Step Into the Breech By Faith
“Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.”- James 2:17
It’s not a point of pride to be called by the Father; it’s somewhat terrifying. Many ask, after the initial glow or during a time of testing, why me? But the answer is clear, to serve through Christ, bringing glory to the Father. Those that are Christs have no idea what they are doing. That’s because there is no reason by human understanding and most certainly not logic that those known of God are those He has drawn to Himself. Sons of God of varying callings and ordinations to bear fruit and genuine men of God try to exude confidence to those around them in a plan or works that God has for them, but they can do nothing except that Christ wills it. They don’t instruct you in righteousness to elevate themselves as sadly some perceive; usually, it breaks their heart to have to do it. Pray for your leadership that they would be faithful servants of God to feed the flock with truth, even facts from a friend.
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” – Romans 12:2
Not knowing where to start serving God, Christians should try everything; prove His will by searching out the many ministries and callings to find which one(s) God has chosen for you. The object is not to find the one you like—this is a significant problem with the New Religion. The idea is to call upon the Father as you seek and knock on the many doors to find His will; it won’t be long before instruction arrives from the throne room of the Almighty as to what direction you are to take. We implore you, regardless of how crazy the thing sounds or ill-equipped and fearful you are of that first effort; do it, do that something! You won’t regret it.
Five years later, you’ll find yourself in the perfect will of the Father, building His kingdom by the power of the Holy Spirit come alive within you, the favor and blessings of Christ upon you, in the middle of a war you never knew existed, a real spiritual battle, being carried out through people.
Walking by faith is doing the one little thing that God puts in front of you. After months or years of doing the next little thing, it becomes apparent in hindsight by what means and manner God has chosen you to fulfill the works of His desire. This is why many won’t work. They expect to be told the 3-point plan with specific milestones and end goals. That’s not faith; that’s corporatism devoid of God’s ever-present guidance.
“For we walk by faith, not by sight” – 1 Corinthians 5:7
You don’t know what God will do until after you do the first thing to which He is compelling you, drawing you, calling, and willing you to attempt. But, He’s God, so you know that it will be good if you trust in Him above your own understanding. Then you must do the following little something the next day and the next, ever learning to hear and obey the voice of the Shepard. God equips the called; He doesn’t call the equipped. He derives maximum glory through raising the unequipped into a mature soldier of Jesus Christ.
“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” – 1 Corinthians 2:9
Those marked by the Father are under continuous gentle and loving pressure, but its pressure nonetheless to do more and more in service of Him. You will be rewarded by degrees as you serve, and far better is the reward in Heaven. Having heard His voice, walking in trust by faith alone, workers in the Kingdom of God most often only know in hindsight where God has been leading them.
Luke 12:41-48 relates the growth of the calling(s) that the Father has put upon you, and those that returned fivefold interest over the charge given while the Master is in the far country are rewarded five kingdoms to rule (Matthew 25:14-30). Yes, that’s a reward and manifold more responsibility with the attendant work, all while trying to bring even more glory to the Father that the name of Jesus Christ may go throughout all the earth. Behold, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
After you start, God will provide; if you serve, God will give you time to act, not before but after. If you do, then God will teach you and raise you in the ability to perform. Next, God will provide you with the resources to operate if, first, you step out in faith to serve. You must start all endeavors by faith, and God will bring the increase. God doesn’t call disciples to wait for the rapture! The more you serve, the more you learn of God. Having faith unto salvation is not the end; it’s not only salvation; we are saved unto good works; those made His don’t get saved and do nothing. “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.”- James 2:17. I fear for those souls and their eternal state.
The fullness of service to the Almighty is unknown until we are in the midst, and even then, we continue to grow, and our service may change. And the fullness of the fruit is not known in this life. It’s by faith that a man is saved and continues in faith to follow after in service. God first draws unto salvation, then saves, then draws anew unto works, but only after you step into the breech by faith does God qualify you to the avocation.
So too, as a son serves his Father by doing as He commands while seeking His will, the son learns more and more about the Father, who He is, and what pleases Him. And as the son grows through walking by faith into the mercies and instruction in righteousness that the Father brings all His sons, thereby does the son glory that he knows God. Take that first small and tentative step of faith to do the works of God, ever drawing nigh to the Father that made you and gave you the heart of love to serve Him.