Gaston County, N.C., Second Amendment Sanctuary
BY Herschel Smith
Gaston County, the most recent N.C. county to become a second amendment sanctuary. Like I said it would.
Gaston County, the most recent N.C. county to become a second amendment sanctuary. Like I said it would.
Despite things not working out the way the governor ginned up all that fear for, reality hardly stopped his political allies from doing what they do best, springboarding off his lie and adding whoppers of their own.
“Annual gun lobby day protest in Richmond drew large numbers of white nationalists, militias, and racist conspiracy theorists this year,” the ever-odious Rep. Don Beyer tweeted. “Neo-Nazis tried to use this rally to launch violent attacks. Trump’s symbolism and memories of Charlottesville are vivid in many minds today.”
Taking their cue on what to amplify, NBC was representative of the rest of the DSM (Duranty/Streicher Media), breathlessly planting seeds like:
“On far-right corners of the internet, some have said the rally will accelerate a ‘race war.’”
No one I know said something like that. Being a bit dramatic, are we? Open carry is legal in Virginia (it won’t be if the communists get their way), so no law was broken, no fights broke out, no violence ensued, and not a single negligent discharge occurred out of 30,000 firearms (it would be good for the police to take a page from their book).
Don’t you know the progs just hate that?
Allies are crucial in this war, but the right has no understanding of how to make an alliance, with whom to make it, or what has to be done to sustain it. The right cannot even ally itself with itself.
Yea. As I’ve been trying to say over these past few weeks. If you don’t get past this “us four and no more” philosophy,” if you don’t learn not to “major on the minors,” you’ll get squashed like a bug in the road.
Honestly, with the disagreeable nature of gun owners lately, I wondering whether they will be pounding in anger on the keyboard until they’re picked up to ride the rail cars, and inside the rail car, if they’ll be bickering over who sits where.
There is no reason for the communists to worry. They have no unified opposition.
Are you committed to counter their moves?
CA at WRSA sends these links.
Engineering a Permanent Democratic Majority
They’re Coming After North Carolina
Virginia was only the beginning. So here’s the question. Are patriots going to fondle their rifles, hide behind nom de guerres, and claim they’re going to do something about this, while they’re really preparing to be picked off one by one, or are they going to involve themselves in the local, county and state political process?
Against the many, loud, repeated claims that politics yields nothing of any benefit, I once again note that politics is war. See it that way or be run over. Apparently, the progs know it as war, and they think it’s worth their energy and effort. Do you?
The only saving grace in all of this is that the NRA Wine Club is rocking!
Thousands flooded the surrounding streets of the Capitol Monday for a gun-rights rally, however, some locals in the area say the roads are the cleanest they’ve seen in quite some time.
There’s a reason for that, says Matthew Keisling, a protester who made sure that once he shared his message, he went above and beyond to protect it.
“I’ve been in the area when there have been other protests and demonstrations and people leave a lot of trash behind and it waters down the message,” Keisling said.
Good. It’s the right and decent thing to do. If you pack it in, pack it out, and make sure to pack anything else you see out.
This leaves a good impression on impressionable people, regardless of what it does or doesn’t do for the communists.
The question after reading this becomes: What should be done, if anything?
It’s difficult to imagine a situation where government interference in Big Tech is going to have the desired outcome. The result might be more and greater censorship than existed before. However, it is worth noting that Sen. Ted Cruz, not exactly known as a proponent of Big Government, has been at the forefront of attempts to hold Big Tech accountable for its censorship of conservative voices on the Internet.
But it’s quite possible that new laws and regulations are not required. What is instead required is a more rigorous enforcement of the laws and regulations that are already on the books. To wit: Are Facebook, Twitter and YouTube content-neutral platforms or are they editorial platforms? If the former, then it would seem that their case for being able to censor legal speech on their platforms is legally flimsy. If the latter, then they are responsible for everything posted on their platforms by every user. Similarly, if Google is intentionally manipulating its results to yield a politicized result, that is likely in violation of existing telecommunications statutes.
The American shift from capitalism to corporatism has had dire unintended consequences: Power has coalesced in both Washington, D.C. and many tech and media companies, such that the latter can undermine American rights and manipulate American political opinion with impunity, while the former abdicates its oath to defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
I do have one quibble. I don’t think corporatism + government creating power coalescence in the viper pit known as D.C. is unintended. I think it’s all quite intentional.
At this hour, there is a USAF U-28A aircraft circling the Capitol.
Make of it what you will. I know what I think.
From reddit/firearms, this picture of the Virginia capitol.
I don’t believe in caging men. I’ve said it before in the context of imprisonment. I don’t believe in incarceration and rehabilitation, nor prison camps of any sort.
If a man has committed a crime worthy of death (e.g., rape, murder or kidnapping), then put him to death. If he has stolen from you, he becomes your slave until the debt is paid. There is no such thing as a “debt to society.” Debts are to individuals, not groups. That’s the Biblical model. There isn’t a model better than that.
What the democrats are doing in Virginia is caging men, just like incarceration. Democrats believe in caging men. And most republicans too.
“And if your speech is calling for the elimination of people based on race or gender, or religious – like, for whatever reason, things that people can’t change, then you should expect a f****** violent reaction.”
No one I know or have ever been exposed to has ever called for the elimination of anyone. But you are, douche bag.
But it’s okay when you do it, right? Because that’s different, and shut up. He goes on to say this.
Jurek went on to explain “there’s a reason Joseph Stalin had gulags,” adding “And actually, gulags were a lot better than what the CIA has told us that they were. Like, people were actually paid a living wage in gulags, they had conjugal visits in gulags, gulags were actually menat (sic) for like re-education.”
Via WiscoDave and Insty.
I’ll tell you what. If you’re a grown-ass man and don’t understand the value of burning the undergrowth and dead fall, if you don’t know what a prescribed burn is (or controlled burn, or managed burn), you need to turn in your manhood card. You’ve apparently never been in the woods backpacking and collecting dead fall for a fire and wondered how this all keeps from going up in a gigantic conflagration. I’ve driven through controlled burns and hiked through them as well.
Well, unless you burn it, it doesn’t. But if you’re a Hollywood or globalist type, you make up some bullshit story about carbon footprint or anthropogenic global warming in order to get rich. If you’re a gullible sucker like most college students today, lacking any religious beliefs, you believe that story in order to give value to your miserable life.
Oh, and then there’s that little thing of forest fire jihad.