Via reader David Dietz, news from Baltimore:
Five days ago, Det. Sean Suiter, a married father of five and an 18-year veteran with the Baltimore Police, was patrolling the streets of West Baltimore around 5pm last Wednesday when he saw suspicious activity. Suiter approached a man and was shot point blank in the head, in a summary execution. He was rushed to the hospital in critical condition where he later died of his injuries.
In response, Baltimore Police reacted with ‘fire and fury’ turning the neighborhood where Suiter was shot into an “open-air prison”, shutting down city streets and enabling checkpoints for citizens while officers in tactical gear went door to door, according to Baltimore Brew. Residents were prohibited from entering their own neighborhood unless they showed proper identification, these extreme measures have been in place for 4-5 days.
“They’ve been to my house three times asking, ‘Did you hear anything? Do you know anything,’” said Edward Stanley, a local resident, who had to show a yellow slip before entering the neighborhood.
Baltimore Brew said, the neighborhood was tuned into “open-air prison”, as the complete lockdown was in attempt to collect evidence and search for the shooter.
Police initially said they needed to cordon off the area to try to capture the shooter. Police have said Suiter was in the 900 block of Bennett Place, investigating a previous homicide, when he was shot on Wednesday. So far, no arrests have been announced in the case. This morning, homicide detective Mike Newton told The Brew that the lockdown was necessary to collect evidence.
One community group took pictures of a checkpoint in West Baltimore.
Another twitter account describes how ‘the police declared marital law’, as one police officer with an assault rifle guards a corner.
This is what the U.S. Marine Corps did in Fallujah in 2007. I’ve rehearsed this too many times already, but once more for my newer readers won’t hurt anything. I watched prior to Daniel’s deployment as 80-100 fighters per month crossed the Syrian and Jordanian borders into Iraq, right up to his deployment. We know that from the Sinjar papers. They came through little towns like Al Qaim.
Ramadi was a hot spot for them, and not only were there U.S. forces, but competing groups made it a very dangerous place to be. In response, the foreign fighters migrated to Fallujah right about the time for his deployment early in 2007. Then 2/6 deployed, and Fallujah was so in lock step with the foreign fighters that the children would walk around groups of U.S. Marines (as instructed by the fighters) carrying black balloons so that the foreign fighters would have targets for mortar fire.
In response, the Marines locked down Fallujah. When I say locked down, I mean they locked it down in every way. Vehicle traffic was forbidden. Concrete barriers were put up, and there were two ways into and out of the city. Military age males (MAMs) were given full biometric screening (fingerprints, iris scans, name, age, place of residence, etc.), and the shooting started. The Marines hunted the foreign fighters down room to room, house to house, and literally visited every domicile in the city.
As the fighters would try to infiltrate across the Euphrates River, the Marines would shoot them. My son was aboard a helicopter shooting an M2 at times, when he wasn’t carrying a SAW or M4 room-to-room. It was important to know everything about everyone, all of the time, with cameras everywhere, biometric data available at the click of a mouse, and with full control over means of ingress and egress.
They didn’t drive the foreign fighters out of Fallujah. They found and killed them all. This kind of tactical approach is highly effective, and the Marines were masters of it. The Baltimore police want control over the city. By control, I mean complete control, with knowledge of everyone, information on their comings and goings and their whereabouts at all times, updates on their intentions and predilections, and full freedom to maneuver or respond as necessary to meet the perceived threat.
They learned this from the U.S. military. Expect to see additional elements of this COIN / stability operations in Baltimore, like UAVs or drones to help them “see” the terrain. Expect JTTF and robust Fusion center activity, and expect to see the U.S. justice system to go right along with everything that happens.
It’s where we are. It’s the state to which we’ve been driven. America has created third world countries in large cities like Baltimore, Chicago, L.A., Atlanta, Houston, and St. Louis, by means of handouts and fatherless families. Opening the borders hasn’t helped. The result is third world hell holes that scare even the police, but given that the police are the largest gang in America, they will respond in kind.