are not disputed or in question, and it goes to show the collusion between the Twitter CEO and the Reddit CEO to censor pizzagate.  And there is ample evidence that Twitter is enabling child trafficking and molestation.  Oh, and don’t skip past what you just read.  The Reddit CEO (who Donald Trump has demanded resign from his position) is involved in a subreddit called cannibals.  No, it’s not a joke.  It has now been set to private, and you should ask yourself what kind of subreddit needs to be set to private?

Consider the depths of depravity to which the politicians and heads of corporations have sunk in America.  Two hundred years ago the towns would have dragged these bastards out into the town square and hung them for everyone to see, including children, as an example and object lesson of what happens to evil men.  I wish we would bring that back, including the civilian posse.  I am a strong advocate of public executions.


Pizzagate VI

Pizzagate V: Pizzagate In Theological Perspective

Pizzagate IV

Pizzagate III

Pizzagate II


Pizzagate Tags:

Pizzagate VI

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

That a boy. Go get ’em David.  He said what I did here and here, except longer and better, and more directed to the sense of morality inside the souls of federal employees, if there’s any left.

Every man meets his end, and then the judgment and eternity.  Think hard about this.  There are sins omission just as there are sins of commission.


Pizzagate V

Pizzagate IV

Pizzagate III

Pizzagate II


Pizzagate Tags:

Pizzagate V: Pizzagate In Theological Perspective

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

David Seaman has had readers and supporters recommend that he avoid focusing on the satanic issues surrounding Pizzagate (he correctly calls it a “Luciferian cult”). David stated that he couldn’t do that because to neglect that issue would be to ignore half of the story.

I like David, but with all due respect, I disagree.  To neglect that aspect would be to ignore 100% of the story.  This all has theological context, and if you don’t understand that context you don’t understand the story.

In Genesis 22 when Abraham had been commanded to offer up Isaac as an offering, Abraham said before going up on the mountain to his servants, “Stay here with the Donkey, and I and the lad will go yonder, and we will worship and return to you.”

Abraham knew in his heart or hearts that God would fulfill His promises to make him a great nation, and that Isaac would come down from the mountain alive.  God doesn’t command you to take the lives of others except in cases of self defense, defense of others or just war.  He is a just and kind God.

Offering children up to Moloch isn’t anything new.  Moloch (Molech) was a Babylonian god, and Israel had adopted the way of the pagans from being around them.  In Leviticus 18:21 God specifically commands Israel NOT to offer up their children to Molech, so as not to profane His name.  God sees it as an offence against Him, not just children.

But Lucifer is always and forever an awful demon, demanding the most horrible sacrifices.  That the children being offered up as sexual sacrifices (and if the reports are to be believed, literal sacrifices as well) aren’t their own is irrelevant.  This is still awful, and there is a further point in their schema.

In Old Testament law, the following sins and crimes were met with the death penalty.  (1) murder, (2) rape, and (3) kidnapping.  In the same act at the same time, the perpetrators of these horrors commit all three sins warranting the death penalty, in the ultimate display of high handed sin against God.

This is what happens when pagans rule other men.  This is a picture of what it looks like to reject God and declare yourself the only sovereign.  When man would be god, he reviles, demeans, harms, destroys and kills.  When God loves, he brings light out of darkness, and to point, He commands us to protect the little ones.

Do you hear them screaming?  Do you?  The little ones.  Do you hear them?


Pizzagate IV

Pizzagate III

Pizzagate II


Pizzagate Tags:

Pizzagate IV

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

I’m going to shotgun this post on Pizzagate and follow up with a moderately more coherent piece on Pizzagate in theological perspective.  In the mean time, there are some videos you need to watch, and things of which you need to be aware.

From Voat/pizzagate, a massive pedophile ring was discovered in Norway on November 20, 2016.  That same day, Norway announced they would be cutting donations to the Clinton Foundation by 90%.  October 28 (2015) a pedophile operation was discovered in Australia that includes former Prime Ministers and other elite figures. Former victim claims this ring is “international” and includes “VIPs.”  On November 25, 2016, Australia says they are completely stopping 100% of donations to the Clinton Foundation.  Ask yourself this question.  What do law enforcement and intelligence agencies from other countries know that our own isn’t telling us?

Now I want you to spend the necessary time to watch these videos.  It won’t be time wasted.


Pizzagate III

Pizzagate II


Pizzagate Tags:

Pizzagate III

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

Performer Majestic Ape of Comet Ping Pong is performing to a crowd.  Listen for the following: ” … and little boys, and children.”

What’s her response again?

Pizzagate Tags:

Pizzagate II

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 3 months ago

In Pizzagate (we’ll call it Pizzagate 1), I linked the subreddit on Pizzagate as being the front end of the work to turn over the skeletons in Pizzagate (4Chan being the source of much of the analysis, while Wikileaks is the origin of the source material that started this whole thing).

This subreddit has been deleted for alleged Doxxing.  I wish it wasn’t so because reddit is easy and fast to access, with good coding support when something goes wrong.  But the new home for the Pizzagate investigations is now

It will take some time for full migration of users and adjustment of coding to handle the additional users.  Give it this time to mature.  In the mean time, I want to point out a few developments.

One of the entries that included a lot of links for your study can be found with the WayBack Machine.

Next, The NYT did an article allegedly debunking the whole notion of pizzagate, but I won’t link it here to send them traffic because it was worthless, with absolutely no factual content or research.  There were also many errors.  This is a migrated post that fisks the NYT article.  The fisk is conclusive and thorough, but I wanted to include one specific excerpt.

MISLEADING CHRONOLOGY: Kang commits a sleight-of-hand when she reports that Alefantis “looked online to unravel the accusations” right after he and his staff started receiving hate messages. Comet Ping Pong was first stumbled upon in the wee hours of November 4th. Alefantis’ instagram and Facebook accounts started getting threatening messages within hours from overzealous idiots on 4chan.

The Vigilant Citizen article that Kang cites was posted on November 15th, ELEVEN DAYS after Alefantis was first “exposed” on 4chan and reddit. Thus, there’s no way that Alefantis did a quick google search on November 4th and found the VC article.

If Kang had done a simple google search, she would’ve seen that on November 6th (within 48 hours of exposure), Washington City Paper published “Alt Right Conspiracy Theorists Obsess Over Comet Ping Pong”, featuring interviews with “Pizza Party Ben” and James Alefantis:

All it takes for the article to be proven a lie is to find one major error such as this one.  But there are a lot more problems than this.

Thus the writer knew nothing when she wrote the article, and knows nothing now.  This NYT article is fake news.  That (Pizzagate is fake news rather than the idiotic debunking by the NYT) is what the MSM wants everyone to believe, it’s what the clan of criminals is trying to convince everyone to believe.

Yes, every man I know talks about handkerchiefs and pizza and the ages of children.  Yes, every family-oriented pizza parlor I know has drag shows.  Yes, every man I know posts pornographic pictures to Instagram.  Yes, every family-oriented pizza parlor I know has sadistic “artwork” on the walls, and every man I know hangs out with convicted child traffickers and pedophiles.

Um … no.  None of those things is true.  I don’t know anyone like that.

As a final note, I receive a lot of interesting traffic to this site, once from the executive office of the POTUS, once from the offices of the SCOTUS, many visits from military network domains (Army, DoD, Navy which includes Marines, etc.), State Department, Department of “Justice,” and on the list goes.  I got such hits when I covered rules of engagement and my son’s deployment, but I continue to and I’ve kept my original military and government readers, or I’ve lost them and added some more in their place.

Today I received one from the CIA.


So tell us why you’re here sir?  In fact, you and the NSA know all about these awful things and haven’t told anyone about the suffering children.  Such a thing might affect your comfy home in White Flint, or Bethesda.  Why don’t you drop me a line and tell me about it?  Doubtless, you know more than I do.  So why were you here?

Pizzagate Tags:

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