Archive for the 'Religion' Category

Muslim Open Carrier Ehab Jaber

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 10 months ago

Remember we discussed Muslim open carrier Ehab Jaber, specifically within the context of Christian fear and trembling?  Well, there have been developments in the case (via reader Mack).

Twelve days after a Muslim man sat in his car in the parking lot of our Sioux Falls Christian Worldview Weekend brandishing 5 weapons, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and told us to be scared and terrified, he has finally been arrested and charged. But it is even worse than we thought. You can read the initial article on this incident here. 

News reports state that police found his weapons in his house along with meth. My blood ran cold when I found this out. METH? You mean we could have had a guy jacked up on drugs, combined with his ideology, putting 500 men, women, and children at risk at our Christian conference? Why was he not arrested that night or even questioned? How did he stay on the streets for 12 days with guns and meth? He even posted on his Facebook page he had 1,200 rounds of ammunition in his car.

On April 19th the Muslim man went on another Facebook rant and posted the following:

“But if you still have animosity, we can shoot it out. I hope you’ve been practicing your quick draw …and your aim became I am 25,000 rounds deep.”

Remember the Lincoln County prosecutor told WND:

“I’m not aware of any record. He’s a host and a server in a very high-end steak house here in Sioux Falls and everyone who works with him enjoys working with him. We can’t run roughshod over people’s First Amendment rights, or their Second Amendment rights,”

Brandishing weapons and making terroristic threats is not a First or Second Amendment right. The same prosector and police that seem to defend the Muslim in the news media have now arrested and charged him? Why could they have not done this on April 9th and avoided the political correctness, double-standard, putting Worldview Weekend and the community at risk and making themselves now look completely inept and negligent? If they charged him on April 21st with terroristic threat they could have done so on the evening of April 9th.

I believe the citizens of Sioux Falls should be demanding the resignation of the Sioux Falls Police Chief and the recall of the Lincoln County State Attorney for letting this man be on the street for 12 days when there was an abundance of evidence that this man was a threat to the public.

The political and law enforcement failure on this is HUGE. The police could have and should have arrested him Sunday night, April 9, 2017 when they saw his Facebook videos while our conference was STILL going on. I know they saw them because the off duty police officer we hired told me about them while our conference was still in session.

Instead of him being arrested that night, this man was free to roam armed and possessing METH for 12 days!

Ha!  Some Muslim.  If ISIS had caught the asshole with Meth they would have put him to death, or perhaps taken pity and only cut off his hands so he could never do that again and be an example to others.

As for me, I couldn’t care less if he smokes meth until his head explodes.  But what we learn from this article is interesting indeed.

So the cops are worthless and inept.  So what?  They are pretty much everywhere.  And from what I understand the arrest had to do with Meth rather than threats.  Get used to it, Christians.  As I said, “gun up.”

The most interesting (and pitiful) thing we learn is the reaction from people who were there.  The poor man’s “blood ran cold.”  He wants protection by the police.  How did the police fail him?  How could this have happened?  The outrage of it all!

Christians in America are in need of a serious, hard core intervention.  They claim to hear the voices of other Christians around the world who are suffering because of their faith, but yea verily, the police in America won’t let that happen to good Christians in America, to read the ranting of the author.

My goodness.  Hard times are coming, sir.  Hard, hard times.  Law enforcement will implement and effect the wishes of the rulers, and the rulers do not have your interests at heart.  You’d better gun up now and try to keep that blood from running cold.  You’d better steel yourself, calm your nerves and prepare for battle.  It’s interested in you even if you aren’t interested in it.

Christians Had Better “Gun Up” In The Face Of Muslim Threats

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 10 months ago

The Blaze:

A South Dakota Muslim, who was escorted out of a Christian conference after protesting it with foul language, took to Facebook Live to tell viewers they should be “terrified” as he flashed multiple firearms in his car.

The man in the video is identified as Ehab Jaber is a South Dakota resident who is self-described as being formerly from  Saudi Arabia. According to World Net Daily, Jaber infiltrated the Christian Worldview Weekend conference on April 9 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Sioux Falls, as they were discussing the Islamic persecution of Christians around the world.

[ … ]

Jaber, wearing a shirt that read “I’m American, I’m a Muslim, I open carry, I conceal carry, and I’m dangerous only if you’re stupid,” and carrying a Koran reportedly began disrupting the proceedings and live streaming the conference on his phone.

Jaber went to his car, and still sitting in the parking lot, once more took to Facebook Live where he began complaining about how many people were in attendance. It was then that Jaber asked “ya know, if you want to be really scared?”

Jaber then reached behind him and began displaying various handguns and an AK-47, each time saying “be scared.” Pulling out an extended magazine and an AR-15 he added “be f***ing terrified.”

But here’s the thing, Jaber.  I’m not scared or intimidated one damn little bit.  I’m not even the slightest bit nervous.  Jaber is only taking his cue from the Qu’ran, and his example from the hoards of barbarians in the Middle East.

Tragic stories of Christian experiences under the Islamic State continued to emerge throughout the month of January.  A Christian doctor who forfeited the chance to escape his Syrian village after ISIS had captured it because he wanted to stay and help the sick and needy, both Christian and Muslim, was kidnapped by the Muslim terrorists and ordered to renounce Christ for Muhammad.  When he refused, they publicly slaughtered him.  Similarly, after ISIS ordered another Christian youth in Syria to embrace Islam, he too refused and was slaughtered for it.  His mother-who was prevented from burying her martyred son’s body-recalled that when ISIS first invaded their village, he reminded her of Jesus’ assertion in the New Testament: “If you deny me before men I will deny you before the Father.”

After ISIS raided the home of Zarefa, an elderly Christian woman in Iraq, they discovered crucifixes and Christian icons. “They forced me to spit on the Cross,” she recalled. “I told them that it was not appropriate, that it was a sin. He said that I must spit. ‘Don’t you see that I have a gun?’ he asked me. I said to myself, ‘Oh, the Cross! I am weak, I will spit on you. But Lord, I ask you to take revenge for me. I cannot escape from this.'”  According to the report, “The shame is still visible on Zarefa’s face when she recounts the memory; her town, Qaraqosh, is liberated now, but she is still recovering from the traumatic two years that are only just behind her.”

Hmm … let me see.  Spit or perish.  Well, I don’t approve of those options.  How about this option.  Eat this .45 ACP 230-grain fat boy down the throat, goat fucker.

Yea, that’s it.  A much better option.  If you don’t like that option, I’ll give you the option of 5.56mm.  So there you have it.  .45 ACP or 5.56mm.  Those two are much better than spit or perish.  Listen to me, Christians.  You’d better “gun up” now rather than later.  If you don’t, you and your Bohemian hippie flower child pacifist peace-and-love will be run over like a freight train.

Muslin Gang Attacks Australian Christian Couple

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 11 months ago

Via Codrea, this:

An Australian man wearing a crucifix and his girlfriend were attacked by a Muslim gang on a Sidney train on April 4 who yelled, ‘F*** Jesus!” and praised “Allah” as transit police witnessed the attack but did not intervene, according to an April 8 report in the Daily Telegraph.

The thirty-year-old Greek-Orthodox man who was attacked is only identified as “Mike”. Mike told Miranda Devine with the Telegraph he was riding the train from Campsie to Bankstown with his girlfriend when they were attacked by the Muslim gang of men and women.

[ … ]

He claims that five uniformed railway “Transport Officers” watched the attack and did nothing to help him, although police were waiting for the train when it reached Bankstown station.

Two police officers took the names of three alleged assailants and a statement from Mike, photographed his injuries, told him they would review CCTV footage from the train and that he should expect a letter in a month, which may require his attendance at court…

Well that’ll show them.  No good Muslim gangster wants to get a letter from a worthless cop.  Seriously Christians, I can say this because I’m a Christian too.  You’d better stop being such pussies.  You’d better gun up and prepare to fight.

If you don’t, you will be listening to calls to prayer from the Mosques that surround your home, your women will have to wear hijabs and only leave home with you or get raped, your sons will get converted to Islam, and you’ll convert or die.  If you’re truly a Christian you won’t convert, so you’ll die.

So if you’re going to die anyway, and you will at some point, wouldn’t you rather go out as a warrior protecting your clan?  Wouldn’t you rather be considered a crusader fighting for justice rather than a drag on society who allows others to conduct your battles?

Chilling Satanic Human Sacrifice Ritual At CERN, The World’s Largest Particle Accelerator

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 12 months ago


This chilling mysterious video shows a group of ‘researchers’ at the CERN Large Hadron Collider staging a chilling ‘satanic human sacrifice’ ritual.

The footage shows a group of cloaked men gathering in a courtyard around a statue at the facility in Geneva, Switzerland.

But CERN has declared that the video is fake, and claims that the ritual was simply researchers and scientists coming to work at the facility ‘taking their sense of humour too far.’

The facility is home to the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, known as the Large Hadron Collider.

Its aim is to allow physicists to test the predictions of different theories of particle physics.

In the clip, there appears to be at least eight figures standing in the shadows, before one man moves into the centre of the group.

Moments later, a woman wearing a white dress enters and kneels on the stone floor.

The woman the seems to lie down on the ground before a man in a cloak approaches her with his hands raised above his head.

Viewers of the footage speculate the man is holding a knife which he appears to plunge into the woman’s chest before the clip suddenly cuts off.

Good Lord!  I’ll let the readers fill in the comments on what they think about this, but I don’t want to hear another damn word about how scientists only refer to naturalistic schema and thus reject supernatural explanations for things.

Real Truth About The Real Islamic Threat

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago

John Guandolo:

“An Introduction to Hadith and Fiqh” published in Uganda for children and adults new to Islam states: “Sharia basically means Islamic Law…Therefore the law is basically a users’ manual (for Muslims)…The Sharia is composite in that Islam is a complete way of life.  In an Islamic state ideology, law and religious faith are interrelated…Sharia is the ideal code of conduct.”

What Islam is All About is a widely used text book for junior high school students in Islamic schools in America.  It says “The law of the land is the sharia of Allah” and also says “The duty of the Muslim citizen is to be loyal to the Islamic state.”

Reliance of the Traveller, a 14th century book of Islamic Law certified as good law by Al Azhar and the Muslim Brotherhood (IIIT & Fiqh Council of North America) states:  “The good is not what reason considers good, nor the bad what reason considers bad.  The measure of good and bad according to this school of thought is the Sacred Law, not reason.”

Reliance of the Traveller is the book of sharia the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) says should be in the home of every Muslim in America, and was widely available at the Muslim Brotherhood’s last few national MAS-ICNA conferences.  It defines jihad as:  “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims” and is “obligatory” until the world is under sharia.  Reliance also includes “There is no indemnity for killing an apostate since it is killing someone who deserves to die.”

The last fatwa issued by a sitting Caliph was clear about the duties of Muslims with regard to jihad and fighting non-Muslims:  “Those who, at a time when all Moslems are summoned to fight, avoid the struggle and refuse to join in the Holy War, are they exposed to the wrath of God, to great misfortunes, and to the deserved punishment?  Yes.”  (Caliph Mehmed V, November 15, 1914)

The Muslim community voted the Grand Sheikh of Al Azhar the number 1 most influential Muslim on the planet demonstrating how Muslims view the authority of Al Azhar.  The Chairman of Al Azhar, Dr. Abdul Fatah Idris states:  “This is jihad, when a Muslim fights an infidel without treaty to make the word of Allah Most High supreme, forcing him to fight or invading his land, this is a permissible matter according to the consensus of the jurists.  Indeed, it is an obligation for all Muslims.  Now, if the deeds of jihad — including fighting the infidels and breaking their spine through all possible means — are permissible according to the Sharia, then it is impossible to define those acts as terrorism.”

Islamic scholars identify Sura (chapter) 9, verse 5 of the Koran as “the verse of the sword” and it reads: “Fight the unbelievers wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush.”  The Tafsir, which legally defines every verse in the Koran (because this is a LEGAL system), defines the phrase “and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush” to mean:  “Do not wait until you find them.  Rather, seek and besiege them in their areas and forts, gather intelligence about them in the various roads and fairways so that what is made wide looks even smaller to them.  This way, they will have no choice but to die or embrace Islam.

The most authoritative hadith scholar in Islam is Bukhari who quotes the Islamic prophet Mohammad as saying (2926, Book 56, Hadith 139):  “The hour of judgment will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them.”

This would naturally lead to Islamic schools in America teaching:  “Jihad in the path of God – which consists of battling against unbelief, oppression, injustice, and those who perpetrate it – is the summit of Islam. This religion arose through jihad and through jihad was its banner raised high. It is one of the noblest acts, which brings one closer to God, and one of the most magnificent acts of obedience to God.” (Hadith and Islamic Culture: Management, Social Studies, Natural History, and Technical Studies)

I hate to steal John’s thunder but I wanted to give you an uninterrupted taste of what he knows.  His article is worth visiting because I haven’t give it all here.

You must understand that freedom to practice your faith doesn’t mean the same thing to you, if you are a Christian, or even if not given that you have a basically Western understanding of things, and the Muslim.  To you it might mean that men and women are free to attend worship services, pray, fast, and participate in other things that define who they are.

To the more informed Christian, it means that we must “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,” taking dominion of God’s creation for His glory, including science, mathematics, engineering and the arts.  The most insurrectionist idea taught by the reformers wasn’t just that God is sovereign.  The Roman Catholics might have been able to live with that.  It was that man is a prophet, priest and king, and doesn’t need an intermediary between himself and God.  And it means that doing science is as holy an endeavor as administering the sacraments.  This … the Roman Catholic Church could not live with.

But these are almost pedestrian differences compared to what the Mohammedans believe.  To them, practicing their faith means subjugating you to their faith, or otherwise owning your daughters, sons, wealth and very lives.  The America system of government is not set up to welcome men into its midst who believe that it’s their solemn duty to subjugate other men to their desires.  It is a national death wish to pretend otherwise.

A time of reckoning is coming for Americans as they figure out this basic fact.

90,000 Christians Killed Per Year

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago

National Review:

Christian martyrdom may be the world’s most underreported story. But if a study conducted by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity is true, we are in the midst of a terrible international pogrom against Christians, with 90,000 reportedly killed a year because of their faith.

The Center for the Study of Global Christianity has done extensive research on Christian martyrdom, both historical and contemporary. We estimate that between 2005 and 2015 there were 900,000 Christian martyrs worldwide—an average of 90,000 per year. That’s a stunning number that doesn’t include the Christians imprisoned or otherwise persecuted.

And it will continue to happen, and no one will pay the slightest bit of attention, as long as Christians teach the awful, horrible, false “Jesus was a beatnik, flower-child hippie who loved everyone and expects us to become door mats for the world” version of Christianity.

Arm up, boys and girls.  Start shooting.  And then you will be alive to witness to Jesus and perhaps win converts.  Men aren’t saved by watching you die.  Men are saved by the preaching of the word, and you can’t preach that word in the grave.

False Teachers

BY Herschel Smith
8 years ago

Nancy Rockwell:

This weekend, in a workshop on Islam, the leader illustrated the purpose of Islam’s five-times-a-day prayer practice by talking about things that are enticing and hard to resist, and things that are habitual and hard to give up.

Sugar, she said, and told about her own attempts to give up sweet things, and how, when she succeeded for a few months, she felt free. Alcohol, drugs, anger, fear, she went on to talk about these as human habits hard to break without a constant reinforcement of strength beyond what is normal for us humans.

Not, she thought, violence. I wonder about that. Americans have a hard time even contemplating giving up guns.

[ … ]

God, for whom the Temple keeps humans in prayerful connection, does not seek a servant who will keep the power to survive death as a right of survival owed to him as God’s chosen one. In fact, the Temple teaches acceptance of death

[ … ]

Jesus does not, in the wilderness of his temptations, assume a discipline of prayer. He drags up, from deep within himself, responses strong enough to send the Tempter away.

This is what passes for “scholarship” in some “churches.”  It’s really very said.  Islam is all about cleaning up the heart, is non-violent to the point that Americans who refuse to give up their guns are the ones who she worries about.

Never mind that the Crusades had to be fought as a defensive war to free Europe from the clutches of Mohammedans who had raped, killed and pillaged the people.  Never mind that Christians are – unfortunately – the most passive people on earth.

No, according to her, we should be willing to perish at the hands of whomever, whenever.  But she confuses acceptance of God’s sovereign choice with man’s responsibility to act on all sorts of things, in all sorts of situations.  No man should sit on his ass while people give him food to eat (2 Thess 3:10).  And no man should willingly give up his life to robbers or killers when he can protect the image of God within him.  Nor should he be prepared to give up the lives of others (John 15:13).

This woman obviously doesn’t understand the scriptures any more than she does Islam.  And as for Christ during the temptations, he fasted, which always includes prayer, Biblically speaking, and he cited Scripture back at the tempter.

Whomever hired this impostor to “preach” should forthwith fire her and put her to work washing dishes, or something she can actually do.  But they probably won’t, and thus does America continue to languish at the hands of false teachers.

Matt Bracken’s Warning To The Progressives

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 1 month ago


The Left mistakes our forbearance, patience and, yes, tolerance for weakness, because they are none of those things, and utterly fail to comprehend us. But they should not poke in the eye too many times millions of people who make a hobby out of going into the woods and shooting and gutting 200 lb. mammals. Seriously, they shouldn’t.

As to his warning to the rest of us, he says this.

What do you think is at the end of all of the minority oppression studies and white privilege courses? The virtual yellow stars on our jackets. We are being lined up to be the next German Jews or Russian Kulaks or Armenian Turks. This is how it works, folks. First TPTB whip up the hate against the damned, in this case conservative Christian heterosexual old white men. What do you think “the knockout game” etc are all about? TPTB have been virtue signaling the genocide of the whites, starting with the CHOWM, for decades now. “The white race is the cancer of humanity” said a white woman of note. In the linked DNC article, women compete to describe how much they hate their own evil whiteness. The left is veering into madness, and sometimes that madness winds up with guillotines, gas chambers and gulags as their final solution to their hated internal enemy problem.

If you are a CHOWM, you should know that TPTB are painting a bulls-eye target on your front and your back. Words today will become action tomorrow, if this madness metastasizes.

Ask the Armenians, the Kulaks, the European Jews, the Tutsis, etc etc etc.
This is how it works. First the hate is built up in a socially acceptable way by TPTB, here, the BLM assisted by the MSM, etc.

Then later, during a social crisis, comes the mass killing, with the killers feeling perfectly justified with their actions.

So in order to understand his warnings, go read this.  Then come back and read his comments again which I’ve copied here.  Then watch this.

So for the progs among my readers (do I have any?), let me give you a little primer on Christian, Heterosexual, Old White Men to help you understand us.

We’re a little older than your buddies in social programs studies at the colleges.  Our eyesight is fading a little.  We move a little slower, some of us have arthritis, many or most of us have something to live for, including children and or grandchildren.  It’s true.

But we will only be shoved around for so long until it all ends.  So the ailments I outlined above can all be ameliorated.  If we move more slowly, we start earlier.  If we can’t see as well as we used to, we wear glasses.  If we have arthritis, we take medicine.  And we all have guns and ammunition – lots of it.

But here’s the thing.  We were taught patience and discipline as children, unlike you, but we were also taught that there are worse things than death, such as dying with dishonor or leaving no heritage to your family.  You see, we don’t believe that the human body cools to ambient temperature when it dies and then nothing else happens, like you.

We believe that there is another life after death, and so there is something to look forward to.  We won’t try ever so hard to die honorably when the time comes, because we know we will die like we lived, and with God’s help we have lived honorably, paying our own way and then some.  We will do what we always do.  We will honor God and minister to our families and neighbors.

And if the world remembers us for some action or collection of actions at our end that helped deliver a heritage to our families, so much the better, but we’ll soon be forgotten, just like you.  In a hundred years my body will have a grave marker.  But God always remembers – for eternity.  We aren’t stronger than you.  Our beliefs are.

Merry Christmas 2016

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 2 months ago

Merry Christmas to all of my readers.  I hope you have a joyous season.


We know Christmas as the celebration of the beginning of [what theologians call] “the humiliation of Christ.”  It began his time in the form of man, where God became man and lived among us (Matthew 1:23).  It is He who will save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).

It’s the scandal of the Gospel, where the only possible savior for man was Christ.  Only God could save His people, because all mankind had fallen in sin.  Many nativity scenes are lovely and bright, but the humiliation of Christ involved being born in a trough used to feed and water the livestock, wrapped in clothes that were used to clean the stalls.  The manger looked like this.


This is what we remember and celebrate.  May you and your loved ones always understand the true meaning of Christmas.  Those in Christ are saved, those who are not are lost.  Christ had to come to be the perfect lamb of God.  This is where it started, and it went throughout His life and until His death.

Christian Fundamentalism Is More Dangerous Than Islamic Terrorism

BY Herschel Smith
8 years, 4 months ago

Chicago Maroon (from reader Mack):

A leading humanist scholar stressed symbolic Bible reading and warned of the radical right at a talk on Tuesday at the Seminary Co-Op.

For Catherine M. Wallace, faculty member at Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine  and author of the recently concluded book series *Christian Humanism and the Moral Imagination*, the Christian fundamentalist movement in the United States is more dangerous than Islamic terrorism. Wallace, a Christian herself, believes fundamentalist access to United States armaments is the number one threat to state security.

“If [anything Islamic] wanted to attack an American city, they had to hijack an airliner. If they want to blow up a concert, they need to put bombs on their own children and send young men in to kill themselves…that kind of radicalism [Christian fundamentalism] in control of nuclear codes was a much, much greater threat,” Wallace said.

As a historian and Christian humanist, Wallace wanted to examine fundamentalism’s strongest arguments and find its weaknesses. She looked at how fundamentalist Christianity first sprung up in the Southern United States. “The religious right in its most contemporary form has an origin in Southern opposition to desegregation and to the Civil Rights Movement…a transparently racist appeal,” Wallace said.

In Wallace’s view, this radicalism stems from a literal reading of the Bible. “Nobody in the ancient world would have read the Bible literally,” Wallace said. The idea of a literal reading is a thoroughly modern phenomenon, according to Wallace—church fathers of the past would discourage anyone from taking the Bible literally.

Therefore, according to Wallace, the fundamentalists have it all wrong. “Christian fundamentalism is a malignant form of Christianity,” Wallace said. In her opinion, their literalist reading creates misconceptions of what the Bible means, fostering a climate of hate and leading to increased and unnecessary conflict between Christians and the rest of the world.

Near the end of the talk, Wallace turned to her personal take on the Bible. “It’s the great anthology of Jewish storytelling. It’s brilliant, but these are very ancient stories.” She argues that by reading the Bible this way, Christianity can far better coexist with the worlds of science and politics. Equally important, the religion can lose its reputation of going against facts and progressive social trends.

She’s lying.  She is presupposing the stupidity and ignorance of the modern seminary student – and that may be a perfectly good assumption – in order to make her point.  She wants the students to think that good hermeneutics means that nothing the Bible says is true.  She is conflating the lies of source, form and redaction criticism with good hermeneutical principles like interpreting according to literature type (e.g., the parables of Christ aren’t systematic theology, and cannot be used to make more than a single theological point, versus the systematic theology that is found in the Pauline doctrine from the epistles).

So who knows – since we Christian fundamentalists are more dangerous than Islamic radicals, perhaps she wants the fedgov to go after us.  But listen here.  We have the guns.  So what are you going to do about it beyond lying to the idiot students?

As for my more fundamentalist Christian response, I can only think of this to say.  Blow it out your ass, jerk.  Oh, and I don’t think you’re a Christian at all.  You lied about that too (I find the stupid term “co-religionist” insulting and objectionable and you don’t get to make up anything you want and call it Christian, any more than I can declare that I am the king of Siam and make it happen).

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