Cowering Before The Taliban
BY Herschel Smith
The young men with the Taliban numbered only in the dozens, but the crowds cowered before them. The men fired automatic weapons indiscriminately into the air, and sometimes aimed them at the assembled men, women and children.
Some of the bearded fighters were dressed in traditional shalwar kameez — baggy trousers and a long tunic — but others adopted incongruous accessories: high-top sneakers, gold watches, knee-high socks.
The beatings seemed to be administered almost at random, but with chilling deliberateness. Sticks, lengths of rubber hose, knotted rope, rifle butts — the fighters wielded them all.
Some of those on the receiving end of the blows were trying to slip away through a hole in the fence to get inside the airport perimeter, but others were simply squatting on the ground, trying to shield themselves.
It’s obvious that the people outnumber the Taliban by a wide margin. What sort of people cower before powers that abuse them?
Then again, Americans have cowered before police SWAT raids, gun confiscations, bowed to mandatory vaccinations, put on ridiculous and ineffective face coverings, and acquiesced to the loss of hundreds of thousands of small businesses.
So it looks like people are the same the world over.