Anthony Fauci: Animal Torturer
BY Herschel Smith
Found at Legal Insurrection.
This is a long read. But if you’re interested in following the goings-on in his case, this is the longest, most detailed and best analysis I’ve found.
The case hasn’t started yet, but in effect, it has because these decisions will make or break the prosecution’s assault on Kyle.
UPDATE: Dean Weingarten has another analysis.
Southwest Airlines still wants their vaccine mandate.
Southwest Airlines Co. asked a federal court to reject a request from its pilots to temporarily block the carrier from carrying out federally mandated coronavirus vaccinations, saying such an order would put the company’s business, employees and customers at risk.
The Southwest Airlines Pilots Association is seeking to stop the airline from moving ahead with the Nov. 24 deadline for the shots until an existing a lawsuit it filed over alleged U.S. labor law violations is resolved. The union claims Southwest illegally changed work rules during the pandemic instead of negotiating them with pilots.
In related news, they’re trying to piss off the governor of Texas, the incoming CEO says they will cut flights next year if staffing falls short (and it will).
It’s true that if they lose a pilot in a heart attack due to blood clot in a vaccinated pilot (like Delta), the money woes will be much worse, especially if the plane crashes and hundreds of people perish.
Mom-at-Arms has the news. Gun Feed also covers. North American Arms decided that they don’t care about you or your beliefs.
“I don’t believe the vaccines are safe”. How much data, gathered over what period of time, will it take to put this false narrative to bed?
“I don’t believe the vaccines are effective”. While there have been some, few instances of people contracting COVID after having been vaccinated, the effects they suffer are, almost without exception, an order of magnitude less severe than they would have been otherwise.
“I have already contracted the disease and so I already have some level of immunity and see no benefit from vaccination”. Right on the first count, wrong on the second; you can be certain that your immunity will only be bolstered with a vaccination.
“I am afraid of suffering side effects from the vaccination”. While some have reported this to be the case, there are stunningly few and the effects are modest/weak and very short-lived.
“My circumstance puts me at a heightened risk from being vaccinated”. I don’t know what circumstance that is; it most certainly does not apply to those attempting to become pregnant, for example.
“I have a history of adverse allergic reactions”. Maybe. That alone has a taint of legitimacy.
“I claim a religious exemption”. For the life of me, I can’t understand the basis of such a thing. What religion would advocate against something that will protect your life and that of others? Certainly none that I’ve ever heard of. Go ask the Pope.
“I can’t afford it”. Bullshit; it’s free.
“I don’t know where to find it”. Are you living under a rock?
“I’m a freedom-loving American and I simply don’t want to”. Ahhh, here we go. This is far and away the most frequent – and lamest – excuse. Even Donald Trump, the poster-child for the selfish exercise of frequently nonsensical individual freedoms (“I’m not wearing a mask because I don’t want to”.) has been vaccinated and has encouraged other people to do so as well (NB he’s also previously contracted the disease, above). As a member of a society, you have an obligation not to threaten the health and well-being of others, particularly when doing so comes at no risk or expense to you.
I’ll admit I enjoy no small measure of schadenfreude reading stories of those stubborn people who find themselves stricken and on death’s door, suffering from their earlier foolish decision not to get vaccinated. I look at it almost as a Darwinian effect, helping cleanse our gene pool. Excuse my lack of sympathy. Too bad. Completely avoidable. Didn’t have to happen.
I will ask the pope nothing at all. He’s an unbeliever and godless communist and has an adviser who is a Gaia worshiper and atheist. Besides, I’ve written on this subject and if the author of this stupid and ill-informed missive took the time he could have studied the issue as well.
When a writer gets to the point that he’s telling people (he doesn’t even know) that he doesn’t care if they live or die, something has gone badly wrong. It’s time to take a long break and stop writing. Something is deeply disturbed and wrong in the soul.
He also doesn’t seem to be very well aware of the real data on adverse reactions (see also here, and here, and here). It doesn’t really matter. He’s just aping the crap he hears on CNN.
Either way, he’s jettisoned his following, defenestrated them, thrown them out the window. He doesn’t care any more for whatever reason. He tried to apologize, but it fails.
Good job, dummy. You just destroyed your business. Go find another job now.
I’ll file this one under gun control.
Four days in jail—that’s the sentence for Samantha Dehring, 25, of Carol Stream, Ill., who pled guilty to “willfully remaining, approaching, and photographing wildlife within 100 yards,” said Wyoming U.S. attorney Bob Murray on Oct. 7.
Dehring also is banned from visiting Yellowstone National Park for a year following her incident with a charging grizzly bear sow and her three cubs while in Yellowstone as Outdoor Life reported in May 2021.
According to a report in the New York Times, U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark L. Carman on Oct. 6 also sentenced Dehring to one year of unsupervised probation and was ordered to pay a $1,000 fine and make a $1,000 community service payment to the Yellowstone Forever Wildlife Protection Fund.
“The park is not a zoo where animals can be viewed within the safety of a fenced enclosure,” U.S. Attorney Murray said. “Approaching a sow grizzly with cubs is absolutely foolish,” he said. “Here, pure luck is why Dehring is a criminal defendant and not a mauled tourist.”
Get that? The penalties are in place for her own protection.
I think this is stupid, and that laws aren’t made – or shouldn’t be made – for that purpose.
Okay, she did something that wasn’t wise. So what? Let her suffer the consequences, if there are any. People do stupid things all day every day.
Jails aren’t a place for “time out” because someone was being a dumb little boy or girl. How many gang members or illegal immigrants were running around the state while she was occupying the jail space that should be been used by real criminals? How much time did it take this attorney to prosecute the woman?
Praying for Southwest today. They are being forced to cancel thousands of flights due to weather conditions that only affect their airplanes and nobody else's. Very unique weather phenomenon.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) October 11, 2021
This is the single bravest thing I have seen in years. God bless these Pilots. The heroes we need right now 🇺🇸✈️
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) October 11, 2021
In the ultimate admission against interest, Klain admitted that the OSHA vaccine mandate was a mere “work around” limits imposed on the federal government. The problem is that the thing being “worked around” is the Constitution…
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) September 10, 2021
This is what wicked arrogance looks like. You try to subvert the covenant to which you swore an oath, and then you’re so proud of it you admit it out loud and tell people what you did.
Well, well, well.
You’ve all heard the claptrap from the pretender president. I won’t repeat it here.
So Governor Henry McMaster (who recently approved open carry in South Carolina, to my approval), said “We will fight Biden to the gates of hell to protect liberty.”
So have other governors, mostly. Texas is in the mix. Idaho … eh, not so much. You folks there in Idaho have a problem on your hands. Northern redoubt … maybe not so much. Do something to impress me, like voting for a good man for governor.
So let’s see how this all pans out. It will be interesting, yes?
That’s a question I’ve been asking myself recently.
I know all about Occam’s razor. I know the simplest explanation for all of this in Afghanistan – that the current administration is filled with goobers. Indeed they are. But can they really be as stupid as they seem?
But I am beginning to have some difficulty with the belief that they were caught flat-footed.
What is some of the video is staged? What if the situation was well-understood and planned? What if the current administration wanted Americans to feel sympathy for Afghanis, and decide to open the doors of the border wide open for them, nay, even demand that the administration rescue them and provide them with a place to live, food for their tables, and education for their children?
What if this is a continuation of the project to terraform America?