Archive for the 'Politics' Category

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai On The 2020 Election Fraud

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

He has his detractors in the comments.  Those detractors are too stolid to understand what he said.  I’ve done calculations and data analysis my entire working career as a registered professional engineer.  So let me break this down for you in a method I think you’ll understand and add a few points.

In four important counties in Michigan, those areas that strongly lean republican voted for Biden when examining non-straight ticket voting.  In other words, republicans didn’t like Trump, even more so than democrats didn’t like Trump (or at least, you have to believe this in order to accept the data, an absurd proposition).  But wait!  The fun is just beginning, and there’s more.

This held true in the superlative for more heavily leaning republican precincts.  In other words, the more heavily leaning republicans didn’t like Trump even more than less heavily leaning republican precincts!  But wait, there’s more!

This trend held true monotonically.  The line graph depicting this behavior could be curve fitted with a fairly confident correlation coefficient!  But wait, there’s more.

These trend lines in various counties were virtually the same slope!  That’s right.  Virtually every republican leaning precinct had automatons who all felt exactly the same way.

This behavior held true in Michigan ONLY for the four important counties, not the other ones in Michigan.  In other words, the four counties Biden needed to win, and win big, he did, because of this deeply felt, monotonically increasing hatred of Trump in more heavily republican leaning precincts.

This is why your vote will never matter again as long as you live.  Here we are.

We Are All Southerners Now

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Via Ken, this piece.

With all due respect to those among my ancestors who fought and even died for the Union, I hereby raise my glass to my long-suffering brethren from the lands below the languid river at the bottom of my state.  You have always been on target about states’ rights, individual freedom, and resistance to becoming the minions of people who neither knew nor cared about you in Washington, D.C.  You are people of a sort I understand.  People after my own heart.  I am proud and honored to call you my countrymen.  Please accept my genuine, if a little belated, apologies.  Let us bury the hatchet for good and ever.  Long live our country and the nation of our birth.  We are all Southerners now.

Forgive me if I don’t jump up and down with glee over this apology.

I don’t really think you’re a Southerner after all, at least not without proof.  Maybe I don’t know you well enough, but here’s the thing for me.

I see Northerners come down to the South looking for more liberty and trying to escape high taxes, and yet they bring the same brand of totalitarianism with them that fouled their own nest.  Higher taxes, more government control, huge public works projects, and on and on it goes.

They foul their nest, come our way, think they’re smarter than everyone else, implement the same scorched earth policies, foul our nest, and then where do they go?  To the next gullible place that will have them?

So you’re welcome here if you want to be free, and you’ll vote that way.  That means no new taxes, no gun control, and no toll roads, among other things.  Stay out of our lives and leave us be.  If you think you’re smarter than everyone else, a pathology I’ve seen from many Northerners, stay where you are.

On a related note, some people see our slow drawl as an indication of stupidity.  You know where that idiotic notion doesn’t hold true?  Among the engineering and scientific community.

Because calculus, physics and mechanics don’t care about your accent.  You’re either right or wrong.  If you don’t believe me, go to an engineering or technical conference and watch and listen.  I’ve presented papers at many of them.  It’s all about the content, nothing about the presentation or dress.  I’ve seen engineering professors make presentations with half a shirt tail hanging out.  No one cares.  They’re looking at the math.

There is no room for bigotry in engineering and mathematics.  That mostly happens among the elitist class who were trained in the humanities.

Paul Cottrell On Election 2020 Fraud

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

This is a very recent video by Paul Cottrell.

Here is his Google drive.  Dominion voting very likely stole the election, and the CCP is likely involved through Akamai Technologies.

You can read the documents for yourself.  This is a conspiracy, but it’s not a theory.

The American Bolshevik Revolution: Will There Really Be Any Such Thing As The “Gray Man” Resistance?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Via WRSA, this bracing piece.  It’s about the nature of the Russian Bolshevik revolution, but it could have been written a day ago about America.

Anyone wearing a uniform was a candidate for a bullet to the head or sulfuric acid to the face. Country estates were burnt down (“rural illuminations”) and businesses were extorted or blown up. Bombs were tossed at random into railroad carriages, restaurants, and theaters. Far from regretting the death and maiming of innocent bystanders, terrorists boasted of killing as many as possible, either because the victims were likely bourgeois or because any murder helped bring down the old order. A group of anarcho-­communists threw bombs laced with nails into a café bustling with two hundred customers in order “to see how the foul bourgeois will squirm in death agony.”

How did educated, liberal society respond to such terrorism? What was the position of the Constitutional Democratic (Kadet) Party and its deputies in the Duma (the parliament set up in 1905)? Though Kadets advocated democratic, constitutional procedures, and did not themselves engage in ­terrorism, they aided the terrorists in any way they could. Kadets collected money for terrorists, turned their homes into safe houses, and called for total amnesty for arrested terrorists who pledged to continue the mayhem. Kadet Party central committee member N. N. Shchepkin declared that the party did not regard terrorists as criminals at all, but as saints and martyrs. The official Kadet paper, Herald of the Party of People’s Freedom, never published an article condemning political assassination. The party leader, Paul Milyukov, declared that “all means are now legitimate . . . and all means should be tried.” When asked to condemn terrorism, another liberal leader in the Duma, Ivan Petrunkevich, famously replied: “Condemn terror? That would be the moral death of the party!”

Not just lawyers, teachers, doctors, and engineers, but even industrialists and bank directors raised money for the terrorists. Doing so signaled advanced opinion and good manners. A quote attributed to Lenin—“When we are ready to kill the capitalists, they will sell us the rope”—would have been more accurately rendered as: “They will buy us the rope and hire us to use it on them.” True to their word, when the Bolsheviks gained control, their organ of terror, the Cheka, “liquidated” members of all opposing parties, beginning with the Kadets. Why didn’t the liberals and businessmen see it coming?

[ … ]

In one memorable scene, the hero of ­Solzhenitsyn’s novel November 1916, Colonel Vorotyntsev, finds himself at a social gathering principally of Kadet adherents, where everyone repeats the same progressive pieties. He soon grasps that “each of them knew in advance what the others would say, but that it was imperative for them to meet and hear all over again what they collectively knew. They were all overwhelmingly certain that they were right, yet they needed these exchanges to reinforce their certainty.” To his surprise, Vorotyntsev, as if under a spell, finds himself joining in. It requires an effort to remind himself that what these progressives say about “the people,” whom they do not know at all, contradicts everything he has learned from his acquaintance with thousands of common soldiers. When Vorotyntsev ventures the slightest discordant observation, “just . . . one little thing . . . they were all on their guard. They fell silent, as they had been speaking, in unison, and their silence was aimed at the colonel.” He retreats and, as if hypnotized, repeats progressive pieties with the rest.

What is this strange political hypnosis? Vorotyntsev gives ground and holds his peace, “not because he felt he was wrong, but out of fear of saying something reactionary,” a word Solzhenitsyn italicizes to suggest that, in other cultures and periods, a different term of opprobrium will play the same role. Soldiers who are brave under fire cower before progressive opinion. For a long time, Vorotyntsev cannot bring himself to voice counterarguments, “and he despised himself for it. . . . It was a contagious disease—there was no resisting it if you came too close.”

This rehearses in stark form what we’ve discussed many times here on these pages, that is, the claim that one is going to be “Gray Man.”

Stay hidden, stay silent, amass your inventory, don’t silhouette on roofline, and when the proper time comes, you’ll oppose tyranny, whether tyranny of language, tyranny of gun control, or financial tyranny.  I humor such beliefs with the approval of nom de guerre comments, and in fact have been scolded before by readers who send articles in for publication and commentary for giving out even their first name.  So I just now say, “from a reader.”

But your free speech rights are the first to go.  When the progressives have taken the academy, the police, the military, the churches, the grade schools, the corporations and every other aspect of the culture, it’s too late to go public and defend your home and hearth against tyranny.

The founders used their real names.  They knew the stakes.  Staying “Gray Man” because you want to prepare is a recipe for failure, or better, a dangerous opioid that may dull the senses into false beliefs.

This isn’t exaggeration.  Soldiers who can brave fire often find it difficult to oppose peer pressure, because, after all, “what will people think of me?”

Florida’s Gov. DeSantis Wants To Allow Armed Citizens To Shoot Looters And Rioters

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

And he’s taking it on the chin from the communists at HuffPo.

The Miami Herald reported Tuesday that Florida’s Republican governor has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would drastically expand the state’s “stand your ground” law ― which currently allows people to use deadly force to defend themselves if they think they’re in danger of being killed or seriously harmed by another person, per Fort Myers’ News-Press.

Critics blasted the bill as a gift to would-be vigilantes. Former Miami-Dade prosecutor Aubrey Webb told the outlet he worries that language in the drafted legislation is too vague and gives armed citizens the “power to kill as they subjectively determine what constitutes ‘criminal mischief.’”

DeSantis’ proposal would expand the “stand your ground” law to property crime and allow the use of force against “violent or disorderly assemblies” or “criminal mischief” occurring within 500 feet of a business that is experiencing “interruption or impairment” due to this conduct, according to the Herald — which said it obtained emails and a copy of the bill draft.

The legislation would also make it a “third-degree felony to block traffic during a protest, offer immunity to drivers who claim to have unintentionally killed or injured protesters who block traffic, and withhold state funds from local governments that cut law enforcement budgets,” the Herald reports.

“It allows for vigilantes to justify their actions,” Denise Georges, a former Miami-Dade County prosecutor who had handled “stand your ground” cases, told the Herald. “It also allows for death to be the punishment for a property crime — and that is cruel and unusual punishment.

The issue is more complicated than that.

One can never be assured that mob violence does not turn from property crimes to crimes against a person’s health or life.  What one minute is protesting in the town square with a permit, can quickly become throwing Molotov Cocktails at homes, as we’ve witnessed from Antifa and BLM.

This is wonderful legislation, and I wish him success with it.

Soros Is Connected To The 2020 Election Fraud

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

In a revelation that surprises no one.

Dominion (voting machines) serves 40% of the US market. It is in 30 states.
– The state of Texas rejected the machines.
– Smartmatic entered into an agreement with Dominion in 2009
– Smartmatic is connected to Philippine voter fraud
– Smartmatic is run by Lord Mark Malloch Brown who works for George Soros.
– Brown chairs the Boards of a number of non-profit boards including the Open Society Foundation,
– Brown chairs the Centre for Global Development.
– Open society of course is owned by George Soros
– Guess who owns Dominion? Blum Capital Partners, L.P. **
– Guess who is on the board for the company? Richard C. Blum. **
– Richard C. Blum is husband to Dianne Feinstein. ***
– Nancy Pelosi’s husband is also an investor
– An aide to Nancy Pelosi, Nadeam Elshami, was hired by the Dominion Voting Systems
– Dominion Voting Systems is literally listed on the Clinton Foundation website.
– “The DELIAN Project: Democracy through Technology” is the title of the page.
– Georgia Governor Kemp purchased machines after Texas and Florida rejected
– Dominion Voting has a lobbyist name Jared Thomas
– Jared Thomas was Governor Brian Kemp’s chief of staff and press secretary from 2012 to 2015
– You must remember the Feinstein-Kavanaugh-Soros connections to understand the depth
– Debra Katz (Christine Ford’s lawyer) worked for George-Soros at the Open Society Foundation.
– Debra Katz (Christine Ford’s lawyer) also worked at Project on Government Oversight (POGO).
– POGO is funded by Soros’s Open Society Foundation.
– POGO is the the co-signer of the letter Diane Feinstein had on Kavanaugh.
– Kamala Harris did not prosecute OneWest Bank for their fraud
– Soros owned OneWest Bank.

The comments are interesting too.  This is from a reader, and you’re warned that I haven’t done fact-checking myself, so I’m just passing along.

Sidney Powell On Dominion Voting And Election Fraud

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Sidney Powell is a great attorney and she has terrific investigators.  She is the one, of course, who exonerated Michael Flynn of any wrongdoing and worked the FISA court over for fraud itself.

Having said that, where is this mountain of evidence?  Time is short.  Why isn’t this mountain of evidence in the hands of the American public?  Why hasn’t a lawsuit been taken to the Supreme Court yet?  Has such lawsuits made their way through the state and been rejected by the corrupt state supreme courts, as they will?

I have no doubt she is engaging in some truth-telling to power.  The problem is that they don’t care any more.  That’s how deep the corruption runs.  This may be too little, too late.  In fact, the failure to see that this was going to happen and stop it before the election may have made all of this moot.

Michael Yon On The Current State Of Affairs In America

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Michael Yon.

Black Lives Matter has defaced the road with gang markings in front of the White House. I am right here right now but about 50 meters away from that top photo.

Buildings around Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Portland, and many other cities are pasted with “BLACK LIVES MATTER.” Businesses are boarded up to ward off the Flat Screen Rioters (FSRs) encouraged by team-Biden.

Some readers will say, “But Michael! You’re getting political!” Reality check: Osama bin Laden made the attacks on America for religiopolitical reasons. Historical fact. Politics to war.

It is also historical fact that I stood at 0430 this morning in front of the White House on “Black Lives Matter Plaza,” so-named this year, officially. And scrawled the graffiti of racial superiority and violence down the road.

They have murdered people and caused billions of dollars in losses due to theft, arson, and loss of business. Just here last week numerous people were stabbed and beaten. Right here. In front of the White House.

When terrorist groups did this in Iraq, do you know what we did? We hunted them down. I was there as witness. General Petraeus warned not to fly sectarian or other flags, or else.

And do you know what we did in Iraq and Afghanistan when people interfered with elections? I was there for both. We shot them.

I think that’s a good idea.  I’m sure, based on the fact that Petraeus is an adulterer and gun controller and aligned with the globalist and leftist agenda, he’d rather those complaining about interfered elections be shot.  He and McChrystal both.  I know what you’re thinking.  What does Petraeus being an adulterer have to do with his position on the constitution?  Answer: Unfaithfulness in one thing shows a systemic problem everywhere.

Do you know what we did when we caught terrorists fighting in the streets? We shot them. With rifles. With helicopters. With A-10s. With Hellfire missiles.

And you see why people like me are ready to leave Afghanistan and not get involved in Syria. If we cannot run a simple election in United States, we have no business installing our operating system abroad. President Trump is right. Get us out. Fix our own house.

We’ve got a guy with dementia and his crack-addict son — who clearly have sold out to foreign powers. A crackpot and a crack addict are a crack-pipe away from the White House, after an obviously fraudulent election.

We are so close to civil war that I can smell the gun oil. Ammunition is flying off the shelves by the billions of rounds. First-time gun owners have stripped the shelves. Anti-second amendment people have armed-up and some say explicitly this is to kill people like me who believe in the 1st and 2nd Amendments, and the Constitution in total. Supporting the Constitution is now seen as radical.

I think he’s right on every account.  Read the rest here.

Election 2020: More Evidence Of Voter Fraud

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Dogs who vote.

And in case anyone claims to you that there is no evidence, when someone swears an affidavit in court, that’s a big deal.  They are risking prison time for perjury if they are lying.

Politics Tags:

Rolling Civil War

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Via WRSA, this.

The Fox News/ New York Post angle is particularly enticing. Why are they suddenly supporting Biden? Way beyond internal family squabbles worthy of the Successionsaga, Rupert Murdoch made it very clear, via the laptop from hell caper, that he has all sorts of kompromat on the Biden family. So they will do whatever he wants. Murdoch does not need Trump anymore.

Nor, in theory, does the GOP. Former CIA insiders assure of serious backroom shenanigans going on between GOP honchos and the Biden-Harris gang. Trade-offs bypassing Trump – which most of the GOP hates with a vengeance. The most important man in Washington will be in fact GOP Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell.

[ … ]

So this has nothing to do with governors, not to mention the media. It’s up to GOP state legislatures to act accordingly. The drama may roll out for weeks. The first step of the Electoral College procedure takes place on December 14. The final determination will only happen in early January.

Meanwhile, talk of a New Resistance is spreading like wildfire.

Trumpism, with 71 million + votes, is firmly established as a mass movement. No one in the GOP commands this kind of popular appeal. By sidelining Trumpism, the GOP may be committing seppuku.

Oh I think so.  Furthermore, none of this is going away.  I think the entirety of America may be committing seppuku.

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