BY Herschel Smith
“The secret things belong to Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law.”
Deuteronomy 29:29.
Here we have wrapped up in a tidy package both the (a) decretive will of God, and the (b) preceptive will of God.
God decrees (or foreordains) “whatsoever comes to pass” (Westminster Confession of Faith, 3.1). Why? Because of the counsel of His own will. Not yours, not mine, not according to anything in the creature, and not according to what he foresaw would happen.
God forbids us to try to see His decretive will. He calls this sorcery, witchcraft, and idolatry, and such things are to be shunned.
God ordains His law, and that is ours for obedience forever. He says so in the passage.
Do you see the mistaken notion of the Charismatic movement ideations of trying to pry into the secret things? Do you see that what God has given us in His Holy word is enough? Would that Christians work a little harder trying to obey His revealed will and leave His secret will to Him.
“All Scripture is inspire by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17
For pleasing God, you don’t need to know what He has decreed and somehow discern it through any means other that the Scripture. God does not tell you what job to take, what college to attend, or even whom to marry. Not in a secret voice, not in your prayer closet, not in happenstances, not in getting a “peace” about things (Christians are seldom at peace, and for good reason, we are in a spiritual war).
He gives you rules, laws, requirements, that govern all of the above. You cannot take a job where you must be dishonest or engage in tyranny. You cannot cheat homeowners by putting studs on center any measurement but code (or less). You cannot attend a college where you must deny Him. And you cannot marry in such a manner as to be unequally yoked.
Scripture is sufficient.
Sola Scriptura.