Archive for the 'Religion' Category

New York Truck Attack

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 4 months ago

So by now you’ve all heard that an little old white church lady ran over some folks in New York, shouting “Behold the lamb of God who was given by the Father for the sins of His people as a propitiation and vicarious atonement.”

Or not.

But remember boys and girls.  Diversity is our strength.

How Did Jesus Get Connected To Guns?

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 4 months ago

Michael Brown at WND:

Since when did the gospel become associated with guns? Since when did the Christian faith become linked to the right to bear arms?

Lest I be misunderstood, this article is not about gun control, nor is it about the Second Amendment.

I am not asking whether Christians should serve in the military, and I am not questioning our right to defend ourselves.

I’m simply asking why conservative Christianity – in particular, American evangelical Christianity – is so strongly linked with a passion for guns. There’s certainly no scriptural connection to be made.

Again, I’m not advocating for new gun control laws, and I’m not saying that we roll over and die when attacked by our enemies. I’m not even questioning to what degree churches should have security in place in their assemblies.

That’s not my focus or issue at all, and I understand clearly: 1) the importance of the Second Amendment in American history; 2) the emphasis many American evangelicals put on holding to our donstitutional rights; and 3) common-sense issues of self-defense.

Still, I find it odd that many Americans associate evangelical Christians with guns – and I don’t just mean that some evangelicals enjoy hunting. I mean that “gospel” and “guns” seem to go hand in hand. If ever there were an example of odd bedfellows, it’s here.

It would be one thing if radical Muslims were associated with guns or if white separatists were associated with guns. But conservative followers of Jesus? What’s our specific and unique connection to guns? Frankly, I don’t see it.

In contrast with Muhammad, who was a warrior as well as a spiritual leader, the Founder of our faith was crucified. And in contrast with the early followers of Muhammad, who went to war on his behalf, the early followers of Jesus were put to death as lambs going to the slaughter.

In the words of Paul, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, ‘For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.’ No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:35-37, quoting from Psalm 44:11).

This remains the pattern around the world today, where followers of Jesus are the persecuted, not the persecutors. How did this switch so dramatically in American culture?

Good Lord.  There are so many confused thoughts, sentiments and alleged doctrines strung together in haphazard fashion that it’s hard to know where to begin.

First of all, let’s stipulate that Islam is a political religion whose main tenet is the implementation of Sharia, by force if necessary.  Warfare is the way of things, and it’s easy to become a Muslim since it involves the mere citation of a few doctrines out loud regardless of belief.  Islam is a religion only for simpletons, amenable to barbaric and bloody conflict.  It was never designed to be anything else.  It was fabricated to keep Muhammad’s band of fighters from splintering and wandering off.

On the other hand, Christianity, true doctrine, includes the robust doctrine of the Holy Spirit who persuades, convinces, and changes the heart of man, regenerating his mind, volition and desires.  We need no such thing as forcible implementation of Christianity, for that would be to usurp the role of the Holy Spirit, who, as the wind, blows wherever He wants as His sovereign will dictates.  It would be obscene to attempt to force conversion since no one but the Holy Spirit can do that.

That must not be confused, as this writer does, with the fact that Christianity doesn’t have to be the pacifist, beatnik, long haired hippie flower child faith that people in America seem to think.  They’ve believe that because they have been taught it by ne’er-do-wells and idiots who don’t know anything about Christian doctrine.  True enough, Christians have been persecuted around the world, from Mesopotamia to the Coptic Christians in Egypt, in Armenia with the genocide at the hands of the Muslim Turks, and on and on the sad, sorry list goes.

But there is a different example for us, namely, the Crusades, where we saw Christian warriors who fought to save the Christian world from extinction.  God preserved the true faith, as He always will, but He used the hands of warriors as secondary causes.  It is this example we should follow, not that of passive Christianity who willingly allows women to be raped, children to be killed or converted, and men to be beheaded, all in the name of love for Christ.  Love for Christ doesn’t mean hatred for fellow men such that we are willing to see them perish at the hands of barbaric mobs.

The author, Michael Brown, doesn’t give much attention to the very important notion that defense of self and others is not only a right, but a duty if one is going to be faithful to the Decalogue.  Furthermore, he isn’t studied in the concept of Good Wars, which is a logical and Biblical extension of the Decalogue.  Christ was crucified for the sins of His people (Matthew 1:21).  Christ also had to take the cup that was before Him because of the will of His father.

Our deaths will provide vicarious atonement for no one, including ourselves.  Christ’s instructions in the sermon on the mount involved personal relationships, not state interactions, covenants, or tyranny.  More to the point, tyranny is an abomination to God’s authority over mankind in all of its aspects.  It violates the warp and woof of the entirety of the Holy Scriptures.

Weapons were sanctioned by God as a consequence of evil in the world, and so it will be until the end.  Simpleton commentaries that assume that Jesus was a Bohemian hippie flower child do nothing to further men’s understanding of true doctrine, or how they should then live.

Rolling Stone On Guns And Why People Die

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 5 months ago

Rolling Stone:

It’s easy to call acts of horror “evil.” It’s comforting to ascribe an external, unknowable motive to events so terrible we can’t imagine a motivation.

The human mind is incapable of imagining what would drive a man to haul an arsenal of high-powered weapons into a hotel room, knock out a couple windows, murder dozens of people and injure hundreds more by spraying them with gunfire. So we call it evil. That settles that.

All the author does in this article is display a lack of understanding of my world view and display his own confusion over current events.

The Scriptures are quite clear, and evil can be understood.  The Westminster Confession of Faith is clear: “Sin is any want of conformity to or transgression of the law of God.”  Man does this because he fell in sin through the federal headship of Adam, and the only redemption from this fallen nature is the only begotten Son of God, Jesus, whose death, burial and resurrection vicariously atoned for the sins of His people.  Without Christ, America is bound for more of the same as you saw in Las Vegas.

You may not like it.  The author at Rolling Stone may not like it.  But your dislike doesn’t change facts one iota.  Mankind attempting to regulate his way to utopia is akin to building the tower of Babel.  It’s doomed to fail.

There now.  I hate giving a Sunday School lecture to a Rolling Stone author, since we have so many more important things to discuss, but he apparently needed that.  I don’t apologize one bit for my views, and I see nothing “unknowable” about this, as some sort of worshiper of Immanuel Kant.  He can lampoon it all he wants, and I’ll lampoon the fact that none of his laws and regulations succeed in bringing utopia.

Frank Schaeffer On Roy Moore’s Gun

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 5 months ago


“When you see Judge Moore pull out a gun at a public rally, that is a threat,” Schaeffer told MSNBC “AM Joy” host Joy Reid. “This is the act of a fascist. This is not American. People don’t do this.”

Yea, your daddy said something a little different, dude.

“The Bible is clear here: I am to love my neighbor as myself, in the manner needed, in a practical way, in the midst of the fallen world, at my particular point of history. This is why I am not a pacifist. Pacifism in this poor world in which we live – this lost world – means that we desert the people who need our greatest help. What if you come upon a big, burly man beating a tiny tot to death and plead with him to stop? Suppose he refuses? What does love mean now? Love means that I stop him in any way I can, including hitting him. To me this is not only necessary for humanitarian reasons: it is loyalty to Christ’s commands concerning Christian love in a fallen world. What about the little girl? If I desert her to the bully, I have deserted the true meaning of Christian love – responsibility to my neighbor.”

Right Francis, and not only that, but you should do more than hit him.  If necessary, you should put a bullet in him.  Hey Frank, your daddy is more of a man than you’ll ever be in a thousand lifetimes.  And your atheism is a shame to you and your family, and most of all means that you’re on the wrong side of history and life.

Jeff Sessions On Asset Forfeiture

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 7 months ago

Via WRSA, this from Reason.

Speaking at a National District Attorneys Association conference in Minneapolis Monday, Sessions said state and local law enforcement could expect changes from U.S. Attorneys in several areas: increased prosecution of gun crimes, immigration offenses, gang activity, and prescription drug abuse, as well as increased asset seizure by the federal government.

“[W]e hope to issue this week a new directive on asset forfeiture—especially for drug traffickers,” Sessions said. “With care and professionalism, we plan to develop policies to increase forfeitures. No criminal should be allowed to keep the proceeds of their crime. Adoptive forfeitures are appropriate as is sharing with our partners.”

Except that the use of drug traffickers to make his point is a red herring.  Asset forfeiture has occurred with TSA when travelers carry more money than the fedgov thinks they should be, when local police get a call from a pissed off woman who wants her ex- to get his guns confiscated, local, county and state police when a person is suspected or charged with a crime (not convicted of that crime).

Sessions is using drug traffickers as the straw man.  But I have a question for attorney general Sessions.  If criminals shouldn’t be able to keep the profits of their illegal activities, then what about the federal government?  Should they keep their profits, and what makes the heavy taxation any different than theft or home invasion in the middle of the night by masked criminals?

In Scripture, kings who demanded more than God Himself (a tenth) are looked upon as evil.  So too are kings who banned weapons.  For evidence you need to go no farther than Nebuchadnezzar.  Between sales tax, local taxes, state taxes, federal taxes and FICA, we’re way above a tenth, and thus the government is a criminal organization in God’s eyes.

Turning from my question to Sessions, I would also point out as I have before that the notion of a debt to society is a wicked abomination.  In Biblical law, when someone is guilty of theft, he repays the innocent party from whom he stole multiple times over.  If not, he might just have been put to death.  Indentured servitude has a rich Biblical history, and it has to do with repaying debts.

If you raped, kidnapped or murdered someone, the town would take you outside the gates, following Biblical law, and stone you to death.  There was no notion of rehabilitation, and the rehabilitative role of modern prisons is a function of pagan philosophy embodied in contemporary men like John Dewey, who also fathered the modern American school system.  Man is a tabula rasa, and so he can be unlearned, so they say.  There is no accountability, no judgment, no justice in modern “criminal justice.”

No man owes a debt to society at large.  Society at large cannot collect a debt from an individual and call or consider it righteous, for it is not, it never was, and it never will be.  Prisons are evil, a hotbed for criminal and pagan Muslim recruitment, and the posse – the judgment of the community – far from being vigilante justice, is righteous judgment. [The use of prisons in counterinsurgency is one of the many reasons the U.S. failed so badly in both Iraq and Afghanistan].

Neither the government nor society is God, it cannot lay claim to debts from its citizens, and it cannot rehabilitate criminals.

Britain Planning To Outlaw All Knives

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 7 months ago

The Sun:

Home Secretary Amber Rudd will today propose to make possessing them illegal everywhere, whether in public or at home.

A long list of dangerous weapons that glamorise violence will also be included in the total ban, putting them on the same legal footing as unlicensed firearms.

They include sword sticks, butterfly knives and blowpipes, as well as a range of martial arts weapons such as deathstars and handclaws.

Only people having the weapons for bonified ceremonial or religious reasons will be exempt from the ban.

Ms Rudd is also looking at making it compulsory to buy all knives in person rather than ordering for delivery to keep them out of children’s hands.

A new offence could be created of delivering them to private property.

Writing for The Sun today, Ms Rudd dubbed knife crime “a scourge on our society”.

[ … ]

Last year, selling zombie knives and possessing them in public was made illegal.

But the police are still powerless to confiscate or arrest suspects who keep the large blades with serrated edges at home.

The proposals come after police called for more powers to tackle spiralling incidences on knife crime, despite earlier crackdowns such as longer jail terms.

More than 32,000 knife offences took place last year in Britain – a 14% increase from 2015.

A scourge on the society, or a recognition of God-given rights for self defense.  But citizens there are subjects of the queen, and have no rights.  So the government is preparing, planning for, and even as we speak, actively engaging in the destruction of the culture and society with immigration and removal of means of self defense, even at home.

Remember my British readers.  Jesus quite literally was commanding His disciples to become criminals when He ordered them to obtain swords.  Such things were illegal in Roman-occupied Israel at the time.

Do the same.  Jesus says so.

When Kids Have Guns, Parents Aren’t Doing Their Jobs

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 8 months ago

Chicago Tribune:

When a 12-year-old kid is arrested with a gun, you can’t blame the child. It’s the parents’ fault.

The child police took into custody Tuesday night after finding him in a West Side alley with a handgun in his possession deserves our compassion. But more than that, he needs help — because his parents aren’t doing their job.

There is so much about this situation that we do not know. We don’t know his mom and dad, and we certainly know nothing about their lives. We don’t know what his home environment is like, whether he even had a hot meal last night.

We don’t know why he was hanging out in an alley at 8 p.m. when he should have been inside perhaps watching TV or reading a book before getting ready for bed. All we know is that he should not have been out there alone, and that his parents should have been paying closer attention.

Police received multiple calls from neighbors in Lawndale about someone in the alley with a gun. When police arrived in the 1800 block of South Kostner Avenue, they found the kid. And when they searched him, they discovered the weapon.

Thirty minutes later, they located his mother. The child was charged as a juvenile with unlawful use of a weapon. The mother went free. Perhaps she should have been charged with neglect.

[ … ]

Perhaps after this, their parents will step up and act like adults. If not, I fear what might happen to these three young boys in the future.

Let’s not stereotypically condemn them to a life of crime. It is possible that they can get on the right track all by themselves. But chances are, without intervention, they will end up in trouble.

[ … ]

None of these kids were born bad. They’re simply exhibiting learned behavior.

That’s what John Dewey would have you believe.  You’ve learned “the gouge” well in college, ma’am.  All it takes is the state to do the right things, turn parents into adults, and then the children will learn the right things rather than the wrong things.

There is no concept of sin, righteousness, volitional choice, or anything that makes a man a man.  He’s just a tabula rasa.  Except not really, and you will always get the remedy wrong when the diagnosis is wrong.

For us, guns are wonderful tools in the right hands with righteous intent, man is sinful from birth and in need of a savior, and the state can’t save anybody, not even itself.  God is sovereign, man is accountable, and His law is as immutable as He is.

What you’re witnessing is the result of the destruction of the family and the replacement of it and God with the state.  Your god will always fail you, ma’am.  You may as well bow down to a wooden totem pole.

Preparing For Jihad In America: An Intellectual Framework For Violence

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 9 months ago

Daniel Greenfield supplies a bracing example of Sharia law.

Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she had an accident.

The proximate cause of this event was that Mrs. Islam wanted to continue her education and Mr. Islam being a good Emirati Muslim was not so fond of the idea.

This is the sort of thing that Mr. Islam does from time to time. Diners in London got a surprise from Mr. Islam, three of him, who began stabbing and slashing their way through some trendy nightspots. The blindfold had been slapped on them by their own government and their own media.

Close your eyes while hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants show up in America and Europe. Keep your eyes closed and Mr. Islam will give you a great big surprise.

For Europe, it’s more likely to be somewhere on the order of seven million.  But that doesn’t mean America isn’t affected.  John Guandolo gives us a synopsis of what he’s covered the last several years in his own work.

From Minneapolis (MN) to Hamtramck (MI) to Falls Church (VA) to Paterson (NJ) and many other towns and cities across the fifty states, the Islamic Movement is quietly conquering America.

The federal government sleeps, many state governments – including those controlled by Republicans – do their best to accommodate muslims waging Civilization Jihad against America, and the hard-left Marxists – including nearly all of the local and national media – are collaborators in the enemy’s efforts.

As UTT has previously reported, Minneapolis, Minnesota is currently enemy-held territory and will require force to take back.

Hamtramck, Michigan is a small suburb of Detroitistan, and is the first town in America to have a majority muslim city council.  This formerly Polish-Catholic town has been overrun by sharia-adherent muslims who have already achieved accommodations for sharia in the community.

Falls Church, Virginia is home to the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas’ Dar al Hijra Islamic Center.  The Muslim Brotherhood leader of Dar al Hijra, Sheikh Shaker Elsayed (former President of the MB’s Muslim American Society), recently gave a lecture promoting female genital mutilation.  Dar al Hijra is a jihadi factory whose property is owned by the MB’s bank NAIT (North American Islamic Trust).

Al Qaeda’s Anwar al Awlaki was the Imam of the Dar al Hijra beginning in January 2001 and serving for over a year there.

The community around Dar al Hijra has been taken over by sharia-adherent muslims.  Law enforcement calls the two twin apartment buildings in the area “Taliban Towers,” and the number of jihadis in this area of Northern Virginia, only minutes from the nation’s capital, is significant.

Historically, Paterson, New Jersey has been a melting pot of Irish, Germans, Dutch, Italians, Eastern Europeans and others.  Christians and Jews made a home in this town approximately 20 miles outside of New York City.

Now, estimates put the number of muslims in Paterson at over 30% of the total population.  This number – possibly over 40,000 – makes Paterson, New Jersey the town with the one of the highest concentrations of muslims in the United States.  Many Turks and Syrians are a part of the muslim community, but the majority are Palestinians/Hamas.  Many citizens are concerned for their safety and security.

He goes on, but then it’s so easy to do just that.  As for the U.K., Islamists are already part of the warp and woof of the culture.  It cannot be eradicated by closing the borders.  A Firearms Officer with the Metropolitan Police thinks that more police are necessary to bring security.  But he uses language reminiscent of the counterinsurgency experience in Northern Ireland.  Attempts to use the British experience there is why the British failed in both Basra and the Helmand Province.

In Northern Ireland the British were dealing with a people who were like minded in culture and (even though you might think differently) religion.  What the U.K. faces now is totally different, and would require a major paradigm shift in thinking as well as a rearming of the British people, not just LEOs.  This – they will not do.  I judge the U.K. as finished because of this.  Subjects of the crown will always be just that: subjects of the crown.

Here in America we face a different enemy.  The proximate enemy might be the uber-powerful state, or it might be Islam.  There are many dangers.  But the immediate danger has to do with the thought framework within which we function.  So here I am going to address something that needed to have been said long ago.

While my reputation might be one of throwing around tough language when it’s necessary, or just whenever I feel like it, in the end I am still a Christian.  I eat with you, live among you, worship with you, and know how you think.  I am not addressing those outside my own world view.  To be sure, I take great amusement in drilling holes in opposing world views.  If you believe that upon death the body cools to ambient temperature and that’s the end, you certainly have the freedom to believe that way, unimpeded by me.

If you want to tackle me for my world and life view, as I said, I find great amusement and pleasure in such things.  But you don’t make me the least bit nervous about my own views.  I took all the course work in philosophy, systematic theology and apologetics to hold my own in such a throw down.  But that’s a subject for a different time.  Right now I want to address Christians, because the Christian community in America is in need of a major intervention.  You know it’s true.

I’ve addressed it before, this idea that God expects us to defend ourselves and others because of the image of God.  But there is no end to the silly and trite pacifists who think they are being brave by eschewing self defense.  So let’s say it again.  Jesus demanded that his disciples seek weapons for their own defense, and not only did He do that, He told them to become criminals by doing so.

… for some evidence, see Digest 48.6.1: collecting weapons ‘beyond those customary for hunting or for a journey by land or sea’ is forbidden; forbids a man ‘of full age’ appearing in public with a weapon (telum) (references and translation are from Mommsen 1985). See also Mommsen 1899: 564 n. 2; 657-58 n. 1; and Linderski 2007: 102-103 (though he cites only Mommsen). Other laws from the same context of the Digest sometimes cited in this regard are not as worthwhile for my purposes because they seem to be forbidding the possession of weapons with criminal intent. But for the outright forbidding of being armed while in public in Rome, see Cicero’s letter to his brother relating an incident in Rome in which a man, who is apparently falsely accused of plotting an assassination, is nonetheless arrested merely for having confessed to having been armed with a dagger while in the city: To Atticus, Letter 44 (II.24). See also Cicero, Philippics 5.6 (§17). Finally we may cite a letter that Synesius of Cyrene wrote to his brother, probably sometime around the year 400 ce. The brother had apparently questioned the legality of Synesius having his household produce weapons to defend themselves against marauding bands. Synesius points out that there are no Roman legions anywhere near for protection, but he seems reluctantly to admit that he is engaged in an illegal act (Letter 107; for English trans., see Fitzgerald 1926).

He told them it doesn’t matter what the state says.  They are to arm themselves.  Period.  The most high God said so.  It wasn’t an option.  It was a commandment.  And yet, we still see supposed Christians who are reluctant to arm up, raised in the “Jesus was a Bohemian Hippie Flower Child” culture of Christianity.

But the second problem is one that is a bit harder to fisk.  It has to do with eschatology.  Bear with me for a moment.  Millions upon millions of Christians in America believe in something called dispensationalist, premillennial eschatology.  In brief, it holds that the Church is a “parenthesis” in history, a divine “uh oh.”  Didn’t mean for that to happen.  God’s people are still the Jews, and this parenthesis ends when he “raptures” the church out of the world and deals with Israel.

The church gets to sit on its ass, do nothing, watch stupid night time sitcoms, avoid affecting the world around them, and look like the rest of the world, and then avoid what it has created with its sloth, laziness and inaction.  It’s a magic solution that let’s the church go blindly into the future thinking that everything is going to be okay regardless of what they do or don’t do.

But at no time in history has God ever allowed His church to neglect affecting the world and yet avoid the wake of judgment that creates.  The times this has happened in history are too numerous to cite, but suffice it to say that the Jews aren’t special, there will be no thousand year peaceful reign in Jerusalem, there will be no rapture, and God doesn’t suffer His church to become fools.

Trouble is coming, and in fact it is already here.  Things are going to get a lot worse, not better, at least for a while, and for the Christians reading this who have flirted with this ridiculous ideology, you’d better gun up.  Moreover, you need to think hard about these things.  To be sure, you need to be in decent physical shape by staying active when you can, whether it is carrying body armor and doing squad rushes, or simply hard exercise.  You also need to be practicing with your weapons.

But the root of the problem lies deeper.  You need to develop a thought framework for violence.  When is it acceptable?  Under what conditions?  What would it take to meet that threshold?  What do you do when that threshold is met?  How prepared are you mentally to accept the challenges that will bring?  Do you have a plan?

If you don’t know the answers to those questions, you need to do some serious reflection.  The theologians aren’t going to help you.  They’re lost in a world of racial reconciliation and a theology of togetherness.  Or you might be like the writer I cited earlier who thinks he is being brave by ignoring defense of his family.  Very well.  Your girls will wear hijabs and marry child molesters, your sons will pray to Mecca five times a day, your wife will be so fearful of losing her life she doesn’t even go out of the house, and you will work your entire life to enrich pagans and barbarians if they don’t kill you first.

Time is short, and the situation is serious.  The shortness of the time calls for an honest appraisal.  Within what mental and intellectual framework will you operate?

By What Right Do We Bear Arms? In The End, Every Knee Shall Bow And Every Tongue Confess That Jesus Is Lord

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 10 months ago

Via Codrea, Gottlieb outs himself again.

“Like it or not,” Gottlieb observed, “the Courts have the final say whether you have gun rights or not.”

You can also read a related discussion thread at reddit/r/firearms.  Here is the problem.  The courts don’t have the final say on whether we have gun rights.  I appreciate that we need good judges in position, but only because we want to be peaceable men if possible.

Even if my rights aren’t observed by society, they still exist.  This is Alan’s moral malfunction.  He reflexively turns to the state for disposition of God-given rights, which I’m sure is why he has shown himself so willing to compromise in the past.

It’s pagan and statist thinking that turns to the state for cradle to grave security and for a delineation and protection of our rights.  I’ve explained this before – our rights come from God Himself, the Almighty king of heaven and earth, the maker of the universe, the one who determines what He will do with the clay vessels he creates, the only potentate and sovereign.

The constitution is a covenant by which men have agreed to live together.  We derive our authority to bear arms from God, in whose image we are made, and who Himself made war when necessary, and thus we are to protect that image.  This is His immutable law.  If the covenant within which we live does not reflect God’s laws, it is an abomination and dishonors God.  It is null and void.  Second, to the extent that it does, when we fail to live within the framework of that covenant it is null and void.  Therefore, if the government breaks covenant with the people, the government has declared itself null and void before God.

A man-made document can never … neverestablish rights.  It can only recognize what has already been established by the almighty.  God grants men the right to self defense, as well as the right to enter into covenant with a government, that covenant having blessings as well as curses, just like the covenant of marriage comes with blessings and curses (e.g., divorce in the case of infidelity, which recognizes that the covenant has been broken and is null and void, cursing the one who broke it).  Self defense properly interpreted means not only personal defense from evildoers who would cause him or his family harm, but self defense from a tyrannical government.

Gottlieb couldn’t have been more wrong.  Judges are important for the opposite reason he boasts.  They are important in that they have a duty before God almighty and His laws and to honor the covenant we have made.  They don’t get to make decisions concerning whether such rights exist.  Their purview comes with duties and responsibilities, not the freedom to be cavalier, insolent or capricious.  Theirs is a terrible responsibility and they should justly fear God.  When it comes to the rights of men to defend themselves, there is only one decision of which God approves.

Psalm 2 says “The kings of the earth shall take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His anointed … He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them” (2-3).  Isaiah 6 describes what happens when men meet God face to face.

In the year of King Uzziah’s death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple. Seraphim stood above Him, each having six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one called out to another and said,“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory.”  And the foundations of the thresholds trembled at the voice of him who called out, while the temple was filling with smoke. Then I said “Woe is me, for I am ruined!

To be sure, there are wicked rulers and judges, and all gun control is wickedness conducted by men bent upon evil.  Resisting them is not only acceptable, but expected and even commanded.  I’ve even demonstrated that when Jesus commanded his disciples to sell their robe and buy a sword, he was quite literally commanding them to arm themselves in violation of the law.  He was commanding them to become law breakers in order to effect self defense.  That’s how seriously God takes this issue.

The position of judge and ruler is a terrible position because they will answer before God for what they do, and if they push it far enough, they may answer before men in time and space before they ever get to God.  But always remember, if you are a ruler or judge who happens to be reading this.  The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is watching you and will judge with a righteous judgment.  There is no escape from His laws or the day of judgment, and no fealty to a document, interpretation, or political bias will be allowed as excuse or justification for your high handed sin against God.

France Is Just Like Europe: It Has No Future

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 10 months ago

Via WRSA, this from Z man.

“If there is any hope for a revival of French culture it will only come through total French humiliation and despair. Once a majority of Frenchmen no longer see any reason to support the status quo, to remain loyal to their betters, then things change and change rapidly. It will not happen through elections and political activism. Democracy is good at driving a country off a cliff. It is useless in pulling it back onto the road. France needs to vote itself off the cliff in order to clear the field for what comes next.”

I disagree, and vehemently so.  This analysis is dead wrong.  France has no future now for the same reason France had no future before this election cycle.  France lost its soul long ago.  They exchanged the “grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” for the existentialist philosophy of Sartre And Camus.  The Frenchman hates himself because he hates God.

No man or woman, politician or not, can fill that void.  And no constitution, political philosophy or war can save a country.  No man can replace God.  And France is the canary in the mine for all of Europe, including Britain.  I recall the experience some good friends had when they visited Britain recently, and took the C.S. Lewis tour.  The sad part is that the tour guide said that he only tours Americans now.  No one in Britain cares any more or even knows who C.S. Lewis was.

No they don’t.  All of Europe is lost.

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