Archive for the 'Politics' Category

Redneck Revolt Does Guns?

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 11 months ago

David Codrea:

“Gun-Totin’ Left-Wingers Demonstrate at the Arizona Capitol,” Phoenix New Times notes sympathetically. “Is Bloodshed on the Horizon?”

It’s a report about “openly armed to the proverbial teeth” supporters of the Phoenix John Brown Gun Club, self-described as “Working to stem the tide of reactionary recruitment within white working class communities, fight white supremacy, & build liberatory community defense.” That, in turn, references to Redneck Revolt (“Putting the RED back in redneck”).

Basically, their “philosophy” is communist and globalist, against private property, capitalism and sovereign nations.

Go read the rest of David’s article here.

I had seen this too and was planning on commenting on it, but I’ll dovetail my comments with David’s.  They are also self-described anarchists.  Anarchists my ass.  They are toting a few guns.  They got there by riding some vehicle, whether bus, car, or hippie van.  Those guns were made by gunsmiths who use lathes and programmable tool and die shops, and those vehicles are made somewhere by machinists and robots.  You’re only an anarchist if you reject all of that.  What they are is a bunch of hypocrites.  They are just pretend anarchists.  Like the rock and roll group who sings about the evils of “the man” and then hops on board the jet made by aerodynamics engineers to fly to the next concert.  Hey, here’s a note to the anarchists.  Find your own culture and leave mine the hell alone.  You’re not wanted.

It’s worse than that.  Take a look at this picture.

I see a gaggle of fat girls, hipsters and college drop-outs.  What do you see?  Do you have anything more scary than that, girls?

Anyway, all of that said I see no reason why, if they ever obtained power, these boys and girls wouldn’t want total control over every aspect of our lives, which is always the reflexive tendency of collectivists and state-worshipers.  And I see no reason they wouldn’t inflict pain as a means to their desired ends.

They should remember Herschel’s Dictum.  And that it doesn’t have to be with a .45 230-grain fat boy.  It can be with something a lot faster than that.

The Wheels Are Coming Off The Coverup: Note To FBI Agents, Now Is The Time To Come Forward

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 11 months ago

By now you’re aware that House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes said that Trump transition team was under surveillance.  He was polite.  He said it was “inadvertent.”  We all know better.  He’s handing out bits and pieces of information in order to bait the field.

Meanwhile, I haven’t linked George Webb for a while but he’s still active.  He uses the Awan brothers to launch into a plea for more FBI agents to come forward with what they know about any number of things, from human organ harvesting to drug trafficking, from illegal surveillance to disclosure to unauthorized individuals.

George also paints a huge target on Andrew McCabe, which we all know needed to be painted.  For McCabe, listen carefully.  The grim reaper is calling.  Do you hear him?  He’s calling for you by name.  But I would add that unless Comey is fired and investigated, the deep state wins.  The Trump administration has not truly started unless and until Comey is replaced and investigated.  If Trump leaves him in place, I question whether he actually wants to be president.

Idaho Boy Sprayed By Cyanide Planted By U.S. Department Of Agriculture, Dog Killed

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 11 months ago


POCATELLO, ID – The family of a teenage boy sprayed by a cyanide explosive that killed their dog is outraged they weren’t told the device was planted near their home, reports East Idaho News.

Canyon Mansfield, 14, went on a walk Thursday afternoon with his family’s 3-year-old yellow Labrador, Casey, on a hill behind their Pocatello home on Buck Skin Road.

“I see this little pipe that looked like a sprinkler sticking out of the ground,” Canyon told “I go over and touch it. Then it makes a pop sound and it spews orange gas everywhere.”

The orange gas was cyanide, and it sprayed into Canyon’s left eye and on his clothing.

The teen grabbed some snow and washed his eye out but then realized Casey was having problems.

“I look over and see him having a seizure,” Canyon said, holding back tears. “I ran over and he had these glassy eyes. He couldn’t see me, and he had this red stuff coming out of his mouth.”

Canyon ran down the hill and inside the house to his mother.

“He said, ‘Mom, Mom, there’s something wrong with Casey,’” Theresa Mansfield recalled. “We ran back outside and up the hill and by the time we got there, Casey had died.”

Theresa called the police and then contacted her husband, Mark, who is a medical doctor.

“I hurried home, and the first thing I did was try to resuscitate the dog,” Mark Mansfield said. “Unfortunately I exposed myself to cyanide and had no idea.”

It took hours after emergency crews arrived and help from multiple agencies to learn Casey had died from exposure to an M-44.

M-44s are spring-activated devices that release cyanide when they are activated through upward pressure or pulling. The US Department of Agriculture uses the devices to control coyotes and other predators.

“We didn’t know anything about it. No neighborhood notifications and our local authorities didn’t know anything about them,” Mark said. “The sheriff deputies who went up there didn’t even know what a cyanide bomb was.”

The Mansfields have lived in their home nearly 10 years and have never seen M-44s in their neighborhood. They say the one triggered Thursday was planted on the borderline of their property.

“We weren’t aware, and nobody told us,” Theresa said. “There was nothing posted up on the hill saying to beware or be careful.”

There shouldn’t have had to be notifications, as this should never have been done to begin with by the Department of Agriculture.  So boys and girls, I’ve seen a lot of dumb ass things by the government in my years, but this one takes the cake.  Let me introduce you to the most idiotic government program ever concocted by mankind.  Spring-activated cyanide bombs as a part of the war on animals paid for by your tax dollars.

This is bad, bad solution in search of a problem.  Here is a list of effective Coyote control devices, in order: 5.56mm / .223, .22 WMR, and 17 HMR (if you don’t want to shoot anything larger such as you would with a mule deer or moose).  As for federal government, you withdraw from any program like this, let the states handle their own animal control issues and make decisions when a herd, pack, drove or flock needs to be culled, and the state makes an announcement about renewed or extended hunting season so that the states can conduct scientific game management and herd control techniques with tags and bag limits.

If this even needs to occur.  Good Lord!  These are indigenous creatures, predatory of course, but there are many predatory animals in this part of the nation.  The state should be able to figure out quite well what needs to be done, if anything.  Automatic poison ejection devices aren’t even legal in warfare according to the Geneva convention.  Yet for some reason, bureaucrats and Forestry majors on the government dole and paid for by your tax dollars can decide to poison animals without so much as consultation with anyone around them.

I wish this family would consult a lawyer and seek remedy in court for this against the Department of Agriculture, but my guess is that any federal court would tip their hat to government employees and grant them immunity from prosecution of any kind.  Yet these are the sort of “intolerable acts” that caused our founders to separate from England.  I’ll write the Department of Agriculture and ask what statutory framework even allows this.  I doubt I will get a response.

In this case, the least we should justifiably expect would be to gut this worthless government department, deliver pink slips to them, and send them packing to find real jobs.  That something so simple got so out of hand is a tragic testimony to how out of touch and out of control the federal government is.  What could have been handled by hunters with pleasure and sport, perhaps with their own sons, redounded to a little boy being poisoned and his childhood dog being killed.

Good Lord.

Your Tax Dollars At Work: Producing Anti-Gun Myths And Propaganda

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 11 months ago

There’s nothing quite like having to fund your enemies, is there?  Listen to U.S. District Court Judge Walter H. Rice.

I think open carry (and concealed-carry) laws, with all due deference to the Second Amendment, which I support…are dangerous to any community because of the epidemic of mental health issues throughout this country,” he said. “Putting guns in the hands of mentally incompetent people is a recipe for disaster.”

Lies.  And the only mentally incompetent person around here is you, judge Rice.  You moron.

Next up is a local politician – the top cop in Pelham – and I do refer to him as a politician, speaking out against constitutional carry in Alabama.

Palmer said the passage of the bill would require him to sit down and reevaluate the way Pelham Police Department conducts traffic stops.

“It puts the public and police officers at risk,” Palmer said.  “I believe in the second amendment for law abiding citizens.  I’m not trying to take away anybody’s rights.  I’m just trying to keep handguns out of the possession of criminals.”

Oh horse shit.  You know better than that.  The current system does absolutely nothing to ensure what you said, and I just think you’re whining about the loss of revenue.

So go ahead and sit down (or stand up) and have that conversation with your cops.  You shouldn’t be worrying over whether someone has a concealed handgun permit during stops or not.  That’s a false indication of your safety.

I’m tired of spending my hard-earned dollars so that government employees can concoct lies.

Gun Law Effectiveness As A Measure Of Constitutionality?

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 11 months ago

David Codrea:

Besides which, since when is “effectiveness” a measure of Constitutionality? Where is the authority to do this? That’s a question a group of us have been asking for years, and for which we have never received acknowledgement from Exile proponents, let alone a responsive answer. Perhaps it’s time to resurrect and heed the objections and warnings of the Project Exile Condemnation Coalition.

Even without resorting to the demonstrable truism that anyone who can’t be trusted with a gun can’t be trusted without a custodian, there is a variety of ways people who pose no danger to themselves or others are denied the right to keep and bear arms – and often without even the simulated motions of “due process.” That includes gun owners in hopelessly “blue states,” in which all doors for peaceable redress of grievances have been slammed shut by overwhelmingly “anti-gun” legislatures and judges.

I agree with David concerning the issue of custodianship and gun ownership, and I must say that all of this federal involvement in local affairs is off-putting to say the least.

Jeff Sessions is better than some AGs we could get, but frankly, I couldn’t care less about enforcement of federal gun laws, any more than I care about the so-called “war on drugs,” both of which seem like failures to me as well as unconstitutional.

One reason I was happy to see Sessions appointed AG had to do with what I thought would be his prosecution of high level politicians and power brokers associated with, bound up in, implicated in, and leading the wicked and obscene pedogate empire that has taken Washington and other international centers of power.

When is Sessions going to start this prosecution?  It’s been long enough.  I’ve run out of patience.  Drop your focus off of inner city black-on-black crime (which you can do nothing about short of removing the incentive, i.e., welfare and SNAP as payment for out-of-wedlock babies) and focus on the extortionist racket that is CP.  Otherwise, you’ll be just another worthless AG I wish I had never known.

Quick Note To Preet Bharara

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 12 months ago


The White House offered an explanation on Sunday for a mysterious phone call that President Trump placed to Preet Bharara a day before abruptly dismissing him and 45 other United States attorneys, saying the president was merely trying to extend his good wishes.

But Mr. Bharara indicated on Sunday evening in a statement to The New York Times that he was skeptical of the White House account, although he did not offer an alternative explanation for the president’s call.

The call, placed on Thursday to the office of Mr. Bharara, the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, by a personal assistant to the president, concerned Mr. Bharara because it seemed to be at odds with ethics protocols restricting communications between the White House and prosecutors. Mr. Bharara declined to return the call. But the White House said there was nothing untoward about it.

“The president reached out to Preet Bharara on Thursday to thank him for his service and to wish him good luck,” Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a White House spokeswoman, said in an email.

Count your blessings.  I would have reached out to you to tell you to kiss my ass.  Let’s stop with the adolescent bitching now, okay?

If you had gone after HRC, Bill, Anthony Weiner, DynCorp and the other bad actors associated with pedogate and nation toppling in North Africa, as well as anyone associated with The Clinton Foundation and The Clinton Global Initiative for money laundering and extortion, then I would have kept you around and paid you well.

But you didn’t.  You’re a coward, and under your watch you can always remember that the real criminals got away because you were to scared to do your job and honor your oath.

Be gone.  I hope I never hear about you again unless it’s to put you in handcuffs yourself for corruption.  Mr. Morally outraged, indeed.  What a damn hypocrite.

Lies Of Omission

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago

Via WRSA, here are two videos well worth your time.  While watching, I’m reminded of how much I miss hearing my old friend Mike Vanderboegh.  I do miss him.

I’m also reminded of how glad I am to have David Codrea as a friend who is still alive and working on the same side as me, and I’m thankful for newfound friends like Matt Bracken, all of whom appear in these videos.

Matt says something interesting.  He remarks, “Why should this generation care about freedom – they’ve never been taught it in school.”  Right.  By education and training, I’m an engineer.  Those courses necessary to teach me the basic tools to be an engineer I learned in college.  But I learned to be an engineer by working as an engineer.

As for the liberal arts, logic, theology, reading comprehension and the other things necessary for life, I learned nothing of value in college.  Nothing.  College was worthless, as was all of the schooling which preceded it.  I first learned to think critically when I matriculated in seminary, taking the awfully difficult tests, and reading thousands upon thousands of pages of literature.  Hard, difficult literature, not the crap in college.  Assuming they aren’t taught it by us, this generation will never understand until it’s too late.  By taught it, I mean about those doctrines of liberty.

Primer On How To Interpret The Attacks On Jeff Sessions

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago

News from the rectum of America.

Some congressional Republicans were quick to agree Thursday with Democrats calling for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election, following leaks and media reports that Sessions met with Moscow’s ambassador twice last year.

The allegations, leaked from intelligence sources, were first reported by The Washington Post.

“I have not met with any Russians at any time to discuss any political campaign,” Sessions said Wednesday evening when confronted with the allegations. “And those remarks are unbelievable to me and are false. I don’t have anything else to say about that.”

A Sessions spokesperson elaborated on why Sessions had been truthful.

“He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee,” Sessions spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores explained.

In January, Sessions was asked by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) for answers to written questions, including if he had “been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after Election Day?” The attorney general was not asked if he had been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government for any reason during the entire course of the year.

Nevertheless, a number of Republicans were quick to give in to the media narrative.

During a town hall with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on CNN Wednesday evening, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) said that if Sessions had spoken with the Russian ambassador, “then for sure you need a special prosecutor.”

Graham did later call demands for Sessions’ resignation “crazy” in a series of Thursday tweets, but added “Sessions needs to explain his contacts with the Russian ambassador during his service as a Senator – that’s appropriate.”

“AG Sessions should clarify his testimony and recuse himself,” House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) tweeted early on Thursday.

“I think, the trust of the American people, you recuse yourself in these situations,” House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Thursday morning.

McCarthy, in a later appearance on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” backtracked and said he wasn’t calling on Sessions to recuse himself.

“I’m not calling on [Sessions] to recuse himself,” McCarthy said. “It’s amazing how people spin things so quickly.”

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) joined in during an appearance on NPR on Thursday morning. “It is potentially the case that there is going to be Justice Department recommendations or referrals based on anything regarding the campaign, he said. “Depending on what more we learn about these meetings, it could very well be that the attorney general, in the interest of fairness and in his best interest, should potentially ask someone else to step in and play that role.”

[ … ]

Not every Republican declined to defend Sessions, however.

“What we are seeing is a lot of political theater,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said on “Morning Joe.”

“This morning, everyone is in high dudgeon about the meeting,” Cruz continued. “The underlying meeting is a nothing burger. It’s what senators do every day. Meeting with foreign ambassadors, that’s part of the job,” he said.

“I think everyone is getting all worked up because it’s a chance to beat up the attorney general and to beat up the president,” said Cruz.

Mark my words.  Hear me carefully.  Every politician, from democrats to republicans (most democrats, Graham, Rubio, McCain, McCarthy, etc.) who calls for a full investigation into the awful Russian things, they know not what they are, is hiding something.

Every … one … of … them … is compromised by or implicated in pedogate, nation toppling in North Africa, oil plays, money laundering, human trafficking, human organ harvesting, weapons and precious metals, along with DynCorp, the CIA, the State Department, the Clinton Global Initiative, and part of the FBI (Andrew McCabe, call your office).  Every one of them.

Cruz is not implicated.  Read it all again.  Their words prove them out.  It’s easiest when the guilty self identify.  It makes our job quicker.

This all has nothing whatsoever to do with Russia.  It’s all a smokescreen to hide the real evil, a subterfuge, a magician’s distraction from the real trick.  But not a good one for educated men and women.  We all know better.

Death to the deep state.

George Soros And David Brock CTR Trolls And LARPers Are Active

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago

Three examples today convince me that it’s time for a quick update on the trolls and LARPers active among otherwise sensible (or hysterical) commenters on the internet.  This redounds to disinformation, confusion, misdirection and lack of coherence among readers.  That’s the intent.

The first example is generally found on Voat/Pizzagate (virtually every post now).  The comments are used to flesh out truth from fiction, divide possible leads from wastes of time and effort, and to protect the investigation from embarrassment.  Every post is now full of trolls, shills, detractors and naysayers.  This is to be expected to some degree with false leads from time to time, but the attempted humiliation and trolling is extreme and excessive.  The George Soros / David Brock CTR trolls are active, and they are paid to do this sort of thing.  Note it when you find it.

Then there are the higher level shills.  Some of them know a lot of information and have shared that information over various mediums.  I won’t mention names here.  I grant the point that some of these folks may be a “limited hang out” for us, learning what we need, then discarding the rest.  But I quickly turn off the high level investigators and information purveyors when they begin to talk about closing down the networks and then letting off the higher echelon without jail time – as if there simply cannot be a way to hold all of the guilty accountable.

Listen to me very carefully.  We know from FBIAnon that pedogate affects and implicates fully one third of the upper echelon of the American government.  Every one of them, from members of the House, to Senators, to the wealthy, to former presidents, must be held to account.  The guilty must be punished.  All of them.  There will be no pass issued, and if these evil men and women aren’t found out now, they will be in eternity.  God never forgets.  These people may not believe in God.  It makes no difference.  Their belief – or lack thereof – doesn’t make one iota of difference to the reality of God’s existence or the fact that He will judge the guilty.  We’re coming for you.  If we miss you, He is coming for you.  He will not miss.  Your time running out.

Next, consider this commenter concerning potential legislation on suppressors.

My comment was that one of the bills allows hunters to get silencers. That’s not something us hunters want; it will ruin the experience and allow sloppy and lazy hunters to prosper.

This commenter is no more a hunter than this computer I’m using.  He’s LARPing.  He’s role playing to try to send a signal to lawmakers that real “sportsmen” like him don’t want this legislation.  Ridiculous.  His reasons about sloppiness and laziness are concocted and fabricated our of thin air and bear no relation to any hunter I know or you know.  He may be paid to LARP in the comment sections of gun articles.  We cannot know for sure.

Finally, at the Small Wars Journal where the lefties hang out, Outlaw made this statement.

Islam accepts fully Judaism as it does Christianity as being “people of the book”…and surprise surprise it virtually accepts all the prophets of those two religions and hold Abraham and the Virgin Mary in high esteem

This is, of course, unmitigated horse shit, and he knows it.  He also points the finger of danger at – you guessed it – white nationalists rather than jihadists in America.

… how many US armed white nationalists and or white supremacist militias are there in the US VS say how many US armed jihadist groups?

How many US based white nationalist and or white supremacist social media sites and blogsites are there currently VS US jihadists on the social media side?

How many armed confrontations in recent years in the West of the US were driven by armed white men against the Federal Government?

And yet the current WH claims jihadists are the true danger?

What about the anti Islam comments and writings by say Bannon…Miller..Flynn..and Gorka….which border on white nationalism and or white supremacy….?

Outlaw is a disinformation specialist.  He is possibly being paid to undermine traditional American culture and values, but whether he is or not, he is relentless at it.  In fact, he is so relentless that he isn’t even good at hiding his motives any more.

This is happening all over the internet, in all forms of communication, in all large corporations that have an HR department, throughout the MSM, and in American schools.  Note it where you find it.  You won’t convince people like Outlaw to see things differently or persuade him to think anything in opposition to his collectivist, open borders, globalist world view.

He is the enemy, and his stock and trade is information warfare.  Focus your efforts on men of good faith who can be persuaded to think differently.

Sheriff Blake Dorning On Handgun Permits: It’s Not Just About The Money

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago

Pistol permits are a financial boon to the Madison County sheriff’s department but that’s not why Sheriff Blake Dorning opposes a Senate bill that would eliminate them.

“We hear it’s just a money thing,” Dorning said Wednesday.

I wonder where he’s hearing that?

“No, it’s not. It’s a life and death safety issue for our men and women because the equipment we’re able to provide them with drastically makes them more efficient and more able to address the situations that they come into every day.”

Dorning and other top department officials held a press conference Wednesday to follow up on the open letter the sheriff posted online over the weekend.

Capt. Michael Salomonsky outlined a handful of cases where law enforcement tracked down criminals through their pistol permits as evidence for the need to oppose the bill introduced by Sen. Gerald Allen, R-Tuscaloosa.

The bill would repeal the requirement to have a permit to conceal carry a pistol. It would also allow conceal carry at events such as demonstrations and protest rallies. Without the criminal background checks required for a permit, applicants with a violent criminal past would be able to conceal carry, Dorning said.

Officials also met head-on the issue of money associated with the permit fees, saying that the permits yield about $700,000 annually to the department.

[ … ]

“Without technology, you’re almost going back 20 years to a deputy who just has the basics,” Jernigan said. “I really feel this community wants a professionally trained and a professionally equipped law enforcement agency to go out and protect the public.”

Jernigan said pistol permit fees are not an infringement on the Second Amendment, which provides for the right to bear arms. Jernigan it’s no different than paying a fee for a drivers license, marriage license, hunting license or car registration.

Thanks for self-identifying as a liar.  Driving a car is not mentioned in the constitution.  And if you really feel that the community wants the things you say you think you need, then why not make that case straight to the community and let them decide whether they want to fund them or not?

Oh, it’s because you have people who want to defend their lives over a barrel.  This is a forced tax of a targeted set of people for exercising what God and the founders consider an inalienable right.  You know it’s true.

In telling me it’s not all about the money, and then spending so much effort try to tell us what you need the money for, you’ve told us it’s all about the money.  So we’re back where we started, and you have no case.

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