Archive for the 'Politics' Category

The Clinton And CIA Plan For Conquest Of America

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 2 months ago

George Webb does a good job of connecting many dots he has drawn for us over the last several weeks.

I just have a few comments.  First of all, these kinds of operations will continue until the culprits are found and dealt with.

Second, you no longer have to wonder why David Petraeus is a gun controller when you consider his role in all of this.  In his mind, none of this could ever obtain with an armed citizenry.

Finally, none of this could ever obtain anyway.  The American people aren’t the Libyans or Syrians, and a good portion of America is still Christian even if it doesn’t feel like it.  Christianity is the foundation and basis for liberty, and is inimical to statism.  Americans have more guns than the world’s armies put together and enough ammunition in gun safes and garages that it’s raised the cost of training for the U.S. military.

COIN and counterterrorism cannot control America.  Stability operations might be something one discusses concerning Egypt after the fall of the MB, but not in America.  The only stability operations conducted in America is being done by the police in confined, geographically small urban areas like Chicago, LA, St. Louis and Houston.  An Army trying to control suburbia and the countryside of America would get cut to pieces.

George Webb On The Clinton Foundation Gladio Operations Around The World

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 2 months ago

Is The Clinton Foundation A CIA Cutout?

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 2 months ago

George asks some very good questions.

DynCorp’s Involvement In Pizzagate, The Seven-Country Plan, And Who Killed Monica Peterson?

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 2 months ago

Things proceed apace in the #Pizzagate investigation.  Below I’ve linked both David Seaman and George Webb.  I’m glad to see George tying all of this together in his videos.  It’s a tangled web and it takes quite a while to comprehend the wickedness and scope of the project.  Before we get to the videos, let’s discuss some details of DynCorp’s involvement with The Clinton Foundation and the so-called seven country plan (where TCF and private armies were to topple seven countries in five years as a part of a play for weapons, children and oil).  Actually, I won’t describe the seven-country plan, you need to watch George Webb’s videos for that.  But it’s clear that DynCorp has played a significant role with TCF.  In fact, the plan is moving forward as we speak.  You understand, right?  There is a shadow government at work that is different than the transient government.  The things you are watching in history are a function of the shadow government.

There is no question that there are Senators involved in this plan, and without further information you may suspect those Senators who press the hardest on “Russian hacking the election” to be involved the deepest in global chaos.  There is also no question that it is being led by The Clinton Foundation, with involvement by the CIA and State Department, and along with an army of Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS fighters.

But the military side of things (aside from the more formal bombing campaign of the coast of North Africa which was led by a NATO general who was recently killed under very suspicious circumstances) must be managed by someone with a military background.  That someone appears more and more to be DynCorp.

DynCorp has had contracts in Haiti, and apparently is linked to the State Department in underage human trafficking.  Furthermore, has sustained a hack attempt by DynCorp (and possibly Raytheon).  DynCorp has a history in nefarious behavior.  First, consider the incident discussed between Cheryl Mills and Hillary Clinton.  The incident occurred in 2009.

According to my reporting, the week of April 13th, the DynCorp regional commander from Konduz, Flint Chambers, allowed his men to hire a 15-year-old boy dancer to do tribal dances at a DynCorp party on the training site. Some 15 or so DynCorp employees in attendance pulled out a single chair and had the boy do mock lap dances. This was captured on video. The video shows DynCorp employees putting dollar bills in the boy’s waistband, just as they would a stripper’s garter. The revelry lasted about 45 minutes.   The video was leaked by Mike Gonzalez to another DynCorp employee who emailed the video to Martin. Flint Chambers retaliated against Mike by spitting in his face, pushing him to the ground in front of the DynCorp security building in Kabul.

It goes wider and deeper.

One refrain we keep hearing against Wikileaks is that the cable releases aren’t really “whistleblowing,” because they’re not really revealing anything. However, it seems like each day there’s another big revelation of rather horrible things being done (and covered up) by the US government. The latest, pointed out by Boing Boing, involves a report from a cable that US-based private security contractor DynCorp, who was hired by the US to train Afghani police, was apparently supplying drugs and young boys for a sort of sex party.

With every dot that is connected by a researcher, every hack attempt by a military contractor, every deleted #Pizzagate post at Voat, every de-monitized YouTube video, and every frozen PayPal account (see David Seaman’s Video below), the nefarious actors convince us more and more that we’re on the right track.  And DynCorp is a major player.

Nick Bryant, author of The Franklin Scandal, says to “proceed with caution” to the researchers of The Clinton Foundation, #Pizzagate and the seven-country plan.  Very well.  I carry a tactical knife and two guns at a time now.  But I won’t be dissuaded.  You see I’m a Calvinist, and I believe that I won’t live one second longer than my appointed time on earth.  The corollary is that I will live every second of my appointed life, much to the chagrin of my haters.  DynCorp and The Clinton Foundation are not in control of my future.  DynCorp doesn’t make me one bit nervous.  If DynCorp wants to follow me around, very well.  Remember Herschel’s Dictum.

Attempts to dissuade David Seaman don’t seem to impress him either.  So there is no turning back from this citizen investigation.  But it’s worth a good education, yes?

Ask yourself this question, patriots and gun owners.  If a military contractor who is comprised in the main of former U.S. SpecOps and Special Forces is willing to traffic humans and kill in the name of weapons, money and oil, what makes you think that collecting guns door to door will be any different?  What makes you think that anyone in such an organization has any respect for God given rights such as bearing arms?  And what makes you think that you or your children won’t be subject to such mercenary armies in the future?

I think you know the answer to those questions.  Trump has given us time.  The swamp is a function of fallen human nature, and cannot be completely drained.  I think you understand that.


Pizzagate XV

Planeload of FBI Agents Sent To Iceland To Frame Julian Assange

Pizzagate XIII: Who Really Leaked The DNC And Podesta EMails To Wikileaks?

Pizzagate XII

Pizzagate XI

Pizzagate X

Pizzagate IX

Pizzagate VIII

Pizzagate VII

Pizzagate VI

Pizzagate V: Pizzagate In Theological Perspective

Pizzagate IV

Pizzagate III

Pizzagate II


CNN On Russia And The Election

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 2 months ago


… US intelligence officials say that newly identified “digital fingerprints” indicate Moscow was behind the intrusions.

One official told CNN the administration has traced the hack to the specific keyboards — which featured Cyrillic characters — that were used to construct the malware code, adding that the equipment leaves “digital fingerprints” and, in the case of the recent hacks, those prints point to the Russian government.
[ … ]

“It is clear that Russia has attacked the United States of America,” Republican Sen. John McCain said.

It’s really a shame that no one in the MSM actually does investigative reporting any more.  They all wait for the talking points to be issued by the White House or State Department and then parrot them or chit chat about what they may mean.

As I’ve said before, my company receives hundreds of thousands of hack attempts per month.  It’s my understanding that China is the chief culprit.  I assume that Russia tried to hack into servers somewhere in the U.S. within the last several months, as I’m sure the U.S. has hacked their servers.

That has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the DNC or Podesta emails which were given to Wikileaks by insiders.  The CNN doesn’t have their story straight because they are shills.

As for Russia having attacked us, that the dumbest thing I’ve heard this year.  Congratulations to John McCain.  He is an ass, and he proves it anew each day.

Oh, and finally, not a single person associated with this report can be reached by email or left any contact information whatsoever.  Remember what I said about people who write things and leave no means of contact?  They are cowards, one and all.

The Clinton Foundation Fomenting Chaos Throughout The World, And Advice For Donald Trump

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 2 months ago

Here are George Webb’s installments for today.  In case you haven’t already viewed them, please be sure to do so.  No one is doing the kind and depth of work on TCF that George is, and I suspect that includes the NYPD, DoJ and FBI.  They should all begin their efforts by watching his videos beginning at day 53 (Eric Braverman) on his YouTube channel.

In these videos George continues the hard work of connecting the dots throughout the Middle East based on George Soros’s plan for chaos, human trafficking and then ultimately oil pipelines, tied together by a private army of former SpecOps folks, the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.

There are two more points worthy of mention as well.  First of all, George begins to fill out the details of the relationship of Fast and Furious to TCF, where the cartels were to be armed to fight each other, one cartel was preferred as winner, and this cartel was to be used to force legislation in Mexico to allow an oil play.  He also connects the dots to names of people engaged in F&F with the same names engaged in the ME plan as part of TCF.  I had always seen F&F as related only to impetus for gun control.  It may have been indeed that, but I also always thought that if gun control was the sole intention behind it, there were easier ways to go about it and much less expensive to boot.  After all, Obama persuaded 51 senators to vote for the worst legislation in American history.  If George is right, the goals were much more nefarious.

Finally, I believe with absolute certainty that this “shadow government” of which he speaks exists in actuality, run by TCF, and in fact, what we see happening in the ME right now is part of the same plan that has been ongoing for years.  It hasn’t stopped.  The seven country plan is in process as we speak.  Here is advice for Donald Trump.  If you and Jeff Sessions don’t dig into the deep state and root out this shadow government, you’ll not only have a millstone hung around your neck for the foreseeable future trying to deal with their oil plays, but your entire administration will come to naught.  You had better root out the problems in the CIA, the FBI, the DHS and the State Department.  Dig deep.

I lied. I want to make one more point before I send you to the videos. DynCorp apparently has a hand in all of this. They had been one of the more reputable military contractors in the world after the collapse of Blackwater. No more. They are as dirty as everyone else.

The Clinton Foundation, Middle East Project, And Fast And Furious

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 2 months ago

I have to say that I had never considered the relationship George brings up between oil in Mexico, The Clinton Foundation, and Fast & Furious.

Drilling Down Into The Clinton Foundation Middle East Plan

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 2 months ago

George tickles the issue of human trafficking as he explains that he was involved in researching the Franklin scandal, but doesn’t go too far into the details because, as he put it, many people died as a result of researching that scandal.

Very well, but given the horrible things George is managing to bring to light and explain in a manner that makes some sense, as well as connecting the dots for people who haven’t followed all of the nefarious dealings of The Clinton Foundation, I’m not sure why George feels any safer covering TCF than he would covering Pizzagate.

But here are his four installments for today.

The Clinton Foundation: Follow The Money, Oil, Weapons And Children

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 2 months ago

Day 60 – Where Is Eric Braverman?

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 2 months ago

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