Archive for the 'Politics' Category

Thomas Massie

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 4 months ago

Via David Codrea.  I’ve had nothing but good things to say about Thomas Massie.  This is no exception.  This is an awesome reminder for the controllers to step carefully.

The History Children Aren’t Taught In School Today

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 4 months ago

Watching the Military History Channel on the Bataan Death March and what eventually happened to those prisoners, one veteran wanted to walk the march with his son to help him understand what had forged who he was.  At one of the monuments, one Filipino student said something like this.

“Here in the Philippines we have so many military monuments and study this history so much, it’s hard to believe none of this is taught in the West.”  She was part of a student field trip to the monument and the lives of these students and this veteran happened to intersect.

Then she asked permission to hug him, and they all got pictures together.

No, American students aren’t taught that today.  In the public centers of communist indoctrination, they are taught that although they are girls, they may really be boys, or vice versa.

The Hong Kong Protests: A Case Study Of Police And Military Use Of Force

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 4 months ago

Via WRSA, this report wasn’t authored in China.  No, it was written by Nicholas Blasco, of the U.S. Army War College.

The second concern regards the use of paramilitary forces, especially as a deterrent. The Chinese military started to build up across the border from Hong Kong on 11 August. A paramilitary force known as the People’s Armed Police can loosely be equated to a stability policing unit. Stability police conducts activities along the full spectrum of conflict with one of its primary missions being the restoration of public order and security. Some NATO countries have paramilitary units with stability policing skills, particularly within the French Gendarmerie and the Italian Carabinieri. The U.S. military lacks the skills possessed by these countries’ forces to carry out stability policing operations. Whether or not the People’s Armed Police has the skills to restore order to the situation is difficult to determine or predict. They are currently running drills and exercises in full view of the media demonstrating the kinds of tactics they would use.

[ … ]

The Department of Defense (DoD) has specific mission set known as the Defense Support of Civil Authority (DSCA). More often than not, DSCA applies to natural disasters or events that are not manmade. Recently, work by the U.S. Army War College’s Homeland Defense and Security Issues Group has been focused on the DSCA subcategory Defense Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Authorities (DSCLEA). As the name suggests, research analyzes the ways the DoD can effectively aid law enforcement during times of crisis.

Key areas to analyze during the unfolding events in Hong Kong would be the role the military plays. The role in the U.S. military’s mission set is purely a support function of civil authority, whether that authority comes from a police officer or another civil servant, and any military commander, regardless of rank, must answer to that civil authority. Furthermore, once local authorities or private-sector organizations have the capacity to fulfill services being provided by the military, the military must cease providing those functions. Interesting data can be gathered whether the Chinese military is a support function or take complete command and institute martial law.

Furthermore, because the U.S. military is limited to a support function, it leaves policing authority to law enforcement, as the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 prohibits the U.S. military from arresting American citizens. However, the U.S. military could support police forces in the form of intelligence, logistics, and communications support. The Posse Comitatus Act can be interpreted as the government’s respect for the country’s federalist system. The Chinese’ centralized form of government does not have the same respect for local authority and separation of power.  This has been expressed by the unfulfilled promises of more democracy in Hong Kong. Given the current governmental policies accompanied by the inability to regain control of the situation, Beijing has determined it will intervene if necessary.

Currently, there is very little research focused on the DSCLEA issue in the DoD. The U.S. is a relatively stable nation with few events that require escalated use of force and resources provided by the federal government. A close eye should be kept on Hong Kong and Beijing’s posturing in the region. Any actions or inactions taken by the Chinese government will provide valuable information on how to determine proper use of force during a crisis that requires a military response in the homeland.

It reminds you why the founders were opposed to a standing army, yes?  And is there really any difference between a militarized police and a standing army?

The way to gain acceptance of an idea is first to engage in so-called “scholarly” flirtations with it.  The idea of use of our very own standing army in the “homeland” is in its embryonic stage.  Expect it to keep growing, because I assure you, it will.  They will not abort this baby because it all has to do with control.  Controllers study and discuss controlling.  It’s what they do.  It’s who they are.

Jesus Wasn’t A Socialist

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 4 months ago

Crime Date No One Wants To Talk About

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 4 months ago

This video is a little dated, but informative.

CNN Tries To Get Interior Department Official Fired For Opposing Jihad Violence

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 4 months ago


So it turns out that the acting director of the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management, William Perry Pendley, has denied the Left’s “climate change” mythology, and opposes jihad violence and illegal immigration. CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski is out for blood, trying to get Pendley for heresy, that is, for his dissent from Leftist orthodoxy.

Leftists want you and your family to suffer – to terraform the nation, to see violence and to redistribute your wealth through whatever means they can concoct (e.g., anthropogenic global warming).

The Holy Writ says that “The good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.”

Pete Buttigieg: “Having A Gun Made Me Feel Smaller, Not Bigger”

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 5 months ago


“Over time, I realized having a gun made me feel smaller, not bigger,” he said during a conversation about guns with a BuzzFeed reporter as part of his bus tour in Iowa.

The mayor was asked about his feelings on guns as a veteran who served in Afghanistan in the Navy Reserves but apparently did not engage in combat.

Okay.  So we have to talk about feelings, do we?

Then here’s mine.  I have the same attitude for him as I do for all of the other progressives who participated in OIF or OEF.  They all wanted to lawyer the campaigns to death while playing social justice warrior with a gun.  I detest them all, and there are many lives broken and lost and many limbs lost, many eyes lost, many brains that can’t function right from TBI.  They should feel responsible for each and every one of them.

I have wept over veterans who have no legs because of that damned war.  The social warriors should feel as responsible as should Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Wolfowitz.  They are detestable, every one.  I loath them all.

And I notice that Mayor Pete apparently didn’t feel so ashamed that he refuses to allow that ridiculous picture of him to be displayed holding an M4 as if he’s something special.  Hey, Pete.  Go get a combat action ribbon like my son did and then maybe I’ll debate you.  Until then, I’ll just keep believing that you are the product of a set of hippie, Marxist parents who wanted some military creds for your future in politics so you could use that to get elected and tear down America like you tore down your own sense of morality and decency.

I think you’re a sniveling, snarky smartass – a poor excuse for a man.

He Should Be Executed

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 5 months ago

Via David Codrea, this disturbing report.

Prosecutors said Weed was attending the fair Friday with his family when he was “harassed and followed by a group of teens.” The prosecutor said the teens were angry Weed would not give them a dollar bill, and that’s when they allegedly hit him in the head.

“There was some sort of dialogue that ensued after that that made it a negative situation. There was a punch that was delivered to the back of the head by the 16-year-old, at that point in time there was a number of minutes that elapsed after that at which point in time, you all saw the video, the younger 15-year-old came flying through, lands a deadly blow to the victim,” said Frederick County State’s Attorney Charlie Smith.

David is kind, saying “his own actions show he can’t be trusted outside of a cage and needs to stay in one until he can be.”

I’m not such a nice guy as David.  Put him to death.  He’s guilty of premeditated murder.  That’s the Scriptural prescription, and besides, I don’t believe in the rehabilitative power of prisons, a fact my readers know full well.  That prison is rehabilitative is a notion of modernism.

The Scriptural prescription for murder, kidnapping and rape is death.  The Scriptural prescription for theft is slavery to the offended person until the debt is paid.  There is no such thing as a biblical idea of a debt to society.

Is It Education? Is It Mental Health? What Is It And Let’s Treat It And Let’s Fix It

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 5 months ago

News from the North.

Twenty people arrested, 18 of them now charged — all connected to brutal robberies in downtown Minneapolis.

[ … ]

“These people in the community that are doing this, we have to have some consequences for this, but we also have to get to the heart of it. What’s wrong? What’s your problem? Is it education? Is it mental health? What is it and let’s treat it and let’s fix it,” he said.

Ah, there’s the pushbutton witch-doctoring again.  How about this: America has rejected the law-word of the sovereign God of the bible.

And no, this has nothing to do with throwing prayer out of public schools.  The state has no business educating children anyway, and the Department of Education shouldn’t exist.  Prayer offered to some god or other, no one knows whom, in no one’s particular name, by a non-believer, offering praise to nothing, is an abomination and sacrilege.

This is the absence of the fear of God taught in home schooling, church, the home, and the neighborhood – the replacement of the supreme governor of the universe with a golden calf.

Corporate Gun Control Is About “Social Signaling At The Country Club”

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 5 months ago


The Hill reports that Cruz responded to the letter while attending a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor on Thursday. He said, “I don’t think it’s a positive thing to see big corporations shifting their focus from their customers and actually doing what they were created to do into trying to become political players on divisive social issues.”

Cruz observed that the corporate gun control push “is about social signaling at the country club.”

Without revealing the name of the financial institution, Cruz spoke about one bank that removed its name from a gun control push after learning more about what was really going on.

He said, “I will note with at least one of those banks that came out with one of those oh-so-brave corporate letters, when I sat down with their leadership and actually asked them about it, the people who wrote the letter didn’t know the first thing about the substance.”

Cruz said he asked the bank CEO to define/detail an “assault rifle,” and the CEO could not do it.

That’s because corporations are being run by HR, legal and finance today rather than people who actually know anything.  These people graduated yesterday with social studies degrees from liberal arts colleges, having been educated in Fascism and anti-American doctrine.

Trump is planning a rollout of his gun control proposals soon.  He says, “I’m talking about meaningful, write that word, meaningful, meaningful background checks.”

Question: does anyone in the republican party other than Ted Cruz and Thomas Massie actually understand the mammoth error they are getting ready to make by embracing gun control?  Does anyone in the party other than these two guys have even three brain cells?

By the way, readers can expect to see that phrase over, and over, and over, and over again here: “Corporate gun control is about social signaling at the country club.”

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