Archive for the 'Police' Category

A Deep Dive into Cases Where Civilians Stopped Active Shooters

BY Herschel Smith
2 weeks, 3 days ago

Cops are more likely to get killed, more likely to get injured, and more likely to injure a bystander.

Sounds about right.

Source, from a reader.

We’re the Only Ones Gripping Enough

BY Herschel Smith
1 month, 2 weeks ago

Remember boys and girls, cops are the only ones qualified to handle firearms.

Seriously though, what on earth sort of grip does she have on that pistol? What on earth is she doing?

Via WiscoDave.

Cops Send Dog to Attack Innocent Man

BY Herschel Smith
2 months ago

This is yet another instance of cops attacking the wrong people, violating the right to privacy and the right to due process.

On another front, cops shouldn’t have access to dogs. They should wear sky blue collared shirts in full uniform, knock on doors, and be imprisoned for violation of rights.

Finally, any man who can’t control their beasts any better than that doesn’t deserve to have them. There should be a permanent injunction against the handler ever having dogs again, right after he gets out of prison.

Innocent Man Dead after Cops Raid Wrong House Looking for Judge’s Missing Weedeater

BY Herschel Smith
2 months ago

This is yet another wrong-home SWAT raid. This one is so bad it defies belief.

They originally should have gone to another address (actually, they should have just knocked on the door and asked questions), then they got a warrant for the wrong address, and then finally, they went to yet another residence from the one they should have gone to or the one on the warrant – and shot an innocent man to death.

It’s like the keystone cops with rifles. Ignorant and uneducated goobers with deadly weapons aimed at innocent people.

Again, for the thousandth time: You’re never in more danger than when the police are around. There is never a situation so bad that it cannot be made worse by the presence of the police.

Here’s the kicker. They were looking for a weed eater belonging to a judge. So you see, all animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others.

I hope his surviving family sues the city out of existence, although that wouldn’t complete justice. The judge who issued the warrant and the officers who executed the warrant should all be in prison today and facing charges tomorrow.


David Codrea’s notes.

You’re Never in More Danger Than When the Police Are Around

BY Herschel Smith
2 months, 1 week ago

It might be that they just stand by and watch you burn to death.

It might be that they arrest you for trying to recover your home from a squatter and tell you to “try to see things from his perspective.”

It might be shooting 84 rounds at a perp, missing with 70 of them which hit various parts and pieces of the neighborhood businesses.

It might be that they beat you literally to death while laughing about it.

But it also might be that some numbskull shoots you with your own gun.

Florida resident Jason Arrington was driving near the intersection of 27th Street and Main Street in Jacksonville’s Brentwood neighborhood on Dec. 13 when he did something we’ve all probably been guilty of at one time or another: he ran a red light. An officer with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) witnessed this action and pulled him over, but the traffic stop didn’t exactly go as planned.

Arrington, who thought he was doing everything correctly, informed the officer that he had a gun on his person — a gun that he owned legally — and  he was asked to step out of his vehicle and put his hands on his truck. Back-up arrived on the scene, and, according to Arrington, the back-up officer began to search him and attempted to remove the gun.

“She tugged on the gun the first time, then she tugged again,” Arrington said in a statement on Friday. “That’s when I told her, ‘Hey, let me unloosen my belt because it’s tight.’ I don’t know, she might have got nervous or whatever and she pulled harder two more times and that’s when it discharged and it shot me in my upper thigh, hip and came out on my right side.”

Arrington also said that didn’t even understand why the officers wanted to remove the gun anyway. He said he posed no threat, and did everything they asked him to do, even keeping his hands on his vehicle after getting shot. While a request has been made to release the bodycam footage, the JSO said it could take six to eight months.

On Friday, the organization announced on X that it is conducting an “active internal affairs investigation.” Typically, when an officer is involved in a shooting, it would conduct what it calls an “administrative review of a critical incident.” The sheriff’s office added, “As is customary in these types of investigations, the officer under investigation may have his or her law enforcement authority rescinded. That authority has been rescinded for this officer and the officer was reassigned to an administrative position until the active internal affairs investigation is complete.”

She should be charged with assault with a deadly weapon, with additional charges or being a stupid ditz and too dumb to hold any sort of job at all.

I’ve said before that anyone – whether gun owner or cop – who touches a gun during an encounter with the police is an idiot. That goes equally and even more so for cops. Besides, a police officer job is inherently safe anyway compared to other occupations.

A man might have modified his weapon. A man might have installed a light trigger. The holster might be a retaining holster. It might be out of the holster. It might be a single-action only gun. It might be a SA/DA gun. It might have a safety. That safety might be engaged, or it might not be.  It might not have a safety.

It might be a 1911 with series 70 design, so not drop safe. It might be a 1911 with series 80 design. A gun might have one in the chamber, or it might not. It might be in a holster that fools the cop into thinking that she doesn’t have her finger on the trigger. I could go on, but you get the point.

Any cop who touches another man’s weapon without there being a clear danger (e.g., a gun fight) is an idiot. She isn’t making things safer. She is making things less safe. Any police department that has as its policy to touch another man’s weapon in routine stops is full of imbeciles. The absolute safest place for a weapon to be is on the person or unmolested. Untouched!

Do … not … touch … the … weapon!

As I’ve said many times before, you’re never in more danger than when the police are around. No situation is so bad that it cannot be made worse by the presence of the police.

Florida Open Carry Battle Continues

BY Herschel Smith
3 months ago

I knew that the senior senator in the Florida legislature had taken this position. I’m not sure I have faith or confidence in Ron Desantis any more. He could put a stop to this charade with one simple sentence: “I will not sign any more legislation until an open carry bill is brought to my desk. That includes shutdown of the Florida government.”

But he doesn’t do this.

The main reason I’m lifting prose out of this article at Bearing Arms is to point out yet another lie that they have bought.

Florida’s not anti-gun, though it’s not as pro-gun as some like to think. Still, getting open carry should be easy and yet, the fight is still going to be a rough one.

Efforts to pass open carry legislation in Florida are faltering, even with strong backing from Gov. Ron DeSantis. Senate President Ben Albritton, newly installed in his leadership role, has voiced opposition to the measure, aligning with concerns from law enforcement groups.

Albritton, a Republican, said last week he stands with the Florida Sheriffs Association, which has consistently opposed open carry policies.

“I trust my law enforcement officials, and that’s where I stand,” Albritton said, signaling little appetite for pushing the controversial measure forward.

Florida currently prohibits openly carrying firearms in public spaces, except in limited circumstances such as hunting, fishing or target shooting. That stance makes it one of only four states in the nation with such restrictions.

Gov. DeSantis has publicly expressed his support for open carry and suggested earlier this year that the Legislature could revisit the issue. The debate comes months after Florida adopted a permit-less concealed carry law, a measure DeSantis and other Republican leaders hailed as a victory for Second Amendment rights.

However, some gun rights advocates were disappointed that the bill stopped short of allowing individuals to openly carry firearms in public. Groups like Florida Carry argue the state’s refusal to expand gun rights further undermines constitutional freedoms.

“It’s a fundamental right that the state continues to deny its citizens,” said Richard Nascak, co-executive director of Florida Carry. “There’s no logical reason for Florida to lag behind the majority of the country on this issue.”

Then, Tom Knighton waffles and genuflects over a falsehood.

Albritton’s reason for opposing this is a big problem.

Look, I respect law enforcement as a general thing, but they’re also trying to do a job and they don’t like the idea of anything that makes their jobs the least bit more difficult. That’s understandable, but we also need to remember that we can find law enforcement groups who don’t really like Fourth Amendment protections on your vehicle or mobile device, either, because it makes things harder on them while trying to do their job.

No, and a thousand times no, that has nothing whatsoever to do with their reason for opposition. Oh, the LEOs are opposed because they won’t be “special” anymore. But LEOs are always opposed to open carry by anyone but them.

No, the real reason for this opposition in the senate is that they think this will hurt tourism. And the real problem Tom should be addressing is that this is all lies. It doesn’t hurt tourism. It didn’t in S.C. either. It doesn’t cause blood to run in the streets. It doesn’t cause LEOs to have more problems with doing their jobs. It doesn’t matter how someone carries their firearms. Peaceable men could have their firearm concealed and yet unholster it by the time LEOs arrive on the scene (like almost always happens) and LEOs still wouldn’t know who had carried openly and who had carried concealed.

That objection is literally a stupid objection crafted for people stupid enough to buy it.

Tom at Bearing Arms needs to think a bit harder.

Sheriffs and Deputies in North Carolina admitting that they took 40 generators from these aid workers

BY Herschel Smith
3 months ago

Or maybe it’s the fire department. What’s the difference? Anyway, I want to know who this is? I want names and badge numbers. I want to know what county, what city and what department?

Tennessee Man Came Home to Find His 7 Dogs Shot Dead, and Sheriff’s Deputy Is Charged

BY Herschel Smith
3 months, 1 week ago

Source, from a reader.

A Tennessee man is grieving the deaths of his seven dogs who were shot and killed by a sheriff’s deputy while the owner and his wife were out to dinner.

On Monday, Nov. 4, Kevin Dismuke and his wife left their home in McNairy County to go to dinner, Fox 13 reports.

When his wife returned to their home on Finger Leapwood Road, she called him with shocking news.

“She said, ‘Poe is dead,’” he said, referring to one of their pet dogs.

According to News 3, Dismuke said he returned home to find all of his dogs except one were dead.

“They were told the property was abandoned and the dogs were malnourished,” Dismuke added, News 3 reports. “I got the veterinary paperwork in my truck from three weeks ago. They all had a clean bill of health on them.”

Dismuke said a neighbor told him a deputy came to his house while he was gone and shot the dogs, Fox 13 reports.

Dismuke and his family are heartbroken over the deaths of their beloved dogs.

“I don’t care if you give me $10 if you give me $10 million,” he told News 3. “You can’t replace my dogs.”

According to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, which launched an investigation on Nov. 7, the incident began when the McNairy County Sheriff’s Department received an animal welfare concern call on Nov. 4.

The incident unfolded when Deputy Connor Brackin, 24, was sent to a home in the 8300 block of SR 199 in Bethel Springs to check on the condition of dogs living on the property, according to the TBI statement.

“For reasons under investigation, he fired his duty weapon, shooting and killing seven dogs on the property,” the TBI says.

According to the affidavit of complaint obtained by PEOPLE, some dogs were in campers, and Brackin allegedly “loaded his service rifle and pistol and began firing into the campers at the dogs.”

Brackin “fired eight times while standing outside of the campers and multiple times standing inside the campers, prior to clearing the campers for occupancy,” the affidavit alleges.

Brackin allegedly killed seven dogs in total.

The incident was captured on his body camera, according to the affidavit.

On Tuesday, Nov. 12, TBI agents obtained warrants for Brackin, charging him with seven counts of aggravated animal cruelty and eight counts of reckless endangerment.

There are three major problems here, in order of importance.

First, this is probably based on yet another anonymous phone call from someone who will never be held responsible for sending the police off on a wild goose chase for no good reason.

Second, if there is a problem in your community or home, just handle it yourself. Do not involve the police. You are never in more danger than when the police are around. There is no situation so bad that it cannot be made worse by the presence of the police, and that increased danger goes equally to animals and humans.

Third, this man is a sociopath. Many cops are. Unless and until they begin to understand and care why their standards are so amenable to hiring sociopaths (and also understanding why they don’t weed them out or at least properly train them), this will continue.

Of course, the possibility exists that they want sociopaths to work for them.

We’re the only ones accidental enough

BY Herschel Smith
5 months, 2 weeks ago

News from Florida.

A Florida sheriff’s deputy allegedly shot and killed his girlfriend while he was showing her how to clean the gun, according to reports.

Marion County Sheriff’s Deputy Leslie Boileau, who had been drinking, was showing his girlfriend, Polina Wright, 25, how to clean an AR-style rifle on Thursday when the gun discharged a loaded round into her forehead, according to the Ocala Police Department.

News from the FedGov.

WASHINGTON — A U.S. Secret Service (USSS) agent accidentally shot and injured himself Saturday evening. He is expected to survive.

According to USSS, the agent was on duty during the “negligent discharge” while he was handling his weapon shortly before 8 p.m. in the area of 32nd and Fessenden streets Northwest. His injuries were not life threatening, and the officer was taken to a hospital for evaluation and treatment. USSS says no one else was injured in the incident.

Fiddling with your weapons, muzzle flagging people, ammunition in proximity to guns being cleaned instead of another room, no trigger discipline, and on and on the failures go.

It’s a good thing they aren’t really supposed to protect us according to numerous court precedents. With friends like that, who needs enemies?

You’re never in more danger than when you are around police. There is no situation so bad that it cannot be made worse by the presence of the police.

Twin Falls Gun Shops, Police at Odds Over Alleged ‘Gun Registration’ Program

BY Herschel Smith
6 months, 3 weeks ago


Several gun shops in Twin Falls are alleging that the Twin Falls Police Department is maintaining a form of “gun registration” and that the police are trying to force them into the program under the threat of law.

Editorial comment: what law says they can force this on FFLs? Pay attention, cite it, do your homework, and be precise.

Idaho Dispatch sat down with the owners of Quick Response Firearms (Tara and Daniel Corsini) and Homestead Tactical (Joshua Van Dyke), both located in Twin Falls. Both shops say TFPD is trying to force them to use a program called “LeadsOnline.” They claim the program not only acts as a de facto “gun registration program” because it requires personal information about the customer selling the gun as well as information about the firearm being sold.

TFPD allegedly told the gun shops that the program helps them catch criminals faster.

The dispute between the gun shops and the police department is over secondhand purchases of firearms by the gun shops.

According to the Corsinis and Van Dyke, federal law already requires them to maintain a list of every firearm that is sold to or by the shop as well as the personal information of the buyer and seller. The gun shops maintain an “Acquisition and Disposition Log” with every customer’s personal information as required by the ATF. Both gun shops say the log is maintained offline, customer personal information is protected, and personal information is only disclosed in the event of an active investigation.

For example, the Corsinis said two firearms they purchased from a customer were reported stolen early in 2023. The Twin Falls police investigated who sold the Corsinis the guns, and the items were returned to their owner. The Corsinis said they worked with the police, and because there was an active investigation, they were able to give them the necessary information for the case.

The Corsinis say they have purchased over 8,000 firearms since they began business in 2019 and that, to date, those are the only two stolen firearms they have ever had. Van Dyke says he has not had any stolen firearms sold to his business to date.

Approximately one year after the stolen firearms were returned, the Corsinis and Van Dyke say police started “harassing” them to use LeadsOnline, an online program used by law enforcement agencies across the country. The Corsinis noted that not all interactions with law enforcement were negative, but one detective, who was not named, allegedly told them they had to comply or face misdemeanor charges.

[ … ]

Additionally, Idaho Dispatch asked LeadsOnline who can access the information collected by the Twin Falls police. LeadsOnline told Idaho Dispatch that each agency controls who can access the data they are gathering.

Finally, Idaho Dispatch asked LeadsOnline what would happen if the FBI, ATF, or any other federal agency asked for data from a law enforcement agency. What would LeadsOnline require to turn over that data? However, no answer to this question was provided.

Idaho Dispatch contacted Lieutenant Craig Stotts (listed as a media contact) with the TFPD to ask why personal information regarding the secondhand firearms purchases by gun shops was required, if the gun shops already maintain that information in their Acquisition and Disposition Log, and if LeadsOnline does not require it to be gathered.

Additionally, Idaho Dispatch asked Stotts for a response to the gun shops’ claims of harassment by TFPD, claims that the shops faced misdemeanor charges, and whether they believed LeadsOnline was serving as a de facto gun registration program.

Idaho Dispatch emailed and called Stotts, but we have not received a response to any of our questions.

Van Dyke says one of his biggest concerns is the collection of personal information by the police, which he said is a violation of the 4th Amendment.

One of the comments stated that Merick Garland met with Idaho law enforcement just prior to these threats by law enforcement.

Sure enough, that’s true. Said one LEO, ““You never know,” Huff said. “I’ve never met somebody that high up in the government, and quite honestly, I was impressed with how down to earth the attorney general was, as far as just taking the time out of his schedule to hear from the local officers.”

What is it with local and state law enforcement when they meet up with the FedGov? What makes them swoon like little girls and do what they’re told?

Anyway, this is your daily reminder that cops are not your friend.

And perhaps another in the frequent reminders that Idaho isn’t perfect. In fact, I’ve been quite surprised lately in just how bad the place can be with it’s corruption (especially the governor and executive branch). I think the people of Idaho need to take back their government.

Via Wisco.

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