This commentary assumes you are aware of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters standoff, where supporters of ranchers in Oregon are ensconced on a small building called a “headquarters.” The lede is rather silly if you ask me, but it’s being carried that way in the main stream media.
I think myself unqualified to address the specifics of the claims made by the ranchers. Apparently, the Hammonds say they set the fire to clear invasive plant species, and the fire got somewhat out of control and burned some innocuous federally controlled land. Thus the charges, although the specific charges are ridiculous, relating to being domestic terrorists. This is an overreach by the prosecutors.
Every man has his own threshold at which we will tolerate no more. I realize that I have readers who would not tolerate having a concealed handgun permit because it is an infringement of God-given rights to self defense, an abdication of said control to the state rather than to God who issues the ruling on self defense to begin with.
I have a CHP, and my reaction is, “that’s right!” I suffer the infringement of this God-given right because my threshold has no been crossed yet. I am not ready to take up arms against the government, not because I believe my views are wrong, but because of other reasons. I have a family to support, I have a job to keep, and keeping that job and supporting my family requires that I stay out of prison. Those are the facts, like them or not. If I want to carry a weapon and support my family, I need to have a CHP.
As for the American founders, and I consider them to be better men that I. But again, every man has his threshold. I will not criticize another man for his, and he shouldn’t criticize me for mine – as long as we have a reasonable threshold.
Enter men without thresholds. What’s happening in Oregon is nothing less than armed sedition.
This is an act of armed sedition against lawful authority. That is all that it is, and that is quite enough. This is not “an expression of anti-government sentiment.” Flipping off the governor as he drives by is “an expression of anti-government sentiment.” What Alex Jones does every day is “an expression of anti-government sentiment,” and god bless them all for it. That’s what the Founders had in mind. This is not an “occupation” following “a peaceful protest.” That would be all those folks who got bludgeoned and pepper-sprayed out of Zuccotti Park a couple of years back. (And when exactly did ABC News decide it wasn’t a news organization anymore?) These are men with guns who have declared themselves outside the law. These are men with guns who have taken something that belongs to all of us. These are traitors and thieves who got away with this dangerous nonsense once, and have been encouraged to get away with it again, and they draw their inspiration not solely from the wilder fringes of our politics, either. Ammon Bundy and his brothers should have been thrown in jail after they gathered themselves in rebellion the first time.
[ … ]
There is no actual tyranny in this country against which to take up arms. There is bureaucratic inertia. There is pigheaded bureaucracy. There even is political chicanery. But there is no actual tyranny in the Endangered Species Act, or in the Bureau of Land Management, or in the Environmental Protection Agency, or in the Affordable Care Act, or in IRS dumbassery, or even in whatever it is that the president plans to say about guns in the next week or so. Anyone who argues that actual tyranny exists is a dangerous charlatan who should be mocked from the public square. Anyone who argues that there is out of political ambition, or for their own personal profit, should be shunned by decent people until they regain whatever moral compass they once had.
To reflect back for a moment on the situation, if the fire had been set to provoke the *.gov, it worked. I won’t criticize that, although my threshold might not be the same one. The EPA is a terrorist organization, just like the Bureau of Land Management. Furthermore, the federal government has absolutely no business owning land.
But if the fire was set and a plan for containment to ensure that it was a true “controlled burn” was not in place, or if a professional had not been consulted to ensure that it was well done, the perpetrators are goobers. Yes, goobers. Not terrorists, but witless goobers. They chose to go out and set a fire all … by … themselves … without the assistance of professionals like a fire engineer. Yes, the EPA, National Park Service and others are full of witless goobers as well, with “controlled burns” being set near the Los Alamos National Laboratory that ended up requiring evacuation of the lab for one month, the Animas river spill in Colorado perpetrated by the EPA, and other examples. I’m being gracious, goobers they’re not in some instances. Terrorists they are (witness the control over wood burning stoves), and yet, they have the power at the moment. So we’re back to that issue.
The best reaction to this comes from a tweet.

But regardless of the fact that only goobers set “controlled burns” that aren’t controlled, we are where we are with this. And David Codrea takes the temperature.
So what are the administration’s options? Assuming functionaries had their New Years weekends cut short, you can bet they‘re focus-grouping and war-gaming, and weighing scenarios and options. You can also bet special tactical teams are on alert, if not on their way — and if DOJ approaches this as domestic terrorism, the feds will totally marginalize the local sheriff.
They could talk the guys down, although from the rhetoric of the takeover leaders and Bundy’s conviction that he is carrying out the Lord’s will, that doesn’t sound likely. If they do come out, don’t expect the Justice Department to show leniency.
They could lay siege and wait them out, turn off all power and water, and see if a week or two might soften some resolve. On the other hand, depending on how many answer Bundy‘s call, the enforcers could find the greater cause for their concern is amassing outside their perimeter.
The third option would be to go full Waco, making sure the media is kept back so the narrative could be whatever they wanted to put out through a spokesman. It’s been done before.
That’s why an analysis by Mike Vanderboegh on his Sipsey Street Irregulars blog is important for the government (and for all of us) to understand, so that people with access to decision-makers know, in no uncertain terms, the precipitous situation a brutal reaction will produce — for everyone.
If things blow up in Oregon, things could quickly get out of control everywhere, and while we can only imagine what that will look like, the certainty is things would be ugly and prolonged. The government will act and affected people who will not comply will react. It’s an incredibly dangerous situation, where a shot, whether intentional or an “accidental” discharge — and it may not even matter which “side” fires it — could be the “Time’s up” spark that changes all the rules.
The fact that those occupying the federal building are being labeled as seditionists and insurrectionists should be a badge of honor, whether those doing the occupying deserve it or not. The writer at Esquire forgets (or never understood) America’s rich relationship with sedition. We began that way, we will live that way, we will embrace change when the threshold has been crossed.
If you have no threshold, like the writer at Esquire, you believe that if the government says to kill every person named David who is born on the third Thursday of every month as a sacrifice to Molech, then it should be done and enforced by the power of the state. There is no difference between you and a Nazi or Fascist or their rightful heirs, Margaret Sanger and the eugenicists and abortionists.
We are where we are. This won’t go away, this will continue until one party backs down, the *.gov, or the people. It may occur by preemptive surrender, but I seriously doubt it. That means that at some point, whether this is it or just one more skirmish, it will all come to a head. The *.gov is playing with fire, even if it doesn’t know it.