Archive for the 'Religion' Category

If Thine Eye Be Single

2 years, 2 months ago

“22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” – Matthew 6:22-23

Keeping one’s gaze steadily on one fixed object it becomes easier to maintain balance. The eye is the light of the body; if you have a single purpose, and that purpose is good in the sight of God, your whole being will be full of light. There’s something to be said for having one purpose. The goal we focus on is what we become, or what we persevere to attain is what gets done.

People who are very focused on a goal don’t play defense, and they don’t get involved in whack-a-mole. Some spend all day going from one thing to another, only to accomplish very little. Multitasking is overrated.

But these verses really aren’t about self-help; they are about righteousness and evil: your eye narrowly set toward holy God that you may be light and love for those around you. Or, sadly, choosing the evil, seeking to serve the masters of this world, even yourself.

If your light is darkness, it’s no light at all. People whose light is out, devoid of the love of God, attract all manner of evil men. The darkness of the soul gathers with other darkness; no good will ever attain from a congregation of the wicked.

The ability to discern both good and evil, the spirit of truth or the lies that permeate everything, comes from reading the Holy Bible. (Hebrews 5:14). Holy God sets the standard of right and wrong. Men who don’t read the Bible live in half darkness, relying upon only the conscience to guide them. All men are sinners; the conscience is faulty, so corrupt that you’ll even end up lying to yourself, making excuses for right and wrong.

Your country is being destroyed; the foundational standard that God has set in His word is ignored and removed. The light of God is being extinguished in civil society. And it’s no accident; the rulers of darkness hate God and the Bible; seeking to justify their evil deeds, they hate the truth of right and wrong.

God is the Light of the world; His word is the foundation of truth for the knowledge of sin and righteousness. Fill your eye with the light of God, separate yourself from the evil, and seek the good. A man controls only one thing; his own choices. Everybody wants to point out the sins of others, but reviving your nation starts with your own heart first.

In the Days of the Voice of the Seventh Angel

2 years, 2 months ago

Behold, what glorious things God has done for us.

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” – Genesis 3:15

Genesis 3:15 is one of the most important Bible verses. It lays out, at the beginning, thousands of years of coming history for mankind that now sits fulfilled in Christ. It also explains the thousands of years-long spiritual war that’s been raging on earth from the start. But it points to the first eschatological event that would set the pattern at the end of the age and for the ages to come.

The seed of the woman would be Christ the King, who crushed the head of the serpent. Christ spoiled principalities and powers in three realms; the prince and power of this world, the devil, and the religions of men were set down when Jesus Christ rose from the dead, and the kings of this world have been made the footstool of God’s own Son.

Many miss the implications of the resurrection. If God raised Christ from the dead, then the domain of death and hell is forever imperiled; having been conquered, the devil is a defeated foe.

And the kings and powers of this world mock God daily, seeking control and lusting to subjugate all the world, but neither is it theirs. For when the seventh trumpet sounded, “…The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” – Revelation 11:15. But we do not read Revelation 11:15 alone, chapter 10 and specifically verses 6 and 7 explain that there should be time no longer.

God permits evil in judgment, but today’s evil men take it upon their own cleverness, declaring themselves masters of the universe while most people marvel in awe at the beast’s system. But that God allows them, they would have no power over us at all. Christians need to stop wondering in their heart after the beastly system because in doing this, they lend authority to the dragon where none need be given. Stop surrendering your power, which comes from Christ, to the servants of the devil.

The glory of our present age is also the problem of these last days. In John 5:24-25 Jesus says that we believers are already residing in eternal life, having passed from death unto life, “…The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.”

Having the Spirit of Christ, we remain stuck between two ages. We’re in the last days, but in the ages to come, we will be resurrected and be like Christ in the new heaven and earth, our home. We are stuck in this vile body yet seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Jesus says in John 6:54 that we are spiritually resurrected, awaiting the last day and resurrection to be like Christ.

Christ is the firstfruits of the resurrection, but not the last, for all those in Christ shall rise on the final day; death and hell will be fully and finally defeated forever. Two verses are essential to explain this reality.

“And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus” – Ephesians 2:6

“Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.” – Philippians 3:21

While we’re here, in the Kingdom of God that now is, we serve God in anticipation of the return of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the saints, and the final judgment.

This present age is not the end, and you that have questions, you that have served the evil of our day, you that are resigned to the sin of these end days, take heart, you believe in God; believe in Jesus Christ.

“9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: 11 In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: 12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. 13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; 14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; 15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” – Colossians 2:9-15

Verse 13 says: “And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses”

And you, adulterers and whoremongers, thieves and cheats, living in vanity, puffed up, full of self-will and pride, murderers and drunks, drug dealers, cheats, crooks, those that have prostituted themselves, and all liars, for who among us hasn’t told a lie, sinners one and all: you who are dead in your trespasses and sins; Christ died for you and rose again on the third day, forgiving your sins and all your trespasses!

“11 In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: 12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.”

The token of the flesh could never save and was only a symbol of obedience to the submission of the heart in faith to Christ, that would come unto you in the fullness of time; that time is now. Putting off the sins of transgression by the faith of Christ Jesus, having believed in the power of God to renew your dead soul to life; we’re buried with Jesus in baptism, raised again in a new Spirit by the operation of God in salvation who is the only power to create life, and life anew in the resurrection by His Spirit that now is, and the coming regeneration on the last day.

Every regulation and every commandment of God has been broken, and none have kept the whole law save Christ. But every one of those was blotted out in the blood of Christ. Jesus’ blood stained the handwriting of ordinances that was against us. Every decree of transgression was blotted out by His blood, as though the law had never existed and therefore could not have been broken; no more condemnation, no guilt, no more shame. The parchment of law is now drenched in Christ’s blood and soaked through to illegible; who can read it to make an accusation against you? Christ didn’t just pay your debt; He obliterated the law as though there had been no sin to commit and no law to break! And took your sin and nailed it to His cross!

“14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross”

Jesus stated plainly on the cross (John 19:30) that “it is finished.” the law has been fully satisfied. He took the law out of the way that was contrary to us and nailed it to His cross. What statute, where, show us the law? There is only the blotted-out ledger nailed with Christ to the cross, forgotten; God sees your sins no more but only by faith in the final sacrifice, the blood of His own Son shed for you. No more fear, no more accusation, no more dread of death and hell; the accuser’s head has been crushed; the law completed in Christ; we cry Abba Father in a brand new, wholly unique, New Covenant that stands forever and ever. Amen.

Why do you seek the law? In what profit is the pursuit of this world’s kingdoms? For what purpose is the all pomp and ceremony of the many religions? What are these weak and fruitless endeavors of men when God wants to recreate you in the image of His own Son?

And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”

Jesus Christ has made an open show of the foolishness of this world, and not as though God did this in pride. But in love, by His abundant grace, did He offer the pure and sinless blood of His Son to crush the devil and complete the law, making an open show against the religions and kingdoms of this world: God declaring that He is life, and life eternal, Creator and proprietor of all that is. He brings glory to Himself by your acknowledgment in surrender to Him entering into the Kingdom of God. Don’t wait; accept the operation of God by faith in Jesus Christ to bring you life everlasting in the promised hope of standing with Him, an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven. “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” – Colossians 2:9. Jesus, in His triumph, is the head of all things, and you must be completed in Him.

“But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” – Revelation 10:7

If Genesis 3:15 is the start, Revelation 10 and, specifically, verse 7 are equally important, signaling the finish and a noteworthy pivot in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. As all the profits had declared the coming Christ, and the law was only a shadow of the future King and a picture of true worship in heaven before the throne of God; the mystery of God that He would gather all things that are in heaven and in earth together in Christ is accomplished. Jesus Christ has risen from the grave, the mystery now fully revealed and completed; at the seventh trump, Jesus Christ, having blotted out the ordinances, triumphant over sin and death, ended the Old Covenant by its obliteration in the destruction of the temple.

By accepting Christ, you acknowledge by covenant that there is no other power over you. This is a prominent sticking point for many; they know in their heart that God is true, but we are rebellious by nature. Please don’t exchange the temporary for God’s eternity; it’s a bad trade. In Revelation 10:6, the angel states that there should be time no longer, and for you, the time of other kings and kingdoms must be no longer; there is a better law, a better empire, and a perfect King. You can live in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Lessons to learn from Great Britain’s declining Christianity

2 years, 2 months ago

This article is good in that much of it is accurate. It’s refreshing to see that some ‘get it.’ These concerns are here in America too. One thing the article lacks, although implied in the problem, is concrete solutions, so they have been provided here at TCJ.

The problem has not been other religions converting those in the UK, but of the British leaving the Church out of a seeming lack of commitment. Most church leaders understand this dynamic, and many mainline denominational churches have attempted to liberalize and become more “relevant” to modern society. This liberalization has invariably meant moving away from previously accepted Church doctrine based on scripture. In doing so, these denominations have brought the opposite results of what they sought.

Note carefully that it’s not the congregation’s lack of commitment that is causing them to wander, but church leadership’s lack of commitment to correct doctrine in truth. Casual observers appear around the edges of a church, coming and going, but those in Christ Jesus are inherently attracted to sound teaching coupled with worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:24), for God seeks such a people.

The Church is rather easy to define. It’s strange indeed that so many struggle with it. The Book of John is written to unbelievers so that they might be saved and come to know Christ. There’s no better place to look for the fundamental and elementary foundations of the Christian faith than Christ’s own words recorded by the disciple John.

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:” – John 10:27

“If ye love me, keep my commandments.” – John 14:15

The Church are those who hear Christ and demonstrably love Him by the keeping of His word (following Him): seeking the lost and loving each other, which are the fruits of the Christian life, along with prayer drawing closer to God and faithful bible study that you might learn to teach the next generations of Him.

“Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” – John 15:8

“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” – John 13:35

Real Christians are doers of the word of God, not idle observers of ceremony.

For those maturing in Christ, the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 7 are very helpful on this topic:

14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” – Matthew 7:14-18

Jesus says it’s impossible for a good tree to bring forth evil fruit. Now, men make mistakes, but when confronted with the truth of fundamental Christian doctrine and faith, the evil will flee (or demand you leave), but the righteous shall stand forth in repentance restored by the truth, knowing their own faith in Jesus Christ will make them whole.

And, again, we’re warning of church incorporation, which is Cosmic Treason against God and a root of the problem, which tends toward bad leadership.

Back to the linked article:

American leaders need to pay attention, as the dynamic is playing out throughout Christianity in the West: As the percentage of Christians in the West has declined, Christian influence on society and culture has declined, and as a result, society has become more morally ambiguous. Families break apart or never form and children are left without moral guidance. The growing and scripturally faithful churches offer the anchor and moral clarity people seek at this time. Those attending scripturally faithful churches are not coddled with whimsically morphing values, as has happened in too many of the declining churches. Christians are exhorted to commit to counter-cultural “biblical” moral standards which don’t change.

In regaining biblical Christianity, the Church will grow and society will benefit from the salt and light the Church is called to provide.

The Church of Jesus Christ is for believers; it’s not a mixed multitude. Regaining biblical Christianity for a small group of believers either means tossing out unrepentant sinners, including false leaders, or standing up a new fundamental core group that can demand adherence to the teachings of Christ and the removal of sin from their midst. Keep in mind; the Church is not a building.

“…strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life…”

How To Take the Lord’s Supper

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 2 months ago


While the sacrament of communion or the Eucharist — which is present in many Christian denominations and involves consuming bread and wine in remembrance or exaltation of the body and blood of Jesus Christ — has shifted in presentation and delivery over the centuries, most contemporary churches have similar systems.

Parishioners may be called to the pulpit to receive bread or a wafer from a church leader and to drink from a common cup of wine or — in the case of some more conservative denominations — grape juice. Alternatively, deacons may pass around a tray of wafers or small hunks of bread, followed by small disposable cups of juice. This is a common enough approach that most religious goods stores carry specific communion trays with slots for 1-ounce cups.

However, in the age of megachurches — as well as that of a global pandemic, which caused many churches to reconsider the sharing of bread and use of a common cup — an alternative delivery system for the Eucharist has increased in popularity in recent years. And it’s something of a booming business.

These days, when attendees enter Southeast, they’re guided to a row of long tables filled with small, plastic two-packs of wafers and juice. These aren’t a new product, but they have been primarily used to deliver the sacrament to individuals who are hospitalized or otherwise infirm, or when worshiping outside the walls of a physical church. When indicated by leadership from the pulpit, worshipers serve themselves and eventually dispose of the cups and wrappers in the large recycling cans that are now stationed outside the sanctuary doors.

You can read Kenneth Gentry’s book on wine for yourself.  Nothing irks me more than Christians who think they’re holier than God.  In the time in which the NT was written, refrigeration didn’t exist.  Any grape juice quickly turned into wine.  And if you want to somehow figure out an engineering solution to that dilemma (refrigeration didn’t exist until Carrier), you have to deal with Deuteronomy 14:26-27, and tell me how the term “strong drink” can be interpreted in any fashion than one which can make you inebriated if abused.  And just to be sure not to neglect those among us who rely on tithes, Moses makes sure we invite our local pastor when consuming wine.

Look, I’m not trying to tell you what to do with your life, nor do I have strong opinions about the modern practice of using pre-packaged do-dads for communion.  But Jesus instituted His supper with wine and unleavened bread, and that’s the way it should be taken.  To say that conservative churches sometimes use grape juice means only that they are in slavery to the temperance movement created by do-gooder social gospel ladies in northern churches.

I recall a lecture by R.C. Sproul once in which a student asked him why we couldn’t take the Lord’s Supper with crackers and coke.  Sproul screamed, “Because Jesus didn’t institute it with crackers and coke.  He used wine and unleavened bread.”

Is This On Purpose?

2 years, 3 months ago

People are starting to learn that the Great Reset and Agenda 2030 under the New World Order are real, yet they still blame the “elected” puppets in Washington. Yes, they intend to starve you, freeze you, and reduce the world population by 90 percent. Believe that they mean what they say and prepare.

The New Order is not operating under the same basic well-intending heart toward improving the state of mankind that “normies” are. That premise is wrong because folks can’t see evil, won’t call sin what it is, sin, and refuse to recognize that genocide is what they intend. It’s the “normies” biggest blindspot, thinking that those in power actually care about your well-being the same way you care about others.

TPTB are not stupid; they’re evil. Or technically, they are evil and therefore appear to be stupid to the gullible, who scoff, denying that the devil is real. Evil is willful, ordered, cunning, and subtle and operates a global system with its own domain, the kingdom of death and hell (Revelation 6:8, 20:14).

People’s inability to “get it” will cause them to be continuously strung along, always looking for governmental policy decisions or a newly elected savior to rescue them and their families, never understanding that the US Government is an arm of the Global Order. Please accept this truth and prepare; globally, elections are being manipulated.

The US, for the first time, is importing more agricultural products than exporting. Here are just a few things to keep in mind. Note cascading effects:

Shortage of diesel fuel, thus high cost

Gas and diesel refinery capacity limitations

Refineries shutting down as upgrades and compliance are too costly due to regulation

Fuel shortages for large-scale farming operations

Antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals shortages, including Tamiflu / we wonder if there are agricultural animal antibiotic shortages as well?

Butter and milk shortages

Baby formula shortages are ongoing

Concrete and other building supplies

Coal plants are being shut down, and hydroelectric dams are being demolished.

Four dams near the California-Oregon border will be demolished. The hydroelectric dams blocked poor little fish from swimming to their ancestral homeland, er, homewaters. “Build Back Better” doesn’t include any actual building back.

The cost of running electricity to rural areas will begin to be unsustainable, driving people into urban centers where they can be controlled. The day is soon coming when raising a family outside the urban areas will be illegal. They won’t ban it outright, but without power, water, and sewer, child protective services and other armies of petty, well-paid do-gooders will force you to live as they prescribe. Moving everyone into controlled urban population zones is a stated goal.

The dams produce less than 2% of PacifiCorp’s power generation — enough to power about 70,000 homes — when they are running at full capacity, said Bob Gravely, spokesperson for the utility. But they often run at a far lower capacity because of low water in the river and other issues, and the agreement that paved the way for Thursday’s vote was ultimately a business decision, he said.

PacifiCorp would have had to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in fish ladders, fish screens and other conservation upgrades under environmental regulations that were not in place when the aging dams were first built. But with the deal approved Thursday, the utility’s cost is capped at $200 million, with another $250 million from a California voter-approved water bond.

“We’re closing coal plants and building wind farms and it all just has to add up in the end. It’s not a one-to-one,” he said of the coming dam demolition. “You can make up that power by the way you operate the rest of your facilities or having energy efficiency savings so your customers are using less.”

Just use less, freezing and starving, or move to Portland or San Francisco, where everything will be fine?

Reading the article, we note how “aggrieved” parties are manipulated by the communist Democrats and Republicans to drive the agenda 2030 plan. Fish and rivers have more rights than you. The notion that the US government suddenly cares about some fish or the Indians it genocided is ludicrous, and everybody knows it.

Writers, serious men and women, have got to stop blaming these actions on Democrats and Biden. We have the very best minds and writers on our side, but frankly, when they blame a political party, they sound ill-informed at best or, worse, like government propagandists for the Republican arm of the Globalist-run communist regime. And stop using the wrong words. The TPTB are not stupid, crazy, or insane. The correct term is evil, and their actions are sin.

2030 is seven years away!

H/T Survival Blog and Instapundit

Thanksgiving 2022

2 years, 3 months ago

“After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God, Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.” – Revelation 7:9-12

The point of Thanksgiving is to give thanks unto the Lord our God. The angels do it, and so do all creatures that know Him.

There’s plenty for which to be thankful. Be grateful foremost that your eternal station is set, your name written in the Lamb’s book of life, Christ having died for your sins and risen again indeed; being kept by the power of God through faith, no man is able to pluck you out of the Father’s hand. Faithful and True is His name. Doubtless, there is no more precious act of forgiveness than the mercy our Lord has granted; give all blessing and glory in praise of thanksgiving to our God.

You have been forgiven of your sin and saved from hell, have you not? There’s no better day than today, Thanksgiving 2022, to seek Jesus Christ, asking forgiveness and the mercy of His grace: “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” – Matthew 7:14

Though judgment lies at the door and hard times may yet prevail, for all we know, His hand of mercy is stretched out still. In all that’s coming, a great upheaval, do not charge God foolishly. He is trustworthy. His judgments are true and amen; He does not err. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes; blessed be the name of the Lord.

Be thankful you’re not a communist, for miserable is he. Government is his king, and a mean little lout is his duty, eternal flames his final station. Communists hate Christians; indeed, the primary reason for this hatred is the war of the spirits that rages in the unseen, for theirs knows we win in the end. But the communist is most pathetic and hateful full of jealousy and envy, desiring to drive all into misery; that is the true equality they seek, their meager and tormented spirit pulling you, clawing at you, drawing you down to a pitiful state with them. Communism is the idea writ large that misery loves company.

The Christian has quite the opposite outlook of the communist; for this, too, be most thankful to God Almighty by Christ Jesus. The fruit of the Spirit of God is in us, love and joy, gentleness and goodness, peace and longsuffering with a sound mind in faith, knowing heaven awaits for the resurrected to new life in Christ Jesus. All these things the devil and his agents seek to remove, but they can’t: and for this, be thankful to our God through Jesus Christ all the more.

“The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father’s God, and I will exalt him. The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.” – Exodus 15:2-3

Trust in the arm of the Lord, for He is a man of war. Prepare your hearts a fit habitation for His Spirit in praise and worship. Pray for victory; the battles of men are won first in the counsels of heaven; His power in honor upon the throne declares it.

And at the last, what better day ahead than before the seat of the Almighty singing praises of thanksgiving, for ours is the only wise God. It is Christ, our King and Saviour, who is able to keep you from falling to present you with a gracious heart to God; in Christ exists all acclaim, power and wisdom and majesty are His. Amen.

“And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.” – Revelation 5:13

A Fighting Spirit

2 years, 3 months ago

The days of pansies, sissies, and mediocre men are upon us. God fights for us, and God fights with us, but what the New Religion has rejected is that God fights through us. This last requires our active participation in the battle.

“It is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law.” – Psalms 119:126

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see His banners go!

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.

At the sign of triumph Satan’s host doth flee;
On then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!
Hell’s foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
Brothers lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.

Like a mighty army moves the church of God;
Brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.
We are not divided, all one body we,
One in hope and doctrine, one in charity.

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.

What the saints established that I hold for true.
What the saints believed, that I believe too.
Long as earth endureth, men the faith will hold,
Kingdoms, nations, empires, in destruction rolled.

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.

Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise and wane,
But the church of Jesus constant will remain.
Gates of hell can never gainst that church prevail;
We have Christ’s own promise, and that cannot fail.

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.

Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,
Blend with ours your voices in the triumph song.
Glory, laud and honor unto Christ the King,
This through countless ages men and angels sing.

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before…

The Failure of the Church of Jesus Christ and 501(c)(3) Church Status

2 years, 3 months ago

[ Edit: The title of this post has been changed to more accurately reflect the actual topic. Read parts one, two, and this post while engaging your brain. Your submission to God and returning to His Law-word is what’s required to save your civilization. These three posts are warnings from the wall to you. ]

This is the third recent post about church 501(c)(3) status. Writing these posts was not our intent, but sometimes you do the work that the Lord puts in front of you. Somebody must need this.

Source via Instapundit:

That enforcement is the second element here that commands attention. The bill includes provisions that authorize the IRS to jerk the tax exemption of any church or non-profit that opposes same-sex marriage. The bill also encourages litigation to be brought against those same institutions in the court system to enforce the right to same-sex marriage.

Here’s what that means: Soon after Biden signs the bill into law, there will begin to be same-sex couples demanding to be married in evangelical churches they know to be opposed to the practice.

If the pastor refuses to perform the ceremony, the church will be sued and it will lose in court. That litigation will then be used by the IRS as justification for ending the church’s tax-exempt status, as well as the tax-deductibility of congregants’ tithes and contributions.

But that’s not all. The IRS is being primed to be ready for action against evangelical and traditional Catholic social service institutions as well. As Heritage Action for America explains:

  • Just months after Democrats used the Inflation Reduction Act to fund 87,000 new IRS agents, the Respect for Marriage Act would be giving those new agents carte blanche to harass and target religious schools and other faith-based entities that oppose same-sex marriage and eventually strip them of their tax-exempt status.

Worse, it would create a roving license to sue anyone acting “under color of law” – a loosely defined term that would include those providing government-funded or -regulated services. As a result, adoption centers and foster care providers with religious objections to same-sex marriage would have to close down.

Talk about a slippery slope! Once government becomes the source and dispenser of individual rights, there is no such thing as a “safe space.” What follows, sooner or later, is official persecution of those who demand their right to practice their faith and then speak publicly and vote accordingly.

First of all, what’s at stake is whether the Church of Jesus Christ is doing its job or not. The Church is that which proclaims the word of God, the arbiter of good and evil, right and wrong, sin and righteousness. We’re not claiming some high station; that’s one of God’s ordained purposes given to the Church of Jesus Christ. This issue has nothing to do with speaking freely about political issues or voting or participating unreservedly in the political process. This is about calling sin what it is and calling sinners to their faces by name for their wickedness by deed. Each sin is very specifically accounted for in His Holy Bible. Sin is a serious matter, a grievous condition in the heart of all men that God cannot ignore.

The President of the United States is a pedophile! Mcconnell is handled by a Chinese agent, his wife! The whole government is full of rot and sedition, wickedness, and perversion of all that is holy, right, good, and true. Should we name each one and their sin? Every last one of them needs to be hanged from the neck until dead for treason against the people but, more importantly, for treason against our holy God.

This isn’t about politics; it’s about sin, hell, judgment, eternal damnation, and the ruin of our country for its sin against the Almighty! Sin is sin, it’s a violation of God’s holy Law-word, and it is His word, by His Church, that is the final authority on right and wrong, not statutes of congress.  The job of the prophet is to tell the king the truth. If the Church of Jesus Christ can’t point out a president or a senator naming him and his sin, then it’s not doing its job of proclaiming God’s Law and demanding righteousness in the land that they might cease from their wicked way and turn to the living God through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. In repentance from sin, if they would, it might go well with us; God is watching all.

And specifically at issue is whether the Church of Jesus Christ can call a sodomite a sinner, a hellbound sinner to burn for all eternity unless they repent and seek Christ before God finally hands them over to a reprobate mind for their sin. How can they be forgiven for their sin if they don’t know what sin is? How can they be saved from hell if they don’t know they are hellbound? How can they hear except some man preach (teach) it from the Bible? Sodomy is a sin! It’s not ok, not even a little bit, and rampant sodomites overtaking your land is the judgment of God because the churches are full of men beholden to the government under the tax code, too scared to speak the truth to their false masters in government.

Sodomites, like all sinners, need Jesus Christ.

No, we won’t marry sodomites, for the very notion is absurd prima facie. Marriage is a covenant with God; those in open defiance and rebellion against Him are in violation of His covenants; they may not simply proceed as though God has not spoken. Are they daft?

So we might as well make clear precisely what marriage is. Marriage is a covenant between a man and his wife with the Lord God. There are two parties to this covenant; the man with his wife is one, and holy God is the other. It is not a contract with the State to later be disannulled. It has never been a contract with the State. Many states in America to this day do not require a license for marriage, which is correct because marriage is not a State institution; it’s the Law of God. In fact, before the 20th century, there was no such thing as a marriage license in Western Civilization. The marriage license is a communist invention.

We say good; jerk their 501(c)(3) status. The IRS should shut down all those fake churches! Understand clearly that the sword of government is judgment coming upon you! If you fight to stay as tax-exempt cooperations with the State as your master, you will learn to fear God; you will be made to comprehend! He will have no co-equals, no partners; holy and righteous is He! Holy God, please take their tax-exempt status; we pray, do it now.

Those corporations that are tax-exempt under the Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) are not the Church of Jesus Christ, which is His body. It would be a great pleasure to see these faulty institutions finally have to recognize their infidelity to the Lord. We long for God to take their corporate status or make them live by it. But more so that those precious few who actually hear God would take up their cross, follow Christ, reject the kings of this world, and live by the Law-word of God alone, calling sin for what it is, and sinners by name, especially if they are a public figure.

Previously we pointed this out here at TCJ:

The bottom line is that if you submit to the IRS, your local body of believers ceases to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ, which is His body. You have further rejected your sovereign King, thereby committing Cosmic Treason against the Almighty, and you have taken the State as your new master in violation of the marriage covenant you made with Christ. Congratulations, you are now an adulterer that’s gone whoring with a new lover.

And prior to that, we offered a more detailed and somewhat technical explanation of taking government as your king over Christ via the tax code when we pointed out that it’s Cosmic Treason against the Holy Creator of heaven and earth.

God has three covenantal institutions, Church, Family, and State.

Marriage is the first and pinnacle of God’s ordained institutions. Charged with raising the generations under the Law-word of God that He might bless us in all our generations for obeying Him, the family is the bedrock of civilization. For it’s the raising of children to fear God that makes a civil society; morality comes from God taught by a father and mother under Jesus Christ to children. Christ is each family’s head, with the man as the leader under Christ. The State is created only to fulfill the punishment of those who violate the Law-word of God; its purpose under heaven is merely to protect our duties in service of God.

The Church is not a building, denomination, order, sect, cult, religious ceremonial trappings or procedures, or Corporation; it’s the body of Christ which are those converted by God through faith at His will, and members in particular; ye shall know them by their fruits. God’s Church are His people by marriage to the Lamb of God. You may not cheat on your husband, who knows and sees all and continue to expect it to go well with you.

We understand and do rejoice greatly that the definition of a Christian in the Bible is in no way, shape, manner, or fashion distinguishable by the laws of the men, their courts, or congresses. This is by design; Christ is King. He knows His sheep, they hear His voice, and they follow Him. Governments of men are specifically and especially excluded from any knowledge or command of His body, for it is His; Christ has sole domain and leadership of His Church. Governments (and families, for that matter) have no say in how Christ rules the Kingdom of God; it’s His and His alone to do with as He pleases. So too, do the governments of this world belong to Christ. He sets up kings, and in His wrath, He judges empires into the dustbin of history at His good pleasure. Having given us His Law-word that we might not sin against Him; by His mercies alone are our days prolonged, individually, familially, and so too His earthly kings (governments).

Another important aspect is that a man of God has no duty to marry any couple he doesn’t see fit according to the Law-word of God. This is by the design of God. But, you see, when a priest, preacher, or pastor becomes a corporate employee under the Internal Revenue Code, they lose that special and unique qualification that only God ordains. It’s holy God that calls a convert (male only) to be a man dedicated to the service of God, teaching, preaching and caring for a flock of local believers, Christ as the head of the Church. By taking corporate status, the man of God rejects and surrenders his authority to the State by becoming its hireling under the laws of men; he ceases to function as God’s prophet.

They have taken grace for license doing precisely that which brought the wrath of God upon Jerusalem in total annihilation.

The churches in America want all of the blessings with none of the work. It’s a relationship and that requires work. But moreover, it’s not one of equals. Is Christ the Captain of your salvation? Then what are you but His footsoldier. He is the Master, and you are the servant! He is the holy Creator, and you are His creation; what is the clay to tell the potter how He ought to fashion His Church by design for fit service of Him? Who are you to go whoring with the empire playing the harlot for meager and beggarly crumbs from Washington’s table when the God of the universe has stated that you are priests and kings unto Him? God owns the cattle on a thousand hills; everything that was, is, and is to come was created by Him with His stated desire to bless you in dominion to bring glory to Him, and you go, hat in hand, to Washington looking to be its kept concubine! Yes, whore and harlot are the exact right Bible terms.

We’re not name-calling; whore and harlot are holy God’s words He uses to describe precisely His people that put their reliance on kings, governments, and empires of men forsaking dependence upon Him by following His law.

There is no instance in history, both in the biblical record and after the completed Canon, in which God did not bring judgment for trust in the kingdoms of this world above Him.

Perhaps you say that it will cost those corporations a lot of money if the IRS gets involved. It’s not the corporation’s money; it’s God’s! Give the IRS every last dime and the coat off of your back as well, then get on your knees and praise God that He loves you enough to take a filthy whore like you back and make you His again by His mercy and grace.

The linked article is the third or fourth in a few weeks we’ve seen that whine and complain about how the government should be a better master over Christians. Lawyers are ruinous creatures. Stop worrying about what the government says and read God’s Law, for it is the very source and lifeblood of our foundational rights and the jurisprudence you claim to uphold. You’re not helping by trying to get the government to be a benevolent master over that which it has no jurisdiction. Most notably, you’re misleading weak and ignorant Christians into a false hope in government. That last is the most significant violation any Christian will have to account for, leading the weak and immature brother into error! Christ is King.

Threading the 501(c)(3) Needle

2 years, 3 months ago

Here is a legal opinion on 501(c)(3). Apparently, the compiler of this PDF didn’t consult the God of the universe, but we’re used to that. It’s a long legal positioning squirming for a solution. The paper miserably fails to make a case for or against it.

The local church is immune to taxation, or it was. A tax exemption was a solution to a problem that did not exist as far as the body of Christ was concerned. But the government’s problem was; how to control Christians by Lawfare, and they solved it in 1954 through the Tax Code. The government created a “benefit” that was neither needed nor beneficial. It’s sort of like CCW permits, but that’s another topic.

Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 Since the passage of the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which authorized Congress to impose a federal income tax, Congress has consistently granted churches and religious organizations special exemptions from paying taxes and for receiving taxdeductible contributions.2 However, if a church or religious organization wishes to qualify for and maintain this taxexempt status, it must abide by the restrictions on political and legislative activities established in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 3 Section 501(c)(3) includes two

stipulations on political involvement: first, no substantial part of the organization’s activities may consist of carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation;4 and second, the organization may not participate in political campaigning in opposition to, or on behalf of, any candidate for public office.5 In light of how the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and some courts have interpreted section 501(c)(3) [see discussion below], churches and religious organizations may well consider this law as yet another example of the government’s subordination of the rights of religious persons to “matters of national public policy” or to other rights.6 Understanding section 501(c)(3), however, is necessary for any church that wishes to positively impact the moral and social fabric of our culture. A church must decide whether it can be a viable and influential force in society within the constraints of section 501(c)(3) or whether it should forego the benefits of taxexemption in order to participate unreservedly in the legislative and political process.

The bottom line is that if you submit to the IRS, your local body of believers ceases to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ, which is His body. You have further rejected your sovereign King, thereby committing Cosmic Treason against the Almighty, and you have taken the State as your new master in violation of the marriage covenant you made with Christ. Congratulations, you are now an adulterer that’s gone whoring with a new lover. The author of the paper clearly has no regard for the authority of the Law-word of God.

Tolerance is Hate

2 years, 3 months ago

“17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him. 18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.” – Leviticus 19:17-18

We must rebuke our neighbors if they’re living in sin. But that’s not nice; what about loving your neighbor as yourself?

There is no contradiction; infected with coexistence and tolerance, the New Religion lies to millions of congregants across America. Perhaps they aren’t so much lying as lazy. It takes fortitude to tell somebody they are a sinner at odds with God bringing the rot of ruinous sin to civilization and eternal destruction upon themselves. Perhaps they are too scared to do the works of Christ; lying to themselves, they pretend to be spiritual while rejecting the Law-word of God.

Verse 17 states, “Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart.” Well, that sounds perfectly reasonable. But, the verse goes on to indicate that hate is manifest by allowing your neighbor, brother, or your people to remain ignorant of their sin, or worse, live in defiance of all that is right and good and holy before God. Permitting your neighbors, without rebuke, to live in open rebellion against God is an act of hate for them! Tolerance is not an act of love; it’s hate!

Matthew 22:39 is the most often cited instance about loving your neighbor. When a lawyer tempted Jesus by asking Him what the first and great commandment is, after explaining that the Love of God in obedience to Him is above all things; secondly, Christ refers to Leviticus 19:18.

Jesus, at every turn, loved His neighbor by telling them the complete and ugly truth, regardless of how that made them feel. That’s how a Christian is to love our neighbor. Woefully undertrained or purposefully misled Christians are confused when this is explained; the devil is subtle. Verse 17 contradicts all that the modern world teaches, but the Almighty is correct, and the purveyors of tolerance are wrong. God is not only love but truth; there can be no contradiction in His person, nor is there in His word. Telling the truth is love, fulfilling the royal law.

Would you not want to know the truth if you were living in sin, bringing destruction to your country, and headed to eternal damnation, ignorant of a solution? Somebody loved you enough, neighbor, to tell you that you were a hellbound sinner on the road to sure defeat. When they pointed this out to you, they fulfilled the Law in love and truth as Christ did, and so must you.

Verse 18 starts, “Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people.” Probably, the most immediate meaning is that the sons of Jacob were not to war (in any sense of the word) against each other and are being forbidden from holding generational grudges. Certainly, for us, we are to forgive family, and wider kin, having mercy on them, for we ourselves are but sinners. Regardless of what your people do to you by sinning against you, rebuke them of their sin, not counting their transgression against them. That, too, is how you love your neighbor as yourself.

Raising a family is nothing if not teaching right from wrong, truth from lies, and love from sin. Allowing children to be trained by the State under the tolerance of sin is hate for your own family.

No man can be responsible for another’s feelings; this would bring ruin to civilization, and it is. The truth is outlawed, and that’s the point of “tolerance;” the communist plan of destruction is to elevate the State as a god. Promoting perversion and wickedness of all types will bring demands for action, which the State will be all too happy to oblige, gathering total control. And many fools today seek this very power over themselves. The rise of a new intolerance is dooming the holders of the old religious order to extinction. The New Order will never tolerate Christianity.

In one section of Scripture centered around loving your neighbor, the rich young man (Matthew 19:16-22) went away sorrowful, for he loved this present world and his stuff more than eternal life with Christ. The young man didn’t want to take up his cross and follow Jesus. Our Lord didn’t pat him on the head, telling him that everything was ok and that he could live for himself and have eternal life some other way; no, our Lord let him go. It’ll cost you something to follow Jesus, but so few today are willing to allow even the slightest discomfort for the sake of the Gospel. Jesus was looking for disciples willing to die for Him, and still is, but are you prepared to die to self and live for Him?

Matthew 19:19, Matthew 22:39, Romans 13:9, Galatians 5:14, and James 2:8 are not teaching tolerance of sin. Jesus did not create some new understanding of the Law; He fulfilled the Law in love by telling the unvarnished truth. How people feel about the truth and how they act upon their new knowledge of the truth is entirely upon their own account. You should do it politely and kindly, caring for their eternal soul’s condition; those who follow Christ should rebuke the sinner with reality.

Loving your neighbor is about caring enough to tell them the truth for their benefit, civilization’s continuity, and their soul’s eternal station.

“If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well” – James 2:8

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