Archive for the 'Politics' Category

How’s That Appeasement Thing Going, Part II

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

This is just a bunch of bourgeois, trust fund white kids being supported by their parents. Either that, or George Soros money.

Hey Ted, how’s that appeasement thing going?  My readers want to know.

Also, a quick note to the Black Bloc.  Your music sucks.

Black Lives Matter Ties To Communism

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Scott Walter writing at Capital Research Center.

Some conservatives have begun speculating the unrest in American cities—even as late as Monday night in Washington, DC, as “protestors” unsuccessfully worked to tear down a statue of Andrew Jackson and set up an autonomous zone across the street from the White House—may in part be an attempt to affect the upcoming presidential election, with the chaos and violence intended to make it as difficult as possible for Donald Trump to win a second term.

Lending credence to this idea is the fact that at least one board member of Thousand Currents—the group fiscally sponsoring the most organized part of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, who have been involved in most of the activity surrounding the current unrest—tried the same thing almost 40 years ago during Ronald Reagan’s reelection campaign. And it landed her in federal prison for 16 years.

If there were any question whether Black Lives Matter has ideological ties to the Communist terrorists of the 1960s, the story of Susan Rosenberg [archived here] should put that issue to bed.

Rosenberg, who started out as a member of the 1960s revolutionary group Weather Underground, graduated into even more violent, and arguably successful, forms of terrorism in the 1970s and 1980s—including bombings at an FBI field office in Staten Island, the Navy Yard Officers’ Club in Washington, DC, and even the U.S. Capitol building, where she damaged a representation of the greatest of the Democrat defenders of slavery, John C. Calhoun. She currently serves as human and prisoner rights advocate and a vice chair of the board of directors of Thousand Currents.

As my colleague Robert Stilson explains here, BLM Global Network Foundation has been a fiscally sponsored project of Thousand Currents, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, since 2016.  That means the BLM group, which runs the website, does not have its own IRS tax-exempt status but is operating as a “project” of an organization that does. In the case of 501(c)(3) fiscally sponsored projects, this allows tax-deductible donations to be made to the project.

When “Black Lives Matter” is used to refer to an organization, it typically means the BLM Global Network Foundation that traces its beginnings to “three radical Black organizers — Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi.” Cullors recently went viral online when she admitted that she and others in the group were “trained Marxists.”

This leads to confusion when people express their support for “Black Lives,” because they may not realize this organization is ideologically tied—to the point of having Rosenberg on the board of the central group—with trained Marxists with a history of extremism and violence. In fact, Rosenberg was a member of the May 19th Communist Organization (M19). It was, according to this NY Post article from January 2020, “the nation’s only woman-run terror group,” as recounted by William Rosenau in his book Tonight We Bombed the U.S. Capitol.

And like all good communists, they hate Jesus because they want to be God.

It’s been said that the only good communist is dead communist.  I disagree.  There are no good communists, dead or alive.  They’re all in hell or headed that way.

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What Does It Take To Be A Writer For Slate?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Mark Joseph Stern writing at Slate.

This narrative transforms Rittenhouse from an unstable killer to a Second Amendment hero. And you need only accept a few fictions to buy into it. First, you must believe that the protesters chasing down Rittenhouse and attempting to wrest his gun away were not trying to prevent further bloodshed, but simply to brutalize him. Second, you must agree that even if these protesters were trying to confiscate Rittenhouse’s gun, they were wrong to do so, because they were the vicious lawbreakers and he was the vulnerable peacekeeper. Third, you must embrace a definition of self-defense so capacious that it allows a gunman to legally shoot a civilian dead when that civilian is trying to seize a weapon the gunman has used to kill someone. Or, as the New York Times’ Jamelle Bouie put it, “if someone is trying to stop you after you killed someone, you can continue shooting and killing in ‘self-defense.’ ”

In order to be a writer at Slate, you only have to be willing to hawk fiction like the three convicted criminals trying to kill Rittenhouse were only “attempting to wrest his gun away.”

Without even a scintilla of evidence, you have to be willing to publish information you know to be false, like they had no intention of brutalizing him.

Oh, and here’s the criminal in his own words.

James Woods On The Kenosha Event

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Minneapolis: The Wages Of Sin

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Residents of Minneapolis exercising their version of reparations in their own way.

The Three Criminals Shot In Kenosha, WI, Identified

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

As a reader puts it to me, “All three people shot were felons, from child rapists (head shot), to multiple cases of assault.  Kyle shot the rapist in the head in self defense, then was forced to flee the mob. The rapist died.  Kyle tripped.  He was drop kicked in the face by someone that ran away.  Next a felon assaulted him with a skateboard, and tried to take his rifle. He was shot center mass and died.  Another Felon ran toward Kyle and pulled a pistol out. Kyle shot him in the arm and pretty much shredded it.”

“First one up was just out after 12 years for child rape…Mr. Shot in the heart was a convicted wife beater and dude with his arm blown open is a convicted burglar and was a felon in possession of a handgun when he got shot (trying to execute the 17year old).”

Yea, I won’t be shedding any tears for them.  Awful people.  But of course they’re associated with this activity, so they are awful people for doing that too.

See also

The Meme Machine Cranks Up

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Analyzing St. Jacob Blake

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Andy also points out “the police scanner audio documents how a woman called 911 for help when Blake came to her home & allegedly stole her property. That’s not breaking up a fight, as we were told.”

What we’ve been told is always a function of who’s doing the telling.  The narrative must match the views of the ones who control the narrative.

See the problem here?

A Dog Always Returns To Its Vomit

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

David Codrea.

“Former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), a frequent critic of President Trump’s, is endorsing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden along with several other former Republican lawmakers,” The Hill reported Monday. “The list includes other former members of Congress who had previously announced their support for Biden, including former Sens. John Warner (R-Va.) and Gordon Humphrey (R-N.H.), who is now an independent, and Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.). Other former lawmakers on the list include former Reps. Steve Bartlett (R-Texas), Tom Coleman (R-Mo.), Bob Inglis (R-S.C.), Chris Shays (R-Conn.), Alan Steelman (R-Texas) and Jim Walsh (R-N.Y.).”

The move follows other high-profile “Republican” betrayals timed to help the Democrats take it all in November …

Many of them certified gun rights supporters by the NRA, whose officials too are hypocrites.

Look folks, forget about Trump for a second.  These people have intentionally, knowingly, adroitly undermined God-given rights the entire time they have been in power, and would turn the FedGov over to men and women who would do worse than any previous administration.

Payback must be had one day.

Kenosha Riots: One Rioter Gets Half His Arm Blown Off By Rifle Fire

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Warning: This video is graphic for weak of stomach folks.

I’m an analyst.  Permit me some free-form analysis, very early, in which the details are not exactly nailed down.

First, I take this to be a shot from a long gun.  Pistol rounds don’t cause that much damage.  It could be from an AK pattern rifle, but I doubt it.  I recall a Navy Corpsman in my son’s Battalion who told me his story (confirmed by others in the Battalion) where he took a 7.62×39 round to the thigh, it ricocheted up his thigh and exited near his buttocks.  Clean entry wound, clean exit wound.  He then tended to other wounded in the gun battle before attending his own wound.  7.62×39 rounds don’t explode like this upon impact.  It’s likely to be a 5.56×45 round.  This is what a little 5.56mm pill going 3000 FPS does.  He now has half an arm.  He will never have a complete arm again.  His bicep is now non-existent and his elbow likely shattered.  In fact, it was probably a glancing shot, not well aimed.

Second, I don’t know anything about the details, but apparently the shooter (who may have been defending himself) hasn’t been identified.  Someone (perhaps their Marxist professors) has convinced the black bloc and BLM that after buying hundreds of millions of guns and trillions of rounds of ammunition, Americans will sit idle and be overrun.  This is dangerous teaching.  It will get people killed.

Third, this was bound to happen.  It only escalates from here.  The sides don’t sit back, ponder what’s happened, and then suddenly decide that this might have been a misadventure and badly conceived project.  Anger builds.  Memories are made.  This all redounds to increasing levels of violence.  Once this spigot has been opened, it’s extremely difficult to close it.

Fourth, I interviewed and cataloged the experiences of my son’s squad (and mostly his fire team) when they returned from Iraq over several days.  This is exactly how it went down. Shots fired.  No one knows who did it or where it came from, car tags were removed, shooters were wearing hoods, and shooters were rarely identified unless killed.

It’s not like in Afghanistan where men wearing pajamas sit in the hills for three days and engaged long distance fire in a dedicated and disciplined manner.  This is urban / suburban warfare.  The darkness rules.  There aren’t enough police to stop the violence, much less conduct formal investigations.  There were some protracted gun battles in which my son engaged, but the bulk of the fighting was shoot from cover or concealment, move, maneuver, disappear to do it again later.

I’ll say it again.  These reports are eerily similar to the ones I received from my son’s fire team.  If this progresses, think in terms of Iraq × 100 (or worse).  As always, this isn’t an encouragement to participate, merely for educational and analysis purposes.  I am an analyst, and analysis you receive here is better than anything you’ll get from the CIA or DHS.

EDIT: Update via WiscoDave.

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