Kyle Rittenhouse: Not Guilty On All Counts
BY Herschel Smith3 years, 1 month ago
Somehow, in spite of the circus show this turned out to be, in spite of juror #54 potentially going rogue, justice has been served and Kyle Rittenhouse has been found not guilty on all counts.
The charges should never have been filed to begin with.
Fill in with comments as you see fit.
UPDATE: Glenn Reynolds observes, “This is a big deal not only because of the merits of the individual case, which manifestly shouldn’t have been brought, but because all the effort around it by the left was aimed at establishing the principle that their thugs could riot in the streets, but that normals don’t dare resist. This is a huge setback for that effort.”
UPDATE #2: Now it’s time to hold the prosecution accountable for their malfeasance. They knew who one of Kyle’s attackers was (the so-called jump-kick man), and didn’t tell the defense. Then there is the little issue of the compressed video. Send them up before the BAR, and then put them in jail.
UPDATE #3: Zero Hedge.
“Prosecutors were visibly crestfallen after the verdict was read.”
Seen in the comments at Legal Insurrection.
Pleasantly surprised. Good that the National Guard is standing by. They will be needed.
Well, not unless they’re under arming orders. I’ve brought this up many, many times before, especially when the NG was deployed to the border. They’re deployed without weapons, or without ammunition, and with no ROE/RUF. Someone has to sign arming orders for them even to be able to effect self defense.
Arming orders. Remember those two words. Find the orders, send them to me and I’ll post them. If they aren’t under arming orders, they’re just window dressing.