Archive for the 'Politics' Category

Federal Judge Blocks NC Governor’s Restrictions On Religious Services

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 9 months ago

Slapped Roy Cooper around like the punk he is.

A federal judge’s order Saturday allows North Carolina religious leaders to open their doors to their congregations, in spite of the governor’s warning that they risk spreading coronavirus.

Gov. Roy Cooper said he wouldn’t appeal the ruling blocking his restrictions on indoor religious services.

Saturday’s order pointed out that while only up to 10 people are allowed inside for religious services under Cooper’s stay-at-home order, that same standard doesn’t apply to other entities, such as businesses that are limited to 50% capacity, and funeral services, which allow up to 50 people.

“The record, at this admittedly early stage of the case, reveals that the Governor appears to trust citizens to perform non-religious activities indoors (such as shopping or working or selling merchandise) but does not trust them to do the same when they worship together indoors,” states Judge James C. Dever III’s ruling in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina Eastern Division.

The temporary order comes after two Baptist churches, a minister and a Christian revival group filing a lawsuit against the Democratic governor Thursday, saying his executive order violates their First Amendment freedom of religion and other constitutional rights, The News & Observer reported.

A hearing is scheduled May 29 on whether the order will become permanent.

Until that time, the judge’s order prevents Cooper from taking enforcement actions against religious worshipers, but also states they should observe recommendations for social distancing and reduce transmission of the virus when possible.

“The court trusts worshipers and their leaders to look after one another and society while exercising their free exercise rights just as they and their fellow citizens (whether religious or not) do when engaged in non-religious activities,” Dever’s order states.

I hope he sees fit to make it a permanent injunction.  Meanwhile, I suspect that Cooper isn’t challenging this because he knows he’ll lose.

Italian Legislator Calls For Arrest Of Bill Gates

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 9 months ago

Would that American pols had that much courage.

Mitch McConnell is pushing the Senate to pass a measure that would let the FBI collect Americans’ web-browsing history without a warrant

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

You know all of that celebration over Mitch McConnell pushing through Trump judges and how great that is?  Yea, calm yourself and grab your britches, fan bois.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is pushing forward with an amendment that would let the FBI collect records on Americans’ web-browsing and search histories without a warrant this week.

McConnell proposed the amendment as part of the renewal of the 2001 Patriot Act, The Daily Beast first reported. The Senate is voting on amendments this week.

The McConnell amendment would let Department of Justice officials — overseen by Attorney General Bill Barr — look through anyone’s browsing history without the approval of a judge if they deem the browsing history relevant to an investigation. It blocks the FBI from accessing the “content” of people’s web-browsing history but would let the FBI access records detailing which sites and search terms people entered.

The constitution is for big people, and doesn’t apply to you.  You’re a little person.  The law applies to you, not to the big people.  They get to do whatever they want.

The FedGov Outed The Role Of The House Of Saud In 9/11

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago


In a portion describing the material sought by lawyers for the 9/11 families, Sanborn refers to a partially declassified 2012 FBI report about an investigation into possible links between the al-Qaida terrorists and Saudi government officials. That probe, the existence of which has only become public in the past few years, initially focused on two individuals: Fahad al-Thumairy, a Saudi Islamic Affairs official and radical cleric who served as the imam of the King Fahd Mosque in Los Angeles and Omar al-Bayoumi, a suspected Saudi government agent who assisted two terrorists, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, who participated in the hijacking of the American Airlines plane that flew into the Pentagon, killing 125.

After the two hijackers flew to Los Angeles on Jan. 15, 2000, al-Bayoumi found them an apartment, lent them money and set them up with bank accounts.

A redacted copy of a three-and-a-half page October 2012 FBI “update” about the investigation stated that FBI agents had uncovered “evidence” that Thumairy and Bayoumi had been “tasked” to assist the hijackers by yet another individual whose name was blacked out, prompting lawyers for the families to refer to this person as “the third man” in what they argue is a Saudi-orchestrated conspiracy.

Describing the request by lawyers for the 9/11 families to depose that individual under oath, Sanborn’s declaration says in one instance that it involves “any and all records referring to or relating to Jarrah.”

The reference is to Mussaed Ahmed al-Jarrah, a mid-level Saudi Foreign Ministry official who was assigned to the Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C., in 1999 and 2000. His duties apparently included overseeing the activities of Ministry of Islamic Affairs employees at Saudi-funded mosques and Islamic centers within the United States.

Relatively little is known about Jarrah, but according to former embassy employees, he reported to the Saudi ambassador in the United States (at the time Prince Bandar), and that he was later reassigned to the Saudi missions in Malaysia and Morocco, where he is believed to have been serving as recently as last year, having been promoted to the position of cultural counselor.

Jarrah has been on the radar screen of the lawyers for the 9/11 families for some time and is among nine current or former Saudi officials who they suspect have important information about the case and have sought to either question them or get access to FBI documents that mention them.

The families have also tapped former agents to help investigate the activities of the potential witnesses, including Jarrah.

Jarrah “was responsible for the placement of Ministry of Islamic Affairs employees known as guides and propagators posted to the United States, including Fahad Al Thumairy,” according to a separate declaration by Catherine Hunt, a former FBI agent based in Los Angeles who has been assisting the families in the case.

Hunt conducted her own investigation into the support provided to the hijackers in Southern California. “The FBI believed that al-Jarrah was ‘supporting’ and ‘maintaining’ al-Thumairy during the 9/11 investigation,” she said in her declaration.

[ … ]

“There were definitely people at FBI headquarters who wanted this closed,” the former official said.

You live in a country run by criminals, who invite foreign criminals into the country and give them credentials.  You don’t have credentials because you’re not special.

Cops Don’t Get To Decide If The Law Is Correct Or Not

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

So says one collectivist.

SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash. — Snohomish County Sheriff Adam Fortney could lose his position, after a resident filed for his recall following his announcement that he would not enforce Gov. Jay Inslee’s stay at home order.

“I think that an elected law enforcement official is to enforce the law,” said petitioner Lori Shavlik of Bothell. “They don’t get to decide if the law is correct or not.”

I guess Lori never played that game in fifth grade where they come after everyone named Lori and put them in stocks just because they’re named Lori.

Via David Codrea.

Department Of Justice Drops Case Against Michael Flynn

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

They should never have started it.

The Justice Department on Thursday moved to drop its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, in a stunning development that comes after internal memos were released raising serious questions about the nature of the investigation that led to Flynn’s late 2017 guilty plea of lying to the FBI.

The announcement came in a court filing “after a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information,” as the department put it. DOJ officials said they concluded that Flynn’s interview by the FBI was “untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn” and that the interview was “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.”

[ … ]

Documents unsealed a week ago by the Justice Department revealed agents discussed their motivations for interviewing him in the Russia probe – questioning whether they wanted to “get him to lie” so he’d be fired or prosecuted, or get him to admit wrongdoing.

And not only that, but knowledge of this went all the way to the top.

President Obama was aware of the details of then-incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn’s intercepted December 2016 phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, apparently surprising then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, according to documents released Thursday as exhibits to the government’s motion to dismiss the Flynn case.

Obama’s unexpectedly intimate knowledge of the details of Flynn’s calls, which the FBI said at the time were not criminal in nature, raised eyebrows because of his own history with Flynn — and because top FBI officials secretly discussed whether their goal was to “get [Flynn] fired” when they interviewed him in the White House on January 24, 2017.

Obama personally had warned the Trump administration against hiring Flynn, and made clear he was “not a fan,” according to multiple officials. Obama had fired Flynn as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014.

Unexpectedly.  Just like I’m sure of his knowledge of running guns to Mexico along with his AG, when it becomes found out at some point, will be “unexpected.”

I said from the very beginning (look up my previous posts on this) that the deep state had to take Flynn down because he knew too much about the various military machinations across the globe by the deep state.

Wisconsin Cops Bully Mom For Letting Her Daughter Play At Neighbor’s House

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

Here is the video.  Watch it.  The indignation dripping from the cop’s words is loathsome and detestable.

The cops, other than being bullies, used an old tactic to get her to confess to a crime which isn’t really a crime.  Here is how it all should have gone down.

“Cops: Ma’am, do I need to read …”

Lady, interrupting: “Excuse me, do you have a warrant to be on my property?  Because if you don’t you’re trespassing.  If not, get off of my property.”

Cops: “Ma’am we just need to talk to you about …”

Lady: “Show a warrant or get off of my property.”

Cops: “The record will reflect that you’re being uncooperative.”

Lady: “Speak to my attorney.”

So the things we learn (again) are these.  First, people still aren’t aware that you don’t talk to law enforcement.  Please, please people.  Learn the lessons from others.  Don’t talk to cops.

Second, cops will always obey orders.  That includes confiscations of guns if ordered to, constitution be damned.  These cops even seemed to like their duty to bully the woman.

Third, this woman was turned in by someone.  That means there’s a snitch.  Remember, 50% of America voted for Hillary Clinton.  Fifty percent of Americans believe in complete fealty to the state.  Fifty percent of Americans will turn you in for even a small infraction of some law or regulation they believe exists.

Never forget that.

Google Responds To Video Censorship

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago


“We quickly remove flagged content that violate our Community Guidelines, including content that explicitly disputes the efficacy of local healthy authority recommended guidance on social distancing that may lead others to act against that guidance,” said the statement. “However, content that provides sufficient educational, documentary, scientific or artistic (EDSA) context is allowed — for example, news coverage of this interview with additional context. From the very beginning of the pandemic, we’ve had clear policies against COVID-19 misinformation and are committed to continue providing timely and helpful information at this critical time.”

Translation: We won’t allow anything our communists masters disapprove.

Preparing To Euthanize American Livestock, While Importing Beef From Namibia

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

How many times in the last three months have I heard various people say, “Does this make any sense?”  If I had a nickel for every time, I’d be a rich man.

And yet … the sheeple go right along to the slaughter, unaware of the danger.

Politics Tags:

Deleted Covid-19 Videos (Or Just Rebooted Or Uploaded Again)

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

I’ve noticed that the video I embedded in this post is no longer up at YouTube.  Really folks, we’ve going to have to find another medium or have to rely on YouTube and Google.

So at Zerohedge one of the commenters noted that it has been uploaded again (or perhaps the URL has changed).  This happened as well to another video I embedded from Joshua Philipp of Epoch Times.  It had received more than 5 million views, and then suddenly it disappeared.  I hunted for it again and the URL had changed.  Not by chance, I suppose.

Here they are again, both of them. They’ll be up until Google takes these new uploads off of YouTube. The same thing happened with the video of George Soros confessing that he helped the Nazis round up Jews and other enemies of the state and had no regrets for his participation (until enough users kept uploading the video until YouTube eventually gave up). If you keep the raw source, you can upload it once a day if you want.

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