Archive for the 'Second Amendment' Category

Conservative Justices Declined To Take Up Second Amendment Case After Roberts Signaled He Would Side With Liberals

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago


The conservative wing of the Supreme Court reportedly declined to take up a case dealing with Second Amendment rights after Chief Justice John Roberts indicated that he would vote with the court’s liberal justices.

In June, the justices rejected petitions from 10 challenges relating to state restrictions on firearms after Roberts signaled he would not vote with them, depriving the court’s conservatives of the fifth vote needed to overturn gun regulations, CNN reported Monday.

[ … ]

The four most reliably conservative justices were not confident that they would get a fifth vote from Roberts on the case or similar cases addressing the Second Amendment, according to unidentified sources cited by CNN.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh penned an unsigned opinion that was overseen by Roberts for that case in which six justices agreed that the case should be relegated to the lower court. In a separate statement that Kavanaugh signed, he said that the Supreme Court should address “soon” the issue of varying interpretations of the Second Amendment.

Somebody surely has something on Roberts.

So if this report is to be taken as true and accurate, the four justices stopped what could have been a defeat for the observation of gun rights in America by simply refusing to take cases.

Roberts is the stated reason.  If this report is accurate, it’s probably best that nothing was done.

New York State Supreme Court Orders Police to Hand Over Private Information About Gun Owners

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago


The New York State Supreme Court last week granted a motion ordering the New York City Police Department (NYPD) to turn over the name, zip codes and license category of anyone who was granted a firearm license in 2018.

The New York Daily News made the request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request process, which provides public information from government agencies to citizens and journalists.

According to the lawsuit filed against the NYPD, the newspaper makes the argument that they should have access to the information because their reporters “frequently cover gun-related political and policing issues.”

The Daily News argues that the information can be turned over because of a state law – known as the SAFE Act – that declared “that names and addresses of all firearms licenses were public information.”

Under the SAFE Act, gun owners have the ability to opt-out of their information being handed over in FOIA requests but their application has to be approved. It’s the information of those that did not opt-out that the newspaper wants.

“The SAFE act requires disclosure of the names and addresses of gun licensees unless they have applied for and been granted an exemption under the statute,” the lawsuit stated.

The NYPD denied the request on multiple occasions, citing various reasons, like an “invasion of privacy” and “extraordinary effort” would have to be put forth to collect the records.

The licensing department did, however, provide information about the types of permits that were Issued by zip code from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2017. They did not hand over specific names. After an appeal, the licensing department provided a list of 132 names for people who attempted to opt-out but were denied. The newspaper, however, wasn’t happy with the list because it didn’t specify what kind of firearm the licensee possessed.

The court concluded that the department violated the FOIL.

“Absent the SAFE Act exemption, respondent must submit the following information to petitioner: The license category and zip code of ‘Members of Service’ who were licensed during Calendar Year 2018 (either by renewal or for the first time) be submitted to petitioner,” the court ordered. “… respondent may withhold their names. Respondent must also give to petitioner the name, zip code, and license category of those to whom it granted a new or renewal license during Calendar Year 2018. This information covers all licensees who applied prior to Calender Year 2018 but were granted a license during that year.”

There are two problems here: [1] the law itself, which is an invasion of privacy, and [2] the court decision which doesn’t recognize that it’s an unconstitutional invasion of privacy.

I’ll also comment that the law converts a right into a license in that it forces an individual both to know that he must opt out of this abomination, and spend the time and energy to do it.  It’s as bad as a license and fee for the exercise of a God-given right.

Nice job, court.  Now maybe criminals will know to whom they can go to steal weapons and harm people.  Criminals might include thieves or SWAT teams performing raids.

If you’re a gun owner and live in New York, I just have one question.  Why?

Armed Neighborhood Patrols: The Future Of America

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

Via Insty, this quote (because I don’t quote information from behind a paywall).

Minneapolis residents in some areas still recovering from rioting and unrest are forming community watch and security groups, some bearing firearms, to fight a surge of crime in the wake of the George Floyd killing in May. At least one neighborhood has put up barricades to keep away outsiders.

The moves come as the city council on Friday approved its first permanent cuts to the police budget, amid calls to defund the department and generally lower tax revenue due to the economic strain caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The $193 million police budget will be cut by $10 million, including making permanent some temporary spending measures—including a hiring freeze—put in place in June. Around $1 million from the police budget is being shifted to a program called Cure Violence that tries to prevent things such as retaliatory shootings through community engagement. . . .

Police say the increase in crime follows a pattern seen in Ferguson, Mo., and other places where there have been high-profile officer-involved deaths and protests. Police say that, while some in the city seem to believe police have given up, officers remain on patrol throughout the city.

As riots played out across the city in late May and early June, a group of Black gun owners responded to a call from the local NAACP and patrolled the mostly African-American West Broadway business district for 10 nights, keeping the area free of looting or arson without firing a shot, said Jamil Jackson, a leader of the group called the Minnesota Freedom Fighters, which advocates for Black gun ownership. . . .

Council member Linea Palmisano said armed neighborhood patrols, or even efforts to just keep unfamiliar people out of a neighborhood, opens a Pandora’s box.

“We are lurching for solutions,” she said, noting she doesn’t support the idea of doing away with the police department but supports the idea of letting residents vote on it.

With the neighborhood patrols, “you could very easily create the same things we rally against,” she said.

In late June, residents near a commercial strip that had been looted, and the 3rd Precinct station that was abandoned and burned, were seeing a surge of shooting and drug-related crime on their block.

“It got to the point where crime had no consequences,” said Tania Rivera, 30, who runs a child-care center with her mother. “It was being done deliberately out in the open. Drive-through drug dealing, drive-through prostitution, everything from gunshots to assaults to sex out in the public. Everything you didn’t want your neighborhood to look like.”

So after a number of community meetings, neighbors began constructing a barrier to close off two blocks of their street, first with trash cans, then debris. For a while, a boat on a trailer protected one intersection. Eventually, a nearby iron maker constructed a permanent gate. Police gave their approval as long as emergency responders could get through if requested by the neighborhood.

Neighborhood men also began an armed patrol, kicking out anyone who didn’t belong on the block after dark.

And thus it will be in the future, everywhere.

If the current communist revolution in America has done nothing else, it seems to have convinced people of the truth concerning police, i.e., [1] they are beholden to and controlled by the local political powers and will do their bidding, and [2] they were never really there to protect people to begin with.

Regular readers already know, based on Castle Rock v. Gonzales and Warren v. D.C., that the police aren’t there to provide protection anyway.

Now, the mask has not just slipped down, but completely off.  Men must protect their families, legally and morally.  It’s the righteous thing to do.

2A Resolution In Anderson County, S.C.

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

It sounds pretty good, right up until the last part.

It shall be the duty of the Sheriff of Anderson County to determine whether or any federal or state regulation of firearms, firearms accessories, and ammunition violates section (a) herein; provided, however, that nothing contained herein prevents the Anderson County Sheriff from enforcing any federal or state law found to be constitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction.

You see, there’s the rub.  The .gov will always be able to find a corrupt judge who will say just about anything is constitutional and righteous when it is neither.

Therefore, the resolution is toothless.  The good people of Anderson County should remedy this situation by [1] throwing the bums out, and [2] crafting a resolution that is not obviously written by the county attorney.

Don’t Try To Tell Me What The Second Amendment Means

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

The number of times I’ve seen baiting of 2A supporters to come “help” the rioters are too numerous to link.  Those bait traps have been ubiquitous of late.

reddit/Firearms has yet another response to this nonsense.

Some brief but insightful comments:

Denigrate firearm owners for years
>Realize concerns for tyranny are legitimate
>Whine and cry halp-halp

It’s funny because the left has always been free to arm themselves. All of a sudden, we’re some free group of mercenaries being baited to fight for daddy soro’s marxist movement.

These remarks are on point but too brief as is the nature of reddit.  Here are mine.

It’s laughable that anyone on the communist side has had the stupidity to come up with anything like the idea that 2A supporters should be helping them.

First of all, these are the very people who voted to disarm people, and would disarm you in a heartbeat if they had the chance.  They don’t want an armed populace – that is at odds with everything the communists believe in.

Second, 2A supporters aren’t violent and murderous people like the communists.  The 2A community will fight back against confiscation (among other things), but not at innocent lives who had nothing to do with the abuses.

Third, 2A supporters would have nothing whatsoever to do with the destruction of property of innocent people who were trying to earn an honest living, as is the case with the communists.  In short, we care about people and their lives, the communists don’t, and see everyone as a steppingstone to the next goal on their agenda.  It makes no sense for a 2A supporter to side with communists because communists are the very people who want to steal from others, while 2A supporters are generally hard working, honest Americans.

Fourth, the communists side isn’t righteous.  It isn’t righteous to want to implement the very tyranny they are fighting.  The communists would overthrow tyranny only to implement a worse one.  God hates controllers and communists.

This list is far from complete, and readers can add to it.  The bottom line, if you are one of the communists who have stumbled upon this post, is that you and I are on different sides.  We are enemies.

No one fell for your stupid antics to get some “help.”  You can be imprisoned or die on your own for your sins.  Imprisoned or die – it matters not to me.

UPDATE: See what I said?  Via Glenn Reynolds, this reply from Larry Correia’s response to the same thing.  I just think my response is more expansive.

Massad Ayoob’s Bad Advice

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

This first video post-dates the second one I’m embedding.  It’s Massad Ayoob’s answer to the second video I’m embedding.  I’m interested in reader reactions to Massad’s advice.  I’ve already told you what I think in the post title.  And while we’re at it, take careful note that this is ground that smarter people that Ayoob have covered in detail.

Shaming Yourself While Trying To Shame Your Heritage

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 7 months ago

David Codrea.

“I’m a direct descendant of Thomas Jefferson,” Salon columnist and novelist Lucian K. Truscott IV wrote in a Monday opinion piece for The New York Times. “Take down his memorial.”

[ … ]

At least in his case, Truscott claims “I grew up in an Army family, and … I never saw a goddamned human silhouette target until I was on a United States Army firing range with an Army-issue M-16 in my hands.” His Salon bio further reveals he is “a graduate of West Point.” Neither qualification claim brings up an earlier admission that he  “got a general discharge under other than honorable conditions, generally known as a ‘bad discharge’” (not quite enough to “legally disqualify” him for gun ownership, but enough to get a foreigner “denaturalized”)

Blah, blah, blah.  This sounds sort of like “I’ve been in the military, and let me tell you something about those awful guns …”  To be precise and clinical, it’s called the genetic fallacy, and it revolves around an appeal to authority.

I grant no authority to someone who has been in the military and who now wants to jettison his oaths and vows, especially one who wasn’t honorably discharged.

I’d also mention that this appeal to authority based on genetics isn’t restricted to the military.

“My name is Robert Lee IV; I am a descendant of Robert E. Lee, the Civil War general whose statue was at the center of violence in Charlottesville. We have made my ancestor an idol of white supremacy, racism and hate. As a pastor it is my moral duty to speak out against racism, America’s original sin. Today, I call on all of us with privilege and power to answer God’s call to confront racism and white supremacy head-on. We can find inspiration in the Black Lives Matter movement, the women who marched in the Women’s March in January and especially Heather Heyer who died fighting for her beliefs in Charlottesville.”

I really couldn’t care less about who he can cite as his lineage.  Lineage is as much or more ideological as it is blood.

These men have shamed their heritage, and thus shamed themselves.

Similar Things Have Happened Before Because Of The Communists

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

From a reader, Diana West.

In his memoir, Reminscences, General Douglas MacArthur provides an illuminating account of the Bonus Army riots in the summer of 1932, which, as Army Chief of Staff, he would help quell after District of the Columbia requested assistance.

MacArthur’s account highlights some striking similarities with recent Black LIves Matter/Antifa rioting in the nation’s capital, especially when it comes to his overview of the tense situation in these final months of the Herbert Hoover administration.

In 1964, MacArthur wrote:

In these days of wholehearted unity, it is hard to believe that thirty years ago the President of the United States lived in danger, and the Congress shook with fear at the sight and sound of the marchers. It is hard to believe, too, that government employees and other citizens of Washington who bore witness to the tawdry street battles cheered the stoning of the Washington police force.

Plus ca change …

The movement was actually far deeper and more dangerous than an effort to secure funds from an already depleted federal treasury. The American Communist Party planned a riot of such proportions that it was hoped that the United States Army, in its efforts to maintain peace, would have to fire on the marchers. In this way, the Communists hoped to incite revolutionary action. Red organizers infiltrated the veteran groups and presently took command from their unwitting leaders. (Emphasis added.)

… plus c’est la meme communists.

Yes, indeed, nearly ninety years ago, “Red organizers” were already using civil strife — in this case, the stress and poverty of thousand of unemployed WWI veterans nearly three years into the Great Depression — to try to spark a violent overthrow of the federal government, or cause as much chaos and mayhem as possible in the attempt while demonizing the anti-communist President Hoover and General MacArthur.

Interestingly enough, the D.C. police commander, Pelham Greenford, was more on the “woke” side than we might expect of law enforcement at the time. Fortunately, the D.C. government and the Secretary of War were clearly on the side of protecting law, order and the White House, and not the agitators — patriotic support President Trump has not enjoyed.

Here’s how events unspooled in 1932. Thousands of “Bonus Army” protestors had camped out in and around the District on federal property since May. After Congress failed to comply with their demands to issue an immediate bonus for their war service, President Hoover was able to get a bill passed providing them with travel fare home. Thousands left the city. Those who remained were increasingly under Communist Party influence and increasingly violent.

After twice advising against providing Army assistance to Washington metropolitan police, MacArthur writes, “on July 28, the crisis was reached.”

A mob 5,000 strong began to move up Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Treasury Building and the White House. The police were outnumbered five to one. [Police commander] Glassford was mauled and stripped of his police superintendent’s gold badge, gunfire broke out, and a score or more were badly injured. It was evident that the situation had gotten beyond the control of the local authorities.

A request was immediately made through the Board of Commissioners for the District of Columbia for federal troops.

Note that in 2020, after three days of rioting and looting in D.C., including in and around Lafayette Square during which some 60 Secret Service and special agents “sustained multiple injuries” defending the White House, and St John’s Church was torched, D.C. Mayor Bower was more adamant about fending off  National Guard assistance than fending off protestors. She even went so far as to eject members of the Utah National Guard from a D.C. hotel, and, infamously, permitted 16th Street, NW, to be emblazoned with the words “Black Lives Matter.”

Back to 1932:

Commissioner Richelderfer, in requesting such assistance from the President, “stated that it would be impossible for the police department to maintain law and order except by the free use of firearms. The presence of federal troops in small numbers will obviate the seriousness of the situation, and it will result in far less bloodshed and violence.

The President then conferred with Patrick Hurley, the Secretary of War, who was immediately placed in charge. Hurley issued the following order:

To: General Douglas MacArthur, Chief of Staff US Army

The President has just now informed me that the civil government of the District of Columbia has reported to him that it is unable to maintain law and order in the District.

You will have United States troops proceed immediately to the scene of disorder. Cooperate fully with the District of Columbia police force which is now in charge.  Surround the affected area and clear it without delay.

Turn over all prisoners to civil authorities.

In your orders insist that any women or children who may be in the affected area be accorded every consideration and kindness. Use all humanity consistent with the due execution of the order.

Patrick J. Hurley

Secretary of War

So let’s make it clear from the outset that I am not advocating based on this, nor have I ever advocated, that the U.S. military become involved in the current riots, burnings, lootings, etc.

There is a legal, historical and necessary function for the unorganized militia.  This is just the kind of thing.

If the state of Washington were to have made the call for militias nationwide to come to the aid of their PD, and ten thousand people had showed up with battle rattle and full kit, it would have taken two hours to arrest the ne’er-do-wells, sent the other ones packing, and returned normalcy to the kidnapped property owners inside those six blocks.

I’m just saying.  This is all happening because the communists want it to happen, whether in Antifa or government (and I’m being redundant here, I know).

Men With Rifles

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 8 months ago

News from New Mexico.

Robert Whitmon of the American Patriots of New Mexico, one such group, says they’ve been working with police for years. Regardless of their claims of support for protesters, demonstrators say they raise tension and anxiety, and they’re already concerned about state-sanctioned violence and the possibility of retribution for speaking out.

We hear from Andres ValdezSelinda Guererro and Amelia Brown. They are among the protesters and organizers of last week’s demonstrations who shared their impressions of the men carrying rifles that showed up to watch protests.

Bryce Provance, a chaplain formerly associated with the New Mexico Civil Guard, spoke to KUNM’s Hannah Colton in an interview after the group’s patrolling of a June 1 demonstration startled protesters. He said the militia does not have a racial bias. He resigned his position with the group within an hour after the interview was conducted. [Here is Colton’s original story.]

Arthur Bell, an Albuquerque Black Lives Matter organizer, tells us about the New Mexico Civil Guard’s attendance at demonstrations over the last couple weeks.

Gilbert Gallegos, spokesperson for the Albuquerque Police Department, says APD doesn’t condone officers working with the militia groups at protests.

Melanie Yazzie from The Red Nation talks about harassment from the New Mexico Civil Guard.

Of course the local PD doesn’t “work with” the local militia, because they don’t understand the purpose of the second amendment and if they did they wouldn’t believe in it.

Contrast that with the ugly goings-on in Seattle.

You see, the local authorities are just fine with people conducting self defense and defense of others, as long as the ones being protected and doing the protection are intent on tearing down the cultural history of America.

Are People Allowed to Use Deadly Force to Defend Property?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 9 months ago


[1.] In all states, you can use deadly force to defend yourself against death, serious bodily injury (which can include broken bones and perhaps even lost teeth), rape, or kidnapping, so long as (a) your fear is reasonable and (b) the danger is imminent (requirements that also apply to the doctrines I discuss below).

[ … ]

But in nearly all states, you can’t generally use deadly force merely to defend your property. (Texas appears to be an exception, allowing use of deadly force when there’s no other way to protect or recapture property even in situations involving simple theft or criminal mischief, though only at night,  Tex. Penal Code § 9.42; see, e.g., McFadden v. State (Tex. Ct. App. 2018).) That’s where we get the conventional formulation that you can’t use deadly force just to defend property.

[2.] This conventional formulation, though, omits an important limitation: In basically all states, you can use nondeadly force to defend your property—and if the thief or vandal responds by threatening you with death or great bodily harm, you can then protect yourself with deadly force. So in practice, you can use deadly force to protect property after all, if you’re willing to use nondeadly force first and expose yourself to increased risk.

[A.] In about half the states you can use deadly force against robbery, which generally includes any theft from the person that uses modest force or a threat: “Even a purse snatching can constitute a robbery if the victim simply resists the effort to wrest the purse away.” Some robbery of course does also create a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury, but in these states such a fear is not required.

[B.] In some states, there is a rebuttable presumption that you reasonably fear death or great bodily harm—and may thus use deadly force—if the target is (to quote the Iowa statute),

Unlawfully entering by force or stealth the dwelling, place of business or employment, or occupied vehicle of the person using force, or has unlawfully entered by force or stealth and remains within the dwelling, place of business or employment, or occupied vehicle of the person using force.

I think Missouri is like Texas in this regard even though he didn’t mention it.

In the Colonial era, horse theft brought harsh punishment, including branding, torture, exile and even death.  This is so because theft of the means of plowing the ground on the frontier meant relegating your family to death for lack of food.

It’s complicated.  Be sure to know the laws of your state.  For me, it comes down to this: If the person is entering the premises of your home or business with a weapon or intent to commit theft, you simply cannot trust that he will stop there.

There are thousands of instances where a thief took what he wanted and then killed the people who saw him do it.

There is also his article on The Duty To Retreat In The Founding Era.  Read this as well, and as always, none of this constitutes legal advice.  You have to pay for that.

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