In his new article, however, Mattis says the opposite, calling for the “end of America First”:
The United States today is undermining the foundations of an international order manifestly advantageous to U.S. interests, reflecting a basic ignorance of the extent to which both robust alliances and international institutions provide vital strategic depth. In practice, “America first” has meant “America alone.” That has damaged the country’s ability to address problems before they reach U.S. territory and has thus compounded the danger emergent threats pose.
In January, when President Joe Biden and his national security team begin to reevaluate U.S. foreign policy, we hope they will quickly revise the national security strategy to eliminate “America first” from its contents, restoring in its place the commitment to cooperative security that has served the United States so well for decades. The best strategy for ensuring safety and prosperity is to buttress American military strength with enhanced civilian tools and a restored network of solid alliances—both necessary to achieving defense in depth. The pandemic should serve as a reminder of what grief ensues when we wait for problems to come to us.
As coauthor with three other writers in a Nov. 23 Foreign Affairs column, Mattis did not mention that he works for the The Cohen Group consulting firm. Nor did he challenge China’s tough talk against U.S. policies regarding Taiwan, nor the strict economic retaliation Beijing levied against Australia.
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The Cohen Group is run by another former Defense Secretary. William Cohen, who has been involved with China since 1978, when he went there to meet with Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping, according to the organization.
So he’s deep state then, like most of the other generals. Fire all the generals and start over completely.
But doesn’t the notion of a “buyback” sort of imply it was purchased from the government to begin with? And if it’s mandatory, is it really a “buyback?”
Boy the fraudster has some ringers lined up for his staff, including, by the way, Michele Flournoy for secretary of defense. I know I still have some military readers. If I were you, I’d get out of the military as soon as possible.
You know they’ll have you involved in foreign misadventures servicing the interests of the globalists. Do you really want to die for their interests?
What a goober. Every second grader knows how to pronounce the word Psalm (second grade at the latest).
The man is a colossal embarrassment. If it weren’t for the awful things he and his administration will do over the next four years, I’d almost wish he was elected for the sake of having something to lampoon.
The MSM is reporting that the recount in Georgia gives the state to Biden and calls him “president elect.” Of course.
Meanwhile, this is Lin Wood on why none of this should matter.
So the question remains what is to be done with all of this? The problematic thing for me is that Trump had four years to target the corrupt democratic cities, weed out the bad election software by the power of the DOJ, fire the deep state actors, and jail the deep state criminals.
He did none of that. He spent his time tweeting. So here we are, a banana republic with elections that mean nothing at all, a president who chose not to stop it, and a puppet of China getting ready to take office.
Things in Michigan took a dramatic turn Wednesday night when two Republican members of the Wayne County Canvassers signed sworn affidavits saying they were bullied and coerced into certifying the election. The four-member board voted to certify the election on Tuesday night. Originally, the two GOP board members voted no. Roughly two hours later, a unanimous vote came down certifying the results.
According to board chair Monica Palmer and GOP member William Hartmann, the county’s corporate counsel, Janet Anderson-Davis, advised the board members that their job was “ministerial” and any concerns they expressed were outside of the board’s authority.
“Late in the evening, I was enticed to agree to certify based on the promise that a full and independent audit would take place. I would have not have agreed to the certification but for the promise of an audit,” Hartmann said in his affidavit. “Vice-Chairman Jonathan Kinloch then assured us that if we voted to certify the election, a full, independent, and complete audit of Detroit’s election, would be undertaken. I relied on this assurance in coming to an agreement. Without this assurance, I would not have agreed to certify Wayne County on November 17th.”
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Both members stated they still believe the election results for Wayne County should not be certified.
It’s too late now, you naive, gullible little children. You listened to lawyers, and believed communists. You couldn’t have done anything more stupid.