Archive for the 'Police' Category

Head of WV State Police Resigns Amid a Scandal of Epic Proportions

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 10 months ago

I’ve watched John Bryan do God’s work for several years now in WV, and he is in large measure responsible for shining light on the complete corruption of the WV state police.

He’s lost some significant cases, but solely because of the horrible rulings by the Fourth Circuit, a gaggle of sophomoric, pompous and unscholarly rubes second only to the second circuit.  They found against the defendant in the case of a young man carrying an AR-15 to hunt Coyotes, claiming directly against what they claimed in U.S. versus Black, and going on a diatribe against the rifle itself.  Just several months ago, even after Heller, McDonald and Caetano, went on another diatribe against the AR-15 and ruled in favor of Maryland’s AWB in Fianchi v. Fosh (and the SCOTUS had to send it back to the Fourth Circuit for reconsideration under Bruen, just as they are pressing the Second Circuit to make the right call for gun owners in NY).

Anyway, even though Bryan has lost some cases, in every case I can think of, his arguments were sound and the fault lies with stupid courts.  But he has won many cases, and managed to bring a lot of light to the corruption in WV on the local and state level, and at least a modicum of justice for his clients.

As I said, he is doing God’s work.

The Keystone Cops with Military Hardware

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 10 months ago

This is just a terrible catalog of goofy, dangerous and unnecessary foibles in a very short amount of time committed by the best and brightest America has to offer.  The list is culled from many examples I have and is not even nearly comprehensive.

First up, cops in Colorado handcuffed a woman, put her in the back seat of a squad car, and then chatted with each other about the woman.  The problem is that they parked their car on railroad tracks.  Yes, seriously, railroad tracks.   The car was hit by a train shortly thereafter.  Here is video.

The most serious, necessary, and fundamentally requisite thing you’ll ever do as a worker in a manufacturing plant, power plant, construction zone, or working with lifting and rigging, scaffold building, or basically for anyone who can be held liable for injuries or cited by OSHA, is work safely.  Safety training is so important that it interrupts work activities, even critical ones.  You’re never late with safety training – ask me how I know.  You don’t climb stairs in a plant environment without holding both rails, or else if someone sees you, you might lose your job.  You never climb above a few feet off the ground without lanyards and harnesses.

It gets even more serious if it has to do with basic radiation safety, the annual retraining and testing taking a day to complete before you’re allowed in an RCZ.  If anyone ever sees you knowingly violating those protocols, security is called, you’re ushered off the premises, and management will collect your stuff and send it to you at home.  You’ve lost your job.

Those cops didn’t even think about safety.  Not the safety of the woman in the car, nor even their own safety.  Safety comes first, in everyone you do, in every activity in which you engage.  I’m left wondering if those cops would even have been able to pass basic safety training or recall what they learned while in the field.

Next up, here is a report from the great northeast.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — Buffalo Police tell 2 On Your Side an Internal Affairs investigation is underway after an officer’s rifle fell off a roof and onto a sidewalk during the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Sunday.

“This is something that doesn’t happen, can’t happen, nor I’ve never heard of this happening,” said Joseph Gramaglia, Buffalo Police commissioner.

Pictures shared with WGRZ by Andrew Mavrogeorgis show the officer positioned on top of the building at 560 Delaware Avenue at Allen Street in downtown Buffalo. The rifle is perched on the edge, on top of a stand, a short distance from the officer.

Gramaglia told 2 On Your Side that the officer was acting in an overwatch position, a security measure that offers the department a vantage point during mass gatherings. He said an ongoing investigation by the department indicated that a heavy wind gust caused the rifle to fall from its perch and off the edge of the building.

He does not believe the officer mishandled the firearm.

“It’s not that it was physically being handled, it wasn’t dropped,” Gramaglia said.

It was mishandled, but it wasn’t.  It dropped, but it wasn’t dropped.  But it gets better and the excuses start.

“These weapons are not something like a handgun or something where you could just pick it up and the average person would know how to utilize it,” said Jeff Rinaldo, retired Buffalo Police captain.

No, of course not.  No one knows how to use a rifle.  But the best is coming up.

“It’s not the days of old when I was on patrol and we had officers out. You’ve got to have highly trained tactical officers now in these in these situations.”

This “highly trained tactical officer” who didn’t mishandle his rifle which wasn’t dropped, mishandled and dropped his rifle.  If you did that in the Marine Corps you would have spent some time in the “room of pain.”  At least that would have happened ten years ago.  As for now, it’s anyone’s guess.

Up next, they don’t know the law.  They never seem to know the law.  This video from one of my favorite lawyers (except for Stephen Stamboulieh) who explains the whole silly affair.

Next up in this parade of the obscene, Uvalde police are making excuses, the real one being that they are cowards.  “He has a battle rifle!”  Despite John 15:13, they just gave up and let someone else do the hard work, and even prevented fathers from going in to get the little ones.  What they’re doing now is figuring into the gun controllers’ calculus.

The cowards in the Uvalde Police Department that allowed a shooter to rampage inside a school for an hour before responding decided to peddle liberal gun control talking points to excuse their spinelessness.

Uvalde Police Department Sgt. Donald Page told investigators that they knew the weapon that the shooter had “was definitely an AR” and, therefore, “There was no way of going in. … We had no choice but to wait and try to get something that had better coverage where we could actually stand up to him.” One officer called it a “battle rifle.” The Texas Tribune, of course, ate this up, declaring that “The AR-15 was designed to efficiently kill humans.”

But remember boys and girls, they are the best, brightest and bravest America has to offer.

The reality is different as I’ve observed so many times before.  You’re never in more danger than when the police are around.  Get away from them as quickly as humanly possible.

And never, ever believe the myth that they’re there to protect you or your loved ones.

It’s like the Keystone cops, but with military hardware. Remember, with a simple signature of a police captain, they can go purchase machine guns and train them on you or your family … after busting down doors in wrong home raids.

Basically, this has unfortunately become the picture of cops in America.

SWAT Team Shoots My Innocent Sleeping Client

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 10 months ago

Several remarks before you view the report.

First, there shouldn’t be any such thing as SWAT teams.  They aren’t constitutional – there is no basis whatsoever for busting in another man’s home, law enforcement or not.

Cops should not have machine guns.  Any need for machine guns implies a need to call out the local militia.

Cops should not have rifles.  Any need for a rifle should be reason to call out local militia.

Cops should not have semiautomatic pistols.  They should only be allowed to carry .38 special revolvers, and only when they have proven that they can be trusted with them.

Cops should always wear uniforms, including shirts, ties, slacks, and badges, along with name and rank.

Cops should NEVER be allowed to cover their faces for any reason whatsoever.

Cops should never even knock at doors at night time hours unless there is a clear and present danger inside the home from which the residents of that home need to be protected or for which they need to be warned (such as fire).

It should be a felony for a cop to interact with or engage with the population without a body camera.

All body camera video should be immediately made available to the public over web sites, virtually in real time.

Judges should not approve warrants for raids on homes.  Those who do should be removed from their post.

Yes, I’m an uncompromising constitutionalist.

Brazil Police Shoot to Wound

1 year, 11 months ago

Via WoG

Police Tags:

Leaked Video Sends Tyrant Sheriff to Prison

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 11 months ago


In “Institutes of Biblical Law,” R. J. Rushdoony makes a biblical cases (a) against torture, and (b) in favor of the biblical standard for two or more witnesses to crimes.  His work is required reading for anyone who wants to understand just how bad the criminal “justice” system has gotten in America.

[West Virginia] State Police HQ SEARCHED by Governor

1 year, 11 months ago

West Virginia State Police are in full coverup mode and simultaneously melting down. Laugh? Cry? Perhaps both. Watch the video; it’s one folly on top of another.


The biggest police scandal in the country right now is going down in West Virginia – and almost nobody even knows about it. It hasn’t made national news yet. One reporter in West Virginia exposed it and things have escalated. This is another one of those cases where this Youtube channel has inadvertently helped to expose government misconduct. This goes to show what an absolute necessity free speech is to our freedom.

Latest video:

A couple weeks ago I released an anonymous whistleblower letter from a state trooper, making specific allegations against the top leadership. I had no idea this would happen, but apparently that kicked off what is essentially a civil war inside the West Virginia State Police that seems to have been brewing. Since my first video on this with the whistleblower’s allegations, that whistleblower has been arrested. His lawyer is alleging a coverup conspiracy going all the way to the top of the state police.

Prior post and video at TCJ. Correction, the Head of the State Police was not fired.


The Escapades of the Illinois State Police

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 11 months ago

Via WiscoDave, this raid is simply horrendous, both in its justification and execution.  First, for all we know there was never a warrant.  Following the constitution isn’t an option – it wasn’t a justification for the SWAT team member to point into the sky and tell the home owners that a warrant existed somewhere with somebody else.  Without presenting a warrant, they had no right to be there at all.  You can tell that the team knows this and sort of stood around looking all confused in the middle of rolling up, right after they unnecessarily busted down doors to the property.

Next up, observe their equipment.  One has NODs and a battering ram.  The next one has a grenade launcher (presumably for gas) + NODs, combined with an EOTech sitting on top of his weapon (and if I’m not mistaken, no Peq15).  Finally, the third one has NODs, but I can’t tell if he has a Peq15 on that gun.

This is in the middle of the day.  They have NODs.  In the middle of the day.  And if the raid was so dangerous that they needed a SWAT team to pull it off, why do they have the time to stand around jawing with the victims of this absurdity?

Police everywhere have proven over and over again that they can’t be trusted.  They should be disarmed for the safety of the American people.  Only the responsible ones should have weapons, and they should go back to the .38 Spl wheel guns.  Police everywhere ought to be required to wear a uniform, tie and head cover at all times, and carry warrants with them if they presume to enter private property.

Finally, he’s muzzle flagging the victims of the raid.  They have poor muzzle discipline.  I’ve said many times before that you’re never in more danger than when the police are around.  Get away from them absolutely as soon as possible.

For those who don’t notice, this raid was perpetrated under the authority of the Sheriff of Mercer County, Illinois.  One might suppose that they didn’t feel comfortable with knocking on doors and chatting with the homeowners, so they requested the state police to drive up and bust down gates and batter through doors with equipment they don’t know how to use, all given to them by unnecessary FedGov spending after too many foreign misadventures that went on for far too long.  With such fear, how does one function every day in life?  If you follow the links to their web site, you get a WordPress platform ready to be built.  I don’t know how anybody even reaches this office when needed.  This has to be one of the goofiest, most unprofessional operations I’ve ever seen, the Sheriff + the Illinois State Police both considered.  They appear to be a bunch of goobers.

Apparently, the Sheriff does have an email address:

SLED Chief Mark Keel is Nothing But a Common Criminal

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 11 months ago

Mark Keel is famously the biggest law enforcement name in S.C. who opposed open carry in S.C. before the house and senate finally ignored his big mouth.  He was one of the many LEOs in S.C. who fumed about gun battles and blood running in the streets, and LEOs who couldn’t tell the difference between good guys and criminals because … well, you know the story, only LEOs are the good guys.

I can’t stand the man.  I’ve never liked him.  Now I have justification for my hunches and suspicions.  He’s nothing more than a common criminal.

Let’s see where this goes: lying to a judge, judge shopping, refusing to follow the law and turn over evidence, and apparent willingness to destroy another man’s property along with a demand for impunity.  Watch the video until the last where the judge says what she thinks of him.  Sometimes, I guess, judges are decent people.

What a jerk.  S.C. would do well to get rid of him.  He needs to retire to a state penitentiary.

Estes Park officer discharges rifle during response to fake active shooter investigation

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 11 months ago


The Estes Park Police Department received a report from an anonymous source at approximately 9:23 a.m. Wednesday that there would be an active shooter at the Estes Park High School, which was closed due to weather.

Estes Park was among several Colorado school districts that received threats Wednesday, including Alamosa, Aspen, Boulder, Brighton, Cañon City, Clear Creek County, Durango, Englewood, Fort Morgan, Gilpin County, Lamar, Roaring Forks and Wiggins.

A majority of the schools were either evacuated or put on lockdown as a safety precaution, and all threatening reports proved unfounded.

Estes Park Police Chief David Hayes said he was informed about a threat that came into Boulder High School at approximately 8:33 a.m., before being informed by an EPPD staff member that Estes Park received a threat of its own.

[ … ]

While one of the last rooms in the elementary school was being cleared, an Estes Park Police officer fired their rifle. “It was an accidental discharge,” said Hayes. “The bullet went into the floor. The good news is that no one was injured, clearly something we don’t want to happen.”

As I’ve observed so many times before, “You’re never in more danger than when the police are around.”  Get away from them as fast as is humanly possible.

I suspect that pranksters know this dictum and intended this to be a dangerous situation.  It’s a wonder someone wasn’t shot by the cops.

Can you imagine a chief of police being so nonchalant about a negligent discharge by you?  Do you think you would be charged with a crime if you discharged a firearm inside a school?  Maybe red flagged with permanent loss of firearms rights, a hefty fine, and some punitive jail time?

One Reason People Don’t Trust Law Enforcement

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 11 months ago

Oh, I can think of a lot more reasons than one.  Frankly, I wonder if LEOs know this sort of thing is reason for disdain, scorn and contempt?

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