Archive for the 'Politics' Category

Best And Most Succinct Explanation Of The Coup I’ve Seen

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

This is what they had planned, as well as what went wrong in their plans (via WRSA).

The plan was simple.

Saturate the media with polls showing a blue wave and an inevitable victory. Discourage people from voting in person. And then, after tabulating the paltry votes of those who defied the media to vote in person, dump all the tampered, altered, and harvested ballots for Biden in key cities.

Even before Election Day, the Democrats knew their plan was going awry. Suddenly, instead of urging their base to use mail-in ballots they were, just as loudly, telling them to vote in person.

Why? Too few Republicans were voting by mail and too many were going to vote in person.

If the Election Day numbers tilted too decisively to President Trump before suddenly going Biden’s way, the election would look rigged, and there would be an outcry from Republicans.

Despite last minute efforts urging Democrats to vote in person, that’s exactly what happened.

Once again, Democrats had overreached, committed a massive crime, and have been left with no choice except to ride the tiger. That’s what happened last time when the Obama administration allied with the Clinton campaign to eavesdrop on its political opponents. And then doubled down with investigations and indictments, not of the perpetrators, but the victims.

Despite the blatant irregularities in key battleground states, they’re doubling down again.

The American Coup is underway. In classic Leninist fashion, its initial goal is to control the propaganda and the process. The media has declared Biden to be the winner while mass celebratory gatherings cheer the new order. Big Tech censors any skepticism about the election.

And the same faction that declared four years ago that casting doubt on an election was patriotic and the best defense of democracy now claims exactly it’s treason.

The only Democrat rule is that it’s patriotic when they do it and treason when their opponents do. That’s not how ‘democrats think. It’s how dictators rule.

All of this is a sideshow. What really matters is the process, not the propaganda. The propaganda is meant to divert attention from how implausible the media’s numbers are.

Republican turnout rose, instead of falling, in in-person voting, and the GOP also went into Election Day with clear leads in mail-in ballots in key battleground states, including Wisconsin and Michigan. The tide of Biden ballots that arrived during the night resulted in implausible turnout figures. The photos, videos, and whistleblower accounts of poll and postal workers tampering with ballots didn’t take long to show up. And just as quickly to be censored.

The odd numbers mostly came out of urban areas run by notoriously corrupt political machines. And the race between those trying to steal and unsteal the election began with a power struggle. In Philly and Detroit, efforts were made to keep Republican observers out of view.

In Philly, it took a court order to even get the observers within sight of the ballots, while the city continued to fight the ruling. In Detroit, windows were covered up with cardboard, and Republican observers were locked out. Potentially tens of thousands of ballots were illegally transposed with no Republican observers. In Pennsylvania, Democrat operatives had been illegally given access to rejected mail-in ballots so that they could arrange for provisionals. And back in Detroit, workers were told to backdate ballots that had arrived after the election.

In Wisconsin, thousands of witness statements may have been illegally altered.

Meanwhile the glitches, errors, and irregularities began piling up.

He encapsulated it very nicely.  Once in, they had to “ride the tiger.”

Professor Mann of Penn State was trying to prove something he couldn’t prove about global warming.  Most people misunderstand the intent of his seminal (but falsified) paper.

He wasn’t really trying to prove that the globe was warming, although that was one outcome.  He was trying to prove that there was correspondence between tree ring data and global temperature (which would then allow him to show global temperature rise).  Since global temperature has only recently been measured and tree ring data has been around for much longer, he wanted to show similar graphs.

The trouble for Mann was always that it was false.  The tree ring data stayed on course in a relatively similar direction, while global temperature actually decreased during this tree ring data graph.  He had to “hide the decline.”

So that’s what he did.  For years he refused to release his raw data.  Unfortunately for him, it was leaked and researchers finally saw what he had done.  He adjusted the data to hide the “hockey stick” decline in global temperatures.  He was, and always will be, a complete fraud, just like his global temperature model.

Joe Biden is a fraud, and the hockey stick vote tally, common around the country in swing states, is one more instance of the Mann proposition: If you can’t be truthful and win, just lie.

Trucker Strike

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Zero Hedge.

There’s a group on Facebook (for now – we all know how it goes on Facebook) called Stop the Tires Truckers that is organizing the strike. As of the writing of this article, more than 15,000 people had joined the newly formed group.

Our message is simple and hopefully effective. We fully intend to exercise our rights, and will not have politicians making crippling decisions, that will negatively affect our future and the future of our children.

President Trump has worked diligently for four long years to protect the rights and freedoms of all Americans, and very importantly the blue-collar workers of this country. The blue-collar workers are literally the ones that make the wheels turn! Without truck drivers this country could not survive for long. Our intention is not to harm anyone. We would like to make a point that we do NOT wish for any companies or private truck drivers, supplying any kind of medical supplies and/or services, to participate in our movement.

“We will not participate in the leftist, Biden/Harris Green New Deal. We do not support the banning of fracking. The United States of America operates as a capitalistic economy and OIL is the fuel she survives on. With this being said, we will STOP ALL TIRES for 24 hours on Veterans Day 11/11/20. If this is not effective and our leaders do not respect that blue-collar truck drivers are having to face domestic terrorism, primarily in democrat run cities all over the United States, and that we do not support the banning of fracking in any way, then we will have our second STOP OF TIRES for FOUR full days 11/26/20-11/29/20.

We are calling for all patriots to share this all over the country. We may not last long on Facebook, but please do not be deterred, and continue to share this on any social media or other outlets, that you have available to you.”

Thank you & God Bless America (source)

And as of this writing, the group has over 31,000 members.

The threat is real, prepare your logistics beforehand.

His Fraudulency, Joe Biden

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago


MEET ‘HIS FRAUDULENCY,’ JOE BIDEN: Presidents sometimes get unflattering nicknames. John Adams was known to some as “His Rotundity” and John Tyler, who only succeeded to the presidency upon the death of William Henry Harrison, inevitably became “His Accidency.” I just heard “His Fraudulency” suggested for Joe Biden.

Very well.  I’m convinced.  From now until I pass away from the earth, Biden will be known to me as “His Fraudulency, Joe Biden.”

I will pass it own to all of my family, friends, loved ones, and readers.  I will never stop using the appellation.

Politics Tags:

2020 Election Fraud Link Dump

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

I’m disinclined to find and post links on what we all know happened with the election.  America is a banana republic.  The republic of the founders no longer exists, and hasn’t for a long time.

With that said, various readers send links in and so I’m supplying you with these as well.  I don’t promise that there isn’t overlap with links I’ve previously posted, or even that there isn’t overlap or repetition between links in this post.

I also don’t vouch for the accuracy of the information contained in these articles or links.

From David Codrea.

From a reader.

Finally a few from me and reader Joefour.

Suspicious flash drive with votes found in Virginia congressional race

No, every vote does not count!

Sidney Powell on the election

Feel free to post your own in the comments.

Biden’s Plans For You

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Should it turn out that he is the chief executive.

Biden has promised to rejoin the Paris climate agreement, reverse President Donald Trump’s rollbacks of public health and environmental rules and call allies worldwide to reassure them, all on his first day in the White House. Before that day is done, he says he will put in place a national strategy for containing the coronavirus pandemic, rejoin the World Health Organization, end the ban on immigration from several predominantly Muslim nations and expand rights for Latin American asylum seekers.

Biden has also promised swift action on housing, labor, gun control, LGBTQ rights and government reform.

The prog wet dream.  A national mask mandate, more small businesses shut down, submission to the globalists, more Muslim immigration, throwing the southern borders wide open, gun control, and more LGBTQ studies in elemental schools.

This is what your “fellow Americans” want for you.  If you actually still believe there is any such thing as America.

Michigan Election Tabulating Software “Glitched”

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

News from Michigan.

The Republican Party of Michigan held a press conference Friday afternoon and revealed six thousand Republican votes were calculated for Democrats after a software glitch. That software was used in dozens of counties around the state.

“In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said, ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the votes.’ Since then, we have now discovered that 47 counties used this same software in the same capacity,” Michigan GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox said.

Software does not “glitch.”  That is a lie.

In order to set the stage for what I’m about to say, let me divert for a moment to an analogy.  A former colleague of mine, a fellow registered professional engineer like me, was sitting before attorneys and being questioned for jury duty.  Apparently, the attorney was working a case where, I guess, someone took Otis elevator to court over an elevator malfunction (I don’t know of other elevator companies, so I just threw in Otis).

The attorney asked my colleague, “Do you believe that elevators can fall for no reason?”  My colleague replied, “No.  There will always be a reason for what happens.  It might be a brake malfunction due to failure of some component, poor maintenance, or something else.  It might take a formal root cause analysis to ascertain the reason for the failure.  But an elevator cannot fall for no reason.”  My colleague was dismissed until the attorney found enough jurors who believed that elevators can fall for no apparent reason.

The mathematics of ballot counting is simple.  We’re not solving differential equations in Python (something I’ve done).  This is addition, and elementary school children learn to do it at a young age.

Furthermore, let’s assume that the software is written in Python (it could be another language, but this will suffice for the purpose).  If a programmer wrote a piece of code that said of some given data set, for every ballot for candidate A, sumA += 1, it cannot possibly be interpreted as for every ballot cast for candidate A, sumB += 1.  It doesn’t work that way unless it is intentional.

Ah, you say, but Python doesn’t compile.  The coding could have been written in C++.  Okay, but any C++ compiler that produced a result like this would have been found out within a day of releasing the compiler and would have been panned by the engineering and scientific community.  The company doing something like that would go bankrupt.  Compilers don’t produce errors like that.  Problems that severe are worked out long before release of the new version.

Things in coding that produce wrong answers aren’t called “glitches.” They are called bugs, and coders work very hard to fix code bugs.  Many times, code doesn’t compile with bugs.  But if it does and an incorrect computation makes its way into the coding, this is the fault of the coder.

A coder would not make the error of adding the sum of A to the sum of B unless it was intentional.  What the county clerk wants you to believe is that coding has “glitches,” or hiccups, or has anthropomorphic characteristics like “bad hair days.”  For no obvious reason, it just does something wrong.  Or for no apparent reason, it does things one way today, and another way tomorrow.  The county clerk wants you to believe that elevators can just fall for no reason.

There is no such thing as a “computer glitch, twitch, scratch, sneeze, bad hair day,” or otherwise.  It doesn’t work that way.  The people promulgating that myth think you’re stupid and that coding doesn’t work right unless it has had its coffee that morning.

Election Fraud Part 2

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Another day, another refusal to count ballots by the states in play.  This isn’t differential equations.  This is addition.  It’s elementary school mathematics.  They know how to do it.  They’re working hard to engineer the outcome the deep state wants so it can green light largesse to failed states, the global reset, de-cashing, forced vaccines, and their laundry list of controls.

The mask hasn’t just slipped off.  They tore it off and don’t care if you know.  Election officials in Michigan and Wisconsin have refused to explain the hockey stick vote tally where hundreds of thousands of Biden votes suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Ballot counters in Detroit are covering up windows with cardboard so that watchers can’t see what they’re doing.

The Philadelphia Sheriff is not enforcing court orders for poll observers.  The election fraud is literally everywhere it matters.  In my own home state of N.C., they’ve forgotten how to add, and the result has been stagnant for days now.

The good news is that the GOP has shown just what a party of pit vipers and demons they really are.  Very few republican congressmen are willing to back Trump on charges of election fraud.

I was watching Newsmax TV a few minutes ago and heard Ted Cruz make very strong statements on election fraud and also supporting Trump, but virtually no one else.  The masks have come off in the republican party too.

The constitution doesn’t mandate open elections to determine the presidency.  But when laws have been passed that mandate such things, failure to adhere to those laws is oath-breaking.  God abhors oath-breaking, and He will not bless this country – this country that has turned from a true republic into a banana republic worthy of Hugo Chavez or Nicolas Maduro.

Oh, make sure to note that Mitch McConnell has already said he is looking forward to “working with” president Joe Biden.  You heard that right.

One final thing to note.  I hate virtually any television, but if pressed to watch it, there are only two channels left worthy of my time: Blaze TV and Newsmax TV.  I just got finished watching Greg Kelly Reports at Newsmax TV.  If you don’t mind what I say too much, you’ll like Greg Kelly, a former Marine, unleashed from his awful chains at Fox News.

Matt Bracken On The State Of The Coup

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

I’m not as positive as he is.  But it’s Matt Bracken, and he’s always worth listening to.  I do share his disgust with the GOP establishment.

The soul of the democratic party is wickedness.  The GOP simply lacks a soul.  They’re just absent of everything except self-serving laziness.  They believe in nothing.

The Anti-Trump Coup

Election Fraud

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

The AP called Michigan for Bidden.

Of course, there is the issue of the “hockey stick” in vote count that no one is stupid enough to believe.

Then there is the fact that Project Veritas has exposed fraud in Michigan.

[TRAVERSE CITY, MICH.—Nov. 4, 2020] An U.S. Postal Service Insider told Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe his supervisor instructed mail carriers at his work site here that all new ballot envelopes should be segregated in bins, so that postal clerks could fraudulently hand-postmark them as received Nov. 3.

Then Wisconsin has its own hockey stick vote count that no one is stupid enough to believe.

Not to be outdone by the corrupt bastards in Michigan and Wisconsin, Arizona has its own nefarious behavior.  To compound sin on top of sin, they gave sharpie markers to voters to use on ballots, and then threw the ballots out for use of sharpie pens.

My prediction: good men and women work jobs, raise families, go to worship and live their lives from the perspective of non-interference with others.  Until this changes and good men and women take up positions in local and state governments, wickedness will reign.  Trump loses this war.

The problem isn’t the democrats.  The problem isn’t corrupt politicians.  The problem isn’t the deep state.  The problem is that while the great commission says to make disciples in all arenas of life, good men and women have sat and done little to nothing to make that come to pass in the academy, politics, the arts, science and the public square.

Where there is a vacuum of righteousness, wickedness will swoop in and occupy.

Kenosha District Attorney, Michael Graveley, Is A Black Lives Matter Apparatchik

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

News from Kenosha.

The public now has access to newly released records that show Kenosha District Attorney, Michael Graveley texting with Whitney Cabal, AKA Billy Violent, a violence-inciting Black Lives Matter activist.

In the weird exchange, both text back and forth over the span of nearly 6 weeks, sometimes after 10:00pm.

In the many messages, it seems like Graveley is giving Cabal updates on the WI DOJ investigation into the Kenosha Police shooting of Jacob Blake and taking advice on how to handle the Kenosha riots.

In one message, Cabal warns Graveley that “KPD is gonna burn out.”

In another message, the two seem to make breakfast plans. It should be noted that Graveley is married.

This exchange is a very bizarre one, especially for Kenosha County’s top prosecutor.

Similar to the Portland DA, Mike Schmidt, who is aligned with Antifa, Graveley is a tool for BLM.

This is weaponized government, and it’s why the democrats are so good at it.  They believe in spending time and effort to control other men, whereas real men and women just go to work, raise families, go to worship, and live life.

It will be this way until God-fearing men and women get involved in local and state politics again and do it with righteousness instead of wickedness.

And Kyle Rittenhouse, while innocent, will not be able to get a fair trial in this location (or maybe any location).

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