Archive for the 'Police' Category

Ohio cop shoots harmless golden retriever with its tail waging then continues shooting the dog as it flees the violent officer

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 7 months ago

This is a sickening video.  For heaven’s sake – it’s a golden retriever.  It’s a golden!  How is that guy in any danger?  Have you ever been around goldens before?  That dog was desperate to make a new friend, that’s all.

That idiot cop deserved all of the opprobrium he got, and much more.

I just don’t know what to say any more.  Perhaps people will start to wise up rather than the usual, silly, mistaken “back the blue” mantra we hear everywhere.  Heroes of the community.

I have tried so hard to explain to those who would listen that you simply cannot keep up the same things and have any community respect at all.  Universal hatred of you and what you do will be dangerous for you, making you even more paranoid and mentally unstable than you currently are.

I’ve given suggestions to the police before and then even again.  Work as a hired hand on a farm or ranch, or even better, be a volunteer to some farmer or rancher who needs the help.  Learn to bale hay; lean to be a Farrier; learn to doctor animals; learn to train dogs; learn to care for animals.

But it seems that they hire the lowest IQ, least mentally stable, and most dangerous to mankind and beasts they can find.  As long as this is the case, they will only increase community hatred for themselves.

Again I say, you’re never in more danger than when the police are around.  Get away from them as quickly as possible – you, your family and your beasts.  There is never a situation so bad and so dire that it cannot be made worse by the presence of the police.

As for me, I know how to handle dogs, and I would have been buddies with that dog in less than a second.  I’m not a dog handler (although I could be), I’m just a normal American male.  Cops apparently are not.

Parkland school resource officer who stayed outside during mass shooting found not guilty

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 7 months ago


A jury has acquitted on all counts the former school resource officer who stayed outside during the February 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida – absolving him of wrongdoing in the rare trial of a law enforcement officer for his response to a mass shooting.

Scot Peterson, 60, took off his glasses and wept in court as the judge read off the verdict, finding him not guilty of seven counts of felony child neglect, three counts of culpable negligence and one count of perjury.

“I’ve got my life back,” Peterson, a former deputy for the Broward County Sheriff’s Office, told reporters outside court, describing the years since the shooting as “an emotional roller coaster.”

I couldn’t care less what sort of emotional roller coaster he’s been on nor how he feels about any of this.  He’s a coward.  Regardless of what the law requires, he should have been a righteous man and, if necessary, given his life for the children.

Having said that, this is the right legal decision.  Holding police responsible for the protection of life runs afoul of court decisions in the following cases.

Castle Rock v. Gonzalez

Warren v. District of Columbia

DeShaney v. Winnebago County

Progressives hate the police except for when they enforce laws they want (that means against everybody but them as was the case with Antifa), and the traditional conservatives are the only ones left who believe the myth that the police are there to serve and protect.  They are not, nor have they ever been.  They are agents of the state and will behave that way at every opportunity.  No court ruling has ever said police are there to protect citizens.

It is the responsibility of every good man to defend his family, and thus should men be armed and capable of doing so.  As for schools, if you want them to be safe, hire people who are under contract to do that, harden the entrances, and give teachers weapons.  Better yet, get your children out of public schools and home school them to learn math, physics, chemistry, rhetoric and logic, and theology.

Don’t conflate the fact that this man was a coward with the notion that the police are there to protect you or your children.  That’s what you and your weapons are for.

Hunter Sues Virginia DWR Alleging that Game Wardens Illegally Confiscated a Trail Camera From His Private Property

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 7 months ago


On June 7, a property owner in Virginia filed suit against the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (VDWR) and three conservation officers that work for the state agency. In his lawsuit, filed in Henrico County Circuit Court, Josh Highlander claims that multiple game wardens wearing camouflage entered his private 30-acre parcel without his consent or knowledge—alarming his wife and young son and confiscating a game camera in the process.

Highlander is being represented in his case by the Institute for Justice (IJ), a non-profit Arlington-based law firm with a history of backing landowners in private property disputes against state wildlife agencies. According to IJ, the incident occurred on April 8, 2023, the opening day of Virginia’s spring turkey season.

The lawsuit says that Highlander legally harvested a turkey on his property on the morning of April 8 before logging his kill on the VDWR mobile app. It then alleges that, several hours later, three VDWR officers parked their trucks in a cul de sac, a few hundred yards from the property line, and walked through an adjacent private parcel into Highlander’s woods.

According to Highlander, his wife spotted a camouflaged figure moving through a forested part of the family property that afternoon while playing basketball with their 6-year-old son. When she alerted Highlander to the person’s presence, he said he went outside to check the woods, finding only an empty post where one of his game cameras had been mounted in the middle of a food plot.

Highlander’s brother, Rob Highlander Jr., was cited for hunting turkeys over bait several miles east of Josh Highlander’s property on the same day that the alleged incident took place by one of the officers he is suing. According to the lawsuit, responding agents seized two of Rob Highlander’s trail cameras after issuing those citations.

Rob Jr. is contesting that ticket, saying that he was hunting turkeys on a legal food plot with no bait. He says the bait that the agents accused him of using was actually fresh millet seed that he’d legally spread while replenishing the food plot earlier in the year. Virginia wildlife code defines “bait” as “any food, grain, or other consumable substance that could serve as a lure or attractant.”

When contacted by Field & Stream, the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources declined to comment on any specifics related to the “pending litigation.” But VDWR Public Information Officer Paige Pearson confirmed in an email that it is lawful for a Virginia game warden to carry out an active investigation on private property without a warrant—or the consent or knowledge of the landowner—so long as those activities are executed “within constitutional bounds.” It is also lawful, she confirmed, for a warden to deploy game cameras on private property, or to seize game cameras off of private property during an investigation—again, as long as it’s done “within constitutional bounds.”

I don’t even know what that means.  It sounds to me like she is saying that it’s okay to violate the constitution as long as it’s done constitutionally.  So here’s a challenge question for her.  Can she explain what it means to violate the constitution as long as it is within “constitutional bounds?”  Do your homework and provide examples.

Want to know why it’s so hard for cops to be “good apples?”

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 7 months ago

I don’t think it should be hard at all – just be honest, tell the truth, and be true to your oath.  Be prepared to find another job if you need to.  It’s better to bag groceries or load trucks at Lowe’s than to answer to God for malfeasance.  But here is his story.

It was 2007 and I was assisting a call with an officer I’d never met before. He was from another team working overtime. Right in front of me he broke a kids nose with a punch. The septum was clearly deviated and blood was everywhere. The kid was handcuffed and the officer enquired of me “what should ‘we’ arrest him for?” “What did he do?” I enquired. “He called me a name.” he said. After 20 mins of him trying to persuade me we should fabricate a crime he had to let the kid go. “We need o do notes, get our story straight” he then told me. I don’t need assistance in writing what happened. I found a quiet place and wrote the facts. As I wrote I was joined by a female A/Sgt who knew this officer. She spent 20 mins trying to convince me this kid was a “shitbag” & my notes should ‘reflect the danger he posed’. I was disgusted. We don’t behave this way.

Read the rest of the thread here.

Oh, but you do indeed behave that way.  This is a Canadian cop and he has all the proof in court documents, but it’s the same in the U.S.

As for all of those “constitutional Sheriffs and Deputies,” it’s important to know where they really stand.  Here is a good analysis of what likely really happened at that gun store in Montana.

Guess what?  The Great Falls, Montana, PD provided perimeter security for the IRS and ATF [5:48 in the video].

There you have it.  Even in Montana, the cops have been corrupted.  The Great Falls PD should have arrested the IRS and ATF agents when they showed up in the city limits.

Unless Hiring Standards Are Changed, It’s Not Clear It’s Even Possible To Rid The Police Of Problems

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 8 months ago

Witness this first incident.  It was clear from the beginning that the man wasn’t carrying a firearm.  I’ll also make another observation.  This is one good reason why open carry should have been passed by the controller pols in Florida – return the right to openly carry a firearm and the idiot wouldn’t have had a reason to conduct the stop to begin with.

But on to the incident.  Fat boy got upset that the female cop didn’t get what she wanted out of the man, and so fabricated some unreasonable justification out of whole cloth to arrest him.  It was a capricious arrest, and they lacked the authority to do it.

The female cop, on the other hand, was a “mean girl,” or got bullied by mean girls in school, and takes it out on everyone she meets, I estimate.  She is carried away with her authority.

But here is the problem.  They will be retrained, they lost a few days without pay, and fat boy was demoted.  But other than that, there is nothing learned from this.  The Sheriff said they didn’t rely on their training.  That’s of course incorrect, as they know the law and where the lines are.  They just don’t care.  Without a change in hiring practices to emphasize moral virtue above all else, this will continue across the country, which means no one will have any respect for cops by the time this is all over.

Also witness in the second incident that the cops lied under oath.  You know that’s what happened.  There isn’t a cop in America who doesn’t understand “Terry Stop” and the limits on their authority to detain and arrest.  They just both lied and got away with it, again pointing to the lack of moral virtue in these people.

Arrested at Pride Event For Free Speech

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 8 months ago

Watch the video for yourself, but here’s what I think.  The officer turned around so quickly and charged back to the man (who said nothing but ‘God’), that I can conclude only one thing.  The cop got pissed off that someone didn’t bow down and lick his bootsand obey even unlawful orders.

He’s nothing but a bully.

Non-Citizens With Police Powers

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 8 months ago


House Bill 3571 passed both Houses this past week with Senate Floor Amendment 1.

SA1 permits counties and municipalities to hire non-citizens as deputy sheriffs and police officers in the same manner as hiring U.S. citizens, as long as they are: legally authorized under federal law to work in the United States and is authorized under federal law to obtain, carry, or purchase or otherwise possess a firearm, or who is an individual against whom immigration action has been deferred by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services under the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) process and is authorized under federal law to obtain, carry, or purchase or otherwise possess a firearm”

What this means in Illinois, is that you may soon see non-US citizens wearing police badges …

People who have no cultural tradition or history with this country may soon hold arrest powers in Illinois.  I wouldn’t be surprised if that didn’t also happen in Dearborn, and many other cities across the nation.

Heyburn, Idaho, Police Officer Guns Down Two Dogs For Being Near The Highway

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 8 months ago

They must be very proud in Heyburn, Idaho.  They’ve managed to get the lowest of the low, the most uneducated, the most dangerous and sociopathic, the absolute worst possible people anywhere to be cops.  Is it any wonder cops are hated everywhere now?

Another question might be this: Who ordered this killing?  What is his name and rank, and why wasn’t be brought up on charges along with the cops who did this?

The cop(s) ought to be charged with: (1) reckless endangerment, (2) reckless discharging of a firearm, (3) cruelty to animals, (4) theft of property under color of law (the dogs were probably someone’s property).

There are many ways to, in Mike Vanderboegh’s words, “Lose the mandate of Heaven.”  It seems modern American law enforcement wants to find and effect every single one of them.

I was at a community event last night which included fireworks, and one dog bolted as soon as the fireworks started. A lot of dogs are very frightened of fireworks. We knew, sort of, where the dog took off to, and I spent a good deal of time late last night with tactical lights walking through woods helping the dog’s owner search for him, while I also prayed that we could find the dog before he had to tangle with the Coyotes. We found him late last night. I guess that’s the difference between someone who cares and someone who doesn’t. One searches for lost dogs. Others shoot them for fun.

Also note, this is merely training for them. If they’ll shoot dogs with such callous disregard, they’ll do it to you too. I’ve said many times before, you’re never in more danger than when the cops are around. I guess this is true for dogs too. And I’m wondering since this cop loves shooting dogs so much, if he’s not a good candidate for ATF agent?

Via WiscoDave.

Border Patrol kills Arizona man who reported migrants on property

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 8 months ago


The FBI is investigating the death of a tribal member in Arizona after U.S. Border Patrol agents shot him Thursday, authorities said.

Customs and Border Protection officials said agents from the Ajo Border Patrol Station shot the man around 10 p.m. local time on the Tohono O’odham reservation near Ajo, Arizona.

The shooting is under review by Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Professional Responsibility, officials said. The Tohono O’odham Nation police also are investigating.

[ … ]

According to Mattia’s family, Mattia called Border Patrol because there were “multiple illegal immigrants who had trespassed into his yard and he wanted assistance getting them out of his property,” they told Tucson TV station KVOA.

When the agents arrived, the family said, Mattia went outside and was shot, KVOA reported.

Apparently, the Border Patrol is not immune from the same stupidity that seems to affect most law enforcement.  Make a call, LEOs show up and shoot the innocent caller.

Move on.  Nothing to see here.

“You’re never in more danger than when the police are around” … except maybe when illegals are around.

There’s lots of danger out there.

Mommy Cop

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 8 months ago

When my children were young, I told them obedience was doing the right thing at the right time with the right attitude.

This cop is a mommy.  She wants the right attitude, whether she was right or not.  It was really a ‘he’ but he acts like a she so I called him she. [S]he wants to be mommy and sees everyone as her child who needs to be corrected.

Worst of all, she is perpetuating the mommy department of pre-crime, arresting men over what she thinks they might do in the future.

Honestly, where do they get these people?  How come law enforcement attracts awful people like this?

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