Pizzagate XI
BY Herschel Smith
There continue to be developments in #Pizzagate, albeit slowly and methodical.
The researchers at Voat/v/Pizzagate have linked a number of very disturbing “art” URLs associated with James Alefantis and his collaborators. Not for the weak of stomach.
The researchers also send you to this article on The Suiciding of Pedophile Investigators. Read it all – every word of it. There is one minor thing with which I disagree concerning the analysis (not the data or facts), but if even half of what is contained in this article is true, we have a very serious, very deeply embedded, world-wide problem that will take a very long time to root out. It will never really be completely rooted out without a revival of Biblical values, but the guilty should be held accountable. We can all agree with that.
Read McClatchy on a war of (a “dating web site”) against Julian Assange. You heard that right. A dating web site. So ask yourself how many dating web sites operate in the darkness, go on an expedition of total war against the Wikileaks founder, and have the time and money to do that? That’s right. It’s more than a dating web site. It oozes the fingerprints of someone much more well funded than a dating web site. The “Todd and Clare team” aren’t really Todd and Clare. Or at least, that’s what I surmise from all of this.
CBS calls #Pizzagate false. No name, no byline. They have the cowardice to call #Pizzagate investigators liars, but not the courage to sign a name to the article. What a bunch of juveniles.
Will Rahn writes at CBS News, ” … we can present readers and viewers with endless reasons for why it’s absurd to think that a Podesta email about ordering pizzas is somehow about prostitution, but some people simply won’t believe it because we’re the ones saying it. ”
All of the articles so far that have allegedly “debunked” #Pizzagate have done no such thing. Not a single fact has been presented in any of them, not a single fact found by the researchers has been engaged. They just say it’s debunked, and so the ignorant masses are supposed to believe that it’s been debunked.
So he’s said a mouthful there. “Endless reasons,” he asserts. Endless. So here’s your chance, Will. Let’s hear it. Let’s hear the endless reasons that it’s absurd. We’re listening. Hell, give us one or two to chew on, and then we’ll give you time to give us this endless stream of reasons you said you have. By the way, Will doesn’t give us his email address so we can reach him. Remember what I said about writers who don’t give their contact information?
For my part, I’ve noticed a significant uptick on the number of CTR shills and trolls on this web site. I’ve had to ban a few of them within recent weeks, perhaps half a dozen. They don’t concern me as much as they tell a story. CTR sure is spending a lot of money on “fake news.” David Seaman asks the appropriate questions here.