Archive for the 'Politics' Category

Biden Taps Xavier Becerra To Head The Department Of Health And Human Services

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago


Joe Biden will nominate Attorney General Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.) as secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the department notorious for railroading religious freedom via the Obamacare contraception mandate. Becerra has attacked religious freedom and free speech with zeal at the beck and call of radical Left activists in Planned Parenthood and other groups.

[ … ]

Becerra also vigorously defended a California law that mandated pregnancy resource centers (PRCs), most of which are pro-life, must advertise abortion on placards. In National Institute for Life Advocates (NIFLA) v. Becerra (2018), the Supreme Court struck down the law, defending the pregnancy centers’ free speech.

Becerra has received perfect scores from Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America for his tenure representing downtown Los Angeles in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1993 to 2017. Gov. Jerry Brown (D-Calif.) nominated him for the attorney general role in 2016 when Harris won her election to the U.S. Senate. Planned Parenthood affiliates of California proudly endorsed Becerra for the 2018 primary.

Becerra also sued the Trump HHS after the agency struck down an Obama administration rule redefining “sex” in federal discrimination law. The Obama rule twisted the meaning of the term in order to force health care providers to encourage experimental transgender “treatments” like cross-sex hormones and surgery. The Trump administration restored the biological meaning of “sex,” but Becerra sued to force transgender ideology on the federal government.

Great.  A pro-transgender (on our tax dollars), pro-abortion lackey.  There is also this observation by David Codrea.

And guess what he’ll claim is a “public health issue.”

“Ghost guns are untraceable weapons that have been used in mass shootings throughout the country and right here in California — from Santa Monica in 2013, to Tehama County in 2017, and at Saugus High School just last year,” said Attorney General Becerra. “We can’t afford to wait for another tragedy to happen before we take action. It’s time for ATF to prioritize the safety of our communities by calling these products what they are: firearms, and regulating them accordingly.”

Can’t actually make things any more, folks.  You know, things like pipes, mechanisms, boxes, and so forth.

One Brit’s Perspective

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

The perspective of one Brit.  I don’t know how many understand this.

But how wrong they are. How dangerously wrong they are. The anger of Trump’s supporters is white hot, it is incendiary, it is real and it is entirely, eminently justifiable, and it is not the anger of the loser, it is the anger of the wronged and is about so much more than Trump, this is about the democratic future of the United States of America. When a country reaches the point of such legal corruption and such moral degeneracy that democracy can be overturned in full view of a complicit and unquestioning media and liberal establishment there is very little guarantee that democracy will ever recover. This is why the anger is at boiling point, and even now, the left cannot understand what they have done.

He understands the danger the corruption has caused for America better than the people who caused it, or aided it, or who simply looked the other way.

The Continuing Eradication Of American Culture And History

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

Via WRSA, this information from NC Renegade.  Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson’s statue has been removed.

Shameful.  I will note that his pastor was Robert Lewis Dabney, whose “Systematic Theology” still sits on my bookshelf.

I will also note that the U.S. is renaming military installations, and Fort A.P. Hill is on the list.

Honestly, I have to say that it is beyond me why any patriot would seek to enter the U.S. military today.

There Can Be No Reconciliation

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

Glenn Reynolds links a Tweet by Richard Fernandez.

The normally insightful Fernandez widely misses the mark, I think.  Let’s start with a thought experiment.  List the things for you which are non-negotiable, cans that cannot be “kicked down the road.”  Perhaps it may look something like this.

Fair and honest elections, versus stolen, fraudulent elections.

Not one more gun law, not one more infringement.

The continuing survival of the middle class in America.

Sacrosanct individual retirement accounts, no theft from them by the government.

The free exercise of religion.

No more taxes for subsidies or redistribution of wealth.

This is a short list, and a reasonable one.  It could have been much longer, but this serves as a good starting point, although you can build your own list.

On every account, the other side has either broken contract and covenant, or they intend to and have said so.

There is ample evidence of election fraud, and if you believe that the country elected Joe Biden as president, you’re as dumb as a bag of rocks.  Biden’s own campaign web site explained that they intend to force registration of semi-automatic firearms as NFA items in a national gun registry.

HUD regulations and a host of other preferential treatment for one sector of the public has essentially forced middle class neighborhoods to incorporate low income housing into the middle of their communities.  Big spending FedGov would like to nationalize retirement accounts, as they are the last big pot of untouched money that can forestall the reckoning with hundreds of trillions of dollars of unfunded liabilities.

If you thought that the exercise of religion was free in America, you haven’t stopped to ponder what the shutdowns did to the churches.  Under orders from governors, worship services everywhere were shut down, or otherwise churches faces fines for having public worship.  Most establishment types and every leftist in America wouldn’t know anything about this personally, as they are unchurched.

We could go on, but you get the picture, and you develop your own list and compare and contrast with views by the opposition.  The problem is that core beliefs, cans that cannot be kicked down the road, and non-negotiable points, are all that we have left.  And for conservatives and libertarians in America, the left has made it clear that our core beliefs are all they care about.

Another way of saying it is that the left has made it clear that they intend to go after our core beliefs, and that no amount of compromise on less than core beliefs will make up for our failure to relinquish our core beliefs.

This battle was begun more than a century ago, and successive generations of children were educated in a system designed by Horace Mann, where the state owned the children.  The long march through the institutions is over, and the children of hippies easily became collectivists, controllers and totalitarians.

When you believe in nothing, the state becomes your god and you become responsible for building utopia on earth.  This all falls into the arms of the real rulers and globalists, those who want to fleece what’s left of the wealth of Americans and enslave the people to the globalist vision.

The politicians on the right, sure enough, want Trump to concede.  They want a return to the good old days of printing more money, going on junkets, and eating with each other in the congressional lunch room.  The Lieutenant Governor of Georgia, a republican, is disgusted by Trump.

I worry that … fanning the flames around misinformation puts us in a negative position with regards to the 5 January runoff. The mountains of misinformation are not helping the process. They’re only hurting it.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Duncan: “At a certain point, does this disgust you?”

“Oh, absolutely it disgusts me,” Duncan said.

GOP establishment creature Michael Barone says that “Trump and many Republicans have been misbehaving for four weeks in trying to delegitimize Joe Biden’s 43,809-vote victory.”  The sorry National Review can’t go a day without another jab not only at Trump, but conservatives as well.  And Mitch McConnell wants to find a way to “work with president-elect Biden.”

A return to the good old days.  Except that’s not going to happen.  Any establishment GOP politician who believes he or she will get the support of voters in the next election (even assuming that there will ever be another free and fair election) is mistaken to the point of being completely delusional.

Trump didn’t cause this problem.  Trump was the last, best chance for change.  Unfortunately, Trump and his administration were unprepared for the deepness of the deep state.  His work to ensure honest elections would have had been started in 2016 to have any chance of success.

It’s too late now.  That doesn’t mean that this is over or anywhere near finished.  The Marxist revolution in America is not fait accompli.  It just enters a new, more dangerous phase.  When there are two sides, and each side has made it clear that they intend either to crush the other side’s core principles, or otherwise prevent that other side from crushing those core principles, and that elections are no longer an option because of fraud, there are few alternatives left.

The left assumes that it’s over.  The establishment GOP assumes that they can return to junkets and the congressional lunchroom in peace.  Neither group really gets it.  Neither group understands flyover America, traditional people who want to be left alone.  The biggest problem is that a peaceable split or divorce is no longer possible given that there is no clean geographic way to do this any more.  That horse left the barn a long time ago.

For all of the frivolities that this invites, the left and the establishment GOP should remember one very important thing.  You wanted this.  This is on you.

Malfeasance And Corruption Of The Day In The 2020 Election Debacle

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

Several reports for today.  Readers can add to the daily catalog of absurdities.

Video Footage From Georgia Shows Suitcases Filled with Ballots Pulled From Under Table AFTER Supervisor Told GOP Poll Workers to Leave Tabulation Center

Trump Legal Team: We Have ‘So Much Evidence’ of Fraud in Nevada ‘We Had to Rent a Separate Car’

Mathematician Says Biden May have Received 130 Percent of the Democrat Vote in Maricopa County, AZ

David Codrea’s daily take.

This is all I have the stomach for.  Readers can add as they wish.

Here Is The Evidence Of Election Fraud, But Will It Make Any Difference?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

This web site is a comprehensive catalog of 2020 election fraud.  Added to this you can survey my 2020 Election Fraud tag with links to videos, articles, lawsuits by Lin Wood, and other information.

To all of this you can add the following.

  • Postal subcontractor Jesse Morgan on Oct. 21 moved 144,000-288,000 completed mail-in ballots from Bethpage, New York, to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where his trailer holding the ballots disappears.
  • Postal subcontractor Nathan Pease is told by two separate postal workers on two separate occasions that the USPS in Wisconsin was gathering over 100,000 ballots on the morning of Nov. 4 to backdate the ballots so that the ballots would be counted even if they arrived after the statutory deadline.
  • Computer expert Gregory Stenstrom of Pennsylvania witnessed a vendor of Dominion machines and local election officials download and update counting machines in violation of election system protocol and the comingling of machine jump drives in violation of election protocols and rendering audits impossible without direct forensic access to the machines.
  • Postal workers in Traverse City, Michigan; Coraopolis, Pennsylvania; Erie, Pennsylvania; and Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, indicate widespread malfeasance in the Postal Service including backdating ballots, ordering that Trump mail be interdicted to be placed in the ‘Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail’ bin, and emphasizing that Biden mail be delivered on time.

Next up, more than 2400 Californians are suspected of having voted in Nevada’s electionAmerican Thinker has some useful data points, and Dominion’s voting system has been linked to Soros and China via a Swiss bank that paid it over $400 million in October.

Via David CodreaDemocrat Operatives in MI & GA Changed Military Ballots.  Cataloging the malfeasance and corruption is honestly rather tiresome and monotonous.  Simply stated, one tends to run out of steam.  This could become a regular column each day, or every other day, but I would have to rely on reader input since there is just too much information.

Here a truck driver testifies, and just below that a Dominion IT employee (or contractor) testifies before the Michigan Senate.

The question with all of this is as follows: Will it make any difference?

The DoJ won’t come to Trump’s aid, the Congress is silent and Mitch McConnell is looking forward to finding ways of working with “president elect Biden” (in his own words).  Election boards and local pols in states, counties or cities continue unabated erasing evidence, certifying votes, awarding electors, and in Georgia preparing to continue with the theft in hopes of winning the Senate.

There are stories, to be sure.  Gina Haspel is dead, or under arrest and being interrogated, or something.  There was a fire fight between active duty SpecOps and former SpecOps (now contractors for the CIA) in Frankfurt, Germany, and our side owns the servers.  We have all the evidence we need.  Trump is just biding his time because he loves America and doesn’t want to see the country in civil war.

And on and on it goes.  Meanwhile, a full one month after the election, Trump’s campaign doesn’t look like a winning team sitting back and waiting for the right moment to drop server evidence.  One … month … after … the … election … Trump’s campaign is claiming in court that Wisconsin counted 221 thousand illegal votes, eleven times Biden’s margin (lawsuit here).

Trump and his team were profoundly unprepared for the fight.  Trump’s weakness – the one that will probably be his undoing – is that he is a poor judge of character and surrounded himself with deep state actors and beltway vipers from literally day one.

Consider the roster: Reince Priebus, Kelly, Mattis, McMaster, and Sessions (this is a partial list).  He left Comey and McCabe in power for far too long, and when he finally rid himself of Comey and McCabe, he appointed Chris Wray.  He tried to appoint a known gun controller named Chuck Canterbury to head the ATF, and only recently nominated Chad Wolf to head the DHS, who believes that white supremacists are the most persistent threat in America.

At the beginning of 2018, Trump dissolved his very own election advisory commission (meant to investigate corruption and fraud) because they received pushback and complaints.  It was controversial, they say.

In order to have stopped all of this, Trump would had to have started in earnest on day one of his administration rooting out the deep state and ferreting out corruption, surrounding himself with good people, and preparing for the fight sure to come in 2020.

Rather than do that, rather than study the CVs of the people he hired to fill important posts, he spent his time tweeting.  Rather than rooting out the deep state, Trump may in fact prove to be its most prized victim.

My wife asked me tonight, “But who could he had surrounded himself with to avoid the affects of the deep state?”  I answered, “Okay, here’s an idea.  Empty the FN factory down the road in Columbia, S.C., and fill every important job in the FedGov with mechanics.  Tell the mechanics to kill the deep state.  Watch them work.”

Alas, it was not meant to be, and I strongly suspect that the stories of servers, gun fights, and supreme court saviors are just that.  Stories.  And I suspect that the black robed Druids on the supreme court will look the other way and claim that it’s a state problem.

No one is coming to save you.

Michigan Illegally Counted More Than 500,000 Ballots In The 2020 Election

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago


“In the wee hours of Thanksgiving Day, the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society filed an explosive election lawsuit asking Michigan’s Supreme Court to prevent Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson from certifying the election results until the Michigan legislature can fully investigate fraud claims and to force election officials to hand over all election materials to the legislature for this purpose. The lawsuit claims that officials illegally counted or threw out no fewer than 508,016 ballots, far more than Joe Biden’s 154,000-vote margin over Donald Trump. . . . Citing state records, the lawsuit claims that Benson’s office sent out 355,392 unsolicited ballots. Northon explained that Michigan law requires two signatures for absentee voting: a signature on an application form and a signature on the security sleeve for the ballot. In this election, officials mailed out more than 300,000 ballots that no one had requested.”

They’re trying to certify the vote as quickly as possible everywhere they have a democrat governor or elections board.  In Georgia, a lawsuit had to be filed to stop them from erasing all data and files from the voting machines.

Oh what a tangled we we weave, when first we practice to deceive.  Lie upon lie, deception upon deception, theft upon theft.

God is watching all of this and will in no wise leave the guilty unpunished.

There is nothing now hidden from the eyes of men that will not, in time, be made manifest on the great day of judgment.

CIA Server Farm Raid

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

General McInerny says it happened, and that U.S. military personnel were killed in the raid.

On the other hand, Jeffrey Prather says it happened, but that no one was killed.  See this video, starting at 22 minutes or thereabouts.

NC Scout has a fuller assessment here.

I try to take things like this with a grain of salt.  William Barr was going to turn the light on the deep state and make the cockroaches scatter.  As it turns out, Barr is likely part of the deep state.

Durham’s investigation was going to send the guilty to prison, and as it turns out, the entire investigation was shut down with a whimper because they fear backlash from an incoming Biden administration.

Trump was going to rid America of the deep state, and as it turns out, he might be its greatest victim.

Trump had four years to see what was happening with the voting scam, and failed to shut it down before it put him out of office.  He left Comey and McCabe in charge of the FBI, and then Chris Wray (good Lord).  He left Mattis in charge of the DoD, he put Jeff Sessions in charge of the DoJ, he allowed Kelly to direct the WH staff for far too long, he allowed Reince Priebus to direct affairs of the WH, and he spent his time on Twitter, empowering Jack Dorsey.  Not even to mention the role of McMaster, another deep state guy.

This failure is on Trump.  I hope that this goes to the SCOTUS and that Biden doesn’t take control of the executive branch, and that the servers were confiscated and turn up the full story of what happened.

But if not, the finger of blame cannot be pointed at powerless citizens to do the work of the chief executive.

Governor Roy Cooper Is A Jackass

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

I took one of my sons to the range last week (specifically, Foothills Shooting Complex in N.C.), and because of Governor Cooper’s orders, we were required to wear masks at all times outside the shooting stall, even outdoors.

We were no doubt breathing lead and copper, but they claim they want to protect us from a virus with a diameter of 80 nm with a piece of cotton cloth.

Because Roy Cooper is a jackass.

But then so is his wife.  By the way, they soften her “apology” and fail to point out that over Twitter, she admitted to making an obscene gesture at children, but said that she could live with it.

They are some of the worst people in politics, and that’s saying something.

Michelle Malkin: How The Election Was Stolen

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

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