Oregonian Films Alleged Arsonists
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 4 months ago
Oregon Bystander Films Alleged Arsonists pic.twitter.com/GpHWMdfuOW
— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) September 12, 2020
Oregon Bystander Films Alleged Arsonists pic.twitter.com/GpHWMdfuOW
— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) September 12, 2020
But of course, you knew all of this anyway, right?
Umm…. pic.twitter.com/u9BtWeA8wP
— The Last Mohican (@TheLastMohicans) September 11, 2020
It’s a terrible thing for the American public to be so stupid to think that any of this has to do with climate, and to be so cloistered and gullible that you must believe the FedGov when they tell you this has nothing to do with the communist revolution.
When the enemy tells you exactly what he’s doing and why, and when people refuse to believe it, the enemy is winning.
Then there is this.
Matt Bracken sends.
UPDATE: I’m told that this is a parody Twitter account that has been suspended. I’ve seen other screen shots of posts, and they’re cute and amusing, but still parody.
Then there is this:
Mayor sissy boy doubles down on stupid. I wonder if his panties are pink. Antifa won’t be able to find out. They drove him out of Portland. He ran like a scared little girl.
Mayor @tedwheeler announced that as police commissioner, he is banning @PortlandPolice from using tear gas under all circumstances. They were previously restricted to using it only on life safety emergencies, such as when rioters do arson attacks. pic.twitter.com/fgTzszDI6U
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 10, 2020
I had seen this piece before and honestly felt robbed of the five minutes of my life it took to digest and then regurgitate this drivel. But since David links it and makes some comments it brought the acid reflux back and I decided to post on it.
Sacrificial Lamb nobly attempts to explain to the Boomers why they are, and will probably remain, the most despised generation in recorded human history, before they pass from the stage…
This sounds like a first grade class in a temper tantrum. I want it all, and I want it now, now, NOW, NOW!
First of all, as we’ve explained before, sins do not redound to guilt of those who did not commit them.
” … the Biblical doctrine is, as Deuteronomy 24:16 makes clear, one of individual responsibility … guilt cannot be shifted to others or passed on to the people around a man. Guilt is non-transferable; a disposition or nature can be inherited, but not guilt.”
So before posting such idiotic tripe again, the author should go do some study.
Second, there is historical misunderstanding in this tripe. “Boomers” … whatever that is, are not per se responsible for the mess in which America finds itself. Someone has been asleep.
This all began long ago, with Horace Mann, who decided that the state owned your children rather than you, and that you are unqualified to educate them in either mathematics or morals.
Social Darwinism took hold many years ago, and invaded the church. The manifestation of the project at that point was to jettison the creeds and councils of the early church in favor of falsehood. Communists infiltrated institutions of education, and mathematics and physics were jettisoned in favor of social management. Those graduates taught the children who taught the children who taught the children who today teach your children in centers of communist indoctrination.
Wicked men brought premillennial dispensationalism to the American church, in which the church decided to sit back, wait on the “rapture” (which isn’t taught in the Scriptures), and turn over sports, Hollywood, entertainment, scholarship, and government to the evil one.
You see, this project has been ongoing just about since the beginning of the republic, and in fact, this project has been going on since Genesis Chapter 3. Every individual who didn’t do what God commanded is guilty in some way, but let me make it clear, individuals are guilty and will answer for their own actions. Generations are not guilty.
I can recommend some very good studies in the American project, how it started well, and how it was hijacked. You can begin with many of the books and papers R.J. Rushdoony wrote, beginning with “This Independent Republic” (you could also study C. Gregg Singer [Theological Interpretation of American History] and Douglas Kelly [The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World]), but let me make this one final thing clear. You need to read thousands of pages in order to understand it.
Misunderstanding theology and history (the title of this post) occurs because you don’t know theology and history. You’re an impostor, not a scholar.
Writing about a first grader temper tantrum is unseemly and embarrassing to the authors, even if they’re too stupid to know it.
So let me be very clear: if Democrat Party governors, mayors and DAs have hamstrung their police for political reasons, and won’t allow them to protect the lives and property of their local citizens using all required force, abandoning their primary mission in order to bow to the ABR mob, then it is time for their undefended citizens to apply the clear intent of the Second Amendment. There should be deep regret about the abandonment of the Rule of Law by the Democrat Party political ruling class, but there should be no moral quibbles or hesitation by American citizens concerning the legitimacy of armed community self defense, in the absence of expected law enforcement protection.
Therefore, it is my carefully considered opinion that black-clad and masked ABR mobs, rampaging and terrorizing innocent citizens under the cover of darkness in the style of the KKK of old, may morally and ethically be taken under preemptive fire by armed citizens at any level necessary to drive them out of their peaceful neighborhoods and away from their businesses, before the terrorists can reach their targets and throw their Molotov cocktails and other explosive and incendiary devices.
I agree with all of this, for reasons not mentioned.
First, in today’s America, I believe in the right of lethal action to defend property. In OT times, robbers became slaves to the ones from whom they stole, until they paid back the debt in multiples. Failure to honor that obligation of debt would get the robbers thrown into a pit at the edge of town and rocked to death.
Today in America, the FedGov sees debts as to society, and the offended never gets relief. Insurance doesn’t even come close. The laws and rules under which we currently live were intended for people who no longer exist.
Second, and perhaps most important, I would turn you to an article I wrote in which I cataloged an elderly couple whose home had been invaded, and after plundering the home, the invaders doused the couple with gasoline and set them on fire, killing both of them. I won’t bother to find the link.
You cannot entrust your safety to an assumption. You do not know the intent of the invaders, and maybe they don’t even know their intent.
Third, even if the rioters don’t intend to douse you with gasoline and set you on fire, there can be unintended consequences and collateral damage. It’s extremely dangerous to have rioters and looters rampaging through neighborhoods.
Regardless of intent (which can’t be known anyway), women and children can perish. Men cannot allow that to happen. Men cannot allow increased danger to come to their loved ones if they can stop it.
Having said all of that, be careful. Your enemy isn’t just Antifa/BLM. Your enemy is the state as well, who will prosecute you for self defense. They did with Kyle Rittenhouse, and they did with the McCloskeys. They’ll do it to you too.
Clara Kraebber, 20 years old, the school-smart, life-dumb, over-educated, under-knowledgeable daughter of wealthy, highly accomplished parents, recently profiled on this blog for her protest demonstration temper tantrum for over six years, is currently confined in her family’s second mansion — complete with four fireplaces to complement the ecologically correct heating system — in an upscale Connecticut suburb, awaiting the next step for damages caused in a riot in which she participated.
Elsewhere, some of her peers are also suffering similar fates.
Elliot Rucka, 20, nabbed in the same riot (I repeat, not “peaceful protest”!) as Kraebber “that caused at least $100,000 in damages, authorities said,” is also the offspring of prominent parents …
Meanwhile, shed some tears — perhaps of laughter — as Natalie Van Norman, from the comfortable California beach suburb of Redondo Beach, sobbingly wants to know “Where the f— are my rights?” as she is arrested up north in Portland. Not so amazingly, she showed no concern for the rights of the average Portland citizens whose lives and businesses have been upended in the 100 days — count them; they did — of violence as she dashed from the taxpayer-funded ambulance where police placed her to be treated, at taxpayer expense, for injuries sustained while she resisted arrest.
Loewy Malkovich, a software engineer in Portland and son of noted actor John Malkovich, joined other rioters as they violently protested against the middle-class police trying to protect their union building and other middle-class businesses.
Andy Ngo notes yet another.
Elliot Rucka, 20, of Portland, Ore., was charged w/felony riot in the Manhattan BLM-antifa rampage last week. He's the son of well-to-do New York Times best-selling comic book author @ruckawriter. #AntifaRiots https://t.co/nnGBVStmlD pic.twitter.com/sFhoDuyqtE
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 9, 2020
I said in an earlier post that “This is just a bunch of bourgeois, trust fund white kids being supported by their parents.”
I was partially right. It’s a combination of those and the very poor. The very rich and the very poor have aligned to take down the middle class.
That’s you and me. They want to destroy the middle class. All communists do.
Black Lives Matter protesters assaulted a black store manager in Pittsburgh, PA after mobbing his McDonald's. pic.twitter.com/tigzxJfsuW
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 7, 2020
Because the mob apparently owns McDonald’s too.
When he touched him, that was assault. He should be hunted down and thrown (back) in prison.
Via Ken.
BLM: “I can be right the F here.”
Cop: “No, you can’t so stand back. You’re illegally on the freeway. Did you know that?”
BLM: “I have the right to peacefully protest in Seattle.”
Cop: “This isn’t Seattle. This is the freeway. Read. You’ll learn.”
— Kelb Hull (@CalebJHull) September 4, 2020
This robs men and women of their time, potentially puts people in life threatening situations (think here babies being delivered on the roadway, heart attack victims who perish on the highway because they can’t get to the hospital, etc.), and I would say the same thing if this was a protest to repeal the NFA (which of course I support).
Get off the highway jerk! You’re endangering me.
Or in other words, when the MSM lies about people.
What gives? Was the initial toilet paper shortage the “trigger” that led these GI Joe wannabes to rush out to their neighborhood gun store and grab the latest AR-15? Is it the fear that people of color will finally get justice instead of bullets that brings out the macho men? Is it this kind of imagined domestic Armageddon exactly what these paranoid jack-booted men want?
Whatever legitimate complaints they have are overshadowed by the real threat of a mass shooting by one of their own. We know it only takes one Tim McVeigh nutcase to go off at one of these rallies.
Someone like Kyle Rittenhouse.
This is what happens when little boys get degrees in journalism and know nothing about the subject. They should be required to dig ditches for a decade before writing on any subject.
He equates Kyle Rittenhouse with Timothy McVeigh.
Kyle, who said “If someone is hurt, I’m running into harm’s way.” There to protect the property of people he didn’t even know.
Timothy McVeigh, who killed women and children. I saw the interview of him just days before his execution. He was an atheist. At least he was then. He isn’t today.
Remember that phrase from the Dem war game: “street fight.” In other words, a repeat of this summer, only much, much bigger. Crank the propaganda to ear-drum shattering decibels and fill the streets of every major city with “protesters.” Shut down the country and allow only one message to be heard: “Trump must go.” I.e., what’s come to be known as a “color revolution,” the exact same playbook the American deep state runs in other countries whose leadership they don’t like and is currently running in Belarus. Oust a leader—even an elected one—through agitation and call it “democracy.” …
If there is a conspiracy to remove President Trump from office even if he wins, they’re telling you about it precisely to get you ready for it, so that when it happens you won’t think it was a conspiracy; you’ll blame the president.
Matt Bracken also has observations on machinations designed to overturn what happens on election day.
So if this is correct, don’t expect to see the revolution dissipating any time soon. This is their playbook. They’re running it just like they’ve run it all over the world.
What’s being discussed here isn’t the election. It’s the communist revolution.