Archive for the 'Police' Category

Campbell Police Department Officer Points His Weapon For Over Nine Minutes At Two People During Routine Traffic Stop

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 7 months ago

A video showing the interaction between a Campbell police officer and two citizens during a traffic stop on Highway 101 is circulating on Facebook.

The video, filmed by the driver, is a little over nine minutes long and shows an officer pointing his gun at the passenger.

The passenger repeatedly asks the officer to stop pointing his gun, saying his hands are clearly visibly and he is complying with the officers orders.

The officer continues to point his gun into the car as he calls for backup.

According to Campbell Police, the vehicle was pulled over for speeding. The officer asked the driver for her license and additional paperwork. Police say the driver and passenger spent several minutes looking for the paperwork, when the passenger began reaching under his seat. That’s when the officer perceived a threat and withdrew his gun.

“We understand that it is never a comfortable position to have a gun pointed at you, regardless of whether it is a police officer. Unfortunately, the length of time that the officer’s gun was drawn lasted much longer than normal based on his location. If this same situation would have occurred closer to back-up officers, it would most likely have been resolved much sooner,” Campbell Police Public Information officer Gary Berg said in a statement.

Both the driver and the passenger were issued citations and were allowed to leave.

Watch the video.  Hahahahaha … that’s funny.  I hate it when that happens to me.

I remember the last time I pointed one of my guns at someone because I didn’t know what they were doing.  It was in a grocery store parking lot and two guys were standing around talking.  I didn’t really know what was going on.  For all I knew, they were making plans to go into the store and shoot up the place.

So I called my neighbor for backup, and he also pointed a gun at the two men until we found out they were talking about grilling out that weekend.  No harm, no foul.  They called the cops on me, but I told the cops that I just didn’t know what was going on and it was better to be safe than sorry.

He understood.  He told me I had as many rights as he did, and he would have done the same thing.

Pentagon Almost Gave Fake Cops $1 Million Dollars Worth Of Guns And Bombs

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 7 months ago

Fox News:

The Pentagon nearly gave over $1 million worth of rifles, pipe bombs and other military hardware to a fake police department — set up as part of a government watchdog’s sting operation, a new report reveals.

Using cloak-and-dagger tactics, auditors from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) created a nonexistent police department. They submitted requests to purchase from the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) “controlled properties” like simulated pipe bombs, night-vision goggles, and explosive ordnance detonation robots.

“In less than a week after submitting the requests, our fictitious agency was approved for the transfer of over 100 controlled property items with a total estimated value of about $1.2 million,” the GAO said in a July 18 report.

The sting operation involved government auditors creating a website describing the fake agency and using publicly available resources to produce false police credentials.

“Personnel at two of the three sites did not request or check for valid identification of our investigator picking up the property,” the GAO said.

In its reponse to the findings, DOD concurred with four recommendations made by GAO and highlighted steps it was taking to improve internal controls and implement recommendations from past audits.

At no point during the application process did Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO) staff speak with officials at the fake agency to verify the legitimacy of the application, according to the report. All authorizations were done via email.

I have a better idea.  Let’s not give any police any military weaponry or ordnance at all, ever.  For any reason under the sun.  Under any circumstances.

There.  Fixed it.

Clarification From The Government On The Murder Of Justine Damond By Mohamed Noor

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 7 months ago

Capital View:

Most people find the shooting death of an unarmed yoga instructor by Minneapolis police to be incomprehensible. But some cops on patrol say the circumstances of the shooting, an officer poised to fire in the dark from a car seat, aren’t uncommon. And some experts say they aren’t surprised to hear that police officers are responding to seemingly routine calls with their guns drawn. (MPR News)

Before Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor shot Justine Ruszczyk through the open driver’s side window of his squad car, a woman had approached the back of the patrol car and “slapped” it, according to a court document filed Monday.  A search warrant was filed by Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension investigators to look at the area where the shooting happened and gather evidence as part of the investigation. “Upon police arrival, a female ‘slaps’ the back of the patrol squad,” according to the search warrant. “After that, it is unknown to BCA agents what exactly happened, but the female became deceased in the alley.” (MPR News)

Well hell, that clears it all up for me.  She “slapped” the car.  I hate it when that happens to me.  I remember the last time I shot someone for slapping my car.

And it’s good to know that she simply “became deceased.”  I had thought she was murdered by a Muslim thug affirmative action hire.

How A North Carolina Turf War Led To Myrtle Beach’s June Shooting

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 7 months ago

The Island Packet:

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, N.C. – Tammy Dunn was vacationing on the Grand Strand on June 18 when a mass shooting erupted on Ocean Boulevard. She didn’t know it then, but the shooting that rocked Myrtle Beach was about to shake her hometown, too.

“When they called and told me they were from Mount Gilead, I said, ‘Oh, good God,’ ” said Dunn, who serves as president of the North Carolina Press Association and publisher of the Montgomery Herald.

Seven people were injured in the shooting. Six were sent to the hospital. More than 4 million people saw it all happen on a Facebook Live video that went viral.

And weeks later, Dunn learned that all five of the young men accused in the shooting hailed from Mount Gilead and Troy in her home territory of Montgomery County, North Carolina.

Seventeen-year-old Derias J’Shawn Little was named as the shooter.

Six minutes after the shooting, he was detained and transported to a local hospital where he was treated for injuries sustained when a security guard returned fire. Little was kept under guard at the hospital for three weeks until he faced a bond hearing and was jailed at J. Reuben Long Detention Center.

“He’s had multiple interactions with law enforcement … (but) he’s not been a suspect for us in any violent crimes to this point,” said Jason Hensley, assistant chief of the Mount Gilead Police Department. “I was shocked when I found out that (Little) was their primary suspect. … We know him … but he’s a young kid. We haven’t known him that long.”

He was shocked.  Shocked!  He had multiple interactions with law enforcement, but the police are shocked that he was a shooter.

Little has been in and out of jail since 16 when he was first arrested for stealing two pit bull puppies. But most of his charges have stemmed from property crimes. He was never accused of firing a weapon until June 18.

Police say Little worked “in concert” with 19-year-olds Tyron Elijah Daquan Steele and Raekwon Tariq Graham and 18-year-olds Jarvez Datwan Graham and Keshawn Datavis Steele to ambush a Stanly County, North Carolina, man.

Dunn reported that the feud between the groups started at least two years ago when a Mount Gilead man was killed in a 2015 shooting in Albemarle, the county seat of Stanly County.

The man convicted in that killing, 18-year-old Jimmy Jaquavis Parker, is incarcerated in the Foothills Correctional Institution, a minimum security prison in Morganton, North Carolina.

This just gets better and better.  Theft, and perhaps larceny.  A gang, killings, and a gang feud.  But the cops are shocked!

Parker was 16 at the time of the shooting. His projected release date is Dec. 13, 2019, according to the N.C. Department of Public Safety.

But aside from ongoing “unpleasantries” between people from both areas, Hensley said, he didn’t think Parker and the primary victim in the Myrtle Beach shooting were related.

“There’s a contingent of young gentlemen in Mount Gilead and there’s a contingent of young people in Albemarle and neither one of them get along with each other,” he said.

Police say there is a known chapter of the United Blood Nation (the East Coast Bloods gang) in Albemarle. Suspects in the Ocean Boulevard shooting are considered to be a part of the Money Chasin Gang.

“I can say that we have had problems in town with that crowd coming over, starting fights; our crowd going to Albemarle starting fights with them,” Hensley said. “There’s not like this ongoing, ‘we’re going to kill everybody’ feud. (But) there is a rivalry.”

Oh good.  It’s just unpleasantries.  For a moment it sounded more serious than that, like a gang war.  At least it’s just a rivalry, sort of like High School football.

Albemarle Police Department’s Assistant Chief Jesse Huneycutt said the shooting in 2015 erupted in a “turf battle.”

“I know there were some concerns with the school system after that about some of the ballgames and security at the ballgames and whether or not to play Stanly County in football and things like that,” Dunn said. “But, it’s sad that, you know, teenagers are involved in that.”

[ … ]

Keshawn is accused in warrants of delivering Xanax, a prescription drug used to treat anxiety, to two teen boys on Jan. 24. He was charged with two counts of selling/delivering Xanax and simple possession of a controlled substance after officers say they found three Xanax pills in his possession. He is still facing those charges in Montgomery County.

Tyron is accused of shooting a high-powered rifle into a Troy, N.C., home occupied by two men, a woman and a 7-year-old boy on April 7, according to an indictment. Later that night, the Steele family’s home also reportedly was riddled with seven bullet holes by a suspect named in a police report as Roshun Dumas, a family member of the victims listed in Tyron’s indictment.

Keshawn and Tyron were both charged with fighting, communicating threats and disorderly conduct after a street brawl on June 8, 2015, according to a police report. Then, in August of that year, Tyron was accused of possessing a cellphone stolen from a locker room at West Montgomery High School, where he was a student, according to a separate incident report. That charge later was dismissed.

Most recently, Tyron and Keshawn have each been charged with trafficking heroin, possession with intent to distribute Oxycodone and maintaining a dwelling for controlled substances in Montgomery County, according to court records.

The title of the article includes ‘guns,’ but of course, that has nothing whatsoever to do with any of this.  Lot’s of people have guns, but not lots of people commit crimes like this.  The problem begins long before something like this happens.  My own daughter was in college studying Nursing, and was later to become a Nurse Practitioner.  Her time in undergraduate studies was marked by incurring student debt and driving a “beater” Volvo 240 that required a quart of oil every time the tank was filled up with gas.  I had to work hard to keep that thing running during her tenure in college.

Her roommates were black girls, both of whom went to college for free (free for them, costing you a lot of money), smoked dope the entire time, both of whom drove Cadillac Escalades, and both of whom flunked out of college.  The apostle tells us that if a man doesn’t work, he shouldn’t eat (2 Thess 3:10).  This is righteous and morally upright teaching, but it has been violated in America for far too long, creating a class of entitled criminals who perpetrate acts like what you saw above.

It isn’t limited to blacks, and rich people commit crimes too, but the black community in America has a special cultural and moral problem.  These boys should never have been in that situation to begin with.  They have no parents to speak of, or if they do, their parents don’t care.  They don’t care because they don’t have to care.  The first time one of those boys committed the crime of theft, he should have become an indentured servant of the one he had offended until the debt was paid threefold.  As I’ve said before, I don’t believe in prisons or the concept of a “debt to society.”

If he didn’t do it, his parents should have shouldered the financial burden, and if they couldn’t, they should have become indentured servants until the debt was paid threefold.  Only such circumstances engenders responsibility and accountability, where the parents tired of being indentured servants because of crimes their child committed.  The first time attempted murder occurred, someone should have become enslaved to the one he offended, and if he refused, he should have been executed.

As for Myrtle Beach, as long as they have “senior week” where underage riff raff, ne’er-do-wells and criminals are invited in to terrorize a city, they deserve what they get.  If they want to hold someone accountable in Myrtle Beach, then hold the proprietor who gave them accommodations accountable.  Run them out of business, and then run them out of town.

As long as you have fights, shootings, naked girls running around the beach, hollering and partying all night and public drunkenness, it won’t be a place amenable for families.  So continue to cater to the criminals and gangsters rather than the families, and see what happens.  Who has the real money to spend?

Prior: South Carolina LEOs, Open Carry And Myrtle Beach Follies

Police Tags:

Woman Shot Dead By Minneapolis Police After Calling To Report A Crime

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 7 months ago

They don’t limit their malfeasance to dogs.  Humans are just as good a target as animals.

An Australian woman engaged to marry an American next month was shot and killed by a Minneapolis cop Saturday night after calling police to report an incident, leading her family and investigators to question what caused the deadly shooting.

The woman, identified as Justine Damond, 40, was killed in the late-night shooting in the city’s Fulton neighborhood, Fox 9 reported. She reportedly had called to report an assault.

“Two Minneapolis police officers responded to a 911 call of a possible assault just north of the 5100 block of Washburn Avenue S. just before 11:30 p.m. Saturday,” the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension said in a news release. “At one point, an officer fired their weapon, fatally striking a woman.”

Police were trying to determine whether any video of the incident exists. The body cameras of the officers involved were not activated, according to police. No weapon was found at the scene.

And another report.

The family of a woman who was shot to death by Minneapolis police is making a desperate plea for information about the last moments of her life.

Justine Ruszczyk called 911 on Saturday night to report a possible sexual assault in an alley near her home, her fiancé, Don Damond, said in a news conference Monday.

Two police officers responded and one of them killed Ruszczyk. She died of a gunshot wound to the abdomen, an autopsy revealed.

Otherwise, police still haven’t explained how, or why the shooting occurred, Damond said.

Sadly, her family and I have been provided with almost no additional information from law enforcement regarding what happened after police arrived,” a tearful Damond said as he struggled for composure.

When are people going to realize it’s never in their best interests to involve the police in anything?

Texas Ranger Pulls Gun In Road Rage Incident

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 7 months ago

ROUND ROCK, Texas (KXAN) — A Texas Ranger stationed in Austin exercised “poor judgment” in an incident where he pulled over and pointed his gun at a driver who flipped him off in traffic according to the Texas Department of Public Safety.

During the incident Round Rock police rushed to an intersection along Interstate 35 after a call for help from the driver who was on the phone with a 911 operator saying someone is trying to pull him over in an unmarked vehicle.

“It’s a white pickup truck and the guys wearing a suit. And he brake checked me and I went around him on the right side, gave him the finger, and he turned all these lights and sirens on”, said the motorist to the 911 dispatcher.

Moments later, before officers arrive, the man following the driver points a gun at him after they stop at the red light.

Eventually, Round Rock police show up and discovered the man who pulled the gun is Texas Ranger Michael Smith, driving an unmarked DPS pickup truck.

The driver, David Vancuran, was fuming and told officers he wanted to talk to the Ranger’s boss, the director of the Texas Department of Public Safety. “I want the director of DPS down here to talk to this guy, he doesn’t deserve to be doing that. And then when I ask him who he is, all I see is a gun, said Vancuran.

Ranger Smith claims Vancuran almost crashed into his truck as traffic in front of him slowed. “He goes around me real fast, shoots me the bird, then side swipes my truck”, said Smith.

Ranger Smith tells the investigating officer that he only got out of his truck to talk to the driver, but had to pull out his gun after he fears for his safety. “I get out of the truck, I demand he get out. He puts the car in reverse. I draw my gun.”

The state issued pickup truck is not equipped with a dash camera, so it’s the Ranger’s word against the driver in this incident last February.

But KXAN has also obtained evidence Ranger Smith was not exactly telling the truth about when he pulled his pistol according to a crucial part of the 911 call in which Smith is heard screaming and banging on the car.

In a written statement sent via email, the agency contradicts Smith’s own version of exactly when he pulled out his gun. “While exiting the vehicle, the Ranger placed his weapon in a low, ready position, due to a perceived threat, ” said the agency in a statement emailed to KXAN.

DPS also wrote: “Our employee acted inconsistent with policy, exercised poor judgement, and conducted himself in an unprofessional and discourteous manner – all of which are unacceptable…The department has taken corrective action with this employee regarding the policy infractions.

The agency also did not respond to questions about the differing versions of when Ranger Smith drew his weapon during the stop.

Texas Department of Public Safety responds:

The traffic stop initiated by the Ranger was lawful; however, his actions failed to reflect the high standards expected of our employees.

On February 7, a Texas Ranger attempted to stop an individual who was driving aggressively, including nearly sideswiping the Ranger’s vehicle on I-35 in the Georgetown area. The Ranger was driving an unmarked police unit and attempted to make the traffic stop by activating his emergency lights, and subsequently contacted DPS Communications to request Highway Patrol assistance. The driver ultimately pulled over on the I-35 frontage road in Round Rock. While exiting the vehicle, the Ranger placed his weapon in a low, ready position, due to a perceived threat, namely believing the car was being placed in reverse. Round Rock Police Department subsequently arrived on scene, and the driver was ultimately released with no additional enforcement action taken. The Ranger immediately reported the incident to his supervisor.

It’s morphed from sideswiped my car to nearly sideswiped my car.  So let me get this straight.  You (Texas Ranger) were apparently tailgating somebody, they didn’t like it, brake checked you, and you unholstered your weapon and stopped him in a rage.

And the stop was “lawful” according to your superiors.  And I would have been charged with brandishing a deadly weapon, disturbing the peace, reckless driving, and probably assault with a deadly weapon had I done that.

Okay.  Got it.  Because LEOs are better and have more rights than me.

Minneapolis Police Department Cop Shoots Tail Wagging Dog: More Counsel On Learning About Animals

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 8 months ago

NY Post:

A Minneapolis homeowner demanded to know why a cop responding to a burglary call shot her two dogs at point-blank range — after one approached wagging his tail.

Surveillance video shows the unidentified officer with the Minneapolis Police Department walking backwards in a back yard with his gun drawn when a Staffordshire terrier — named Ciroc — walks toward him wagging his tail Saturday night. The cop suddenly fires his pistol, hitting the dog in the jaw before the animal runs off.

“He was wagging his tail,” the dogs’ owner, Jennifer LeMay, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune. “My dog wasn’t even moving, lunging toward him or anything.”

Just as Ciroc is shot, a second Staffordshire terrier named Rocko darts into the frame, prompting the cop to fire again, striking the dog in the side, face and shoulder before the officer calmly hops a 7-foot wooden fence out of the yard.

The dogs survived, but LeMay says the family is suddenly overwhelmed by the vet bills after the shooting. Ciroc is back home after a $900 vet bill, but still needs up to $7,000 in surgeries at the University of Minnesota. Rocko, meanwhile, returned home late Sunday. Both dogs are emotional support animals prescribed by a doctor for LeMay’s sons, who have severe anxiety, she said.

“My dogs were doing their job on my property,” she told the Star Tribune. “We have a right to be safe in our yard.”

I’ve watched the video.  I’ll embed it below (sometimes that slows page loading).

I know dogs.  This dog was only moderately interested in the goings-on, and was absolutely no danger to anyone.  The cop should be arrested and charged with cruelty to animals and spend time in prison.  I feel compelled to repeat the counsel I’ve given before concerning LEOs and dogs.  First, as to general rules.

Turning now to the dog, there is no moral or legal requirement for expecting me to own beasts that roll over and play dead when a cop comes around. That isn’t what good dogs do. People have dogs in part for self defense. I strongly suspect that the dog wasn’t a danger to the neighbors, and like most dogs, they know the neighbors and are gentle with them, or at least not a mortal danger.

My own 90 pound Doberman can jump a six foot fence, and when threatened (I’ve witnessed it before), she never backs down, but goes after the threat, trips the threat from behind with her gigantic paws, gets underneath the threat, and bites for the neck / thoracic region to choke air. Fortunately when it has been other animals uncommon to the area I stop her since she obey my voice commands immediately.

She is also such a “lovey” dog she wants to climb up in the lap of any neighbor who comes by. Cops are not neighbors. Cops are foreign to the area. Dogs interpret cops as a threat, and sometimes they are right. There is no way to distinguish between cops and anyone else. Dogs don’t do calculus.

Turning now to the cops, they had no intrinsic right to be on another man’s property. Judges may say so, or state regulation may say so, but it just isn’t justifiable morally. No one was being killed or kidnapped. This was a call for loud music.

I have had two exchanges with cops over the last decade that I can recall. Once they wanted to enter my home (not for me, but to discuss someone else), and I mentioned that they were welcome but I should restrain my dog. They said, “great idea – we’ve had some instances of bad interactions and the chief wants us to retreat and let people restrain their dogs.” The second time, a cop wanted my help with someone and Heidi – my dog – happened to be loose and in the driveway. He approached on the road, but didn’t venture too far and stayed 20 or 30 yards away and called for me. I put Heidi up and obliged.

If I had to list a few pointers for cops the list would go something like this:

1. Do not approach another man’s property assuming you have a right to be there. Ask permission first. Get people to restrain their beasts.
2. Assume every man is armed.
3. Assume every home has a big dog.
4. Unholster your weapon only as a last resort.
5. Do not waste your time making stupid stops. Stopping someone for a broken running light is a stupid stop when you can be shutting down gang activity. There is another regulatory scheme to ensure that the broken running light gets fixed, i.e., car inspection. Be loath to interact with men when they are in a confined space such as a car or truck. You can’t tell what they are doing, and they can’t tell what you are doing. Unless you are an outstanding communicator, your commands are likely to be misunderstood or misinterpreted, or worse yet, incomplete and unclear or even contradictory like in the case of Castile (show me your ID but don’t move).
6. Most dogs are not “pure bred killers.” Most dogs take on the personality of their owner and only want to protect their owner. Understand this. Work with it, not against it. Use it to your advantage. Learn to work with animals, farm animals included. Train animals if you need to in order to gain this experience.

Next, I’ll turn to animals themselves and what LEOs should know.  I only have to do this because men won’t be men and train their sons to handle animals.  Sadly, in the main this is missing from American culture today, and America treats animals more and more like Muslims treat animals.  I consider Muslim treatment of dogs and other animals to be cowardly and immoral, backward and even barbaric.

I have fallen off, been thrown off, bitten, run over, kicked, and just about anything that can happen on or around a horse.  I have ridden horses all day long, and I do mean all … day … long, and gotten on to do it again the next day.  And the next day.  And the next day.  I have fed them, herded them, doctored them, and assisted them to mate.  If you’ve never witnessed horses mating first hand (and I’m not talking about watching the Discovery Channel), it can be a violent affair.  I’ve ridden with saddles and then also (in my much younger years) bareback over mountain tops along narrow trails while running the herd).  The hardest ride was bareback and (on a dare) without a bridle, only the halter.

From the age of fourteen and beyond into my early twenties, I worked weekends and summers at a Christian camp above Marietta, South Carolina named Awanita Valley (and Awanita Ranch in Traveler’s Rest).  We trained and trail rode horses, fed them and cared for them, hiked the trails and cleared them of snakes and yellow jacket nests (have you ever been on a horse when it came up on a yellow jacket nest?).

When we weren’t doing that, we were cutting wood, hauling supplies, digging ditches, and baling hay.  My boys did the same thing, and Daniel later (before the Marine Corps) worked for Joey Macrae in Anderson, South Carolina, an extraordinary professional horseman, breaking and training horses.  I have ridden in the rain, blazing sun, and snow.  I have seen my son Joshua and his horse buried up to his thighs in snow, and watched him ride the horse up from sinking in the drift and stay on him while keeping the horse and him safe.

Why is all (or any) of this important?  Because as I tried to convey in my earlier post, it is critical to have an understanding and mastery over animals, especially if what we think will happen in America really happens.  And Mountain Guerrilla is right about logistics too.  But I’m not so sure that the Army was the first to field this idea.  See my article on Marines and Mules.  The Small Wars Journal had discussion on the importance of animals to logistics long ago.

The problem is that the Marine Corps has forgotten the lessons, and I’m afraid that the Army will never really take them to heart.  The modern U.S. military is techno-weighted down, with gadgetry, doohickeys, and reliance on constant logistics.  The so-called big dog is a symptom of this sickness, as is the huge budget for DARPA every year.  Truthfully, I think this is all related to the effete pressure for gender neutrality in the military.

But don’t you forget these lessons.  Plan ahead.  Learn how to make fire, how to purify water, how to fight, how to make your way around terrain, and how to navigate with maps and a compass (rather than using GPS like the liar Marine Corps officer candidates who were found out during officer’s school).

And learn animals.  Your life will be better for it.  This goes for cops too.

For LEOs (and all other men), learn to doctor animals.  Learn their anatomy.  Learn the necessity of voice inflection and timbre.  Learn voice commands.  Learn how the movement of a shoulder one way or the other can communicate things to animals.  Learn what to do with your eyes.

If you are a LEO and your father was a putz and didn’t teach you any of these things, then go to a farm and volunteer your time in order to learn animals.  They are much more predictable than men and sometimes much better company.  Your life will be enriched for it.

Not that any LEOs will take this to heart.  Then again, from the cowardly pussies like you witnessed in the video above, we can move to the criminally pathological like we have seen in Buffalo and now in Detroit.

Two Detroit residents filed a civil rights lawsuit against the Detroit Police Department Wednesday, alleging that several police officers needlessly and maliciously shot their three dogs during a marijuana raid.

Kenneth Savage and Ashley Franklin say that on July 22, 2016, Detroit police raided their house and found the dogs in a back yard bounded by an eight-foot-tall fence. The officers refused to let Savage and Franklin retrieve the dogs and, instead, shot them.

The reason? Officers found several potted marijuana plants in the backyard Savage and Franklin contend were there legally.

The suit is now the third active civil rights action against the Detroit Police Department for killing dogs during marijuana raids. A Reason investigation last year found that the Detroit Police Department’s Major Violators Unit, which conducts hundreds of drug raids a year in the city, had a nasty habit of leaving dead dogs in its wake. One officer had killed 69 dogs over the course of his career, public records obtained by Reason showed.

According to a search warrant affidavit, a Detroit police officer, while investigating an unrelated matter, observed several marijuana plants outdoors at the home of Savage, Franklin, and their son.

Two days later, eight Detroit police officers arrived at the house. Police were aware Savage and Franklin had a permit to grow medical marijuana, but the plants were in violation because they were visible outside, the search warrant affidavit said.

When Franklin showed police her marijuana paperwork and demanded to see a search warrant, an officer responded, “If you keep asking for a warrant, we are gonna kill those dogs and call child protective services to pick up your kid,” the lawsuit says.

Officers detained Franklin and searched the house, but could not get to the marijuana plants because of the dogs. They initially called animal control but decided to destroy the animals, the lawsuit says. Officers shot and killed one dog through the fence, broke into the backyard enclosure, and fatally shot the other two. Animal control arrived ten minutes later.

There is only one solution to the criminally pathological like this, and retraining isn’t it.

L.A. Cops Shoot At Pit Bull And Instead Kill Teenager

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 8 months ago

News from L.A.:

Amber Alcantar woke early Thursday morning to a knock at the door.

Before her stood a friend of her nephew, 17-year-old Armando Garcia-Muro. The young man was frantically searching for Garcia-Muro’s mother, Alcantar told the Los Angeles Times. In his hands were bloody shoes.

“Obviously something was wrong,” Alcantar said.

What had just unfolded outside an apartment complex in Palmdale, Calif., would later be described by authorities as an “extremely, extremely unfortunate incident” and by his family as the tragic loss of an animal-loving teen. While trying to shoot a dog that had attacked an officer, deputies from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office instead struck Garcia-Muro.

Their bullets ricocheted off the driveway, authorities said, and one hit the teen’s chest. He later died at a hospital.

[ … ]

According to the police account, deputies were called to an apartment in Palmdale, a city 60 miles north of Los Angeles, just before 4 a.m. Thursday to investigate a report of “loud music.” They approached the apartment in question and were “aggressively charged” by a 60 to 65-pound pit bull, authorities said. The dog bit one of the deputies on the knee.

At that time, a “male Hispanic juvenile” emerged from behind the apartment, restrained the dog and took him back to the rear of the complex. Deputies “retreated back onto the street for safety,” treated the injured officer and called paramedics.

As they waited for help to arrive, the dog returned and charged the deputies again, authorities said. Two officers shot at the dog from a distance of five to seven feet and it returned to a carport area behind the complex.

Deputies followed the dog to trap it and “prevent additional victims” but in the carport area, they found the young teen bleeding on the ground from “what appeared to be a gunshot wound to the chest.” Deputies provided medical attention until paramedics transported the boy to a local hospital, where he died.

Now, let’s play a little thought experiment, boys and girls.  What if I was walking down the sidewalk and a dog lunged after me, and I shot at the dog, and ended up killing a human.  What do you think the reaction would be?  Would it all be just a big mistake, or would I go to prison for a very long time?

In another city, cops just couldn’t stand being proven wrong.

A Florida man spent 90 days in jail after police officers who stopped him for driving without headlights said white powder found in his car was cocaine.

But Karlos Cashe walked out of jail last week after lab results determined the powder in the handyman’s car was actually drywall.

Cashe tells WFTV he repeatedly told officers in Oviedo the substance was drywall. But after running a check they found he was on probation for marijuana and cocaine charges in 2015. Cashe says a K-9 alerted on his vehicle and an officer’s field test was positive for cocaine.

[ … ]

It took nearly three months for lab test results, which were negative for cocaine.

In the first instance, it never occurred to the LEOs to use OC spray and get the dog’s owner to restrain the dog.  In the second instance, they left the man in prison for three months before they got the lab results back.  Three months.

This is two more for the annals of “Cops are just like us, only smarter and better.”

St. Louis Cop Shoots One Of Their Own

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 8 months ago


A black off-duty officer was shot by a colleague in his St. Louis neighborhood Wednesday night, the Missouri city’s police department confirms.

The city’s Metropolitan Police Department said in a statement that officers were responding to a possible car theft after a recognition software flagged a license plate. Suspects shot at the police officers after the car was stopped with spike strips and the off-duty officer, an 11-year department veteran who lives nearby, came out with his firearm to offer assistance, according to the statement.

The on-duty officers had asked the 38-year-old to get on the ground and he complied, but then they recognized him and told him to stand up and walk toward him.

“At this time, a responding officer (36-year old white male with over 8 years of service) just arriving in the area observed this and fearing for his safety and apparently not recognizing the off-duty officer, discharged a shot, striking the off-duty officer in the arm,” the statement says.

The victim was treated in hospital but has since been released, police confirmed. His lawyer, Rufus J. Tate Jr., told local news outlets that he considers the incident more severe than an accident. The police department has given no description of a threat, he said.

This is the first time that we are aware, that a black professional, in law enforcement, himself being shot and treated as an ordinary black guy on the street,” Tate told Fox News. “This is a real problem.”

Oh, now trigger happy police are a problem, when one of their own gets shot.  I see.  I doubt this has anything to do with the color of his skin, but everything to do with the fact that the police are rarely held accountable for discharging their weapons like I would be.

It’s a problem when it’s one of their own.  It all depends on whose Ox is gored.

Cops Pulling Weapons For “Suspicious” Behavior

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 8 months ago

The Charlotte Observer:

Police in Knoxville, Tenn., have ruled that an off-duty officer acted appropriately when he pulled a gun on a Charlotte woman who was picking up a used SUV she bought there in May.

An Internal Affairs review ruled Officer Matthew Janish believed he saw suspicious behavior May 3 when he observed Tonya Jameson attempting to retrieve the SUV, according to the Knoxville Mercury.

Jameson worked as a reporter and columnist for the Observer from 1994 to 2009.

She was attempting to place a license plate on the SUV she purchased from Janish’s mother-in-law, who lives across the street from Janish. The mother-in-law wasn’t home.

Jameson arrived to the home in an unmarked taxi that drove away, and Janish said he thought she was attempting to steal the vehicle, according to the Mercury. Janish had known the SUV was for sale, but wasn’t aware it had been sold, the Mercury reported.

He pulled a gun on Jameson for five minutes while a sheriff’s sergeant arrived. Jameson was allowed to go once they made contact with Janish’s mother-in-law, who confirmed Jameson had bought the vehicle, the Mercury reported.

Jameson filed a complaint with Knoxville Police a week after the incident. She posted about the exchange on social media and said racism was a factor, claiming Janish had racially profiled her.

Knoxville Police Chief David Rausch went to Charlotte to tell Jameson the news in person. She wasn’t happy to hear Janish wouldn’t be punished.

“I can’t say I’m surprised, but I am disappointed,” Jameson said in a blog. “I’m not sure why. After all, time and time again, we’ve seen police officers cleared of any wrongdoing after they have shot and killed unarmed citizens. Why did I think my incident would be any different? At least, I’m still alive.”

This is really very easy and simple, and there is no complexity whatsoever in events like this, despite jury difficulty in dealing with these things.

Tennessee v. Garner says that LEOs can unholster service weapons and shoot only when we can, i.e., when their life is in danger.  “Stop or I’ll shoot” is a denial of due process rights, and LEOs cannot do it.

There was no justification for unholstering the weapon and pointing the muzzle at someone in this circumstance.  The LEOs life wasn’t in danger.  It’s really just that simple.  I would have been in prison for unholstering a weapon and pointing it at this woman, and there is absolutely nothing in the body of American law that makes it okay for LEOs to do it.

The fact that procedures, police departments, judges and juries let them get away with it shows the low esteem in which they all hold our God-given rights.  There is no more constitution.  It is a thing of the past, an artifact of better men and a better time, a time when men kept covenant with one another and fulfilled their promises.

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