BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago
By this point the scouting line often detected the flanking lines of riot police and a riot was formally been declared. Blocs armed with shields deployed defensively to allow time for the rest of the rioters to disengage. These “shield walls” provided a tempting target for a police “bull rush”, video of which can then be used for propaganda purposes. Behind the shield wall other bloc members threw commercial fireworks, frozen water bottles, and paint-filled balloons. The paint balloons are often mixed with sand or abrasive material that scratches clear shields and visors when cleaning is attempted damaging expensive riot suppression equipment. Meanwhile the main element of the antifa black bloc continued to retreat into bordering residential areas.
Antifa chooses the residential areas for specific reasons. As the police deploy flashbangs, tear gas, and assorted non-lethal munitions in order to control the ongoing riot, the disruptive effects are experienced by the local residents. Additionally, as the action moved further into the poorly-lit neighborhoods, small groups of rioters and black bloc would break off to either escape, or engage in vandalism against the original PPB target (if left unguarded) or other nearby targets of opportunity.
In other words, you home, with your family inside.
I judge the actions of the residents in this neighborhood to be unwise. As Antifa/BLM continues to encroach into neighborhoods, endangering the lives of residents with their actions, I expect there to be an increased occurrence of this sort of thing.
But I don’t expect it will all be out in the open. There will be an increased occurrence of shooters in cover and concealment, under Ghillie suits, and so forth, looking for their own “targets of opportunity.”
I expect the coming months to be increasingly dangerous for rioters as they encroach into residential areas.
BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago
Via WiscoDave, via ZH. Quick note to BLM: You can expect more of the same.
BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago
They are telling you as loudly as they can, almost begging you to understand, that from their perspective – and they are the ones doing it all so they should know – this has nothing whatsoever to do with the police.
Are you dense, or do you understand yet?
BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago
Here is a looting spree by BLM rioters in a “mostly peaceful protest exercising 1A rights focused only on police overreach.” Except of course for the fires, beatings, busting of windows, and destruction of businesses.
BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago
Wisconsin governor Tony Evers ordered 125 National Guard members to the city of Kenosha on Monday, following riots that erupted after police shot a black man while responding to a domestic violence call on Sunday.
The guard members will be charged with “guarding infrastructure and making sure our firefighters and others involved are protected,” Evers told reporters.
Ridiculous … depending upon the answers to the following questions.
- Are they under arming orders?
- Who signed the arming orders?
- Have they been qualified at the range and given a pre-job brief by commanding officers?
- What is the ROE/RUF?
- Did they get a briefing from military lawyers on their ROE?
- Will they be issued ammunition or will their magazines be empty, in which case they are only window dressing?
You see, we’ve been here before, where NG was deployed to the border, but no arming orders issued.
BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago
David Codrea.
“Killers’ voices are missing from gun violence conversation,” New Prospect Baptist Church pastor Damon Lynch III asserts in a Tuesday opinion piece for Cincinnati’s The Enquirer. He’s referring to “the recent rash of shootings and murders in the city of Cincinnati over a three-day span, leaving 21 shot and 4 dead.”
As it turns out “Four of the people shot were connected to New Prospect Baptist Church, and two of those four died.” It’s fair to ask “Why?”
[ … ]
“When the questions are raised on how we stop the violence, I think there is a voice often missing from the conversation,” he says. “But the voice never heard is that of the killers.”
“We need psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and researchers to go into the prisons and speak to those convicted of taking a life to ascertain the deep hidden ‘why’ of violent crime,” Lynch concludes.
Some pastor. It’s called Genesis Chapter 3. There. I saved him from having to go back to seminary again (it didn’t take the first time around).
Besides, if we followed the Scriptures like we should, we would put murderers and rapists to death and thieves into servitude to the ones from whom they stole until their debt was paid in multiples (see Greg Bahnsen, “Theonomy in Christian Ethics”).
There is no concept of imprisonment to be found in the Holy Writ, especially not for rehabilitation, or for a so-called “debt to society.” No one has a debt to society. If you or I have debts, it is to someone, not everyone.
BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago
News from hell.
In late July, Mayor Ted Wheeler had an idea he hoped would end the nightly clashes between protesters and police in Portland.
He texted Sonia Schmanski, a top aide, that he had a plan that was “high risk,” but he added that the city had “nothing to lose.”
His idea: Tell his police force to stand down from the demonstrations.
It was a move protesters had urged for months, arguing that police decked in riot gear needlessly raised the tensions of the nightly protests. Wheeler told OPB he, too, had noticed a “calming deescalating effect” on nights when police stayed out of sight.
But the protests soon drifted to the east side of the city. And Wheeler said he was persuaded that the plan was too dicey as protesters began targeting police buildings near homes in residential neighborhoods.
“I was persuaded that a complete withdrawal, even for one evening to test the ability to completely deescalate the situation, would be a risk that was too great,” he said in an interview last week. “We could not risk the people who were in the immediate vicinity.”
The Hail Mary was never put to the test. And so, as the city heads toward month four of nightly demonstrations for racial justice, Wheeler seems to find himself very near where he was during month one: without a clear plan to end the now-regular clashes between the police force he oversees and the protesters whose cause he says he embraces.
“We’re all considering all options,” he said. “The core objective here is to create a free and safe space to those people who want to express their First Amendment rights and to compartmentalize and deescalate the violence as much as possible and where it’s safe to do so arrest people and hold them accountable.”
“That’s the formula.”
Something tells me he’s never studied Sun Tzu.
BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago
As the Joe Biden campaign released a list of former Republicans who have endorsed the Democratic nominee for the November election, white nationalist Richard Spencer — an organizer of the Charlottesville riot and a former supporter of President Donald Trump — announced his support for Biden, as well.
Of course he did. If you read TCJ you would have suspected as much (we’ve discussed this creep before).
You learned long ago about him that he’s a kook and a socialist. He says so himself.
The alt-right leader criticizes free markets, agreeing with communist Karl Marx that capitalism is to blame for an “undifferentiated, alienated proletarian mass.” These are anything but viewpoints held by “the Right.”
To take the matter further, Spencer also advocates for a single-payer, universal healthcare system, stating that the United States could benefit from imitating “democratic socialist countries” in Europe.
Go crawl under a rock, Spencer.