Archive for the 'Politics' Category

The Austin, Texas, Riot And Death Of Garrett Foster

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

As most readers will already know, the BLM riot became deadly Saturday night, and here is a video of the guy who got shot.

So this interview is a bit confusing, as first of all he says that they are no longer allowed to march in the streets (they shouldn’t be allowed to do that), and so one may presume that the Austin PD didn’t issue any permits for this protest/riot.

He then insults folks who disagree with him, saying that they are too “pussy” to do anything about it, but states his fear of engaging the police.  I guess cognitive dissonance isn’t really something to be avoided by this crowd.

Anyway, the actual shooting occurred during a street riot.

I’ve watched other video and have concluded that this is a simple matter of a motorist trying to get away from a confined space.  He didn’t lurch his vehicle, he didn’t speed, he didn’t intentionally run over rioters. Rioter Garrett Foster discharged five shots with an AK pattern rifle, missing his apparent intended target with every shot, and having just been assaulted, the motorist shot back and killed Garrett Foster.

Case closed.  Besides, BLM/Antifa have made absolutely sure that Twitter and YouTube are filled with videos of motorists getting hemmed into confined spaces, afraid to drive because they might run over someone, and then getting badly beaten.

With that as a backdrop, I think this motorist acted wisely.

Here is more video.

But be sure, Twitter is full of idiots trying to fake the narrative to make this out to be some sort of intended murder of the oh-so-innocent Garrett Foster.  By the way, Garrett Foster now leaves a paraplegic dependent who will need care the rest of her life.

Garrett Foster cannot provide that care from hell.

Ben Swann Video On The Effectiveness Of Masks

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

I had previously embedded Ben Swann’s video of his great research on the [in]effectiveness of masks, and then Google took it down from YouTube.  Of course they did.  They, Twitter and Facebook all conspire to hide the truth about everything.

I wrote Ben Swann to ask him about this, and got this reply in return.  I’m copy / pasting the entire contents without additional commentary.


This is Sam here. I am the CMO for Ben’s projects. Thank you for pointing out that YouTube took down that video. And thank you for embedding our videos. Luckily, we have just launched our own platform this week. You can watch the announcement video here:

You can find the mask video here:

We have also launched an equity crowdfunding campaign so supporters and fans can own a part of our new platform. You can learn more about that campaign and, if you choose to, invest here:

Let us know if you have any questions.


Mayor Ted Wheeler’s Miscalculation

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago


When Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) decided to throw on a mask and join the protestors Wednesday night, he found out pretty quickly that it wasn’t just Donald Trump they despised. “It didn’t go well for Wheeler,” one reporter kindly put it. Booed, chased with leaf blowers, taunted, and shouted down, the mayor looked bewildered when he said, “Some of these people hate my guts.” For the mayor, whose spent the last 56 days defending his city’s criminals, it was one way to learn: protecting the mobs won’t appease them.

Wheeler, who was probably hoping for a hero’s welcome when he joined the mayhem he’s refused to contain, was barraged with R-rated chants instead. “I want to thank the thousands of you who have come out to oppose the Trump administration’s occupation of this city,” he tried to say over the hecklers. “I think what we’re doing tonight is actually the best thing we can do right now.” That’s quite a statement, considering that “what they were doing” was trying to burn down the federal courthouse, start fires in the street, and smash through city barriers.

Follow the link back, to find this.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler joined the protests in Oregon’s largest city as demonstrators continued to clash with Department of Homeland Security forces deployed by the Trump administration near the federal courthouse.

It didn’t go well for Wheeler, who was hit by tear gas from the officers and jeered by the protesters. Demonstrators frustrated with his handling of the city’s police department and his belated show of support for the protests chanted “F*** Ted Wheeler” and called on him to resign. The protests have been occurring since late May following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

[ … ]

“I’m not going to lie — it stings; it’s hard to breathe,” Wheeler, a Democrat, told the New York Times. “And I can tell you with 100 percent honesty, I saw nothing which provoked this response.

Follow the next link to find this.

Wearing a disposable mask and plastic goggles, Wheeler stayed at the fence through multiple rounds of tear gas. Organizers of the demonstrations had encouraged Wheeler to bear witness to federal force.

“The reason I am here tonight is to stand with you,” Wheeler told the crowd. “If they’re launching the tear gas against you, they’re launching the tear gas against me.”

So he partied with the soy bois and got hosed down.  And then the bois went after him with chants, vulgarities and leaf blowers.

You see, they are communists.  Communists aren’t against authority, they’re just against there being any authority other than them.

Will the mayors of other cities learn from this?  Highly doubtful.  They all want to be eaten last by the alligators.

Anthony Fauci: World Class Crook

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

Via Glenn Reynolds, this Asia Times piece on Anthony Fauci.

Back in October 2014, the US government had placed a federal moratorium on gain-of-function (GOF) research – altering natural pathogens to make them more deadly and infectious – as a result of rising fears about a possible pandemic caused by an accidental or deliberate release of these genetically engineered monster germs.

This was in part due to lab accidents at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in July 2014 that raised questions about biosafety at US high-containment labs.

At that time, the CDC had closed two labs and halted some biological shipments in the wake of several incidents in which highly pathogenic microbes were mishandled by US government laboratories: an accidental shipment of live anthrax, the discovery of forgotten live smallpox samples and a newly revealed incident in which a dangerous influenza strain was accidentally shipped from the CDC to another lab.

A CDC internal report described how scientists failed to follow proper procedures to ensure samples were inactivated before they left the lab, and also found “multiple other problems” with operating procedures in the anthrax lab.

As such in October 2014, because of public health concerns, the US government banned all federal funding on efforts to weaponize three viruses – influenza, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

In the face of a moratorium in the US, Dr Anthony Fauci – the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and currently the leading doctor in the US Coronavirus Task Force – outsourced in 2015 the GOF research to China’s Wuhan lab and licensed the lab to continue receiving US government funding.

The Wuhan lab is now at the center of scrutiny for possibly releasing the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and causing the global Covid-19 pandemic.

Oh, it’s much worse than that.

Fauci is head of an international cabal.  He has been involved for decades in GOF research, and knew of the cooperation between the head of the virology lab in Wuhan and UNC-Chapel Hill.  For those who claim it didn’t occur, I still have a PDf copy of their paper, and I studied it.

This cooperation also extended to Harvard, and then to Canada.  The head of the virology lab spirited off with biological material, and the RMCP opened an investigation of her.  She took the material back to China, where in 2015 there split off two threads of investigation, one for GOF research and the other for biological weapons research.

The Wuhan lab managed to put HIV into the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, and guess who owns the patent on the major ways to treat this kind of disease?

All of this was done with U.S. government dollars.  Your tax money paid for this in full through NIH grants, specifically Fauci’s division, the NIAID.

To this very day, the CDC doesn’t admit the nature of the disease.  The latest publications point to ARDS, which of course is wrong, and the CDC knows it.  It’s a blood disease.  Google “Happy Hypoxia,” a term that comes from treatment of this disease in NYC, and mostly from Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidel who was early to note the blood nature of the disease.  So even to this very day, the CDC is lying to people.

He is a world class crook, as are most of the people at the CDC.

Federal officers in Portland may have been permanently blinded by lasers, officials say

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

News from hell.

At least three federal officers in Portland may not recover their vision after earlier this week demonstrators, who have shown up in crowds of over 1,000 for more than 50 consecutive nights, shined lasers in their eyes and threw fireworks at a federal courthouse, officials said.

According to Biblical law, which requires retribution and restitution, these people should be caught, turned into slaves to pay recompense for the lost wages of the officers over a lifetime, made to pay for medical care, and then have their eyes gouged out (Exodus 21:23-25, Leviticus 24:19-21).  Although it might be problematic for them to be blind slaves.  That part may require a wise judge.

Don’t get mad at me.  I didn’t make the rules.

Politics Tags: ,

The McCloskey’s Inoperable Pistol

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

This is just rich.

Assistant Circuit Attorney Chris Hinckley ordered crime lab staff members to field strip the handgun and found it had been assembled incorrectly. Specifically, the firing pin spring was put in front of the firing pin, which was backward, and made the gun incapable of firing, according to documents obtained by 5 On Your Side.

Firearms experts then put the gun back together in the correct order and test-fired it, finding that it worked, according to the documents.

This prosecutor’s office is a piece of work.  That attorney – Chris Hinckley – should not only be kicked out of the BAR, but prosecuted for tampering with evidence.

In the mean time, I do not change my prediction that the McCloskeys will never see a day of prison time.

What they do need to do, however, is get some tactical training.

BLM On The One Common Enemy

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

Via David Codrea, this is the thing that knits these disparate groups together.

“… once we’ve realized that we’re all fighting the same fight, it just strengthens the army” …all of these groups of people, the issues they face, it all comes from the same people: white men — so we need to get rid of them.”

Gosh, I would say thanks for the tip on your intentions, but I knew that about you anyway.

Politics Tags:

What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

Via David Codrea, this thought experiment by Mark Nuckols at Townhall.

I fear that there is a looming civil war on the horizon. It is not yet inevitable, but all true American patriots must be prepared for the coming battle. And the costs in blood will be heavy. This war will not be fought like the American Revolution or the Civil War of 1861-65, where disciplined armies observed the laws of war and respected civilian lives.

This war will be waged by far-left radicals and their deep-state puppet masters. For them, civilian casualties and massacres will not be moral evils, but merely part and parcel of their larger plan to “reconstruct” America. Their objective is simple: overthrow our constitutional order, destroy our way of life, and deprive us of our freedom, our liberties, our property, and our honor.

The Bolshevik October Revolution of 1917 was carried out by a mere few thousand party members in St. Petersburg. And it was sudden and unexpected, the Bolshevik Central Committee made the decision to launch a coup d’etat only hours before its execution. In fact, as late as July 1917 Lenin himself did not expect a communist revolution in his lifetime. The Russian Civil War that followed is a horrifying story of savage carnage and obscene violence.

In similar fashion, I believe one likely spark for the Second American Civil War will be the result of a coup d’etat carried out by anti-America extremists. It will catch most Americans by surprise. The coup plotters will act quickly to seize the critical levers of power, before any opposition has a chance to react. And they will be aided and abetted by the kinds of people Lenin referred to, contemptuously, as useful idiots.

The shock troops will come from the ranks of Antifa and radical anti-white elements of the Black Lives Matter movement. These fascist stormtroopers will be augmented by the even larger numbers of veterans of Occupy and other far-left movements. And jihadists from across the globe will flock to support this coup. But the real power will be behind the scenes, in the hands of the bureaucrats of the American deep state, who will see such a far-left coup as their best chance to preserve and expand their far-reaching powers, but which President Trump threatens. 

[ … ]

America’s external enemies will not sit by idly. The new revolutionary government will offer generous terms in return for “foreign assistance” (meaning secret police), and troops if necessary. Expect a Treaty of San Antonio whereby Mexico “recovers her historic territories” of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and southern California. Russia will expect a return of Alaska (and its oil) to the Motherland. China and the European Union will demand we surrender our economic sovereignty and become vassals of Beijing and Brussels. And, of course, the United Nations will offer to send in the “blue helmets” to “restore civil order.” North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran will all also want in on the spoils in return for “technical support.”

And what will be the agenda of this regime? The first priority is obvious: the confiscation of all privately owned guns. An armed citizenry ready and prepared to defend its rights would be an intolerable threat to the regime. The next logical step would be identifying any and all possible sources of opposition and interning them and their families in “re-education” camps. The third priority will be a radical redistribution of property. It would destroy the American free-enterprise economy, but short-term it would guarantee the loyal support of all those hoping for a share of the spoils.

I disagree with two parts of his analysis.  First, I do consider CWII to be inevitable.

Second, I don’t think this will involve any foreign actors in large numbers.

Why?  Because this place will be a hell hole if and when this happens.  It will be Sarajevo on steroids.  It will make Bosnia look like a Sunday School picnic.

Most foreign actors with any sense will want to steer clear of this place.

Churches Report Chicago Officials are Threatening to Bulldoze Their Facilities for Not Complying with COVID-19 Mandates

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

News from the hell hole.

The lawyer for two Chicago churches has reported that city officials informed his clients that they would consider bulldozing their facilities if they do not comply with COVID-19 edicts.

Matt Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said on Wednesday that the city is classifying his clients as “public nuisances.” He said they were issued a letter declaring that the city “has the power and duty to cause all nuisances affecting the health of the public to be abated.” The letter threatened a “summary abatement,” which would mean the destruction of the facilities without due process.

Staver said during an appearance on the “Todd Starnes Radio Show” that he is seeking an emergency injunction and hopes to take the case to the Supreme Court. The motion for the injunction is headed to the desk of SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh right now.

Rev. Cristian Ionescu, one of the pastors being represented in this case, also told Starnes that he has received citations from the city for violating COVID-19 policies. Metro Praise International’s Pastor Joe Wyrostek reported receiving the “summary abatement” threatening his facility with destruction if he holds a service with more than 10 people.

“We are very disappointed with all of this, including not being considered as essential in the beginning, as a church,” Wyrostek said to NBC Chicago.

Even as violent crime spikes, Chicago city officials use limited police forces to snoop on churches and enforce shutdown mandates in Christian places of worship. This is part of a nationwide trend of left-wing government bureaucrats using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to attack Christianity.

So let’s assume that Justice Kavanaugh does nothing with this (I think that’s a fairly good bet).  Then what?

Here’s the best bet (I would actually wager money on it if I was a gambling man, but that runs contrary to my beliefs).

The local police, I assume CPD, will be involved in eviction and the protection of workers while they tear the church building to the ground.  I watched some videos taken by Christians in China while the Chinese government razed their buildings to the ground.  I assume this will look somewhat like that.

But fear not.  Even if your local hardware store has been run out of business in the war on the middle class, you can pack Home Depot and Lowe’s wall to wall with people.  So you can spend your Lord’s day sabbath throwing money at lumber and beautification projects with all the other Lemmings.

Tom Cotton Compares Portland Antifa To Confederate Rebels

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago


“The federal government cannot allow anarchists and insurrectionists to destroy federal courthouses, federal buildings, or other federal property,” Cotton began, speaking on Fox & Friends. “These insurrectionists in the streets of Portland are little different from the insurrectionists who seceded from the Union in 1861 in South Carolina and tried to take over Fort Sumter. And just like President Lincoln wouldn’t stand for that, the federal government today cannot stand for the vandalism, the firebombing, or any attacks on federal property.”

That may very well show the most extensive ignorance of American history of any statement I’ve ever read.

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