No! Your Move!
BY Herschel Smith
From reader Matt.
Huron Valley Guns tells the shutdown officials what they can do with their shutdown order.
More like this, please.
They will try to control you until they fear you.
From reader Matt.
Huron Valley Guns tells the shutdown officials what they can do with their shutdown order.
More like this, please.
They will try to control you until they fear you.
The Justice Department has asked a federal judge to dismiss a last-gasp lawsuit led by a House Republican that seeks to give Vice President Mike Pence the power to overturn the results of the presidential election won by Joe Biden when Congress formally counts the Electoral College votes next week.
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The suit names Pence, who has a largely ceremonial role in next week’s proceedings, as the defendant and asks the court to throw out the 1887 law that spells out how Congress handles the vote counting. It asserts that the vice president “may exercise the exclusive authority and sole discretion in determining which electoral votes to count for a given State.”
The Justice Department is representing Pence in a case that aims to find a way to keep his boss, President Donald Trump, in power. In a court filing in Texas on Wednesday, the department said Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, and a group of Republican electors from Arizona “have sued the wrong defendant” — if, in fact, any of those suing actually have “a judicially cognizable claim.”
The department says, in effect, that the suit objects to long-standing procedures laid out in law, “not any actions that Vice President Pence has taken,” so he should not be the target of the suit.
His role isn’t “largely ceremonial” and they know it. He could choose to throw away the ballots of any state he chooses.
He won’t.
And I hope this ends the ridiculous talk over 4Chan and other places of Pence being the hero of the day and riding in on his white horse and saving the republic by ignoring the electors from states where there was obvious fraud.
No one is coming to save you. The deep state will do this until it fears you.
Pence is a deep state actor, and we’ve known that for a very long time. Here is something for which I will never forgive Pence. He was the first out of the gate to turn on Gen. Michael Flynn. He is responsible for Flynn’s torment over almost four years. And Trump was stupid enough to listen to Pence. He should have told Pence to go home and work on writing letters to people or something where he couldn’t hurt anything. But then, Trump should never have chosen him as a running mate to begin with.
Pence knew the danger Flynn posed to the deep state and its intelligence apparatus, and Pence acted in accordance with his master’s wishes.
Most of the politicians in Georgia could be described as election hacks, but I’m referring to the corruption 2020 election hack, whether by machine, adjudication, or simply false and fraudulent ballots.
John Solomon has it at his web site, Just The News. It is a detailed catalog and calendar of the entire sordid affair. Commentary is mostly left out, and all that’s left is facts and details.
HARRISBURG, Pa. (WJAC) — A group of Republican lawmakers say they’ve performed an extensive analysis of election day data and they’ve found “troubling” discrepancies.
According to State Rep. Frank Ryan (R-Lebanon), 17 lawmakers sponsored and participated in the analysis.
Ryan, who is a certified public accountant, says they discovered discrepancies between the numbers of total votes counted and total number of voters who voted in the 2020 General Election which is making them question how the results could have been certified by Gov. Tom Wolf and Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar.
According to Ryan, the analysis compared official county election results to the total number of voters who voted Nov. 3, as recorded by the Department of State.
Ryan says they found that 6,962,607 total ballots were reported as being cast, while DoS/SURE system records indicated that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted.
Don’t expect the Pennsylvania AG or the Secretary of State to do anything about that. Elections matter, and these positions are held by criminals.
Not to be outdone, after pulling their pants down and showing their ass to the world, the democrats haven’t just done it in Georgia, they’re still doing it.
A judge in Georgia ruled on Monday that two of the state’s counties cannot invalidate voting registrations based on unverified change of address data.
“Defendants are enjoined from removing any challenged voters in Ben Hill and Muscogee Counties from the registration lists on the basis of National Change of Address data,” U.S. District Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner wrote in an order, according to Reuters.
Abrams Gardner is the sister of former Democratic candidate for governor and voting rights activist Stacey Abrams.
Sister of Stacey Abrams has thus declared that you can “move” from California to Georgia for a week and vote.
With communists so ensconced in positions of local and state authority, there’s nothing that can be done to stop this with the cowardice in the state legislatures.
Good, honest, clear-headed, leadership with backbone would be needed at the national level. Too bad we don’t have any of that.
They appear to have had enough of the Bidens. Against the demands of Dem senators, the Ukraine unleashed an artillery barrage on Joe and Hunter Biden. Via reader Ned2.
Bobby Piton, the mathematician who testified at the Arizona voter fraud hearing dropped a bombshell this weekend.
Mr. Piton has done extraordinary work crunching data and his testimony pointed out blatant voter fraud through incontrovertible evidence, at one point claiming he’d stake his life on the factual nature of his testimony.
Piton revealed this weekend that he examined just over 9 million records in Pennsylvania and has identified 521,879 unique last names.
In other words, these people have no parents, siblings, aunts, uncles or cousins who share the same last name (phantom voters).
[ … ]
Bobby Piton essentially discovered where those 695,000+ illegal ballots came from in Pennsylvania.
It doesn’t matter. It’s too late now. Trump would had to have started four years ago to root out the deep state and investigate their intentions. The pols are abandoning him now, including most senators.
The other necessary obstacle to this fraud would have been electing honest men or women to positions like elections board and secretary of state. Elections matter, and republicans have been asleep at the wheel (or willing participants).
Via Wirecutter, darkness is coming fast.
A 28 page document sent as a proposal to the Biden transition team by Secular Democrats of America, and endorsed by at least 14 Democrat House of Representatives members that suggests laws and rules be made to force conservative Christians into silence based on their religious beliefs, remove ‘In God We Trust’ from U.S. currency, rescind President Trump’s protections of religious liberties, Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), and much, much more.
You can read the document at the link.
They want churches to be shut down due to Covid, they’re targeting home schooling, and they want the FedGov to treat you as a “white supremacist” if you’re conservative and Christian.
Christians were (falsely) taught from a very young age not to fight. “No, no, Timmy, Christians don’t fight. If bully-boy wants to beat you up, you must stand and take it, it’s what Jesus would want.”
Today, Christians engage virtually nothing, looking to the sky and waiting for Extract/Exfil as things go bad. The only times in history when Christians learned to fight was the two Crusades, defensive struggles against Mohammedanism. Those fights saved Europe.
Expect hard times to come this way. And expect your fellow Christians to continue to look for extraction / exfil. As this becomes the long war, eventually you will be needed to teach your fellow Christians to fight back.
Trump, four years too late.
After seeing the massive Voter Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, I disagree with anyone that thinks a strong, fast, and fair Special Counsel is not needed, IMMEDIATELY. This was the most corrupt election in the history of our Country, and it must be closely examined!
This. Literally. Christmas Eve, 27 days before inauguration.
He would have had to start in 2016 loading up the FedGov with other than beltway deep state creatures and investigating their intentions in order to stop what they intended to do in 2020.
The software is erased. It’s over. He was unprepared. He trusted the deep state vipers with whom he surrounded himself.
Too bad.