Archive for the 'Politics' Category

Don’t Wear Masks, So Says US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago


“You can increase your risk of getting it by wearing a mask if you are not a health care provider,” Adams said during an interview on Fox & Friends on Monday morning.

From Twitter, “Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS!

They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching , but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!

Do these people actually read what they have written before posting it?  Don’t buy masks because they are ineffective, and besides, if you buy those ineffective masks, our health care professionals won’t be able to buy them.

Good Lord.

Concerning Capitalism

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

T.L. Davis.

Social Security was America’s foray into socialism and it has done a great deal of good for people who are unable to work, but that was never its purpose. Social Security was a bribe to elder citizens so they would quit work and give those jobs to the younger generation, why? Because the United States, at the time, during the depression, was afraid that too many unemployed twenty and thirty-year-olds might do what they are afraid of in Middle Eastern countries now, foment rebellion and revolution.

[ … ]

Capitalism works, because it is not managed, directed or focused. It does not require a government directorate to decide for everyone what they will want or need. It is unwieldy, chaotic and funds flow to that which is needed, or captures the imagination. People want to be entertained, want to do things that interest them and the money flows to those things. But, what has happened to literature is that the big five publishers have decided to do exactly that, direct and decide for all of us what we want to read, thereby deciding what we will think, pushing their socialist ideas into our brains, or cause us to stop reading all together to escape it.

I’m not sure how many people, human beings, must be sacrificed on the alter of communism to prove that it doesn’t work, so far more than 100 million have not been enough. The nation of Venezuela’s utter fall from the wealthiest Lain American nation to the poorest hasn’t even caused a speed bump on the way to the Democratic nomination. It is no coincidence that it started in a democratic nation, communism focuses on nations they can vote themselves into, then slam the door on elections by making voting for anyone besides the ruler a crime of treason.

That’s an interesting take on social security, and I’d never heard that before.  Thanks to TL for the insight.

I do have something else to say about capitalism.  There is a difference between capitalism (as we see it in America today) and the free market.  The Biblical notion is the free market.

In today’s society, we see corporations who lay off older workers (with age discrimination made impossible to prove in court), share and rotate membership on boards of directors, with those members never having had a hand in building the company they now rule, use earnings to create PACs and lobbying to ensure that the laws and regulations are friendly to them and what they want to do while foisting the real long term cost onto someone else (I could supply a thousand examples here, not the least of which is the massive government-sponsored investments in solar power, which is a scam of mammoth proportions, producing massive amounts of toxic waste and which will cause massive problems for disposal).  Do you think fracking is pollution free?  Google the words “Fracking Tails Pennsylvania Roads” to see just what is being put into the earth and groundwater around you.  But there is money to be made, so the .gov is complicit as long as it’s what the corporations want.

There is nothing “free” about this market.  It isn’t free market.  It’s corporatism.  I don’t claim to know the solution to these problems, but a massive reduction in the size of the FedGov is in order, along with a set of laws and regulations that force corporations to pony-up for the costs of their technology so that others don’t have to bear the costs.

I’ll also say that the most Biblical model I can find has companies with public stock majority-owned by their workers, and we could add to this that it might be a good idea to have members of boards of directors made entirely of employees, not all of whom can be senior or management level.

One final thought is that the stock market is a gigantic gambling casino.  Investment is a Biblical notion, viz. The parable of the talents.  But short term speculation on stock prices is gambling.  Never say that the government doesn’t like gambling.  We are all controlled by professional gamblers.  Of course, gambling is immoral, and so is short term, minute-by-minute speculation in the stock market.

These and other reasons are why America is not blessed by God.

Covid-19 + FISA = Bipartisan Love

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

Never let an emergency go to waste.

Careful reading of the coronavirus emergency funding bill that will pass Congress soon will likely also uncover a reauthorization provision for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

Just don’t expect to see any of the reforms Republicans say must be enacted to prevent future recurrences of the FBI surveillance abuses against the Trump campaign in 2016.  Most important among those reforms is a ban on bulk metadata collection derived from telephone calls by individuals within and without the country.

Democrats and republicans sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.  There’s one thing we can all agree on all of the time.  The masses need to be controlled, and that can’t happen without omniscience.  We are gods without knowledge – so “all of your information and data are belong to us.”

T.L. Davis On Reaching People With The Truth

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

T.L. Davis.

So, how might one engage the entire school system; the years of indoctrination; the daily drumbeat of socialist dogma? The only route is through the brain and the quickest avenue to the brain is through literature, not television. Television does not have to engage the brain, but literature does.

[ … ]

Let’s not forget what this is all about. We are engaged in a cultural war, but our side is silent. They are silenced, because there is no media outlet out there that has not been compromised, but I have found a few like-minded producers who are willing to engage it as I am and as we are. It must be fought over on every front, with everything we have and it very easily might turn into something more serious that demands all of our action, but even then, we will need viable media to counter the lies told about us. That is something we will need no matter what else happens.

Here is his latest (Newsletter 025), and he has some ideas.  I agree with his sentiments.  I was listening to a lecture at a Christian Reconstruction conference in Chicago some years ago, and one astute lecturer pointed out that the American church has almost uniformly rejected symbolism, and thus literature and art have suffered and we have had difficulty reaching the people, especially the young.

The media, from movies to magazines to stories and novels, has been turned over to the forces of darkness, and those forces have used it to their greatest advantage.

Pete Buttigieg Wants To Close The “Boyfriend Loophole” And Control Ammunition Purchases Under Background Checks

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

This comes to us via Ammoland.  The actual link to Pete’s web site is here.

Close the “boyfriend loophole” in federal law to help prevent domestic abuse, including within the LGBTQ community. Federal law prohibits anyone convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence crime from buying a firearm. The law as currently written, however, only protects those who are married to, live with or have lived with, or have children with their abuser. Pete supports federal legislation requiring that state or local law enforcement be notified whenever anyone, including a domestic abuser or convicted stalker, tries to buy a gun and fails a required background check.

Repeal PLCAA to stop shielding the gun industry from liability for negligent practices that lead to gun violence. The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) shields the gun industry from civil liability for business practices that directly threaten public safety. Civil liability, which is used as a critical check for nearly every American industry and product, must also extend to the gun industry.

In other words, he supports bankrupting Remington (and other manufacturers) when their products are used in the commission of a crime.  I don’t suspect he also supports bankrupting Ford.

Ban the sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. As a veteran, Pete knows that military-grade weapons have no place being sold to civilians. The same is true for high-capacity magazines. We’ve already decided that certain weaponry—like tanks and rockets—are unacceptable in civilian hands. Congress should similarly reinstitute a ban on selling federal assault weapons and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

Here’s his “military experience.”  It’s why he calls himself a veteran.  He says he was bored and spent his time driving dignitaries around (behind a paywall unless someone can give me another URL).

But don’t for a moment think that he’s the only creep in the democratic race.  Remember the twenty things about Bernie Sanders that you probably didn’t really want to know.

And then there’s Joe Biden, who likes it when little black children rub his leg hairs.  No, this isn’t a joke.  Or back to Sanders for a moment, read this missive from a number of years ago.

It sounds Nietzschean to me.  I think he’s a nihilist.

So, do you feel like you’re at a circus freak show?

In Defense Of Farmers

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

Michael Bloomberg has made an ass of himself recently, even more so than usual.  Let me stipulate first of all that I’m sick of hearing his idiotic commercials over YouTube or wherever, and it only increases my hatred for him.  But beyond that, there are a few things we should cover.

Bloomberg has been caught on tape saying this.

Just a few hours after a video began circulating online showing the former NYC mayor and current 2020 presidential candidate suggesting that American farmers and factory workers lacked the IQ of tech workers, a second clip began making the rounds on social media showing Bloomberg saying society should deny medical care to the elderly to keep health care costs from “bankrupting us.”

“If you’re bleeding, we’ll stop the bleeding. If you need an x-ray, you’re gonna have to wait,” Bloomberg told a Jewish family, explaining his view on how our medical system should work.

“All of these costs keep going up, no one wants to pay any more money,” he continued. “And at the rate we’re going, health care is going to bankrupt us. So not only do we have a problem, it’s gonna be [unintelligible] and say which things we’re gonna do and which things we’re not. No one wants to do that.”

“If you show up with prostate cancer, and you’re 95 years old, we should say, ‘Go and enjoy…Lead a long life. There’s no cure, we can’t do anything.’ A young person, we should do something about it. Society’s not willing to do that yet.”

Yea, that comes from a man who supports the fleecing of America for socialized medicine, social security (which steals from the American worker and prevents him from being able to invest his money for care later in life), and increased immigration (which increases our medical care burden).  So he’s a eugenicist.  Very well.  Blow it out your ass, Michael.  Let them take you first.

Then there’s this appalling statement.

In a clip just now circulating online, Bloomberg, while speaking at Oxford’s Said Business School back in 2016, explained that “anybody [can] be a farmer,” but that it takes “a lot more gray matter” to “think and analyze” enough to work in the tech field.

“I could teach anybody – even people in this room, no offense intended – to be a farmer,” Bloomberg explained. “It’s a process. You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top, add water, up comes the corn. You could learn that.”

Bloomberg then switched to insulting manufacturers and tradesmen.

“Then we had 300 years of the industrial society. You put the piece of metal in the lathe, you turn the crank in direction of an arrow, and you can have a job,” he said.

I’m willing to bet Bloomberg is a danger to himself and others in a shop, and certainly wouldn’t know how to run CNC machinery.  But let’s put that aside for a moment.  Consider the farmer.

He’s a man who gets up before Bloomberg, and works harder.  He’s smarter than Bloomberg, and has to be a master businessman to make ends meet in today’s economy.  He’s a book balancing artist, a taxpayer, a purchasing agent, a critical path method (CPM) planner, and a manager of people.

He has to know the chemistry of fertilizers, crop rotation schemes, and machinery maintenance, and more than likely he has a bachelor’s or master’s degree in business, chemistry, accounting, agriculture or agricultural engineering.

He works harder than Bloomberg to feed the inner city elitists, and the inner city depends upon him and the lines of logistics he has developed.  Today, he not only has to fight the elements, high finance, the accounting books, availability of people, and machinery costs, but he has to fight the corporatists like Monsanto, Archer-Daniels-Midland and Bayer.  And yet, he perseveres, and he feeds the people in spite of the hatred of his profession among the elitists and corporatists who try to stop him.

Every day he exists on this planet, Bloomberg exhibits what an awful, despicable, worthless, bigoted, drain on society he is.  And you can add on top of all of this his horrible sociopathy, more specifically, his desire to lord it over other men with gun control.

I know that it isn’t exactly theologically correct, but it doesn’t matter.  Here, Paul Harvey’s “So God Made A Farmer” is appropriate.

DOJ Won’t Pursue Criminal Charges Against McCabe

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

Fox News.

In a letter to McCabe attorney Michael Bromwich obtained by Fox News, Justice Department attorney J.P. Cooney said the investigation is now “closed.”

“We write to inform you that, after careful consideration, the government has decided not to pursue criminal charges against your client, Andrew G. McCabe,” Cooney wrote.

The DOJ added: “Based on the totality of the circumstances and all of the information known to the government at this time, we consider the matter closed.”

William Barr recently complained about Trump, saying “I cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me,” Barr said.

“To have public statements and tweets made about the department, about people in the department, our men and women here, about cases pending in the department and about judges before whom we have cases, make it impossible for me to do my job and to assure the courts and the prosecutors in the department that we’re doing our work with integrity,” he said.

In other words, “You’re getting in the way of the deep state doing its job.”

Ukraine: The Final Piece

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago

This is a very long video, but it’s necessary watching if you really want to know what happened in the Ukraine.  Glenn Beck connects all of the dots when he follows the money, and he’s got FOIA documents that started the process of connecting what appeared to be disparate events.

Don’t watch this unless you have the time, because you have to watch it all in order to see where he’s going with it.  You can’t lay charges like he does without the facts to back them up, and he has them.

BLUF: Obama’s administration was using dollars straight out of the U.S. treasury to conduct a proxy war with Russia, all through a corrupt Oligarch, corrupt banks and shell companies, and Joe and Hunter Biden.  This all bypassed the U.S. Congress, and this is what the democrats don’t want you to know.

T.L. Davis: “Not A Faithful Defender”

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 1 month ago

T.L. Davis.

… the federal government has not been a faithful defender of individual rights. It has not been a trustworthy custodian of public funds. It has not lived up to expectations of limited government as it was charged with at the passage of the charter. It has not sought the security and safety of its people, but has been willing to subject them to unnecessary dangers such as diseases, crime and corruption in favor of optics. The federal government has allowed and even encouraged a rogue element within its bureaucracy to attempt and continue a coup to overturn the will of the people. It has not sought equality before the law or due process for the people, but has afforded it in the extreme to government employees. It has not faithfully defended its borders, a foundational purpose for its creation. It has tolerated and encouraged a cultural war on its own people, dividing them, pitting them against each other as a means of diverting the public attention from their corruption and fiscal irresponsibility. It has come to look upon the source of its power, wealth and success, the people, as mere tax slaves.

And I would emphasize that this ins’t due to malfeasance – this isn’t mere ineptitude.  No, the motivations run deep, and they involve the destruction and terraforming of what was once a great country.

Newsletter 024.

Feds Back Off Jailing Michael Flynn After Stunning New Evidence That Gov’t ‘Lied’ and ‘Framed’ Him

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 1 month ago


The government lied, “framed,” hid favorable evidence, and showed “contempt for the law at every turn” in their treatment of Michael Flynn, the retired three-star Army general and former Trump White House national security adviser.

Those charges were contained in a new filing in the government’s case against Flynn. And his attorney, Sidney Powell, was just getting started.

In the 27-page-filing, an add-on to her previous motions, Powell demanded charges be dropped against Flynn based on previously withheld exculpatory documents by the government and the IG report on FISA abuse.

Told you so.  Repeatedly.  And as for his exchanges with Pence, I consider the VP to be part of the deep state.  I repeat.

He knew all about the nefarious deeds of the deep state.  He was in a position to shine light on the deep state.  To the deep state, he was a danger they couldn’t suffer.  So the FBI lied, altered his testimony, and conspired to frame him.  As a consequence, he has almost bankrupted himself with legal costs.

He knew who started the chaos in Libya, how the deep state worked, about Brownstone operations conducted by the deep state, etc., etc., etc.  They couldn’t allow him to see the light of day.  In fact, he’d better watch his six.

Oh.  And don’t ever talk to the police, be they local or FedGov.

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