Allowing the FBI to redact their own search warrant when the judge has told them to release it is insulting to both the Judicial and Legislative branches of government. The branches of government are supposed to operate in a checks and balances paradigm, and obviously that isn’t happening. Of course, if the judge in this case or Senators and Congressmen had any guts, they would hold the FBI officer who did this in contempt.
If they don’t know to whom to apply this contempt, start at the top and work their way down. Go until you find the culprit. As for the search warrant, I had held out hope that even if the CIA had a hand in the ugly, sordid, wicked affairs of The Clinton Foundation and other such international crimes, perhaps the FBI was a good balance to the power the CIA wielded. I no longer hold out that hope. The swamp goes too deep, is too dirty, and is too wide. The swamp needs to be blown up.
George Webb is doing some very interesting work at YouTube connecting the dots concerning current events in North Africa, all within the context of Clinton Foundation machinations.
The links and contacts go very deep inside the U.S. government, extend outside the U.S. government to private armies, and can all be rolled up into one theme. Follow the money, weapons and oil.
Everything that has happened has happened for a purpose. Everything has been planned for a lot longer than you might imagine.
I do have two problems with his analysis. First of all, I hate to use Seymour Hersh or anything he writes as a source for anything, but concerning the information he presents, the allegations are backed by independent journalistic reports on the ground (e.g., the rat lines of weapons and oil). Second, he sees Benghazi as an accident, a curve ball in the plans of TCF. Perhaps so, but I have always believed that the event was planned in its entirety by nefarious actors to accomplish exactly what happened. I’d like to see George consider that in the context of his analysis.
It all makes sense, and without context like this, it’s rather like reading #Pizzagate code language (pizza, chicken, handkerchief, walnut sauce, etc.), code that no adult on the face of the planet uses in real life without trying to hide something. If George is wrong about his analysis (and I’ll entertain disagreements), then you have to supply your own context that puts the pieces of the puzzle together in a way that makes some sense.
This is extended watching, and it will take you a little over an hour if you watch all of the videos I’m embedding. But I suspect that these videos will be removed at some point, so instead of watching idiot television shows one night, watch these videos.
George tackles all of this by starting with the question, “Where is Eric Braverman,” who eventually tracked the money back to its sources and attempted to get out of said swamp.
John Podesta, chairman of Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign, suggested Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin was indeed “personally involved” in the election email hacks because Russia wanted Donald Trump as its “lap dog” in the White House.
“Russia clearly intervened,” Podesta said on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” in a series of carefully worded responses about who was behind the hacked emails and their impact on Clinton’s losing campaign.
Podesta’s “lap dog” comment was an apparent reference to New York Times op-ed columist Nicholas Kristof implying Saturday in the paper that Trump would be a “lap dog — a Russian poodle.”
Podesta, whose personal email account was hacked, also said Sunday that he has been contacted by the FBI only once about the ordeal, two days after WikiLeaks began publishing on Oct. 7 the trove of electronic messages.
He said that “NBC revealed that Putin was personally involved” and that the “CIA, FBI and (Director of National Intelligence James Clapper) all agree that the Russians did it to help Trump.”
I haven’t watched the interview since I don’t watch the MSM in any capacity whatsoever. But I’m willing to bet that the interviewer didn’t challenge him on the lie he told. The FIB and the ODNI have certainly not said any such thing.
Meanwhile, much of the media has ignored the rather salient fact that the FBI is by no means in agreement with the anonymous and secret CIA assessment that Russia interfered with the election in order to help elect Donald Trump.
Nor, for that matter, is the Office of the Director for National Intelligence (ODNI), which has declined to endorse the CIA report. This is perhaps less surprising than it first might seem, considering that as recently as November 17 ODNI Director James Clapper testified before the House Intelligence Committee and acknowledged that “as far as the WikiLeaks connection, the evidence there is not as strong and we don’t have good insight into the sequencing of the releases or when the data may have been provided.”
See also a Fox News report. The national intelligence community has said the opposite of what Podesta claimed they said. Furthermore, as we’ve discussed before, the CIA is alone in this assessment and lacks the reputation to say such things. No reputable party is asserting that the emails given to Wikileaks came from anywhere but insider leaks.
John Podesta is a bitter clinger, we must conclude. But consider for a moment what he wants you to believe. He wants you to believe that release of his emails, by whatever method at all, caused the American public to reject the Clinton campaign because of its nefarious contents, and therefore that those contents should never have been released.
Ögmundur Jónasson, previously an Icelandic minister, became aware of an illegal framing attempt on the part of the U.S. government. Here he is in his own words.
You are “the minister” who refused to cooperate with the FBI because you suspected their agents on mission in Iceland were trying to frame Julian Assange. Do you confirm this?
Yes. What happened was that in June 2011, US authorities made some approaches to us indicating they had knowledge of hackers wanting to destroy software systems in Iceland. I was a minister at the time. They offered help. I was suspicious, well aware that a helping hand might easily become a manipulating hand!
Later in the summer, in August, they sent a planeload of FBI agents to Iceland seeking our cooperation in what I understood as an operation set up to frame Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.
Since they had not been authorised by the Icelandic authorities to carry out police work in Iceland and since a crack-down on WikiLeaks was not on my agenda, to say the least, I ordered that all cooperation with them be promptly terminated and I also made it clear that they should cease all activities in Iceland immediately.
It was also made clear to them that they were to leave the country. They were unable to get permission to operate in Iceland as police agents, but I believe they went to other countries, at least to Denmark. I also made it clear at the time that if I had to take sides with either WikiLeaks or the FBI or CIA, I would have no difficulty in choosing: I would be on the side of WikiLeaks.
This was published on December 7, 2016. None of this is surprising. But ask yourself about the notion of “fake news,” what the American MSM is telling you, and whether you heard this before?
This is the largest disinformation and propaganda campaign in American history, with the U.S. government, Facebook, Google, and the MSM on one side, and you on the other. You understand that, right? The target is you.
In order to ensure that you know exactly who the CIA is protecting, exactly who the democratic party wanted to elect, exactly who half of the country voted for, and to whom most large countries of the world gave millions of dollars, watch this.
“Pro–gun control advocates mobilized and constructed an effective pro–gun control pressure group called the Emergency Committee for Gun Control,” documents. “The bipartisan organization was headed by Colonel John H. Glenn, Jr., a former astronaut and friend of Senator Robert Kennedy.”
The most significant federal legislation since the 1934 National Firearms Act, GCA ’68 “primarily focuses on regulating interstate commerce in firearms by generally prohibiting interstate firearms transfers except among licensed manufacturers, dealers and importers.” It also added marking requirements, denied guns to specific classes of “prohibited persons” and placed import restrictions on “non-sporting” weapons.
Make sure you read the comments as well. I’ve dealt with the sporting purposes test before, and I consider it to be one of the worst abominations ever to be enacted into law. It is certainly logically self referential and incoherent.
So I’m willing to grant that some men perform admirably when it comes to brave actions under duress, and John Glenn is one of them. But David is much kinder to John than I would have been, or will be. Bravery under duress while obeying orders is just that, and admirable depending upon the entire context. Bravery of the Nazi SS troops while herding Jews into train cars isn’t admirable, nor was their bravery on the field of battle fighting for the wrong cause.
Here is the better test. Rather than focus on what a man does while acting under orders and not in command, I’d rather know what he does when he is the one giving the orders. The later rather than the former is the true test of a man’s world view and his character. How does he treat others and how much does he respect their rights?
On that test, John Glenn failed, regardless of his prior bravery.
I see that the evil despot Fidel Castro is dead. Good riddance. I’ll toast his demise with a good glass of wine tonight. He is in hell now, an appropriate place for him to spend eternity.
Like all communist dictators, he enriched and engorged himself and his cronies while the poor people of Cuba starved to death and perished in filthy hospitals. The people of Cuba couldn’t enjoy the God-given right of self determination and worship as they saw fit, and couldn’t work without having to give the majority of it to the awful men who ruled over them. It’s fitting that the only two world “leaders” who mourned Castro’s death are the awful Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau.
Donald Trump does much better, and Ted Cruz spews venom at the memory of Castro. I grew up with the Castro regime, but it you’re young and don’t know about the man, you can learn all you need to know about him to interpret the rest of his life and work in three words. Armas para que?
The Cuban revolution was no American one, and Castro’s embracing of communism after convincing the world he was a freedom fighter should remind all who can think of the “fool me once” adage.
As should Castro’s pointed question when making his case that the people no longer had legitimate need of guns, and that his administration should be the only ones wielding a monopoly of violence.
Read the rest of David’s piece for an eye opener concerning a previous position take by Guns Magazine. David also points out that “Castro moved against private gun ownership the second day he was in power. He sent his thugs throughout the island using the gun registry lists — compiled by the preceding Batista regime — to confiscate the people’s firearms.”
Very well. That places him squarely in the camp with ISIS and the Northeastern and West Coast democrats.
Incumbent Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, target of the Obama Justice Department for his stand against the administration’s goal of culturally terraforming the Republic through illegal “immigration,” has been defeated in his bid for reelection by challenger Paul Penzone. Actually, it might be more accurate to say Arpaio was defeated by “dual citizen” Hungarian-American George Soros.
That’s because globalist billionaire Soros, a proponent of reshaping the world to his will, spent $2M on ads and mailers to defeat Arpaio …
Read the rest here. I have two thoughts. First of all, Soros is a wicked man who has destroyed the currencies of entire nations in order to turn a profit. He meddles in the affairs of countries like a cat playing with a mouse, and he ought to be arrested for his criminality. Or if his actions aren’t criminal, they should be. There is no sympathy for Soros here, and I’ll celebrate with a glass of good wine the day he passes from here to hell when he breathes his last breath.
But in addition to blaming Soros, I blame the voters who don’t know enough or don’t care to know what they’re doing (or prefer wicked government). We get the government we ask for, and throwing out a man who is arguably the best Sheriff in America (but Sheriff Chuck Wright is a pretty stand-up guy too) is not only stupid but will bear long term consequences. Maricopa County might just regret this decision, and I strongly suspect they will. How sad for you.
Facebook swayed the presidential election — but he acknowledged that the social networking site has work to do when it comes to hoaxes on the platform.
The Facebook CEO wrote a post on his page Saturday regarding the site’s role in this year’s election after people began blaming Facebook for allowing fake news to be distributed on the site, perhaps contributing to Donald Trump’s surprising victory.
“Personally, I think the idea that fake news on Facebook, it’s a very small amount of the content, influenced the election in any way is a pretty crazy idea,” he said.
But after continued backlash, Zuckerberg took to Facebook to share his thoughts on the site’s role in disseminating news, writing that the company will “continue to work on this to improve further” but must do so cautiously in order to avoid bias. Identifying what’s true and what’s not is “complicated,” he said, and even mainstream news can get it wrong sometimes.
The 2016 presidential campaign is finally, mercifully, nearing its completion, but there’s still time for a little more absurdity. Comet Ping Pong, a pizzeria in the Washington DC neighborhood of Chevy Chase, is much more than a pizzeria. It’s the center of a Clinton-operated sex ring, according to alt-right conspiracy theorists on Reddit, 4Chan, and across the rest of the internet.
The title of the article is “Internet Crazies Think this DC Pizzeria Is The Center Of A Clinton Sex Ring.” Crazy, you are. Not just that, you’re an internet crazy. I suppose that’s worse, but I’m not sure.
Of course, there is this with which to contend. One might ask what kind of “family friendly” pizzeria (as it’s advertised) has drag shows (Caution: NSFW).
And remember that Mark Zuckerberg wants to figure out what’s true and fake news so they can censor it from Facebook. I no longer have a Facebook account, having deleted it long ago.
Election night was an interesting thing, yes? It was an enlightening thing to watch neocons George Will and Charles Krauthammer lament the passing of true conservatism, as if conservatism = corporatism. The American worker is smart enough to know that he is competing with workers who don’t live under the same EPA and OSHA regulations as he does, and even a hit dog is smart enough to know if you accidentally or intentionally kicked him. The workers are smarter than the neocons give them credit (another way of saying it is that Will and Krauthammer’s disdain for the intelligence level of the American worker is on full display by even suggesting that they don’t understand what true conservatism is). It was also a wonderful thing to see the collectivists weep.
My former Marine Daniel was out and about today and was listening to liberals wail on the uneducated, mean Christians who voted for Trump. Mean, we are. Just mean. Mean enough that this person has never met anybody meaner than Christians. Daniel interrupted and said, “You know, that’s funny. The meanest people I’ve ever met were Iraqi and Syrian Muslims. Have you ever seen the body of a man who was literally skinned while he was still alive?” The collectivists are smarter than we are, know more than we do, are educated beyond comprehension, want to take our money, want to redistribute it according to their own dictates, tell us where to live, how to live, what do to, where to do it, and what to think. And Christians are the ones being mean. In reality, Christians see the government as no more a legitimate power to enact tyrannical laws than Russia has a right to boss the Ukrainians around.
Many collectivists, and even some on the right, are too stolid to understand that as long as you don’t want to murder infants or follow my grandchildren into the bathroom, if you want the free exercise of your legitimate rights, I’m your best friend and biggest ally, because being Christian is the exact antithesis of being a statist. If you want small government, we’re your folk. Christians voted for Trump because of the horror of the alternative. The MSM media couldn’t come to grips with this, and their own disdain for religious voters was on full display in their assumption that social issues exclusively define the religious right. Trump voters of all stripes were insulted on election night, and yet the election was still a rebuke to political correctness, government run health care, meddling in the affairs of other nations, and corruption from the highest levels of government to the lowest. My son Joseph in Travis County, Texas, tells me that the progressives there are savaging Trump voters as ignorant hillbillies. Well, if it takes courses in the liberal arts to be smart, I’ll stick with my differential equations any day. As to being a hillbilly, some of the best men I know could be identified as such. I consider it an honor to be named among them.
The election of Donald J. Trump to the office of president of the U.S. is a good thing compared to the only other alternative. I claimed that it would be, and it will be. Let’s rehearse for a moment what we could have been facing.
First of all, I have linked and commented on the evils of The Clinton Foundation, John Podesta and his ring of pedophiles, and how the Clinton’s are at the epicenter of this abominable, wicked cabal. But just for good measure, I’ll do it again. This Reddit link documents the wickedness of The Clinton Foundation, this Reddit link documents the first of many such threads at Reddit on Podesta and his ring of child rapists, and this Reddit link follows up the initial thread with more details concerning the expanse of this child molestation.
It’s awful reading, and if the country had a soul left we would march on their homes, remove them and hang them all in the public square. Another one of the many things we learned in this election is that the MSM is way past dead, and a few tens of thousands of Redditors with computers, video cameras, time and motivation, can do a better job of journalism and investigation that the MSM and the FBI put together. They can literally take down the most powerful and corrupt political machine in world history, the Clinton Foundation.
But it isn’t just the illegalities and immoralities associated with this horrible reality that you should consider. Take for example this talk that Hillary gave not too long ago.
Let me explain what she’s saying to the crowd in pseudo-coded language so that bored listeners won’t understand it. She has gone on record saying she will destroy the SCOTUS decision in Citizens United in order to control the narrative. She believes your views must change. They must change. It isn’t just your practices or your actions. Your very views must change. To wit, she will use the power of the law to force compliance with her views.
This includes churches. She has no problem forcing churches to provide abortion coverage in health care, and presumably under the fairness doctrine she would have no problem forcing the church to hire atheists or Planned Parenthood operatives. After all, everyone deserves equal time, even at church. Presumably also, blogs and alternative media would face the same sort of requirements under the fairness doctrine, which the FCC has hinted at for quite some time now. I had strongly considered simply shutting down this web site if such things came to pass. I don’t need it. I won’t give equal time to gun controllers. Were preachers prepared to shut up about things with which they disagree? Or perhaps go to prison? Were blogs, news outlets and commenters prepared to give equal time to detractors?
Finally in this truncated list of awful things, Hillary would have backed it all up with multiple SCOTUS appointments to firmly ensconce this all into legal precedent. The doctrine of stare decisis would have been the ammunition the progressive senators needed to keep out any justices who would reverse such awful rulings.
This isn’t all the damage she could have done. She would have gone after semi-automatic weapons, enacted a magazine ban, required licensure for ammunition purchases, forbid person-to-person sales, and the list goes on.
But as I said before, electing Trump isn’t the end of our problems. We are still a nation whose economic system is based entirely on debt, with unfunded liabilities large enough to sink the entire world economy, and a nation deeply divided over ideology. Half of the nation looked at Hillary’s predation, corruption, pedophilia and vulgarity and decided to vote for her anyway. Let that wash over you again. Half of the country is committed to communism, and doesn’t care if that means killing a few or more people or the election of corrupt leaders.
I find my world and life view in the Scriptures, others elsewhere. But make no mistake about it, your worldview dictates how you see things. It colors your world like lenses change your perception. You may think your right to own weapons emanates from the second amendment. I do not and couldn’t possibly care less about this amendment except as it pertains to being a covenant, the violation of which is grounds for permanent separation. The progressives think that a piece of paper defines my rights, and that they can change it as they see fit to conform to their plans for social engineering.
And as regards to the constitution, I find it somewhere between slightly amusing and pitiful that there are those who talk of a constitutional convention, or even a complete rewrite of said document, as amelioration for the tyranny of recent years – as if a new document can persuade, coerce or compel men who haven’t followed it in the past to follow it in the future.
The problem isn’t with the constitution, it isn’t with the men who wrote it, and it isn’t with the difficulty of forging a new agreement or covenant. John Adams said “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” In the main, this is no longer a moral and religious nation.
And to quote a former friend and pastor, “The heart of the problem is the problem with the heart.” That won’t be corrected by new documents, new agreements, or new politicians. It needs a different remedy. With all due respect to Donald Trump and his finely tuned political sensibilities, jobs for everyone won’t fix our problems. Cambodians had jobs at the height of the killing fields under Pol Pot’s regime. Until the ideological divide is repaired, there will be no peace. America is too divided to be at peace.
But there is much to be gained from having been through this exercise. First of all, we have more time, and will have a supreme court that to a greater degree will recognize our liberties more than if Hillary had been elected. Second, this has been a hair-burning, gut-wrenching drill. How did you perform? Do you have enough guns and ammunition? Do you have only range ammunition or do you have fighting rounds too (M855 for your long guns and PD rounds for your handguns)? How much have you trained recently?
Do you have enough food prepared and put away, and enough water or purification capabilities? Have you had the necessary conversations with neighbors and made plans with them yet? How about fungible cash on hand? I recently moved out of a larger city into a much smaller community about a year and a half ago, and I have made effort to learn the individuals, learn their likes and dislikes, and even learn something about the world and life views of each of them so that when the time comes, I know what I need to about the people around me.
It was worth doing whatever you could to prevent the demon-worshiper and her band of occultists and child rapists from becoming even more powerful, even if the new president does absolutely nothing of import and fulfills none of his promises. But the drill itself was difficult because it was real. It just didn’t end as badly as it could have.
I appreciate having the time to prepare better. I intend to use it wisely.