Prior: Bureau Of Land Management Versus Cliven Bundy Post Mortem
I had previously said that it isn’t over. Harry Reid says the same thing.
Senate majority leader Harry Reid hasn’t been very vocal about the cattle battle showdown in recent days, but says “it’s not over.”
Reid tells News4’s Samantha Boatman his take on the so-called cattle battle in southern Las Vegas. “Well, it’s not over. We can’t have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it. So it’s not over,” Reid said.
He spoke truth. Then again, even Balaam’s ass managed to do that, and here I am probably insulting the ass by comparing him to Harry Reid.
The empire will strike back. We didn’t witness even the first shot of the first volley of the first skirmish of the coming events. It was merely a sign of things to come. Posturing, if you will.
In other news, we learn that there is favoritism and cronyism at the BLM:
The Bureau of Land Management is headed by former longtime Reid aide Neil Kornze, who was confirmed by the Senate as BLM director on Tuesday, just as federal authorities descended on the cattle ranch outside Mesquite, Nevada. Mr. Kornze issued a statement Saturday saying that the bureau would return the cattle and withdraw its agents from the ranch as a result of safety concerns after clashes between law enforcement and the Bundy family’s growing legion of supporters.
As with all tyranny and totalitarianism, this gets darker the longer you look at it. But let’s examine for a moment what Reid said regarding what people can and can’t do.
“Violate the law and then just walk away from it.” Here Reid is indignant that there was resistance, but it is resistance to the very agency that he funds, the very agency that his crony leads, and justified by decisions from judges that are often in bed with the politicians and police. So in other words, he is saying that you can’t violate his will and then just walk away, or said more simply, “I am god and there is no other like me.” I make the law, decide how it will be enforced, and ensure that the laws are best suited for my family and friends.
Is it any wonder that the BLM met resistance from hard working Americans? As for future engagements of this or any other sort, some commenters have ridiculed by advocacy for nullification of federal statutes, saying that it cannot be done. Who’s laughing now? Of course it can be done, and it will be done.
Cliven Bundy was just interviewed on Fox News, where he said that he apparently has lost cattle since he has around 27 calves that have no cow, and they are trying to nurse them and keep them alive. He further said that he is placing his faith in his local Sheriff that the BLM will be disarmed and kept away from the Bundy ranch.
The order of things should be as follows for any future presence of BLM personnel in Arizona if the Sheriffs there have any balls. First, I have no problem with killing cattle just like I have no problem killing deer, although I like venison a little less than beef, and always like beef fat mixed with my venison. But the killing must be done humanely and quickly, which is why shots while hunting must be ethical shots.
BLM personnel should be forced to stand in court on charges of cruelty to animals because of the lack of necessity of starving the calves. They didn’t have to do it. It was a choice. Next, BLM should be forced to surrender their weapons at the state line, and arrested and thrown in with the general prison population for failure to comply.
Cliven Bundy said that the Sheriffs boys should get up from behind their desks next time and protect him. Local LEOs may or may be be reliable allies in the coming struggles. But every LEO must make a choice. It is unavoidable, it is coming to their doorsteps – each and every one of them, individually. Eternity hangs in the balance. Here’s an important note to LEOs: choose wisely.