Mom Ignores Doctor When Her Sick 2-Year-Old Starts Feeling Better, Child Services Sends A SWAT Team
BY Herschel Smith
Chandler, Arizona, cops broke through the door of a family’s home in the middle of the night, stormed in, pointed their guns, handcuffed the father, and watched as the state’s Department of Child Safety (DCS) took custody of the parents’ three kids—all because mom had decided her toddler’s fever was not serious enough to merit a trip to the hospital.
It was dinnertime on February 25 when the pregnant mother took her 2-year-old to the doctor with a fever of over 100. The doctor told her to take him to the emergency room, fearing that because the boy was unvaccinated, perhaps he had meningitis—a life-threatening disease.
The doctor called the hospital to alert them. But by the time the mother and child left his office, the boy was “laughing and playing with his siblings,” according to this excellent piece by Dianna M. Nanez in The Arizona Republic. Mom took his temperature again, and it was almost normal. So instead of going to the emergency room, the family went home. The mom called the doctor to say her boy’s fever had broken and she wasn’t going to the emergency room. The doctor told her she should go anyway, so she agreed she would—but then she didn’t.
That’s when the madness began.
The hospital called the doctor to tell him the toddler hadn’t arrived. The doctor called DCS. And DCS requested the cops check on the family as a caseworker headed over.
And then, according to The Arizona Republic:
It was after 1 a.m. when officers kicked down the family’s door. One officer carried a shield, while another was described as having “lethal coverage.” Officers pointing guns yelled, “Chandler Police Department,” and entered the house.
The rest of the story is equally nuts. The kids were all placed in separate foster homes.
As I’ve said before:
I can discern where you stand by asking you two questions: [1] Who owns children, and [2] To whom have they been given for governance and training?
My answers are simple: [1] God, and [2] Parents. If you believe that parents own children, you believe in slavery and you deny God’s ownership of all of His creatures. You own your dog, not your children. If you believe that anyone but the parents have been given responsibility for governance and oversight, teaching, training, love, discipline, correction and rebuke, you are a communist.
Thus, the state is run by communists. They think that rather the parents being granted sole responsibility for the moral and physical well-being of their children, the state owns them.
That’s wicked. Busting into this home was wicked. Pointing guns at people in a home is wicked. Separating those children and putting them into a foster home was wicked.
There is no excuse.