The coronavirus lockdown was sold as a way to achieve sufficient beds for the sick, but in my state and many others, the advice from medical professionals is to stay home and send someone out for medication unless the symptoms are sufficient to require hospitalization. Okay, so, how are we going to overwhelm the hospital beds if somewhere along the lines of 70% of the people who get it are asymptomatic or can be quarantined on their own? Later, it became about not infecting others, but avoiding viruses by shutting down the world economies has never been an answer to pandemics in the past.
The coronavirus might be the most infectious virus to come along in a long time, but it is now suggested that the greater share of people who do get it, don’t know it. That’s somewhere along the lines of a rash you notice in the mirror and wonder where that came from, hardly a reason to destroy the livelihoods of upwards of 30 million people. Others will be impacted, of course, but 30 million are out of work. Those who can work at home are still hampered by not being able to live their lives without drones haunting their every move.
This is communism in the 21st Century. This is what we have allowed to take over capitalism and individual freedom. Part of that is something Ted Nugent spoke about on Glenn Beck. Hunters, people who enjoy traipsing through the countryside to down, butcher and eat their food from nature, vote in the single digits, i.e., less than 10%. While I am no big fan of the vote at this point, where there is no actual representation due to the dilution of the Permanent Reapportionment Act of 1929 that froze congressional representatives at 435, it’s the only current defense against communism short of civil unrest. If hunters voted at 90%, as they should be by now, it would change the entire dynamics of every rural state in the Union and maybe some of those on the fringes of it.
I’ve certainly warned readers that the failure to vote, like we saw in Virginia, leads to massive problems, as well as makes individuals accountable before the Almighty for failure to be responsible in the small things (read here, the parable of the talents).
But getting hunters to vote will only help if the Fudds begin to think like patriots rather than duck and deer hunters.
For an interesting discussion about the three companies who are actively pursuing some sort of tagging for Covid-19 antibodies before return to work is possible, as well as a conversation on the current surveillance state, see this video, beginning at around 15 or 16 minutes. New York is the canary in the coal mine.
It’s almost like there is an ulterior motive behind all of this.
I have all of the curves: confirmed Covid-19 cases in America, mortality rate, ratio of active to confirmed cases, currently active cases, recovered cases, etc., etc.
Just one section of Massachusetts could have more than 100,000 coronavirus cases — many times more than the entire state has identified at this point, according to an MIT-associated study of local sewage.
Biobot Analytics, which is a lab associated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, published research this week that an analysis of sewage from a treatment facility in “a large metropolitan area in the state of Massachusetts” suggested that many more people potentially have the highly contagious disease than tests have confirmed.
“On March 25, the area represented by the sample had approximately 446 confirmed cases of Covid-19,” Biobot researchers wrote Wednesday in a post about their research. “Based on our sewage analysis, we estimate that up to 115,000 people are infected and shedding the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”
Biobot, which didn’t respond to requests for comment, didn’t specify where in the state the samples came from.
While Los Angeles County has reported a total of 13,816 coronavirus cases, early results from an antibody study conducted with the University of Southern California shows that hundreds of thousands more could have had COVID-19 in the past, officials announced Monday.
The study estimates a prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies in the county to be 4.1%, with a range that could be as low as 2.8% and as high as 5.6%, when you factor in the reliability of the tests.
An estimated 221,000 adults to 442,000 adults at the high end may have been infected at some point before April 9 with COVID-19, suggesting that the number of total people in the county with a past or current infection is 28 to 55 times higher than the number of reported positive cases, Dr. Barbara Ferrer, L.A. County’s public health director said Monday.
“Although I report every day that we have thousands of thousands of people that have tested positive, the serology testing lets us know that we have hundreds of thousands of people that have already developed antibodies to the virus because at some point in time over the last couple of months, they have in fact been infected with COVID-19,” Ferrer said.
Everything you’re being told by the FedGov and StateGov and CountyGov is crap. I’m a registered professional engineer. I’ve done science, engineering and mathematical modeling for 40 years. If I did my work like this my license would have been stripped and I would be in jail.
You won’t find me parsing the nonsensical and shamanesque grotesqueries of Comrades Birx or Fauci or any of the other “government health” frauds at the hilariously contranymic Center for Disease Control; when not chasing the phantoms of gun violence (is hanging rope violence?) or racism or salt, the CDC is yet another government clown posse who couldn’t predict a sunset much less the verities of viral outbreaks.
Me neither. I’ve said it before. It has all become a FedGov jobs program for incompetent people who can’t otherwise do real work anywhere else, all controlled by wicked rulers who want to convert America into nanny state socialism with moronic sheeple begging for more and more control over their daily lives.
The Chinese virus is a social evil that seems to attack good social behavior, like going to churches and synagogues, socializing across generations, and making sure that grandchildren interact with their grandparents, while rewarding bad social behavior, isolation and distancing. It’s almost designed to further fragment American social life…
At a time when the country should be coming together, their only thought is of how to tear it apart for their political profit, racializing the virus and then blaming it on racism, instead of on Communist China, which lied about the pandemic, may have created it, and then cornered the market on protective gear.
Grandparents who can’t see their children because parents are scared stiff, workers who can’t go to work, politicians using this opportunity to further their controls, and veterans who can’t be buried to rifle salutes, taps or committal ceremonies. All of impoverishing America, financially, spiritually and mentally.
At the very beginning of this outbreak, while I didn’t dismiss the threat of the Coronavirus, I stated to several friends online, and to family and extended family, that we haven’t yet heard the whole story on this. It’s buried, and if anyone knows it all, he isn’t talking, or if he does, he’ll probably not be talking for long. He’ll disappear.
I was perhaps the first out of the gate saying that this was an engineered virus. My background is engineering and mathematical model development, and so the lack of background with microbiology caused most people to ignore my statements. But to me, the facts that this virus hasn’t learned to live among the population without killing its host, is the perfect admixture of SARs, Bat-SARs and HIV to cause problems with humans, and came from near a weapons lab, along with the Chinese doctrine of unrestricted warfare, pointed to something much more sinister than a wet market. I would also mention my views on the second law of thermodynamics and increasing entropy, and the virtual perfection in development of this pathogen versus the stochastic diminution that would occur in nature.
Then along came Paul Cotrell’s video (he has many more since then) followed by the Epoch Times research, in which the microbiology studies were supplemented by the paper trail, and it suddenly became a little more difficult to dismiss my assertions.
The bureaucracy is now arguing that this virus came from the deepest part of China in a bat cave somewhere (note that this is a modification of the paradigm they gave earlier, which is that it came from the wet market near Wuhan, an argument that fell flat when it became wider knowledge that many of the very early and original Coronavirus patients had no connection whatsoever to the wet market and never went there). Google “patient 31.” This is an actual person with a number, meaning that they know about patients 0 – 30, and exactly where they were and weren’t, and more than likely how they got the virus.
There model then was wrong, and their model now is wrong (or better, a lie). Furthermore, they continue to argue that Hydroxychloroquine isn’t an effective therapeutic and are trying to do their very best to prove it (I have multiple documents in my possession to the N.C. hospital system concerning this very subject). They want Remdesivir to be in wide use, being a patented drug, and able to make a lot of money for big Pharma.
Just recently I stumbled across another interesting video where a doctor treating Coronavirus patients in New York challenged the entire paradigm for treatment of this disease. This is necessary watching, and the authority he brings stands based on experience, and in my opinion shouldn’t be questioned. He’s been there and done it. I haven’t, and you haven’t.
When the red blood cell gets to the alveoli, or the little sacs in your lungs where all the gas exchange happens, that special little iron ion can flip between FE2+ and FE3+ states with electron exchange and bond to some oxygen, then it goes off on its little merry way to deliver o2 elsewhere.
Here’s where COVID-19 comes in. Its glycoproteins bond to the heme, and in doing so that special and toxic oxidative iron ion is “disassociated” (released). It’s basically let out of the cage and now freely roaming around on its own.
Without the iron ion, hemoglobin can no longer bind to oxygen. Once all the hemoglobin is impaired, the red blood cell is essentially turned into a Freightliner truck cab with no trailer and no ability to store its cargo.. it is useless and just running around with COVID-19 virus attached to its porphyrin.
This, I observed, is like carboxyhemoglobin, where carbon monoxide binds with the red blood cells and doesn’t just leave no room oxygen (it’s worse than that), but it hangs on and doesn’t give room for oxygen until the patient is treated in a hyperbaric chamber.
Just who is ‘libertymavenstock’? What qualifications to they have to ELI5?
What is with ridiculous lines like:
‘Well, a few had some things eerily correct (cough Trump cough), especially with Hydroxychloroquine with Azithromicin[sic], but we’ll get to that in a minute.’
There is a big quote in that article and I can’t see where it is from.
How could anyone take such an article seriously?
I guess the doctor’s conclusions from New York would seem to justify the assertion that something is happening in the blood to cause problems with the uptake of oxygen and delivery to the cells.
You see, smarter-than-thou writers and commenters who know everything tell you what they know, and most often they’re wrong. In this particular case, the entire treatment paradigm may be so wrong that it’s harming patients rather than helping them. And smarter-than-thou commenters and researchers who do this sort of thing are most often proven wrong if they just waited a little while, but are never held to account. It’s embarrassing that they aren’t embarrassed by it all. It’s sort of like watching a speaker piss in his pants or fart out loud in front of a room full of people. The listeners almost can’t watch, cover their faces, speak in hushed tones, and generally want him to stop. Some laugh. These smarter-than-thou folks are pissing in their pants, and are hoisted on their own petard.
Next up, the model you had squirreled away for who’s involved in all of this at the root level, is wrong too. This video will help.
The source video is here. You see, up until very recently, the NIH was neck deep in all of this research, Harvard, UNC and Canada being involved before that.
There are sinister forces at work, and what you’re being told about how this virus originated, how it is spreading, how society should behave, what’s effective as a therapeutic, what treatment paradigm needs to be followed, and who stands to benefit from it all, is a story the full extent of which hasn’t yet been told, but is being teased out by very good researchers little by little.
Even the textual underpinnings of the narrative has changed. “Social distancing” was the byword before now. I recently drove into S.C. and as soon as I did I passed road signs that said in alternating lights, “Go home … stay home.” You’re beginning to see all of that fade in favor of “contact tracing.” They know you object, but they are going to help by doing it without you even having to put an App on your cell phone. Google and Apple are their partners in health. They are willing to bet that you’re so desperate to return to work that you’ll accept just about anything to make a living again.
Jettison your models. They’re no good. Not a single one of them.
I know that math stuff is hard for “JournoLists.” If you can’t solve a differential equation, you might want to begin by adding and subtracting numbers.
We identified only a single outbreak in an outdoor environment, which involved two cases. The first salient feature of the 318 identified outbreaks that involved three or more cases is that they all occurred in indoor environments. Although this finding was expected, its significance has not been well recognised by the community and by policy makers. Indoors is where our lives and work are in modern civilisation. The transmission of respiratory infections such as SARS-CoV-2 from the infected to the susceptible is an indoor phenomenon.
And yet governors across the country are closing parks.
The CDC failed to ensure enough PPEs were available for a pandemic. The CDC failed to develop good models for things just like this. The CDC failed to “war game” such an outbreak. The CDC failed to tell the truth about all of this for many months.
The CDC continues to give false information and bad recommendations to the public. The CDC cannot even keep the models up-to-date and correct. The CDC begged for more money to study racism and “gun violence.” The CDC failed to shut down experimentation on this very bug at UNC, Harvard, and in Canada, and failed to warn others about what was happening. The CDC fails to incorporate consideration for a completely failed economy in their calculus and its cost to human lives.
Because the CDC is full of ne’er-do-wells, morons, rubes, hicks, rednecks, idiots and awful people.
So when I went on this rant with my daughter this afternoon, she responded: “Well, you keep calling them idiots, and I think you’re ignoring the fact that this could be the result of intentional and nefarious behavior on their part.”
That’s my daughter. Good girl. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Had things not been state ordered, what I think would have happened is those who could remain at home and still do their jobs remotely, would have. Schools could have gone online and actually should have long ago, with parent-approved curriculum, rather than the state-ordered curriculum that makes our children accept liberal and communist principles in order to pass their classes and graduate. Online higher education has been effective for nearly a generation.
Church, on the other hand, is not the same. It is a Christian expectation that those of the flock will gather together. Matthew 18:20 says: “Where two or three gather in my name, I am with them.” Common sense can dictate the distance one keeps from others or the judicious use of self-mitigating practices. But, common sense is the one thing the liberal and communist education curriculums try desperately to eradicate. Communism doesn’t work logically, to common sense it is irrational so common sense is the one thing that must be done away with.
The Apostles declared that they must obey God rather than man. A congregation of believers doesn’t cease to exist because they don’t meet once a week, and at the moment the church in suffering these rules with patience and forebearance.
But there must come an end to this, and that, very soon. We must not forsake the assembling together that the writer of Hebrews discussed (I believe to be Apollos, some theologians believe Paul).
Question from my wife tonight: “What is your opinion? Who has the authority to open the economy back up – the president or the governors? There’s a hot debate over that with the talking heads and MSM.”
Me: The premise of the question is false. You’re asking who has the authority to undo something no one had the constitutional authority to do to begin with.