Florida Legislature Fails with Constitutional Carry Bill
BY Herschel Smith1 year, 11 months ago
Readers know I have been closely following this issue. Here’s an update on the Florida constitutional carry effort this session.
People who carry concealed weapons in Florida must complete a gun safety course, but that could change under a bill that has the backing of the state’s Republican leaders.
“Central to the idea of freedom is the right that we can defend ourselves against physical attack, as well as defend those that we love,” said State House Speaker Paul Renner last week after unveiling a proposed measure to allow “constitutional carry,” which would eliminate the requirement of a permit to carry a concealed firearm.
“All aspects of that permit would go away.”
The bill — HB 543 — would eliminate permitting requirements to carry a concealed weapon. Those include completion of a gun safety course and an attestation that the concealed carry permit is desired for lawful self defense.
If enacted, it would take effect on July 1.
At a press conference announcing the legislation, Renner expressed confidence that the measure wouldn’t pose a serious threat to public safety. “Anybody that’s a gun owner and uses guns knows that safety comes first.”
So this discusses the permitting scheme. What about open carry?
The bill reads as follows.
… specifying it is not a violation for persons authorized to carry a concealed weapon or concealed firearm without a license to briefly and openly display a firearm under specified circumstances.
Oh, so they’re throwing bones to the dogs who want to openly carry to make them happy, but “the only ones” are the only ones who are permitted to openly carry their weapons. “Briefly and openly.” Your shirt or coat tail can accidentally go above your firearm and when the only ones come to arrest you because of that Karen-call down at the grocery store, you can plead for leniency because you really didn’t mean it, and they can take the statement of Karen versus yours and see what a prosecutor will do with it. You can discuss it with the judge in court.
So they’ve queued up an abject failure as far as I’m concerned. Open carry is an essential part of constitutional carry. It isn’t constitutional carry if the state tells you how you must carry your weapons. The job isn’t complete. The job has been left undone.
As far as I’m concerned, they failed. This is a cheap trick to persuade the citizens of Florida that they respect their God-given rights concerning weapons.
I’m not impressed. I’m disgusted. Pffft …