Via Gryphon, Zero Hedge:
We are sick and tired of having dirtbags try to take our lives when all we are trying to do is protect this community and protect our families…
Well just know, we all got your number now.
We are going to be keeping track of all of ya’ll, and we’re going to make sure we hold you accountable. Every time you stir the pot on our police officers. We’ve had enough, folks.
We’re out there doing our jobs every day, putting our lives on the line for our families. Enough is enough. Now please, keep these officers in your prayers.
No narcotics were found. There were no criminals there. The raid was based on a prank or mistaken tip, or an intentional lie.
We’ve rehearsed this before, but let’s do it again for good measure. A man’s home is his castle. This is called Castle Doctrine, and it is well known, coming from English common law, which is at its root based on the Holy Scriptures.
A man has a right to defend against home invasion. No one can know if a home invasion is being conducted by cops or someone pretending to be cops (see also this). It is irresponsible and most likely deadly to lay down, disarm and obey orders when someone comes banging on your door in preparation for a home invasion. Someone doing that can’t be trusted, regardless of who it is.
This man was defending his home, nothing more, nothing less. The Houston police know that, they just don’t like guns in the hands of anyone other than cops.
Furthermore, there are other ways to conduct police investigations. I do not support or believe in the so-called “war on drugs,” or a war on anything in America. I think I’m in good company. The founders opposed a standing army or requirements to quarter troops. But in spite of this opposition, the notion that without SWAT raids the police will lose evidence is a lie and a red herring.
They can stake out homes, enter them when no one is there, arrest perpetrators in driveways in the daylight, deploy investigations instead of would-be soldier-boys who have never served overseas. By the way, my son despises the concept of men dressing in tactical garb and busting in doors who lack the courage and have never flown across the pond to do it for real. Do it in Fallujah like my son did and then maybe I’ll have some respect for you.
In this particular case, the cops weren’t protecting anyone from anything, nothing was accomplished except murder, and the cops have given more reason for people not to trust them for anything under the sun. It was an abject failure from start to finish. But then, I’ve outlined hundreds of such failures before, so this is nothing new.
But the Houston Police Officer’s Union response above was given by President Joe Gimaldi, and in his response we learn the most useful information in the whole failure. “Well just know, we all got your number now. We are going to be keeping track of all of ya’ll, and we’re going to make sure we hold you accountable. Every time you stir the pot on our police officers.”
Other than being stolid and stilted prose suitable for only an elementary school student, these are threats. The attitude is thuggish and gang-like. It’s full of hate and vengeance and threats of retaliation, just like the Crips, Bloods or MS13. “Stirring the pot” can’t be interpreted any other way than speaking one’s mind. So in other words, we can conclude that Mr. Gilmaldi only supports the first amendment with the stipulation that cops aren’t criticized.
So much for his oath. He and Art Acevedo deserve each other.