Archive for the 'Police' Category

Open Texas Protestors Arrested By SWAT Unit With Armored Vehicle

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

Yeesh!  What a bunch of entitled, fat ass geezers with expensive toys on our expense.  I’m talking about the cops.

Oh, and I don’t want to hear another word about how great Texas is. Texas is just like every other state. All fifty states are full of little tyrants. Close your eyes. Go out into public. Open them. Somewhere near you is a tyrant.

Wisconsin Cops Bully Mom For Letting Her Daughter Play At Neighbor’s House

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

Here is the video.  Watch it.  The indignation dripping from the cop’s words is loathsome and detestable.

The cops, other than being bullies, used an old tactic to get her to confess to a crime which isn’t really a crime.  Here is how it all should have gone down.

“Cops: Ma’am, do I need to read …”

Lady, interrupting: “Excuse me, do you have a warrant to be on my property?  Because if you don’t you’re trespassing.  If not, get off of my property.”

Cops: “Ma’am we just need to talk to you about …”

Lady: “Show a warrant or get off of my property.”

Cops: “The record will reflect that you’re being uncooperative.”

Lady: “Speak to my attorney.”

So the things we learn (again) are these.  First, people still aren’t aware that you don’t talk to law enforcement.  Please, please people.  Learn the lessons from others.  Don’t talk to cops.

Second, cops will always obey orders.  That includes confiscations of guns if ordered to, constitution be damned.  These cops even seemed to like their duty to bully the woman.

Third, this woman was turned in by someone.  That means there’s a snitch.  Remember, 50% of America voted for Hillary Clinton.  Fifty percent of Americans believe in complete fealty to the state.  Fifty percent of Americans will turn you in for even a small infraction of some law or regulation they believe exists.

Never forget that.

Canadian Shooter Was Disguised As Police

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

Something you may have missed in the recent news about the Canadian shooting incident.

Through the morning Sunday, police updates about the active shooter investigation included warnings that Wortman was considered dangerous and may have been dressed as an RCMP officer in a lookalike RCMP vehicle.

“The fact that this individual had a uniform and a police car at his disposal certainly speaks to it not being a random act,” Leather said.

This individual was dressed in a uniform and had a vehicle that looked like it was a police vehicle.  Today, cops all over America, either the tacticool type who want to wear black shirts, khaki pants and drop holsters, or the sloppy and undisciplined ones who just don’t care, make it even more difficult to determine who is a cop and who isn’t.

So to reiterate a point to cops everywhere.  You understand, don’t you, why you can’t just stand at our door and yell “Police, get on the floor now,” and us believe that you are who you say you are?  We can’t believe it if you’re driving a car, standing at our doorway, or crossing paths with us on the roadside.

We just can’t believe you, because it may be the last mistake we ever make.

For The Sake Of “Public Safety”

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

Florida Man Exonerated In Deputy Shooting

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

News from Florida.

Citing the Stand Your Ground law, the Fifth District Court of Appeals dismissed the longstanding charges against a Port St. John man accused of shooting a Brevard County Sheriff’s deputy during a botched arrest in front of his home in 2015.

The decision, issued Wednesday, ends the prosecution of John DeRossett, 60, on the attempted premeditated first-degree murder of a law enforcement officer while discharging a firearm, News 6 partner Florida Today reported.

DeRossett spent nearly five years at the Brevard County Jail Complex in Sharpes as he awaited a trial. He was allowed to leave on bond in March.

“The appellate decision is better than a jury acquittal. An acquittal only means not guilty. This order means that John is innocent, that his actions were justified, and that he never should have been arrested in the first place. It’s a total vindication,” said Michael Panella, DeRossett’s Orlando-based attorney.

“Great, great. Thank God. Thank Jesus. Thank everybody, thank you. You just don’t know, how it feels, you know? I’m trying to hold the tears back,” DeRossett said in a statement issued to Florida Today.

Florida Today reached out to Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey for comment, but no statements have been released.

The appellate court found that DeRosset, whose attorneys argued that he did not know he was firing at deputies, was entitled to protect his home against what he thought was a threat.

Prosecutors and Brevard County sheriff’s investigators said DeRossett opened fire at deputies who were arresting his niece on a prostitution charge.

DeRossett’s attorney’s argued that he did not know who the men were confronting his niece and that he was responding to her screams for help at the front door.

The shooting took place as the sheriff’s office investigated reports of prostitution taking place at the home Mary Ellis DeRossett, 47, shared with her uncle, DeRossett.

Good.  Now in order to close the loop on this ordeal, throw the district attorney who jailed him in prison for five years.

Listen.  I don’t care who you are or what your claim to authority is.  You don’t do something in or near another man’s home without specific and explicit approval from the head of the household.  Not someone who happens to live there – the head of the household.

I don’t care what this woman did.  The cops didn’t talk to the head of the household.  Maybe next time they should knock, ask to speak to the head of the household, and explain their position.

If the man thought his niece was under threat, he had a right to shoot, regardless of who was at the door.

Raleigh Police: “Protesting Is A Non-Essential Activity”

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

Legal Insurrection.

Our Founding Fathers never once said that the rights given to us by our Creator go out the door in the case of a viral pandemic.

In other words, the Constitution still exists and it still protects us from tyrants.

The Raleigh Police Department had the nerve to tell someone on Twitter that protesting is a non-essential activity.

[ … ]

Do you know why the Founding Fathers added the freedom of assembly into the amendment? The tyrannical English monarchy also did not find protesting or freedom to assemble an essential activity. Quaker William Penn faced charges for simply preaching in public in 1670. The jury found him innocent, but it made the citizens realize that they have a right to assemble.

Then right before the Revolutionary War, the monarchy made the British forces use their power to restrict protests after Parliament passed stupid taxes.

The British forces did just that. In 1770 these forces committed the Boston Massacre. The British army quickly ended protests in New York and *gasp* North Carolina.

It’s precisely in times like this that the bill of rights DOES apply.  It’s easy to acquiesce to God-given rights when times are easy.  When the .gox Ox gets gored is precisely the time those rights matter.

If those rights are dishonored when the .gov decides that it’s inconvenient, then the rights are dishonored all of the time.

And as I’ve said before, the circumstances in which we find ourselves has turned the lights on and instead of the cock roaches scattering, they’re fighting.  They self-identified, and hopefully, Americans will remember.

And just a reminder that if the Raleigh cops will dishonor the right of peaceable assembly, and the cops in Kentucky will ticket peaceable men and women for attending worship, they will follow orders to confiscate firearms under the pretext of “public safety.”

You can bet on it.  As regular readers know since we’ve discussed this many times before, you’re never in more danger than when the police are around.  If you don’t get shot by one of them intentionally, you’re in danger of a trigger-happy boob sending a round down range by an ND or because he’s a scared little boy, or in this instance, you’re in danger of being arrested or ticketed for exercising your rights.

Kentucky State Troopers Spent Their Easter Sunday Taking Down License Plate Numbers Of Congregants Who Attended Worship Services

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

News from Kentucky.

HILLVIEW, Ky. (WDRB) — The pastor of a Bullitt County church says he won’t comply with an order to self-quarantine while he and his attorney discuss their next steps.

Troopers with Kentucky State Police arrived at Maryville Baptist Church on Easter Sunday morning to record license plate information of churchgoers who attended a mass gathering during the coronarivus pandemic.

Pastor Jack Roberts and his allies have argued they have a constitutional right to continue in-person church services, and Sunday, dozens of families attended the Easter service at the Bullitt County church despite an executive order from Gov. Andy Beshear that prohibits mass gatherings in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. Beshear said Friday that anyone who participates in mass gatherings of any type during Easter weekend will be required to self-quarantine for two weeks.

The troopers placed notices under cars’ windshield wipers that say, in part, “This vehicle’s presence at this location indicates that its occupants are present at a mass gathering prohibited by Orders of the Governor and the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. As a result, this vehicle’s occupants, and anyone they come into contact with, are at risk of contracting COVID-19, a respiratory illness that can be severe and lead to death, particularly for older adults and those with underlying heart, lung, kidney and immunity issues.”

According to Beshear, the license plate information will be forwarded to local health departments, which will then present orders to self-quarantine for 14 days at the car owners’ homes. Failure to comply could result in further enforcement, the notices say.

They did this in spite of a federal court order against it.  AG Barr has made noises of coming to the assistance of congregants like this.

“During this sacred week for many Americans, AG Barr is monitoring govt regulation of religious services,” Kupec tweeted. “While social distancing policies are appropriate during this emergency, they must be applied evenhandedly & not single out religious orgs. Expect action from DOJ next week!”

This statement means nothing.  “Evenhandedly.”  “Not single out religious orgs.”  There is nothing in that statement explaining that the constitution cannot be suspended by orders of anyone.

These are very troubling signs, all of the indicators of opportunistic totalitarianism.  But useful nonetheless.

Take a look at the cops in the picture.  You’ve heard it a thousand times.  “We LEOs believe in the second amendment, and we would never obey orders to confiscate firearms.”

And now you know.  If the Kentucky state police will suspend the right to free association and public worship, they will collect firearms from peaceable men.  Because orders.  Good men in Kentucky should remember this, forever.  Those troopers are not good men.

The Kentucky State Police Commissioner is Rodney Brewer.

You Christians Can’t Gather Together And Worship!

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 11 months ago

Via David Codrea, this from PJM.

Police in Greenville, Miss., issued $500 tickets to Christians who gathered in a church parking lot to worship together in the safety of their cars on Wednesday. The Christians at Temple Baptist Church intended to honor coronavirus social distancing restrictions while gathering to worship God, but the police cracked down, regardless.

Charles E. Hamilton Jr., pastor of King James Bible Baptist Church, raised the alarm on Facebook Wednesday evening.

“The police in Greenville, MS went to Temple Baptist Church this evening and gave everyone there a ticket for $500 because they had a drive in service,” Hamilton posted. “Everyone was in their cars with the windows up listening to pastor Arthur Scott preached on the radio. What is harmful about people being in their cars listening to preaching with their windows up? Christians do you all see what is going on?”

Parishioner Chris Owens shared a video of a police officer giving him a citation for attending the drive-in worship service. In the video, Owens explains that the church wanted to comply with social distancing rules while still meeting for worship. The officer issues the citation, regardless.

David observes, “What’s telling is that not one of them refused.”

Right.  The local tyrants issued orders – take careful note, not laws – that violate constitutional rights under the auspices of public health, whatever that is (it can’t be this, because the officers made everyone less safe by demanding the congregants roll their windows down).

The police went right along, because orders.  Orders from superiors.  What does all of this tell you about whether they’ll follow orders to confiscate firearms under … public health orders?

The reason the public sees the police as enemies is because the police have declared themselves to be enemies of the people.  The police did it, not the public.

Colorado Police ‘Deeply Sorry’ For Arresting Father Caught Playing Ball With His Daughter In An Empty Park

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 11 months ago


The man, 33-year-old Matt Mooney, is a former state patrol officerLocal FOX31 reported that Mooney refused to give his identification to police officers who approached him and demanded it. Knowing he wasn’t breaking any laws, Mooney was under no legal obligation to interact with the officers. He told Fox his daughter was scared. “She’s like, ‘Daddy, I don’t want you to get arrested.’ At this point I’m thinking, ‘There’s no way they’re going to arrest me, this is insane.’ I’m telling her, ‘Don’t worry, Daddy’s not going to get arrested. I’ve done nothing wrong. Don’t worry about it,’ and then they arrest me.”

But handcuff him and stuff him in the back of a police car they did, while the officers radioed in to their supervisor to find out what to do with the man they decided wasn’t “socially distancing” properly. Mooney said the interaction with the police was the only violation of the social distancing guidelines that he had been involved in. “During the contact, none of the officers had masks on, none of them had gloves on, and they’re in my face handcuffing me, they’re touching me,” he said.

[ … ]

The Brighton Police Department is currently conducting an internal investigation into what led to officers detaining Mr. Mooney while responding to the complaint. While the investigation sorts through the different versions of what took place by witnesses who were at the park, it is evident there was an overreach by our police officers.

As officers are required to interpret several layers of state public health orders and local closures as they change, there may have been a misunderstanding about the park closure.  It is imperative that we improve communication with our front line first responders so they are up to date on the latest rules in place regarding COVID-19 for addressing public safety.

Here’s the solution to the problem.  The PD should stop hiring monkeys with an IQ of 50 to enforce layers of public health orders, because public health orders aren’t the law.

They should try to hire intelligent people who follow the constitution, which in this case would have been refusing to violate his fourth amendment rights.

Maybe just as good an idea is to hire a chief of police who wasn’t also a monkey who performs for food.

Family Court Judge Searches Home In West Virginia Without A Warrant

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 11 months ago

After I thought I had seen it all (the Sheriff of Putnam County and his uneducated orcs), from the civil rights attorney in West Virginia, now comes this.

What on earth is wrong with the folks in West Virginia?  They can make appearances of being a 2A sanctuary all they want.  When they allow tyrants to run amok, they show themselves to be liars.

Oh, and by the way, when this wayward judge declared that she would come in the man’s home without a warrant or else she would have him arrested, notice that the cop said nothing.

Nothing.  He would have followed the unconstitutional orders.

One final thought.  Judge Louise Goldston is choir director of the Highland Avenue Baptist Church in Mullens.  Some church.

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