BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 8 months ago
David Codrea:
… Posner is a demonstrable oath-breaker. He is unfit to pass judgment on any American, and certainly unfit to weigh in on what rights we have and how they are to be exercised.
A Congress with integrity and guts would impeach him.
Yes, perhaps so. I would in fact be okay with a firing squad, or hanging. No, I’m being serious. This is as much treason as giving military secrets to the enemy. When a man or woman who is in a position to adjudicate serious matters of freedom and punishment and rights for other men breaks the covenant s/he has made with the people, the people suffer.
Don’t be so surprised at the judge’s position. He is following Stanley Fish, or the philosophy of deconstruction. It’s being taught at Harvard, Yale, Emory, and virtually every law school. The fact that so many judges break their covenant with the people doesn’t make it any less treasonous.
See also NRO. And you can lump this hag in with Posner when you ready the firing squad as far as I’m concerned.
BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 8 months ago
Daily Mail:
She writes of one occasion, when developmentally challenged children were having difficulty picking up the eggs at a traditional Easter egg hunt on the grounds of the governor’s mansion during Bill’s tenure in the Arkansas state house.
Reluctant hostess Hillary had enough.
‘The frustrated Me-First Lady demanded, “When are they going to get those f*****g ree-tards out of here?”‘ Dolly writes.
That’s what she has to say about those precious little ones who bless us so much and have the eye of God upon them. Well then. Perhaps that special place in hell is being warmed for her as we speak.
ABC News:
“When I said that if, within the Orlando club, you had some people with guns, I was obviously talking about additional guards or employees” … Trump’s latest comment clashes with a number of his previous remarks about the shooting at Pulse nightclub. For example, Trump said on Friday night, “If some of those wonderful people had guns strapped right here — right to their waist or right to their ankle — and one of the people in that room happened to have it and goes ‘boom, boom,’ you know, that would have been a beautiful sight folks.”
It’s difficult to triangulate when you’re trying to make everybody think you’re awesome. Always carry a gun, and stay away from confined spaces and crowds. Don’t expect anyone in government to support what you do. Ever.
BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 8 months ago
Comes this report:
Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is reaffirming his stance on potentially restricting individuals on the terror watch list from being able to purchase firearms, a week after the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.
“We have to make sure that people that are terrorists or have even an inclination toward terrorism cannot buy weapons, guns,” Trump told ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl in an interview to air Sunday on This Week.
Asked by Karl if his position is that those on the no-fly or terror watch list should not be able to purchase a gun, Trump responded, “I’d like to see that, and I’d like to say it. And it’s simpler. It’s just simpler.”
Hmm … I wonder if the predilection for stripping rights away from peaceable people because of something others may or may not do qualifies for being a terrorist?
BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago
David Codrea has the scoop. The video is non-functional, but the audio works fine, and it’s very good to hear Mike again. Mike and I had reached a tentative agreement that the upcoming trip to Connecticut would see him spending a day at my place on the way back. I am sad to say that it won’t happen.
Listen to the whole interview.
BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago
BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 9 months ago
David Codrea:
Thus we have the commission’s monstrous “Gender Identity/Gender Expression: Legal Enforcement Guidance” directive. It’s the logical progression of an evil “culture” that forces Christian (never Islamic!) bakers to either publicly renounce their faith or be destroyed, and mandates the rest of us can either share a restroom with someone who identifies as – with 51 “gender options” and counting, they don’t even know what the hell they are – or hold it until you get home.
Well, it’ll eventually get ugly, much uglier than they anticipate.
Via Matthew Vanderboegh:
The bead is meant only as a reference while focusing on a distant target, and most shotguns come without rear sights at all. This doesn’t mean your front-bead-only shotgun won’t work well for home defense—it will—but it also doesn’t mean you can assume point-of-aim (POA)/point-of-impact (POI) alignment is dead-on. You should check it before depending on it to save your life—just like any sights.
Gun grabbers are the same everywhere.
The rotting fruits of socialism.
You mean he’s really just a liar after all?
BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 10 months ago
Not everyone in politics has to be a worm. Perhaps Governor Abbot can help lead the Southern states in secession?
BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 10 months ago
David Codrea:
That’s inexcusable, but certainly revealing of the mindset ruling those locales. It figures Opposite Day “progressives” who exploit the term “inclusive” would put up barriers against the most vulnerable of their constituents. Gun-grabbers would evidently rather see a disabled person physically abused and even beaten to death than “allowed” to possess an effective means of self-defense.
God tests men in various and sundry ways. Our commitment to the elderly is one such test, and I’ve upbraided little turd Hamilton Nolan before over his mockery of the elderly and the right to self defense. The disabled and infirmed are one other such test. It’s not over for these states. Those responsible will answer to God one day.
Matthew Vanderboegh gives us a primer on defensive operations in urban areas.
Drunk man discharges rifle to see if it will work. That’s not a good enough reason, not when you’re drunk.
They’re crossing forty at a time.
BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 10 months ago
My nephew is in tech school (navy) and I told him before he went in to seek a deep understanding of illegal orders and to make sure they trained him on it. I also told him that if he took his training and turned it on his fellow citizens I would hunt and kill him, this child that I love and helped to raise up. He understood that this is no small matter.
And thus it will necessarily be like it was in the days of the war of independence, with family turning against family over the king. Dark days may lie ahead.