They destroyed excavators, and they politely admit to it.
I accuse the @rcmpgrcpolice of committing crimes. Trespass. Break & enter. Mischief over $5,000. Breach of trust. Intimidation. The only question is: who ordered this illegal action? Kenney, Trudeau or Trudeau’s crooked commissioner Brenda Lucki?
Next up, they’re planning false flags, or at least, they’re trying to pin things on the truckers in an attempt to wow the stupid “Karens” of the country. They also did the same thing at Coutts.
But the truckers in Ottawa are standing firm at the moment.
Cops. What a bunch of hoodlums and gangsters. Despicable and detestable.
The Ontario Provincial Police said in a statement it launched an internal investigation into the incident, adding it “raised concerns about professionalism and depicts opinions that are not in line with the OPP’s values.”
“We recognize that views expressed by the member has caused public upset,” the OPP wrote in a statement on Twitter. “The OPP does not condone current illegal activity.”
It added: “Officers must maintain the highest standard of conduct, integrity, and ethical behavior.”
The gang can’t be seen agreeing with the poors and peasants, can they now?
So this is good. It’s good because it once again demonstrates that the police are on the side of the globalists and will always and forever serve their globalist masters, and it will serve to convince the people that the police are not on their side.
This is actually extremely bad for the police. Assuming, that is, the judge doesn’t hold them in contempt, in which case it goes from bad to worse.
“As seen in the body-worn camera video released by Minneapolis Police, Mr. Locke appears to be sleeping on the couch during the execution of a no-knock warrant, “ stated Bryan Strawser, Chair, Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus. “He is awoken with a confusing array of commands coming from multiple officers who are pointing lights and firearms at him.”
“Mr. Locke did what many of us might do in the same confusing circumstances, he reached for a legal means of self-defense while he sought to understand what was happening, “ added Rob Doar, Senior VP, Governmental Affairs.
“The tragic circumstances of Mr. Locke’s death were completely avoidable, “ stated Doar. “It’s yet another example where a no-knock warrant has resulted in the death of an innocent person. In this case, as in others, the public should expect and receive full transparency and accountability from law enforcement agencies that serve and protect our local communities.”
“Amir Locke, a lawful gun owner, should still be alive, “ added Strawser. “Black men, like all citizens, have a right to keep and bear arms. Black men, like all citizens, have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable search and seizure.”
The deceased wasn’t a suspect in any crime. Now he is dead.
No, I don’t want full transparency. No, there will never be full accountability for all of the thousands killed in police raids in America.
What I want is for this wicked practice to be outlawed. The men who perpetrate it aren’t heroes of the community. They are paid thugs doing the bidding of a police state.
There is some utopianism here, some tip of the hat to “we the government are here to help and make things better by fighting a war on drugs.”
I … DON’T … CARE … ABOUT … YOUR … WAR … ON … DRUGS. Nor do I support it. I don’t want you to conduct a war on anything.
There is also some tip of the hat to tax collection going on here. The FedGov gets taxes from the legal (and also addictive) narcotics sold by doctors/pharmacies. They just don’t get it when something natural is crafted by makers of liquor.
WILKES COUNTY, N.C. — A Wilkes County man pleaded guilty on Friday in Charlotte for distilling moonshine, according to The Charlotte Observer.
Clifton Ray Anderson Jr., 47, is from a farm community of Boomer and is the fifth person to plead guilty for a white-lightning distribution ring out of the county.
Anderson Jr. pled guilty to possession of an unregistered still and conspiracy to defraud the United States of excise taxes on distilled liquor.
Of his role in the ring, Anderson Jr. said “I’m the distiller. I’m the one who made it.” He said he was trying to help out the poor people in the community. He said many people struggle and don’t even receive food stamps in their county.
Anderson said he is a cattle farmer seven days a week and didn’t need the money, but did it as a service to others.
Prosecutors said Anderson leased a barn for $500 a month to produce more than 9,000 gallons of untaxed liquor from April 2018 to September 2020. He leased the barn from Gary Matthew Ray, 53, who has already pled guilty in the case.
Ray, along with Wilkesboro resident Roger Nance, 76, and Hamptonville resident Huie Kenneth Nicholson, 75, drove the moonshine to Virginia. They delivered it to James Patterson, 71, of Dinwiddie, Virginia to sell and distribute.
The ring cost the government over $100,000 in federal and state taxes. The conspiracy and illegal-still possession charges each carry a sentence of up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
Did you catch the part in bold? That’s sort of like the street thief saying you cost him money by buttoning your pocket when you walked down the street.
And it doesn’t slip past me that the liquor tax began when George Washington found a way to pay the back wages of the soldiers after the war of independence. Congress failed him by not coming up with the money promised to the soldiers, and he found a way. But this set the worst precedent imaginable.
We covered it here, based on the awesome reporting done by
Oh no. No, no, no, no, no.
It should not be that easy. This shouldn’t just go away. The Police Chief should be charged with crimes.
Additionally, the original article mentions the following names: (1) Jefferson County District Attorney Danny Carr, and (2) Judge Jim Wooten.
They didn’t just know it was going on, the helped to perpetrate the crimes. They too should be up on charges, as should the entire city council, who also had to know this was going on.
Ramon Perez came to court last month ready to fight the tickets he’d been handed by Brookside police, including one for rolling through a stop sign and another for driving 48 mph in a 40 zone.
He swore he’d seen the cop from a distance and was careful as he braked.
“I saw him and we looked eye to eye,” the Chelsea business owner said. “There’s no way I was going to run that stop sign.”
When he got to court Dec. 2, he saw scores of people just like him lining up to stand before Judge Jim Wooten, complaining of penny-ante “crimes” and harassment by officers. He saw so many people trying to park in the grassy field outside the municipal building that police had to direct traffic.
He figured there was no point.
“I saw the same attitude in every officer and every person,” he said. “That’s why I hesitated to fight it. They were doing the same thing to every person that was there. They own the town.”
Perez, it appears, was right.
Months of research and dozens of interviews by found that Brookside’s finances are rocket-fueled by tickets and aggressive policing. In a two-year period between 2018 and 2020 Brookside revenues from fines and forfeitures soared more than 640 percent and now make up half the city’s total income.
If the Alabama AG had any balls and wasn’t part of the corruption, he’d be all over this. This is certainly reason enough to have cameras constantly rolling when you’re driving, and especially during interaction with cops.
It’s a shame when it has come to this. City government is corrupt, and cops are their armed agents for collection. But the cops know what they’re doing, and they’re culprits as well. If it weren’t for the fact that they can so easily find evil men to enforce their policies, the city would be powerless.
Hey, how about pastors in Alabama taking on the evils of government in a sermon series? Spineless cowards with no balls, you say? Rather talk about pretty butterflies and love all around?
Alabama Sheriffs Association (ASA) director Robert ‘Bobby’ Timmons is standing by his criticism of the Constitutional carry bills set to be debated in the Alabama legislature, even going so far as to say he would support amending the United States Constitution.
Timmons has claimed several times that the Second Amendment was not written to give citizens the right to carry a weapon in a concealed fashion, saying that the amendment was only written to allow citizens to have weapons to defend their homes.
Given his interpretation of the Second Amendment, 1819 News asked Timmons if ASA would support amending the Constitution to limit the Second Amendment to the possession of firearms only for the defense of a person’s home.
“Oh yeah,” Timmons said. “I’d be in favor of that. But, I mean, it would never get passed.”
According to Timmons, the ASA is working with Mom’s Demand Action – which bills itself as a “grassroots movement” that fights for more restrictive gun laws – to fight against Constitutional carry laws that have been introduced into the current session of the Alabama legislature. “Constitutional carry” is a term used to describe legislation that would allow citizens to legally carry handguns without having to purchase a permit from their local Sheriff’s office.
Three bills pre-filed in the Alabama House and Senate would legalize permitless or “Constitutional Carry” in the state. Rep. Andrew Sorell (R) pre-filed House Bill 44 (HB44), along with a coalition of 38 Republicans. The bill would eliminate the need for a person to obtain a concealed carry permit in order to carry a pistol. It would also repeal and revise certain restrictions on the carrying or possession of a firearm in a motor vehicle or on certain property or locations.
Rep. Shane Stringer (R) and Rep. Proncey Robertson (R) pre-filed House Bill 6 (HB6). Sen. Tim Melson filed an identical companion bill in the Senate (SB12). These two bills would also allow for “permitless carry” and would create a process for the return of seized pistols.
All three bills would leave the current concealed carry permitting system in place for Alabamans who want to obtain a license in order to carry concealed in states with CCDW reciprocity with Alabama.
So not only is the Sheriffs association being led by someone who doesn’t believe in the 2A, they are working with a gun control group to kill constitutional carry in Alabama.
It sounds to me like Alabamans have some trash to carry out. This is on y’all. You have work to do. Get it done. And find out who else in the respective Sheriffs departments supports this guy and his agenda. Carry out that trash too.
An off-duty police officer in Coushatta, Louisiana, and three other men are accused of hunting deer illegally at night from a patrol car on Dec. 5. Wildlife agents issued poaching citations to all four individuals.
According to a press release from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, game wardens initially responded to the sound of gunshots on the east side of the Red River near Coushatta around 8 p.m. on Sunday. When the agents arrived in the area, they found a vehicle spotlighting deer in an open field on private property.
Upon nearing the vehicle, they realized that it was a patrol unit from the Coushatta Police Department. The agents approached the four men in the vehicle, and identified one of them as Javarrea Pouncy, 28, an officer with Coushatta P.D. who was off duty at the time. The other three individuals were identified as Cederick J. Thomas, 36, of Vivian; Anthony B. Caldwell, 31, of Coushatta; and Adam J. Caldwell, 30, of Natchitoches.
Anthony Caldwell, a convicted felon according to the release, was arrested for being in possession of a firearm and for hunting without a license. He was booked in the local jail later that night.
Adam Caldwell and Pouncy were also cited for hunting without a license. All four men were cited for hunting deer during illegal hours, and for hunting from a moving vehicle.
After searching the patrol car and questioning the four men, wildlife agents found them in possession of two antlered deer—one 8-point and one spike—along with three rifles. They determined that Anthony Caldwell harvested the eight-point while Thomas harvested the spike buck. Both deer and the rifles were seized.
In addition to these citations, the Red River Parish Sheriff’s Office has charged the four individuals with trespassing. The Sheriff’s Office will continue its investigation and may have more charges pending for Pouncy. The local police chief told Shreveport’s KSLA12 News that Pouncy has been put on leave, and that he will likely be suspended until the investigation is complete.
Okay. Well, let’s see here. Hunting without a license, hunting after dark, hunting from a moving vehicle, and spotlighting deer, all things I learned not to do when I got my hunting license (and knew it anyway).
Then to boot, he was around a felon in possession of a firearm.
Good grief. But it will take an “investigation” to clear all of this up.