Archive for the 'Police' Category

USPIS Agents Force Veteran Amputee To Crawl

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

That’s US Postal Inspection Service agents, to be exact.

Not only did these New York Division of the United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) officers neglect to bring an accessible van with a power-lift, they REFUSED Brian – a triple amputee – access to and the use of his wheelchair, which was sitting in his home, yards away from no less than fifteen USPIS officers!

What is even more unbelievable is that these crazed New York State USPIS officers not only deprived Brian of his wheelchair, they also pointedly denied Brian the use of his prosthetics! Prosthetics are, to a person who uses them every day to get around, akin to the eyeglasses many of us need, day-to-day. so we can see to get around, the hearing aids we use, so we can hear to get along and the canes some of us may need. No difference, all accommodations to a temporary or permanent disability. Yet these NY USPIS officers pointedly deprived Brian of the accommodations he specifically needs to move around day-to-day as person with a disability: his wheelchair and his prosthetics.

They forced this United States’ veteran to crawl. They even all stood by and watched while he crawled. The officers who conducted this arrest, their New York bosses and the U.S. DOJ Southern District of New York (SDNY) attorneys who ordered this arrest in this fashion, should be losing sleep over this incident. More to the point they should have lost their jobs by now.

No, that’s the easy way out.  They should have been shot on sight.

Police officer fires gun and wounds man after accidentally being hit by deputy’s Taser

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

News from Nevada.

Snippets of newly released body camera video show the moment a Nevada police officer unintentionally shot a man after that officer was hit with a Taser discharged by a sheriff’s deputy, the Reno Police Department said.

The Reno police posted edited footage on Sunday from an incident in which Washoe County sheriff’s deputies intended to subdue a suspect with a Taser dart because the man was allegedly not complying with deputy’s orders, Reno Police Deputy Chief Tom Robinson said.

Reno police officers attempted to help the deputies get the suspect into custody, Robinson said.

“At one point, while a deputy was giving verbal commands to the suspect, the suspect stepped toward the deputies,” Robinson said.

The deputy fired his Taser and missed the suspect. Instead, the Taser struck the knee of a Reno police officer, who fired his firearm once, striking the suspect in the shoulder.

Reno police did not clarify how they determined the officer discharged his weapon unintentionally. The department did not release the name of the officer or the suspect.

Did I hear somebody say “Reno 911?”

More Charges Against Houston SWAT Officers In The Raid Against Disabled Navy Veteran Dennis Tuttle

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Dean Weingarten.

The raid was based on lies told to the court, about drug sales that never happened, to obtain the warrant. The couple were not drug dealers. When armed men burst into their home, without warning, and killed their dog, Denis Tuttle is said to have fought back with his .357 revolver.

Dennis and his wife Rhogena and their dog were all killed. The organizer of the raid, then officer Gerald Goins, was wounded in the neck. He could not talk. That may be why the coverup fell apart. Three other officers were wounded.

Over the next year and a half, investigations forced onto the Houston police department by citizens, the FBI, the Tuttle family, and the Harris County Prosecutor, unraveled a story of corruption and lack of accountability that lead to the Tuttle deaths.

Now, a year and a half after the murder of Dennis Tuttle and Rhogena Nicholas, a grand jury has come out with indictments for four more officers. All of the officers retired since the investigation into the raid began.

Prosecutors charged six officers, including Goins and Bryant, on 1 July, 2020.

These charges won’t bring the lives back that they snuffed out on a lie.  But it may bring some measure of accountability to the corrupt PD of Art Acevedo.  Everything Art touches turns to crap, but something tells me that this PD was corrupt from the beginning, and SWAT teams are especially susceptible to this corruption.  As I said when Art went to Houston, they deserve each other.

Phoenix Police Department Cop Shoots Home Owner In The Back Three Times

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

News from Arizona.

Ryan Whitaker was sitting at home with his girlfriend playing video games when he was killed by police.

A noise complaint from an annoyed neighbor resulted in cops shooting and killing a man within five seconds of him opening his front door.

Ryan Whitaker opened the door holding a gun in his right hand which is legal in Arizona but it made the cops fear for their lives.

However, the cops never gave him a chance to put the gun down which he appeared to be trying to do when one cop shot him in the back three times.

“Why did you guys shoot him?” Whitaker’s girlfriend, Brandee Nees, yelled as she stepped into the doorway.

“He just pulled a gun on us, ma’am,” Phoenix police officer Jeff Cooke said.

“Because it’s dark and someone just knocked on the door,” Nees responded.

When Phoenix police officer John Ferragamo asked Nees if she and Whitaker had been fighting, she told him they were only playing video games.

“Literally we were making salsa and playing Crash Bandicoot so there may have been some screaming from PlayStation but it wasn’t domestic violence or anything,” she said.

The incident took place on May 22 after an upstairs neighbor called police to complain about the noise.

“I gotta get to work tomorrow and I’m getting no sleep,” said the neighbor in the second 911 call he made to police at 10:44 p.m.

When the dispatcher asked if the verbal argument has turned physical, he said it had turned physical but sounded as if he was just saying that to get police to respond quicker.

“It could be physical,” he said. “I could say yeah if that makes anybody hurry on up. Get anybody here faster.”

The cops arrived eight minutes later and knocked on the door with one of them yelling “Phoenix police” before both of them stepped off to the side, making it impossible for anybody to see them through the peephole. When Whitaker opened the door with the gun to his side, the cops shined their flashlights in his face, blinding him before noticing the gun.

“Whoa! Hands! Hands! Hands!” Ferragamo yelled as Whitaker lowered his body with his left hand in the air and his right hand appearing to be putting the gun down.

Cooke then fired three times, shooting him in the back.

And just like that, he’s dead.

If cops ever wondered why they’re hated by Antifa and patriots alike, look no further than this example.  The tell-tale sign of a problem is that the victim was shot in the back.

In … the … back.  As he was trying to get on the floor.  Video is at the link.

There are two criminals here.  First, the 911 caller should be charged with a false police report.  Second, the cop should be charged with homicide.

Not fired, not investigated by internal affairs, not hidden from public view, but charged and imprisoned.  The video proves what he did.  What more is there to know?

Armed Neighborhood Patrols: The Future Of America

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Via Insty, this quote (because I don’t quote information from behind a paywall).

Minneapolis residents in some areas still recovering from rioting and unrest are forming community watch and security groups, some bearing firearms, to fight a surge of crime in the wake of the George Floyd killing in May. At least one neighborhood has put up barricades to keep away outsiders.

The moves come as the city council on Friday approved its first permanent cuts to the police budget, amid calls to defund the department and generally lower tax revenue due to the economic strain caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The $193 million police budget will be cut by $10 million, including making permanent some temporary spending measures—including a hiring freeze—put in place in June. Around $1 million from the police budget is being shifted to a program called Cure Violence that tries to prevent things such as retaliatory shootings through community engagement. . . .

Police say the increase in crime follows a pattern seen in Ferguson, Mo., and other places where there have been high-profile officer-involved deaths and protests. Police say that, while some in the city seem to believe police have given up, officers remain on patrol throughout the city.

As riots played out across the city in late May and early June, a group of Black gun owners responded to a call from the local NAACP and patrolled the mostly African-American West Broadway business district for 10 nights, keeping the area free of looting or arson without firing a shot, said Jamil Jackson, a leader of the group called the Minnesota Freedom Fighters, which advocates for Black gun ownership. . . .

Council member Linea Palmisano said armed neighborhood patrols, or even efforts to just keep unfamiliar people out of a neighborhood, opens a Pandora’s box.

“We are lurching for solutions,” she said, noting she doesn’t support the idea of doing away with the police department but supports the idea of letting residents vote on it.

With the neighborhood patrols, “you could very easily create the same things we rally against,” she said.

In late June, residents near a commercial strip that had been looted, and the 3rd Precinct station that was abandoned and burned, were seeing a surge of shooting and drug-related crime on their block.

“It got to the point where crime had no consequences,” said Tania Rivera, 30, who runs a child-care center with her mother. “It was being done deliberately out in the open. Drive-through drug dealing, drive-through prostitution, everything from gunshots to assaults to sex out in the public. Everything you didn’t want your neighborhood to look like.”

So after a number of community meetings, neighbors began constructing a barrier to close off two blocks of their street, first with trash cans, then debris. For a while, a boat on a trailer protected one intersection. Eventually, a nearby iron maker constructed a permanent gate. Police gave their approval as long as emergency responders could get through if requested by the neighborhood.

Neighborhood men also began an armed patrol, kicking out anyone who didn’t belong on the block after dark.

And thus it will be in the future, everywhere.

If the current communist revolution in America has done nothing else, it seems to have convinced people of the truth concerning police, i.e., [1] they are beholden to and controlled by the local political powers and will do their bidding, and [2] they were never really there to protect people to begin with.

Regular readers already know, based on Castle Rock v. Gonzales and Warren v. D.C., that the police aren’t there to provide protection anyway.

Now, the mask has not just slipped down, but completely off.  Men must protect their families, legally and morally.  It’s the righteous thing to do.

Churches Report Chicago Officials are Threatening to Bulldoze Their Facilities for Not Complying with COVID-19 Mandates

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

News from the hell hole.

The lawyer for two Chicago churches has reported that city officials informed his clients that they would consider bulldozing their facilities if they do not comply with COVID-19 edicts.

Matt Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said on Wednesday that the city is classifying his clients as “public nuisances.” He said they were issued a letter declaring that the city “has the power and duty to cause all nuisances affecting the health of the public to be abated.” The letter threatened a “summary abatement,” which would mean the destruction of the facilities without due process.

Staver said during an appearance on the “Todd Starnes Radio Show” that he is seeking an emergency injunction and hopes to take the case to the Supreme Court. The motion for the injunction is headed to the desk of SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh right now.

Rev. Cristian Ionescu, one of the pastors being represented in this case, also told Starnes that he has received citations from the city for violating COVID-19 policies. Metro Praise International’s Pastor Joe Wyrostek reported receiving the “summary abatement” threatening his facility with destruction if he holds a service with more than 10 people.

“We are very disappointed with all of this, including not being considered as essential in the beginning, as a church,” Wyrostek said to NBC Chicago.

Even as violent crime spikes, Chicago city officials use limited police forces to snoop on churches and enforce shutdown mandates in Christian places of worship. This is part of a nationwide trend of left-wing government bureaucrats using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to attack Christianity.

So let’s assume that Justice Kavanaugh does nothing with this (I think that’s a fairly good bet).  Then what?

Here’s the best bet (I would actually wager money on it if I was a gambling man, but that runs contrary to my beliefs).

The local police, I assume CPD, will be involved in eviction and the protection of workers while they tear the church building to the ground.  I watched some videos taken by Christians in China while the Chinese government razed their buildings to the ground.  I assume this will look somewhat like that.

But fear not.  Even if your local hardware store has been run out of business in the war on the middle class, you can pack Home Depot and Lowe’s wall to wall with people.  So you can spend your Lord’s day sabbath throwing money at lumber and beautification projects with all the other Lemmings.

Michelle Malkin Attacked In Denver: Denver Chief Of Police Plays Nice With Antifa And BLM

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

This string of Twitter posts explains what happened to Michelle Malkin in Denver.

So if there are any questions about where the Denver police stand, they can be answered by one picture.

Says Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen, ” … these biases exist within the health care world, economics, and housing.  “If not now, when? This is a global movement we have to do it and do it now.”

You see, this isn’t all about the actions of a cop in another state.  It’s about housing, and other things like that.  And we have to do it.  We have to do it now.

I’ve said before that Michelle Malkin is a good and decent woman who showed tremendous care for Marines and soldiers deployed overseas during OIF and OEF.

But she has a weakness, i.e., alignment with law enforcement.  Cops will end up being the instruments of force against those who see things differently than Antifa/BLM.

They are not your friends.  They will obey orders to keep a job and pension.  If that means confiscation of guns, they will do it.  It it means confiscation and redistribution of property for the reasons of “social justice” and reparations, they will do it.

They are not your friend.  They are not Michelle’s friend.

EDIT: More.

Malkin also claimed MacLachlan “was beaten with just minutes after praying” by Black Lives Matter protesters using a bullhorn and a longhorn. She also said police Chief Pazen, “who marched with BLM last month, let pro-police patriots get beaten and silenced.”

No. They didn’t “let patriots get beaten and silenced.”  They aren’t there to protect patriots.  They were there to protect Antifa.  Patriots let patriots get beaten and silenced.  And patriots shouldn’t be there supporting people who will “let” them get beaten and silenced.

What Cops In Florida Spend Their Time On: Harassing Open Carry Fishermen

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

News from Tampa.

Police officials said the protest had grown from 40 to nearly 100 and had blocked traffic for nearly an hour. Then, after several warnings to disperse, officers moved in at 1:28 p.m. to arrest the “organizers and leaders of the protest.” The officers said objects were thrown at them, so more officers were sent to the area.

I mention that to say that while these riots are going on, police in other areas aren’t assisting, aren’t making sure that Antifa/BLM are corralled, and aren’t making sure that the communists are under control.

Instead, they are working to ensure that they bully open carry fishermen all over Florida as much as they can, pointing AR-15s their way, harassing them, and issuing bogus citations.

Shameful.  They are their own worst enemy.  If any ever wonder why they are not only hated on the left, and are beginning to be hated on the right, they need to go no further than look in the mirror.

Massad Ayoob’s Bad Advice

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

This first video post-dates the second one I’m embedding.  It’s Massad Ayoob’s answer to the second video I’m embedding.  I’m interested in reader reactions to Massad’s advice.  I’ve already told you what I think in the post title.  And while we’re at it, take careful note that this is ground that smarter people that Ayoob have covered in detail.

Florida Sheriff Darryl Daniels Is Just An Opportunistic Liar

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

Some folks jumped on the statement by Clay County Sheriff Darryl Daniels that he would deputize gun owners in response to Antifa/BLM.  I didn’t.  I did some research.

“God is absent from the media’s message or Black Lives Matter or any other group out there that’s making themselves a spectacle, disrupting what we know to be our quality of life in this country,” he continued. “In Clay County, we have a great quality of life, we have a great relationship with our community.”

“Lawlessness — that’s unacceptable in this country. Lawlessness — that’s unacceptable in Clay County,” Daniels said. “If you threaten to come to Clay County and think that for one second we’ll bend our backs for you, you’re sadly mistaken.”

“I know what happens when lawlessness prevails,” he continued, adding, “God is raising up men and women, just like the folks you see standing behind me, who will have strong backbones and will stand in the gap between lawlessness and the good citizenry that we’re sworn to protect and serve.”

[ … ]

“If we can’t handle you, you know what I’ll do? I will exercise the power and authority as the sheriff, and I will make special deputies of every lawful gun owner in this county,” he said. “And I’ll deputize them for this one purpose: to stand in the gap between lawlessness and civility. That’s what we’re sworn to do, and that’s what we’re going to do.”

“You’ve been warned,” he concluded.

He sounds like a man with honor, yes?  Maybe not so much.

The wife of embattled Clay County Sheriff Darryl Daniels has filed for divorce, and his corrections officer mistress has resigned from the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office.

Court records shows Denise Daniels filed the paperwork Friday, checking the box next to “The marriage is irretrievably broken” on the petition form.

The filing comes almost a year after Officer Cierra Smith was stripped of her duties when the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office internal affairs division launched an investigation into several complaints of misconduct. Those complaints included that she had sex in the office with her boss, then-jail chief Darryl Daniels, before he was elected sheriff in Clay County.

But he got what he wanted out of this.  The race for election again has been stirred up.  Oh, and about that promise to deputize gun owners?  You guessed it.

Clay County Sheriff Darryl Daniels clarified on Wednesday the statements he made warning Black Lives Matter protesters that he can deputize “every lawful gun owner” in the county.

In the video clearing up his headline-producing statements, Daniels said: “We have not given, and will never give anybody the autonomy or approval under the name of the Clay County Sheriff’s Office.”

He added that authorizing local residents to use deadly force on protesters would be a violation of his duties as a sheriff and of state statute.

“That is our responsibility,” said Daniels. “But when it comes to protecting this county, that is more than the sheriff’s office responsibility. It’s us collectively, it’s our county, it’s our community and our responsibility to police ourselves together, but when it comes to authority, the authority is the Clay County Sheriff’s Office and every sworn law enforcement officer in this jurisdiction.”

So he’s a liar and adulterer who was looking for a hook for reelection.  There you have it.

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