One Of These Pictures Is Not Like The Others
BY Herschel Smith
Yes, I know that free men don’t ask permission. And readers know I agree. However, I hadn’t really followed the Young v Hawaii case, and this is a very good summary of what’s happened and what is yet to happen.
While Trump has made some good appointments to the ninth circuit, I do recall that he essentially threw one away. I’m wondering if he wishes he had that one back?
It would be nice though, to get some conclusion on this to our liking. As I’ve stated so many times before, open carry is how gentlemen do it.
Gutsy lad. And for anybody who has criticism of anything about these guys or the way they’re doing it, I don’t see anyone else out there doing what they’re doing.
Good for him. However, I do have one question for James. You say you support the notion of the law barring felons from purchasing firearms.
Would you hold this same position if they declared your political views a hate crime and forced you to spend a year in prison under a felony charge for believing what you do?
“This is an easy one for me” to support, Commissioner Kristine Isnardi said.
“I’m happy that it went through,” Lober said after the County Commission meeting, although he noted that it may be a challenge to get an open-carry bill approved by the Florida Legislature in the form he wants.
Commission Vice Chair Rita Pritchett voted against Lober’s resolution.
Pritchett said she encourages people to get concealed weapons permits and carry their weapons, and believes 18-, 19- and 20-year-olds “should have complete adult rights.”
But Pritchett said she has qualms about having open-carry in Florida.
“I do believe that people should carry guns,” Pritchett said. “I’m just struggling right now with where I’m landing on open-carry.”
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Three states (California, Florida and Illinois) and the District of Columbia generally prohibit people from openly carrying firearms in public. Two states (New York and South Carolina) prohibit openly carrying handguns, but not long guns. And another three states (Massachusetts, Minnesota and New Jersey) prohibit openly carrying long guns, but not handguns.
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Indialantic resident Fred Rotz, who has a concealed weapon permit, said he is not against guns, but strongly objects to open-carry, saying it’s “provocative and unnecessary and unproductive.”
What a shame that South Carolina gets brought up again as being aligned with New York in disallowing open carry. What an embarrassment to the Palmetto state. Say, why doesn’t Palmetto State Armory get involved in the politics behind this? They have substantial pull in S.C., and the resources to effect change. So does FN, right down the road from PSA in Columbia.
This is weak tea. All the county is doing is suggesting a new state law. It would have been better for this county to have gotten into a knock-down drag-out fight with the state over this. At least it would show Florida LEOs and pols how stupid they have been.
This summer the Trump administration rolled out the President’s Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End a National Tragedy of Suicide (PREVENTS) – a long awaited strategy to bring down the rate of suicide in the military and among civilians. It focuses on enlisting community partners and a public awareness campaign to fight the stigma around seeking help during a mental health crisis.
Critics in congress have said the plan isn’t proactive enough. But it does address one issue that has been seen as politically taboo: access to guns.
Suicide is notoriously difficult to study since it’s a rare event, even as suicide rates for the military and civilians are on the rise. But if there’s one obvious place to fight veterans’ suicide, it’s firearms. Gun owners are four times more likely to die by suicide. Veterans are almost twice as likely to be gun owners, and one study showed that one in three vets store their guns loaded and unlocked. Guns are by far the deadliest method of suicide.
But keeping guns away from veterans has been politically radioactive.
“People really haven’t wanted to touch the issue of firearms safety,” said Terri Tanielian, a senior behavioral scientist at the RAND corporation.
She says the new White House roadmap was a bit disappointing – it took 15 months to endorse a set of recommendations that aren’t very new.
But she is happy that the White House plan mentioned “safe storage” of guns. There had been rumors that the powerful gun-rights lobby would get that section removed from the plan.
“Now that we’re wading into that water, it is good to see that we are willing to talk about it and engage partners and do something meaningfully on this issue,” Tanielian said.
The Department of Veterans Affairs has been talking about gun safety since at least 2013, sometimes putting free trigger-locks in big bowls in the waiting rooms, like lollipops at the doctor’s office. Still, Dr. Matt Miller, director of VA suicide prevention, doesn’t say politically loaded words like “gun control.”
“We’re not talking about broad restrictions. We’re talking about lethal-means safety in the context of suicide prevention,” he said.
Miller wants to dispel the stigma about seeking help. He says anyone can be in emotional pain; anyone can have suicidal thoughts. He wants veterans to think about keeping guns safely out of reach when they’re in crisis. Miller said suicide is usually an impulsive act, but guns make it much more likely to be lethal.
“Miller wants to dispel the stigma about seeking help.” Bull crap. Here’s a stigma for you. Any veteran who ever seeks emotional help will never get his rights restored and will always be incapable of filling out Form 4473.
Protestors on their way to harass the Seattle police chief @carmenbest at her home, encountered locals who were not in the mood to host protests in their neighborhood.
Protestor: “We are peaceful! You pointed a gun at my face!”
Resident: “That’s why you are peaceful.”
— Mike (@Doranimated) August 4, 2020
This is worthy of news today, but mark my words. This will be the norm shortly. Armed neighborhood watches, as it once was, as it should be today. As it always should have been. Men policing and protecting their families and neighbors.
Let me make it clear. I wouldn’t be protecting cops, for a whole host of reasons too involved to catalog. To me, this is exemplary of the future for every neighborhood.
Zerohedge, via David Codrea.
Seattle radio host and self proclaimed “Cat Dad” Paul Gallant had taken to Twitter back in June to respond to President Trump’s handling of the protesters in Seattle. Responding to a Tweet where the President was critical of the Seattle mayor, Gallant responded “Chill dawg” before saying he saw “no burning, pillaging or deaths” in his city.
Today, Paul has taken to Twitter to sing another tune: “I feel like I need to buy a firearm”.
Why the change in attitude? Perhaps it was because rioters in his city trashed and looted the downstairs to his apartment complex. Gallant arrived back at his apartment this weekend to find it vandalized and looted.
Oh. I see. So you would go after the rights of peaceable men and support those who would enslave them, but when they come for you, it’s different because you are elite and have a right to life.
I hope you can’t find one, jerk.
Culpeper County has approved another resolution stating its opposition to any infringement of gun rights for local citizens and visitors alike.
At its meeting Tuesday morning, the Board of Supervisors almost unanimously approved the document recommended for adoption last month by Culpeper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins. The resolution is in response to a new state law, effective July 1, giving localities the ability to further regulate the carrying of firearms on public property, according to County Administrator John Egertson.
The resolution was drafted to state, according to Egertson that, “The board has no intent to utilize that new legislation in order to place further restrictions on firearms.”
Underwood said he also heard from various members of local “Second Amendment groups” wholly in support of the resolution. The board in December unanimously voted to declare itself a Second Amendment Constitutional County as part of a statewide effort among Republicans to push back on Democratic-led gun reform in the Virginia General Assembly.
“We will not be enacting new regulations,” Underwood said on Tuesday and Frazier agreed.
Supervisor Paul Bates made a motion to approve the resolution and Supervisor Brad Rosenberger seconded it. Supervisor Bill Chase, listening by telephone, abstained from voting on the hot button issue because he said, he “couldn’t hear a damn thing” about the gun resolution discussion due to his remote access to the meeting held in the auditorium at Eastern View High School for distancing requirements.
The resolution states:
“REGARDING LOCAL AUTHORITY TO REGULATE FIREARMS UNDER SECTION 15.2-915(E) OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, in acknowledgment of its deep commitment to the rights of all citizens of, and visitors to, Culpeper County to keep and bear arms, the Culpeper County Board of Supervisors previously declared Culpeper County to be a ‘Constitutional County’; and
WHEREAS, certain legislation has been passed in the Virginia General Assembly that allows localities to, by ordinance, ban otherwise lawfully possessed and transported firearms from certain public spaces, causing law-abiding citizens to be exposed to a patchwork of local ordinances as they travel throughout the Commonwealth; and
WHEREAS, the Culpeper County Board of Supervisors acknowledges the significant economic contribution made to our community by tourists and visitors and does not wish to discourage travel to Culpeper County; and
WHEREAS, Culpeper County wishes to welcome all law-abiding citizens who wish to live in, visit, or otherwise participate in the economy of our community, including those citizens and visitors who choose to legally carry a firearm for personal protection; and
WHEREAS, the Culpeper County Board of Supervisors does not wish to infringe on the rights of the citizens of, or visitors to, Culpeper County to keep and bear arms; and
WHEREAS, the Culpeper County Board of Supervisors wishes to express its continued opposition to any law that would unconstitutionally restrict the rights of the citizens of, and visitors to, Culpeper County to keep and bear arms;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Culpeper County, Virginia hereby declares that Culpeper County shall not exercise any authority granted to it by § 15.2-915(E) of the Code of Virginia to regulate or prohibit the otherwise legal purchase, possession, or transfer of firearms or ammunition.”
On July 8, 2020, the County Board in Washington County, Wisconsin passed a resolution reaffirming their oaths to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin. The resolution passed with a unanimous vote of 25 to 0. It should be noted that this resolution does not address the Second Amendment specifically. Additionally, in the video embedded below, the County Executive, Josh Schoemann, points out that it is not intended to make Washington County a Sanctuary County. We have found that some counties prefer not to use the terminology “Sanctuary” due to connotations with Sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants.
From the discussion, it appeared that the board really did take this resolution seriously. The supervisors discussed the fact that the resolution originally centered on the Second Amendment, but then the Chinese Coronavirus came along and people in government started restricting the rights of the people. They felt that it was necessary to expand the scope of this resolution to encompass more than just the Second Amendment because it wasn’t just the Second Amendment that was being trampled upon.
There’s video at the link. Next up, Sawyer County, WI.
On July 16, 2020 the Sawyer County, Wisconsin Board of Supervisors passed a resolution to reaffirm their commitment to the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution and the Wisconsin Constitution’s Right to Bear Arms.
Verification Citation/Source: Sawyer County, County Board of Supervisors
Resolution date passed: 16 Jul 2020
Vote Count: 9-6
Both the vote total and the resolution itself (at the link) are weak tea. Next up, Grant County, WI.
On July 21, 2020, the Grant County, WI Board of Supervisors passed a resolution in support of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article 1, Section 25 of the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin. The resolution was presented to the board during a Zoom meeting and it passed with a vote of 14 to 2 with one supervisor being absent.
Verification Citation/Source: Grant County, WI – County Board of Supervisors
Resolution date passed: 21 Jul 2020
Vote Count: 14-2
I don’t know what the word “opposes” means in this resolution. There is much work to be done, but it’s good to get them on record and have a starting point.
Kasich is the latest in a string of “Never Trump Republicans” to cast his lot with the Democrats, the very Party his past supporters donated money and labor to defeat at the polls. We’ve noted subversive efforts by groups like the Lincoln Project and watched prominent “neocons” like George Conway, Bill Kristol, and Carly Fiorina jump ship. We’ve seen “Big Tent Republicans” like Larry Hogan making no secret of abandoning what once was a Republican core constituency to move the GOP even further to the left. And just the other day, “conservative” columnist George Will announced he’s voting for Biden.
Funny that list. I’ve always felt that Kristol and Fiorina were sniveling lackeys, Kasich just a buffoon, and George Will a true creep. I’ve never liked any of them, and never found any to be a friend to gun owners.
Not that Kasich meant anything he promised to swindle gun owners into voting for him. Except he called infringements “reforms.” He came out against “Stand Your Ground” and even vetoed a gun bill that didn’t have it because it didn’t include “guilty until proven innocent” Red Flag seizures.
It’s always about red flag laws, isn’t it? You can have these pretend rights, but we want to be able to take them away for any reason we deem fit, and we’ll send the Stasi to do it.
It’s the same thing going on in Wyoming right now. Oh, the real news can get buried under the drama that the MSM whips up. But read on and make sure to read to the end. It’s all about pol support for red flag laws.