Archive for the 'Politics' Category

The Senate: Throw Them (Almost) All Out

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago


Every single member of the U.S. Senate deserves to be fired, vilified and run out on the proverbial rail except—alphabetically—Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.).

They were the only ones with the honor, the basic morality, not to vote for a wretched, pork-dripping from its mouth, “America-hating” (as Roger Kimball accurately called it on Parler), miserable excuse for a “COVID relief bill” that sends twenty-five million taxpayer dollars to Pakistan for something called “gender programs,” millions more for every liberal arts and humanities boondoggle imaginable (most of them shut anyway), but a miserly six hundred bucks to the terminally-masked citizens of this country who have been locked in their houses since the Paleolithic Age.

And while we’re riding people out on a rail, we should build a special one of titanium or whatever metal is most permanent for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and send them back respectively to the feces and syringe-laden streets of San Francisco and the rat-infested walk-ups of Hunt’s Point and East New York.

If only it was that simple.

I like his list of exceptions (I voted for Cruz in the primary as readers know), but to make an important point, I thing it’s a better idea to employ rope, oak trees and lynchings.

Trump: Good Judgment, Bad Judgment

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

Occasionally he gets things right.

President Trump called the coronavirus stimulus bill passed by Congress a “disgrace,” saying that the checks to individuals are not big enough.

Trump also criticized the funds going to places such as Myanmar, Egypt, and Pakistan and funds for the Kennedy Center and national museums.

“Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests while spending the bare minimum on the American people who need it,” Trump said. “It wasn’t their fault.”

Trump said he wants Congress to increase the stimulus checks to $2,000.

The more you hear about the monstrosity of the bill, the worse it seems.  It’s just awful, and pork for carbon reductions, buried largesse for other countries, and on and on.  Of course, it would have been much better for the communists not to have gutted the U.S. economy (but that was its intent).

Now for the awful judgment.  The Gateway Pundit is reporting that, based on their own research from only public domain information, FBI director Chris Wray is associated with the companies involved in Uranium One.

Don’t forget.  Uranium is essential not only for the national defense, but also for fueling nuclear reactors, the cleanest, cheapest source of energy on earth.

And yet, after discharging Comey (with a brief stint by the awful Andy McCabe), Chris Wray has been in charge of the FBI since, and will be in charge until the end of Trump’s presidency.

If the CIA wouldn’t give Trump good information on his nominees to high offices, he could have hired an independent investigative firm and done much better.

What awful, terrible judgment.

The Deplorables Will Become The Ungovernables

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

Via David Codrea, Zero Hedge (excerpts).

Beyond the raucous altercations on whether the presidential election was fraudulent, these are the key factual points.

  1. A series of rules in mostly swing states were changed, through courts, bypassing state legislatures, without transparence, before the election, paving the way to facilitate fraud schemes.
  2. Biden was de facto coronated by AP, Google and Twitter even before the final, official result, and weeks before the electoral college vote this past Monday.
  3. Every serious, professional audit to determine whether all received and tabulated votes were valid was de facto squashed.

In any Global South latitude where the empire did “interfere” in local elections, color revolution-style, this set of facts would be regarded by scores of imperial officials, in a relentless propaganda blitz, as evidence of a coup.

On the recent Supreme Court ruling, a Deep State intel source told me, “the Supreme Court did not like to see half the country rioting against them, and preferred the decision be made by each state in the House of Representatives. That is the only way to handle this without jeopardizing the union. Even prominent Democrats I know realize that the fix took place. The error was to steal too many votes. This grand theft indicts the whole system, that has always been corrupt.”

[ … ]

A perverse form of blowback is already in effect as informed global citizens may now see, crystal clear, the astonishing depth and reach of Deep State power – the ultimate decider of what happens next in Dystopia Central.

Both options are dire.

  1. The election stands, even if considered fraudulent by nearly half of U.S. public opinion. To quote that peerless existentialist, The Dude, there’s no rug tying the room together anymore.
  2. Was the election to be somehow overturned before January 20, the Deep State would go Shock and Awe to finish the job.

In either case, The Deplorables will become The Ungovernables.

A serious, professional audit would have been too late the day after the election.  The deed was done, the software erased.

If the supreme court didn’t want to see half the country rioting against them, they’re going to be aghast at what civil war looks like.

As to their childish notion that the House would fix the problem, they surely are thinking about some other parallel universe where they have a spine and even a modicum of morality left.  This isn’t this universe.

And yes, the situation is bleak.  When Biden takes office, more than half the country will know that he is a fraud, an illegitimate man, and that the woman who would be president couldn’t even win her own primary.

And wait until the first gun control law comes down, or when they try to nationalize retirement by confiscating corporate plans and 401Ks.

Even the biggest squish and establishment GOP’er I know said to me, “If they did that, even I would go buy a gun.”

Well, it’s too late for that, but you get the picture.  And one final note to the deep staters and supreme court.  If you were afraid of Antifa/BLM riots, just wait until the rest of America finally decides it’s time to let loose the dogs of war on them.

Robert E. Lee Statue Removed from Capitol Building

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

Jim Treacher.

It’s been over 150 years since the Confederate States of America were soundly and justly defeated …

Oh go pound sand, jerk.  And where’s all the manufacturing capability now?  Who has the firearms makers now?  Care to try this again?

The subject of this is that they’ve removed a statue of Robert E. Lee.  I happen to think he wasn’t that great of a general, and forced his generals to send troops into an open killing field to be slaughtered, in the middle of the afternoon, while artillery was too far away to do any real good.

What he should have done is silently advance in the middle of the night and be prepared to shoot eyeball to eyeball at daybreak, while also sending some of his troops in a pincer move to the rear and enfilade.  The North Koreans and Chinese did this, and it caused problems for U.S. troops (given the overwhelming number of Chinese troops).

He was a horrible tactician, and as for strategy, there was no good reason for taking the fight north.

As for the removal of his statue, shame.

Continuing Analysis Of 2020 Election Fraud

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

For the most comprehensive analysis I can provide you, see the 2020 Election Fraud tag.  For today’s installment, see the following.

Peter Navarro wrote a report assessing the sweep of fraud.  It must have gotten some traction, causing a certain Philip Bump to answer it in a Washington Post article.  He writes “The goal of Navarro’s document was largely to elevate unfounded suspicion by creating a catalogue of various false claims about the election, many of which have been similarly elevated by Trump.”  So the CIA’s blog is in the tank for Biden, as you can see.  I recall another president who wanted to reign in the CIA.  He was assassinated.

The Epoch Times did a documentary entitled “Who’s Stealing America?”

Capital Research Center wrote an analysis entitled Did the Center for Voter Information Intervene Illegally in the 2020 Election?

Dominion Whistleblower“90% of the people working there (in Detroit) were in on the fraud going on.”

That’s enough for today.  Readers can add in the comments.

A New Declaration Of Independence

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

From Wes Rhinier.

I got to hear him read it for the first time last Saturday.

William Barr Is A Deep State Hack And Coverup Artist

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

It appears that Trump has finally let Barr go.  Too bad he ever hired him in the first place.  I said back when Barr was hired that he was deep state and couldn’t be trusted except to do everything in his power to undermine the administration.

Barr will (rightly) always be remembered for his role in Ruby Ridge and the AWB.

Barr was in charge of the Justice Department during Ruby Ridge, and he knew what was going on.

Barr stated, under oath, that his chief gun priority would be the Ruby Ridge-like gun confiscation orders (sugar-coated as “red flag laws”).

You may remember that Barr’s federal agents descended on Randy Weaver’s Idaho compound in August, 1992, and (1) shot weaver in the back; (2) shot Weaver’s wife Vicki to death, while she was holding her infant son; (3) shot Weaver’s 14 year-old son to death; and (4) shot Weaver’s dog.

Courts subsequently largely exonerated Weaver, while excoriating the FBI and the Department of Justice. And, although then-Attorney General William Barr claimed to know nothing about the Ruby Ridge fiasco, a 1995 Washington Post article reported that there were 20 high-level DOJ calls about Weaver in the 24 hours preceding the murder of his wife — and two of them directly involved Barr.

After that, Barr spent huge amounts of pro bono time trying to get exoneration for the FBI sniper who shot Vicki Weaver to death. He pushed for immunity from prosecution, organized letters on his behalf, and framed arguments before the trial and appeals courts.

But long before Ruby Ridge, Barr’s hatred for the Second Amendment was clear.

Testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1991, Barr pushed the gun control “grand bargain” which, two years later under Clinton, was to become the biggest blow to the Second Amendment since the passage of the 1968 Gun Control Act.

Said Barr: “On the assault weapon front, the proposal before us is the DeConcini amendment. And I think … I would support both the Brady Bill waiting period and the DeConcini [semi-auto ban] amendment, provided that they were parts of a broader and more comprehensive crime bill that included … very tough provisions on the use of firearms in crimes and illegal purchase and trading in firearms…”

In addition to endorsing the Brady Bill and the semi-auto ban, Barr went on to support the magazine ban by saying: “I would prefer a limitation on the clip [sic] size.”

[ … ]

Sadly, Barr, under oath, committed that his chief gun objective would be the most insidious aspect of the Bloomberg agenda: gun confiscation orders.

Said Barr: “I also think we need to push along the ERPO’s [Gun Confiscation Orders], so we have red flag laws to supplement the use of the background check…This is the single most important think I think we can do in the gun control area to stop these massacres from happening in the first place.”

If anyone doesn’t know what Bloomberg’s gun confiscation orders involve, police or an angry “ex” can go to a “secret court” [ex parte proceeding] to obtain an order to strip a gun owner of his Second, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendment rights.

There is more.

In the early 1990s, federal agencies targeted Randy Weaver, an outspoken white separatist living on a mountaintop in northern Idaho.  After Weaver was entrapped by an undercover Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms agent, U.S. marshals trespassed on Weaver’s land and killed his 14-year-old son, Sammy. The following day, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi killed his wife as she was standing in the cabin doorway holding her 10-month-old baby. Horiuchi had previously shot Randy Weaver in the back after he stepped out of the cabin.  The suspects were never given a warning or a chance to surrender and had taken no action against FBI agents.

FBI officials recognized that Mrs. Weaver had been killed but, during the subsequent siege, assured the media that they were “proceeding with extreme care, mindful that Weaver’s wife, Vicki, and three remaining children were also in the cabin,” Reuters reported. An internal FBI report completed shortly after the confrontation justified the killing of Mrs. Weaver by asserting that she had put herself in harm’s way, the New York Times reported in 1993. Yet Bo Gritz, the former Vietnam War hero who helped the feds negotiate Randy Weaver’s surrender after the death of his wife, declared that the government’s profile of the Weaver family recommended killing Weaver’s wife: “I believe Vicki was shot purposely by the sniper as a priority target…. The profile said, if you get a chance, take Vicki Weaver out.” As Mrs. Weaver’s corpse remained in the besieged cabin, “The FBI used microphones to taunt the family. ‘Good morning, Mrs. Weaver. We had pancakes for breakfast. What did you have?’ asked the agents in at least one exchange,” the Washington Times reported.

The names of William Barr and Lon Horiuchi should always be spoken together.  But even that’s not all.  George Webb notes his time studying these things, and if you’ll advance to the 12:45 mark of this video, you hear that Barr recommended that Clinton run for president, and managed to cover up the Clinton drug dealing from Arkansas, as well as Enron and many other scandals.  He was (and is) a cover-up artist.

Trump has little to no discernment, and surrounded himself with awful people for the complete four years of his administration.  This is why he will no longer be president.  I repeat myself, but a mechanic working at the FN Herstal plant in Columbia, S.C., could have done a better job at fighting the deep state – but certainly not at ensuring its survival, like William Barr did.

Behold! This Is The Ideological Gulf Between You And Your Controllers

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

Ms. Susan Del Percio (Lincoln Project) wrote a commentary at NBC News that is worth reading if for no other reason to see how the other side thinks.

So what the heck has gotten into the Texas GOP? In the span of one week, the attorney general filed a seditious lawsuit with the Supreme Court and state GOP leaders are announcing they think it’s time Texas secedes from the nation.

Power — trying desperately to attain it or to hold on to it — often motivates morally and politically bizarre behavior. So does the fear of potentially going to jail. It seems even partisan PR stunts are bigger in the Lone Star State.

Last month, reports indicated that the FBI is investigating allegations that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton broke the law by using his office to serve the interests of a political donor. This would be a federal crime — a crime that President Donald Trump could pre-emptively pardon Paxton for, even though the attorney general hasn’t officially been charged with anything.

Let’s stop for a moment.  Ms. Del Percio, like many others, thinks that this is all about Trump, and I’ve heard that account about the desire for a pardon.

To most people who want honest and fair election, Trump is an irrelevant feature of this debacle.  As for the author of the lawsuit, it wouldn’t matter if it was Donald Duck.  But let’s continue.

Against the backdrop of these problems, Paxton filed a lawsuit last week asking the Supreme Court to overturn the election results in the four key battleground states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. If these results were to be reversed, it would also reverse President-elect Joe Biden’s clear presidential win.

Clear, she says.  Let’s ignore what we all know to be true, the mountain of evidence that shows that the election was stolen, a fraud, a sham, and a hoax.  Let’s ignore the ongoing corruption in Michigan, Georgia, and elsewhere.  Let’s ignore the forensic report on the Dominion voting system results.  Biden won, and it’s clear, because the legacy media says so.

And Paxton isn’t the only Texan willing to sink to new political lows. Recently, Republican state Rep. Kyle Biedermann announced that he will introduce legislation to allow Texas to secede from the nation. His reason? “The federal government is out of control and does not represent the values of Texans.”

There is no chance that Texas will secede from the United States. Just as with Paxton’s Supreme Court ploy, the law is not on Texas’ side. Secession is simply not legal, and Biedermann should know that.

There is “no chance,” says she.  Well, I’d respond that there would be an old fashioned fight, to be sure.  The balance of Texas would have to throw-down with Dallas-Forth Worth, Austin and Houston.  But I would never say there is “no chance.”

Furthermore, the fact that someone says that it’s not legal is irrelevant, given that it will happen if a state (or compact of states) is willing to back it up with force.

Apparently wanting to hop on the secession bandwagon is Texas GOP Chairman Allen West, who suggested that “law-abiding states” should “form a Union” after the Supreme Court rejected the Texas election lawsuit.

Secession might have been an option a quarter of a century ago, but I’m less than sanguine about its possibility today.  The influx of Northerners to the South (bringing the same politics that fouled their Northern nests to the South with them) and the influx of Californians to Texas has made a peaceable solution (divorce) much less likely than a more bloody one.  Geographic boundaries are no longer conducive to such an outcome and wouldn’t support it.

But you get the main picture here.  Joe Biden won, it’s clear, everyone who wants to pursue legal avenues of appeal are engaging in sedition, and whether you want it or not, you’re going to get it good and hard when we’re in power, which is why you can’t leave home.  All your assets belong to us.

Folks, this is how the other side thinks.  This is why America is careening headlong into civil war.  She probably lives in Manhattan, and yet she isn’t worried about the ailing New York water supply system, in need to a complete rebuild, and nearing total collapse.  She isn’t worried about the fact that all of her food comes from the flyover country she so despises, and is transported into New York on vulnerable highways.

She isn’t worried about the fact that her political solutions destroy the GOP and forever leave the communists in charge (or maybe that’s her intent).  I would be investigating those sorts of vulnerabilities, as well as the vulnerability of the electrical power grid, right after I found a U-Haul and got out of Manhattan.

She wants to spend her time telling you that you are seditious, that she is smarter than you, and that you should just shut up and listen to her.  And oh, by the way, you don’t get out of this prison – that’s simply not legal.

Again, this commentary is good for understanding the gulf between you and the controllers.  You don’t think alike, you don’t see things the same way, there is no overlap or intersection of sets of what’s important to you and her, and you literally live in two different worlds.

St. Louis judge disqualifies Gardner, her office from prosecuting Mark McCloskey

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

News from St. Louis.

ST. LOUIS — A judge on Thursday cited improper fundraising emails by Circuit Attorney Kimberly M. Gardner’s campaign in disqualifying Gardner and her office from a gun case against Mark McCloskey, who with his wife pointed firearms at protesters outside their Central West End home in June.

Circuit Judge Thomas Clark II’s order said two fundraising emails that Gardner’s reelection campaign sent in response to political attacks before and after she charged Mark and Patricia McCloskey with felony gun crimes in July raised the appearance that she “initiated a criminal prosecution for political purposes.”

“Like a needle pulling thread, she links the defendant and his conduct to her critics,” Clark wrote. “These emails are tailored to use the June 28 incident to solicit money by positioning her against defendant and her more vocal critics.”

The judge’s order deals a political blow to Gardner, whose office has waged numerous legal challenges to defend her practices and reform-minded agenda during her first term.

In a text message, Gardner’s spokeswoman Allison Hawk said the Circuit Attorney’s Office “will review the court order and determine our options.”

But this isn’t over.

Clark’s order, which applies only to Mark McCloskey’s case and not his wife’s, also bars the rest of Gardner’s office from prosecuting the case.

“This is a high-profile case, receiving extensive media coverage, eliminating any possibility that any assistant circuit attorney is unaware of Ms. Gardner’s incipient interest, initial involvement and advocacy on this matter,” Clark said.

State law directs the St. Louis Circuit Court’s presiding judge to appoint another prosecutor in the case, the order says. Patricia McCloskey’s case is assigned to Circuit Judge Michael Stelzer, who will replace Circuit Judge Rex Burlison as St. Louis’ presiding judge next year.

So the judge basically said she is unfit for prosecuting this case because it was politicized for her own benefit.  What he should have said is that she is unfit to do anything other than put the lettuce and tomato on sandwiches at Burger King.

Future things may still be difficult for the McCloskeys.

Texas Sues The States Of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania And Wisconsin In Attempt To Avoid Civil War

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

Perhaps you’ve seen that the state of Texas is all in on the election corruption fight, and is being joined by other states before the supreme court as a “dispute between the states.”

Certain officials in the Defendant States presented the pandemic as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in voting. The Defendant States flooded their citizenry with tens of millions of ballot applications and ballots in derogation of statutory controls as to how they are lawfully received, evaluated, and counted. Whether well intentioned or not, these unconstitutional acts had the same uniform effect—they made the 2020 election less secure in the Defendant States. Those changes are inconsistent with relevant state laws and were made by non-legislative entities, without any consent by the state legislatures. The acts of these officials thus directly violated the Constitution.

This case presents a question of law: Did the Defendant States violate the Electors Clause by taking non-legislative actions to change the election rules that would govern the appointment of presidential electors? These non-legislative changes to the Defendant States’ election laws facilitated the casting and counting of ballots in violation of state law, which, in turn, violated the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution. By these unlawful acts, the Defendant States have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but their actions have also debased the votes of citizens in Plaintiff State and other States that remained loyal to the Constitution.

Powerline analyzes this as a “hail Mary” pass.

“The Texas motion and supporting brief are well-drafted and make a plausible case–importantly, one that, if accepted, does not require extensive fact-finding into alleged voter fraud. Reduced to its essentials, the motion alleges 1) that under the Constitution’s Electors Clause, state legislatures have plenary authority over appointment of each state’s electors; 2) that in each of the defendant states, non-legislative actors (e.g., the Secretary of State) unconstitutionally changed the rules governing this year’s election without legislative approval or ratification; 3) that these changes favored some voters over others, in violation of the Equal Protection Clause; and 4) in each state, the number of ballots that were counted pursuant to unconstitutional changes in election procedures exceeds the margin of Joe Biden’s alleged victory.”

But readers at Instapundit, and apparently Glenn Reynolds, get what this is really about.

“I wonder if the left, and the court realize this is a hail mary to prevent a civil war, not to keep trump in office. 30% of democrats and 80+% of republicans think the election was stolen. That is a loss of legitimacy of the nation’s governments from the state level through the federal.”

They are children playing with nitroglycerin, so no, they won’t realize that. At least, not in time, I’m afraid.

The controllers think this is going to go down easily.  I think they may be surprised, and I still don’t think they really understand what they’ve done.

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